There are a large number of troops stationed on Dangji Island, and with the current strength of the Qin Emperor's naval division, even if they come to attack, there is no way to attack it. Unless the people of Tianlong Village in Xiangyun City are pulled over, then they can beat Dangji Island. But that's unrealistic, Xiangyun City Tianlong Village is its own lair, and the Great Guild of Youbeiping is eyeing it, and the army there must not be transferred out in large quantities. Besides, even the dispatch of millions of troops, the need for transport ships is also amazing. With Li Tianlong's current strength as a sailor, there is no way to transport a million troops in a short period of time.

There was no way to fight on Renjia Island, so Li Tianlong Han Dang led the fleet to block the dock outside the harbor of the Giant Whale Gang, but any ship that wanted to leave Qinhuangdao was killed, whether it was the ship of the Giant Whale Gang or the ships of other gang players. At the same time, it is forbidden for any ship to sail to the port of the Whale Gang, and those who do not listen to the dissuasion will be killed.

On the first day of the blockade of the boat port wharf on Dangji Island, tens of thousands of soldiers of the Qinhuang Navy Division leisurely gnawed on dried fish while shouting the slogan "Return my night pearl" as usual, and added more slogans such as "compensate me for taking the plunge" and "compensate me for the war pension".

In the conference hall of the Giant Whale City on Dangji Island, the high-level leaders of the Giant Whale Gang are fiercely discussing countermeasures.

"Where did these guys come from?" asked a big guy. After a day of fighting, they lost thousands of ships, hundreds of thousands of players and NPC troops, and they were blocked on the island, and they still didn't know who was going to war.

"I heard Xiao Mao say that the fishermen they robbed were from Qinhuangdao. Isn't there a powerful naval army stationed on Qinhuangdao, it seems that it is those people.

"Qinhuangdao, isn't that the lair of Dong Xin, the former commander of the Fanyang Navy Division of Zhuo County, a wanted criminal in the imperial court?

However, although the players envy the reward of exterminating the wanted criminal, with the current water strength of the players, there is no way to compete with the other fighting ships and fleets, so they give up the plan to do this mission. However, there are still a small number of undead guys sneaking up on the island and trying to assassinate Dong Xin. Fortunately, Dong Xin himself is a ground-level general, with superb force, plus there are tens of thousands of elite soldiers stationed on the island, and after killing dozens of groups of assassins, no player dares to take risks alone, after all, the death penalty is also very serious.

"Hey, I knew that these guys were unreasonable, killed people without blinking, and launched an attack if they didn't agree with each other, so we just handed over the Night Pearl to him. It's just tens of thousands of dollars. "The big guy regrets it very much, but now he can't steal chickens and rice, and he loses his wife and soldiers. Provoked such a bad star, the Giant Whale Gang really lost a lot. But the loss of yesterday's battle, the direct loss exceeded one million, which is far more than the value of a night pearl. Moreover, now people are still blocking the door and not leaving, listening to their slogans, it is clear that they want to reap benefits and want war reparations. Grandma's, these NPCs, there really aren't any simple ones, more shrewd than our real people.

"It's come to this, and it's useless to talk about it now. The key now is how to drive the enemy away?"

"Why don't we give the Night Pearl to someone now?" said a steady boss.

"But that guy still needs war reparations, even if he returns the Night Pearl, I'm afraid they will still open their mouths. Moreover, then we are too shameless.

"There's no way, it's true that we robbed other people's night pearls." "

Then Dong Xin is a wanted criminal in the imperial court, can we unite the surrounding player guilds to destroy him?"

"I'm afraid that the other player guilds wish we were destroyed by Dong Xin, how could they help us break the siege." And even if they are willing to help, the enemy has a lot of fighting ships, and no matter how many small warships the players have, I am afraid that they will not be able to stop them on the sea. "

Ask the Qingzhou government for help, and let them send a naval army to exterminate Dong Xin. "Dangji Island is relatively close to Donglai County in Qingzhou, less than a thousand miles. Qingzhou's navy only needs two days to rush to Dangji Island.

"The strength of the Qingzhou Donglai Navy is about the same as Dong Xin, and it is difficult to say whether it can beat Dong Xin or not. Moreover, the island is on the sea and belongs to the free zone. At the beginning, we chose to build the city as an autonomous territory, and did not declare to the Qingzhou government to become a territory of the Eastern Han Dynasty, so we don't have to pay taxes, but the Qingzhou government has no obligation to protect us. "

Players can choose to declare to the Eastern Han Dynasty government and accept the jurisdiction of the Eastern Han court, which will be rewarded for official merits, but they will have to pay taxes, or they can choose to become an autonomous private territory, completely self-governing and not subject to the jurisdiction of the Eastern Han court.


The high-level leaders of the Giant Whale Gang discussed for a long time, and finally felt that there was really no good way to send away these plague gods except for returning the Night Pearl. Although the main battle faction wants to "take revenge on the gentleman, it is not too late for ten years." Let's write down this revenge, and there will always be a chance to repay it in the future. Send a liaison ship to contact the other party, and say that we are willing to hand over the pearl of the night and probe their mouth. Big Whale, the leader of the Giant Whale Gang, said.

After a while, the contact player sent out brought back a bad news, the enemy not only wants the night pearl, but also the loss of troops, warships, materials, and spirits... and so on a total of 1,200,000 taels of silver compensation claims, which is the minimum fee, and no counter-offer will be accepted.

One million and 200,000 yuan, converted into real currency, is 120 million earth coins. Li Tianlong found the details of several bigwigs of the Giant Whale Gang on the Internet, these people are all from wealthy families, and such a small amount of money is shared by several bigwigs, but it is only twenty or thirty million per person, which is actually not much for them. It's not that Li Tianlong doesn't want more, but he is also afraid that the people of the Giant Whale Gang will break the kettle and carry it, and they won't get a dime when the time comes, so they will have to try. Originally, one of the reasons for starting this war was to avenge the fishermen and increase the morale of the people, and the other big factor was to find an excuse to extort a little silver from the Whale Gang. The financial resources spent on army building were really huge, and Li Tianlong's economic pressure was very great before Lu Longsai was established and put into good operation.

The development of the army is absolutely not allowed to slow down, originally as a solo player, its own manpower, material and financial resources can not be compared with those big guilds, NPC giants; although the good luck has subdued a few famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, but the most fundamental reliance is still on a large number of elite troops. In order to develop and strive for the upper reaches, the building of the armed forces must not only not be slowed down, but also invest more financial and material resources.

It's rare to have such an opportunity, and Li Tianlong doesn't want to let it go. Not to mention 1.2 million taels, it is 1 million taels, Li Tianlong can also accept it. Of course, the tone still has to be tough, and the Whale Gang can't easily figure out their bottom line. Too little is not cost-effective. After taking such an enemy, the overall reward is.

"One million two hundred thousand . . . "The big whale and several bosses of the Giant Whale Gang secretly forgive themselves, indeed, several bigwigs share it each, which is not too much. But despite the decision, it is still difficult for these usually high-ranking players and rich sons to accept that they will be blackmailed by NPCs.

"Reward those guys, 1.2 million guan, 200,000 guan is about the same. Our losses are much greater than theirs. "Although there is money, the money is not given for nothing, and the price must be repaid.

After hearing the offer of the Giant Whale Gang players, Li Tianlong was angry. 200,000 yuan, call it Hanako, this is too much to look down on us. Immediately asked Han Dang to burn the liaison ship of the incoming people, let the messenger of the Giant Whale Gang swim back to Dangji Island, and informed them that because of their unreasonable actions, the price of war reparations had increased to 1.6 million yuan.

"Immediately send the Great Vulture Knight and ask Dong Xin to drive over the other 1 building ship and 3 fighting ships in Qinhuangdao. Let them take a good look at our determination. If we don't get the compensation, we will never leave. As a player, he knew the idea of the Giant Whale Gang, and Li Tianlong decided to put a little pressure on the Giant Whale Gang. Grandma's, the price you offer is low enough, you can get a seven or eight percent discount, we can barely accept it, we have to hurry up to Liaodong. Now you're lower than two folds, and that's too faceless. Let's not believe that if you surround you for ten days and a half months, you will bear it.

The next day, the bosses of the Whale Gang decided to wait and see, and the enemy would not be able to hit the island anyway.

On the third day of the blockade, the two sides continued to face off each other.

On the fourth day of the lockdown, the standoff continued.

On the fifth day of the blockade, another building ship and three fighting ships from Qinhuangdao rushed to Dangji Island in full gear and joined the ranks of the blockade fleet.

On the sixth day of the lockdown, the other players who stayed on Rocky Island, as well as most of the Whale Gang, got impatient. While there are plenty of places to play on the island, these sea players enjoy surfing, fishing, pearl diving, or training their own fleet. It's not a thing to stay on the island for a long time with nothing to do. This is an island, not land, and even bandits have not been beaten.

On the seventh day of the blockade, under the willingness of a large number of players on Dangji Island, and seeing the enemy's fleet in a posture that could not be left, Big Whale and other high-level leaders of the Giant Whale Gang finally took out 1.6 million taels of silver and returned the snatched Night Pearl. It's finally developed until now, and the big whales don't want to die because of this matter. After all, the cause of the incident is on their side, and they were grabbed by the pigtails, and if this matter is not resolved, it is estimated that the players in the gang will run out.

After getting the money, Li Tianlong slipped around the sea, and came back at night, seeing that there was no one on the island after the blockade for the past few days, Li Tianlong ordered to start attacking.

The people of the Giant Whale Gang were almost offline, causing no one to command the island, and it was occupied by Li Tianlong in one go.

"Gan Ning, Zhou Tai, you go to the barracks. Dong Xin, Han When you went to receive the shipyard, Zhang Shun began to clear the remnants of the enemy. Li Tianlong commanded at this time.

"Yes, my lord, let's do it. Seeing that they were all gone, Li Tianlong thought at this time, okay, this can be regarded as taking down the Bohai Sea, and by the way, he also inserted a foot in the Yellow River.

After everyone had dealt with it, Li Tianlong also occupied the towns here, and he began to order them all to encircle and suppress those bandits.

You're busy until the next morning, when it's completely handled.

"Lord, now we have made a fortune, we have entered the statistics, this time we have harvested a total of eight million taels of silver, ten million taels of grain, two million pieces of weapons and armor, a total of 150,000 prisoners, 20,000 water thieves in the barracks, and 30,000 craftsmen in the shipyard. At this time, Han Dang was talking endlessly.

"Haha, don't read it, just know that there are so many gains, go and prepare for a feast to celebrate. Li Tianlong interrupted Han Dang and said.

"Haha, my lord, we're all waiting to talk, hehe,,,。

Li Tianlong said with a wave of his hand.

"Go, all celebrate. "

They celebrated on the island, but the people of the Giant Whale Gang had fallen into blood mold, and they had worked hard for several years to make wedding dresses, especially when they came online the next day, they heard a prompt that his territory was occupied and was randomly assigned inland by the system.

"Han Dang, my inheritance. "

His sister's, I'm little red"

""... "

In short, there are all kinds of complaints in the Han Dynasty.

In the game, for those players who have lost their territory, the system is randomly assigned, so that those players who have lost their territory can invest money to develop, the universe group is dark enough.

Not to mention them, at this time, after Li Tianlong celebrated on the island, he explained the matter, and then returned to Xiangyun City, he wanted to check if there were any good shipbuilders, but he didn't expect to find out that there were not as many craftsmen in the north as in the south.

I had to develop slowly, and now I know that the large warships he saw are only close to large and not yet large, and the ones that were built before were pseudo-large, but it would be good to upgrade them.

Then you can sell some merchant ships and small warships.

At present, to build a medium-sized main warship such as the Ship Rush, it is necessary to have a high-level shipbuilder and a large number of high-level carpenters, and secondly, it is necessary to have a high-level shipyard and the construction drawings of the Ship Rush. At present, in the Youzhou region, apart from Li Tianlong, there is no second player force that can build a Turbulence. The Imperial Shipyards were sold at extremely high prices, and most of the ships sold were light warships of the lower rank of the Raider, and the Qinhuang Shipyard was able to build enough ships to sell them.

Of course, these two types of warships still need to be improved to a certain extent; although they have a limited ability to resist sudden waves, and although they can sail without worry in inland seas such as the Bohai Sea; but in open seas like the Yellow Sea, there will be monstrous waves from time to time, which is not something that this kind of ship specially designed for fighting on rivers and lakes can deal with.

The ability of ancient modified ships to resist wind and waves is roughly speaking. First, the square bow is changed to a pointed bow to reduce the ship's navigation resistance and increase the ship's ability to break waves; second, the flat bottom is changed to a pointed bottom to increase the draft of the ship and enhance its stability; third, the watertight cabin design improves the ship's anti-sinking performance and enhances the structural strength of the hull.

Although it is simple to say, but when it is really done, all kinds of mysteries, various detailed parameters, structural design, and detailed dimensional data are not something that Li Tianlong, a layman, can understand. The high-level NPC shipbuilders in the shipyard are also blind to this technology. All the large and medium-sized ships of the Eastern Han Dynasty were flat ships with wide bows and broad bottoms, except for some light fishing boats and cargo ships with pointed heads, to build large pointed ships, shipbuilders did not have any experience.

If the innovation of the warship's ability to resist waves is explored step by step by NPC shipbuilders, it will definitely take a long time. Only by relying on the guidance of players who have studied ancient wooden boats deeply, and after many experiments and demonstrations, it is possible to successfully develop them in a short time. But in the real world, people who have studied ancient wooden boats, especially gamers, are really rare and rare.

A week ago, when he knew that his shipyard could create a shipwreck, Li Tianlong posted on the battle forum to recruit professionals in this area, but unfortunately a week passed, and no players came to apply.

Without talent, Li Tianlong is helpless. On the one hand, I can only explain the general idea to the senior shipbuilders in the shipyard, so that the shipbuilders can explore the trial production on their own in addition to building ships, and on the other hand, continue to post on the Internet, hoping that one or two experts in ancient ships will come to apply.

Then we will be able to move south, as well as the peninsula and Japan.

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