Li Tianlong, who returned to Xiangyun City, went around with a few girls when he was fine, and when he was interested, he came to sleep together.

In this way, it was time for the Yellow Turban Outbreak.

On this day, Li Tianlong was shopping when he heard a report from his subordinates.

"Oh no, no... An ironclad soldier rushed to report to the courtyard.

"What's the matter?"

"Report to your lordship, the homeless camp has suddenly refreshed a large number of homeless people, and now it has refreshed more than 50,000 homeless people, and the 5,000 soldiers stationed on the scene have been unable to maintain the scene. "

What, immediately order all the legions stationed in the inner city to control the order of the outcasts, and order the ranger corps to enter the inner town to press. Let's go and see how it goes.

Li Tianlong hurriedly led the thousands of sergeants guarding the administrative compound to the camp camp. The camp is not far away, but only about 500 meters away. Everyone came to the camp camp, and they were all stunned by the scene in front of them.

The sergeant who controlled the scene was trying to control the homeless people from rushing to the nearby shops, Li Tianlong climbed to a high platform nearby, and saw that among the black and oppressive crowd, the camp camp camp was pouring out of a flood of people.

"Lao Zhu, immediately lead the troops to forcibly evacuate the displaced people to an open place. Those who dare to rush to the store will be beaten down with a stick, and those who are too arrogant will be killed. "

Yes, my lord.

Zhu Xi hurriedly arranged for the troops to forcibly drive them away with big sticks. After a while, the 10,000 infantry corps stationed in the inner city rushed over, and the situation on the scene was effectively controlled. The Rangers trained in the outer city also quickly arrived at the scene under the leadership of Mugu. Faced with the brigade of rangers armed with strong bows and sharp swords, the outcasts finally calmed down.

The homeless camp continued to pour out of the crowd, as if it was a black hole. Li Tianlong led his troops to guard strictly until dark, and the homeless camp stopped refreshing a large number of homeless people and returned to the previous speed.

"My lord, according to preliminary statistics, the homeless camp has refreshed more than 120,000 homeless people today.

"It's a good thing that there are more people, but now Xiangyun City is short of population." Although I don't understand the reason for the outbreak of the homeless camp, Li Tianlong hopes that the more homeless people there are, the better.

"System news in China: Ma Yuanyi, the marshal of the Luoyang Canal of Taiping Road, was split in Luoyang Market by the imperial court. The Eastern Han Dynasty court announced that Taiping Dao was a traitor and ordered the government of the world to clean it up... "

System news in China: The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand, the year is in Jiazi, the world is auspicious. On February 10, 184, Taiping Taoism advocated Jiaojiao in Jizhou Julu to announce the uprising, calling himself "General Tiangong"... "

China system news: The Yellow Turban Rebellion, the first major plot to conquer China, has officially begun. The number of Yellow Turban barracks in Qing, Xu, You, Hebei, Jing, Yang, Yan, and Yu has been increased to 300 per day, and the training speed of Yellow Turban Township Warriors has increased by 5 times; the number of soldiers raised by all imperial barracks in Qing, Xu, You, Hebei, Jing, Yang, Yan, and Yu has been increased to 100 per day, and the training speed of Township Warriors has increased by 1 time, and the duration is 6 months. The

right Beiping Qu Shuai Ling in Li Tianlong's backpack also suddenly flew out automatically, the token was suspended in the air emitting bursts of rippling white light, and the image of an old man dressed as a Taoist priest appeared in the air. The right Beiping Qu Shuai listened to the order and ordered Er to lead all the Taiping sect members in the right Beiping on the same day. . . "This right Beiping Qu Shuai Ling still has such a role, it is simply a video screen mobile phone, Zhang Jiao's Taoism is really powerful, but it seems to be only one-way.

I see. The Yellow Turban Rebellion, the first major plot of the long-awaited conquest of all players in China, has finally begun. Poor cottage, the bandit barracks don't seem to belong anywhere. The Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out, and the number of homeless people in various places increased greatly, and all the village chiefs and players in the world tried their best to recruit homeless. This is a very rare opportunity.

According to the final statistics, the camp in Xiangyun City refreshed 125,600 homeless people in one day. Li Tianlong immediately ordered the selection of 60,000 strong men to be incorporated into the strong bow hunter corps of the master hunter Wang Xiaohu, and it was a rare opportunity to encounter the training speed of the village warriors. The rest of the farming, the opening of the shop, naturally have the deputy city lord Zhu Xi and other elders to deal with.

Ordering the generals of Xiangyun City and Tianlong Village to strengthen the training of the army, Li Tianlong took 10,000 rangers and generals out of the mountains and rushed to Xucheng. At present, the Yellow Turban is in chaos, and there must be a lot of various orders from the imperial court. Li Tianlong is a township rank in Xuxiang Township and concurrently serves as a ranger lieutenant, so he doesn't know what order the Taishou of Beiping County will issue. As for the order of Zhang Jiao of Taiping Dao, Li Tianlong was asked to start an incident immediately, but Li Tianlong did not want to pay attention to it for the time being. If there is an incident in Youbeiping now, it will definitely be wiped out by the player forces and the government in Youbeiping immediately. There is no time to think about the consequences. Besides, the main force of Taiping Dao is far away in Jizhou, thousands of miles away, so for the time being, we don't have to worry about Zhang Jiao and his old man asking us for trouble.

There are two flowers, one on each branch. Let's take a look at the general trend of the world for the time being.

Due to the traitor Tang Zhou's informant, Ma Yuanyi, the marshal of the Luoyang Daqu of Taiping Road, was split into the market by the car, and the Taiping Daoists of Luoyang were ruthlessly slaughtered by the government, and millions of Taiping Daoists were strangled by the army of military horses and players of the imperial court. The Luoyang Yellow Turban Army suffered a devastating blow in a hurry. You must know that Luoyang is the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty, not only has millions of elite soldiers, but also the majority of the players here are bigwigs, and all of them are hundreds of thousands of players. Everyone is waiting for the Yellow Turban Rebellion to kill all sides and earn meritorious deeds.

"The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand, the year is in Jiazi, the world is auspicious", originally Taiping Dao was scheduled to be on the day of Jiazi in the year of Jiazi, that is, March 5, 184. After this incident, I have to hurry up in advance. Although there were more successful players who took the Yellow Turban route beforehand, such as Taiping Tianxia, Jiazi Nian, Golden A and other players tried to warn the Yellow Turban higher-ups. But people are soft-spoken, and there is no evidence, so other high-level NPCs will not bird you. Tang Zhou is a personal disciple of Taiping Taoism, and his status is much higher than them. Annoyed people, a bad intention to light you on the sky lantern.

"Brothers, the Son of Heaven is mediocre, and all officials are immoral. This Han world will be replaced by my Taiping Dao, it is for the Yellow Turban world, and it is up to you to save the people in the world. . . "

All the people in Taiping Dao are wrapped in yellow scarves on their heads, symbolizing the yellow sky. Taking the meaning of the three talents of heaven, earth and man, Zhang Jiao called himself "General Tiangong", named his brother Zhang Bao "General of Earth", and his brother Zhang Liang "General of Rengong".

After receiving Zhang Jiao's transmission of thousands of miles, the Taiping Dao Qu Shuai of Qing, Xu, You, Hebei, Jing, Yang, Yan, and Henan gathered to rise up. All of a sudden, the world was full of smoke and chaos.


Luoyang Imperial Palace.

Emperor Liu Hong of the Han Dynasty sat on the dragon chair and said in a panic in the face of the ministers: "... Ladies and gentlemen, how is it good, how is this good?"

I heard that Zhang Jiao, the leader of the bandits, led an army of tens of millions and was heading towards Luoyang to kill. Invincible and invincible all the way. Julu, Zhao Guo, Guangping County Taishouju were killed by thieves, and the county commanders in various places did not know how many were killed. Luoyang is dangerous.

The ministers were silent for a long time, but they still waited in and out of the class and said: "... Today's plan is to quickly send down the edict, order everywhere to prepare for the defense, and ask the thief to make meritorious service. Chen Bao raised Lu Zhi, Huangfu Song, and Zhu Jun three generals. The three of them can each lead elite soldiers to Jizhou to suppress the Yellow Turban thieves. Fight the snake when hitting seven inches, as long as the three brothers of Jizhou bandit Zhang Jiao are removed, the world will be in trouble. . . He

Aiqing was polite. I added Aiqing as a general, and he was in charge of all the soldiers and horses in the world. Take full charge of the Yellow Turban Bandits. General Lu Zhi was crowned as the general of Beizhonglang, Huangfu Song was crowned as the general of Zuozhonglang, and Zhu Jun was crowned as the general of the right Zhonglang, and the elite soldiers of the whole country were dispatched to attack the Yellow Turban thieves. Be sure to defeat the bandits in one fell swoop. Show me the prestige of the Han court. "

Thank you. "

After receiving the emperor's will, the great general He Jin immediately led the left and right Yulin, the five sergeants of the Tun cavalry, the Yue cavalry, the infantry, the Changshui, and the shooting sound to be stationed in the capital pavilion, and ordered the weapons on the hour, and guarded the Beijing division; and set up the garrison of the capital lieutenants at the Kyoto passes, such as Hangu Pass, Dagu, Guangcheng, Yique, Yuyuan, Xuanmen, Mengjin, and Xiaopingjin; issued an edict to strictly defend all places, and ordered all prefectures and counties to prepare for battle, train soldiers, order weapons, and gather the righteous army.

Zhonglang General Lu Zhi led the five colonels of the Northern Army to take charge of the northern front and deal with Zhang Jiao's main force; Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun each led an army and controlled more than one million people from the Five Schools, the Three Rivers Knights, and the newly recruited elite warriors to defeat the Yellow Turban Army in the Yingchuan area.

"General Lu, General Huangpu, General Zhu, the heavy responsibility of exterminating the thieves will be handed over to you.

"Don't worry, general, we will die to serve the court." The safety of the Jingshi and the safety of His Majesty depend on the general's strength. "


A courtyard in Lousang Village, Zhuo County, Zhuo County.

The three great men bowed to the country and swore an oath: "Reading Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, although they have different surnames, they are brothers, they will work together to save the poor and help the needy; I don't want to be born on the same day and month of the same year, but I want to die on the same day and month of the same year. The emperor and the queen of heaven, learn from this heart, betray righteousness and ingratitude, and kill heaven and man together!"

It is the famous three brothers of Taoyuan in the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei. The three people are viewed: Liu Bei is seven feet five inches long, his ears are hanging down his shoulders, his hands are above his knees, his eyes can take care of his ears, his face is like a crown of jade, and his lips are like grease; Guan Yu is nine feet long, his face is like a heavy jujube, and his lips are like grease; Danfeng eyes, lying silkworm eyebrows, his appearance is dignified, and his majesty is majestic; Zhang Fei's body is eight feet long, with a leopard's head and eyes, a swallow's jaw and a tiger's whiskers, and his voice is like a huge thunder, and his momentum is like a galloping horse.

The shape is abnormal, majestic and awe-inspiring.

In the clear sound, the courtyard is radiant, the sunny day suddenly makes lightning and thunder, and the sky above the courtyard highlights a yellow dragon, a green dragon, and a black python. The three beasts swallowed thunder and spitted lightning, and they were majestic.

Around the courtyard, there is a dense crowd of players. This is the fan base of the three Taoyuan brothers. Many players are holding camera elves to shoot this grand occasion of righteousness.

"Brother, I'm not wrong. Look at the posture of others, how powerful. Lightning and thunder, dragons, snakes, the three Taoyuan brothers have a big future, as long as we take refuge in them at this time, the glory and wealth will not be captured in the future. At that time, all Cao * Sun Quan will be beaten down by us. "

Hmm. Not bad. Let's also be the founding heroes. "

The three Taoyuan brothers are not as depressed as they are in history now, there are only 500 Xiangyong.The player army that went to Lousang Village alone is not less than 200,000 troops, although the combat effectiveness is limited, but it is also 200,000 troops. When the three Taoyuan brothers saw Fang Qi's incident, they had such a scale of alien army to vote, and they were even more confident.

Not only in Taoyuan, players all over the world are looking for the heroes in their hearts and serving them. Of course, among them, Cao *, Liu Bei, Sun Jian and other heroes of the Three Kingdoms are the most. The players under the great warlords He Jin, Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Gongsun Zan and others are also more than tens of thousands.

Players on the forum revealed that Cao*'s Inhuman player troops have now reached more than 500,000 people, far ahead of many historical heroes.

However, it is rumored that there are tens of millions of players who have taken refuge in Taiping Dao, but I don't know if this is true. Ant Thief Clearance Order: Whoever kills 10 Yellow Turban Thieves can get 1 Imperial Court Officer and Army Recruitment Quota, and the level of the army depends on the level of the Yellow Turban Thief killed; the recruitment fee is halved; the time limit is 1 year; Kill any 100 Yellow Turban Thieves to get Reputation 1; Kill 300 Lv20 Yellow Turbans to get 1 Merit; Kill 50 Lv40 Yellow Turban Thieves to get 1 Merit Value; Kill 10 Lv60 Yellow Turban Thieves to get Merit 5; Kill Lv80 Yellow Turban Dilux to get 20 Merit Points; Kill Lv100 Yellow Turban Tianli to get 100 Merit Points; Kill Yellow Turban Thieves Ordinary Generals to get 50 Merit Points; Kill Yellow Turban Thieves General to get 500 Merit PointsKill the Yellow Turban Xiaoqu Shuai (County Qu Shuai) to get a merit value of 2000;Kill the Yellow Turban Daqu Shuai (Zhou Qu Shuai) get a merit value of 5000;Kill the "Rengong General" Zhang Liang get a merit value of 8,000;Kill the "Digong General" Zhang Bao get a merit value of 10,000; kill the "Tiangong General" Zhang Jiao to get a merit value of 20,000;Kill the Yellow Turban to get half of the merit recruitment cost; Win the Yellow Turban Village to get 1~10 merit, Win the Yellow Turban Village 1~20 Merit, Win the Yellow Turban Village 1~50, Win the Yellow Turban Town 1~100, 1~200 meritorious services for winning the Yellow Turban Town, 1~500 for the Yellow Turban Town, 1000 for the Yellow Turban Town, 2000 for the Yellow Turban Middle Town, 5000 for the Yellow Turban City, 10000 for the Yellow Turban County, 50000 for the Yellow Turban Prefecture; 50000 for the Yellow Turban Prefecture;

This time, the imperial court is a heavy reward. This is much more generous than the reward of killing bandits. Lv1 Bandit Suppression Order kills 100 bandits to get Reputation 1, and completing 10 Lv1 Bandit Suppression Orders can get Merit 1, regardless of the level of bandits, and must be completed within 10 days.

Kill the Yellow Turban Thief for 400 and you will get 1 merit value. Moreover, killing the Yellow Turban Thief can get a recruiting quota, and you can also get a high meritorious service, and the meritorious service can be exchanged for an official position, and you can have a recruiting quota. It seems that after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, players with big forces will have a lot of recruiting places. But it still costs money, but it's half cheaper.

Grandma's, she worked hard to kill nearly a million thieves before she got 600 merit points, which is just equivalent to the value of a yellow turban general. It's so poignant.

Li Tianlong thought angrily, killing the Yellow Turban Xiaoqu Shuai was worth 1,000 merits, did this mean that Tian Yu Chengpu would kill himself and go to the county government to exchange for the 1,000 merits.

"Brother Tian Yu, Brother Cheng Pu, I decided to take people to suppress bandits, and bring cavalry, so that it would be more convenient for me to act.

"It's fine. We are in the light, and the Lord is dark, and the cooperation of light and darkness is more conducive to our actions. By the way, my lord, according to your history, the Yellow Turban Army only fought to Zhuo County?"

Originally, the main direction of attack of the Yellow Turban Army was not Youzhou, but Jizhou, Qingzhou, and Sizhou. However, Brother Tian Yu and Brother Cheng Pu, taking advantage of the opportunity to double the speed of Xiangyong training and double the speed of barracks, we have to expand Xu Wu's military strength during this time. "

There are 4 middle-level barracks in Xuwu County, which can recruit 12,000 soldiers in one month by doubling, and 72,000 sergeants in six months. We will recruit another 50,000 archers and 50,000 swordsmen, and the defense will be enough.

"Don't be careless. Who knows how powerful the Karasuma Rebellion will be a year later, and on the premise of sufficient financial resources, the more the army, the better. Xu Wu County is the scale of a mid-city, and it can build 10 barracks, can you find the county government to get a few barracks blueprints?"

"With the current war situation, it is okay to think of a way. But the high-level barracks drawings can't be helped. There can only be intermediate barracks in the county seat.

"It's okay, it's best to get the blueprints of the intermediate barracks, otherwise, the junior barracks can also be used." However, the drawings of the junior barracks are all shortened to the archer barracks. Now we can't attack, the defense is number one. Xu Xiang's merits should also be able to go to the county government barracks."

However, Xucheng is a township-level establishment, and only primary barracks can be built.

"The junior barracks are good. In addition, we have to find a way to expand Cheng Pu's snake spear heavy cavalry army. The most effective army can be formed in many ways.

"One way is to buy a good level 60 heavy spear cavalry from the county government, and I will train and transfer to another class. The other is to cultivate it yourself, but at a slower pace. "

After buying it from the county government, I'll ask the county guard to bring it to you. The 10,000 spear cavalry in the county seat, Brother Cheng Pu trained more and sent out more to suppress bandits and upgrade. There are many high-grade horses in Xiangyun City. "

Yes, my lord.

"After I leave, if the two eldest brothers have time, please go to Xiangyun City to give some guidance on government affairs and military affairs. In addition, I want to build a Magang supermarket in Xuwucheng that is the same as Xucheng. also ask the two eldest brothers to take care of one or two. "

Originally, I wanted to ask Zhao Yun and them to be together, but when I thought about it, it wouldn't be good to expose too much now, so I didn't take them with me.


After arranging the affairs of Xiangyun City, Tianlong Village, Xu Wucheng and other places one by one, Li Tianlong took Mugu, Luo Feng and 10,000 rangers, 5,000 Karasuma iron cavalry, and 5,000 personal guards to Zhuo County, accompanied by a big cow to follow. This guy heard that there was a fight, so he had to follow. Li Tianlong had no choice but to take him. The big bull has unlimited potential, and it is just right to bring it to the battlefield to hone and hone.

It is rare to encounter such an opportunity to make meritorious achievements, and Li Tianlong can't let it go. The most elite 10,000 rangers and 5,000 Karasuma iron cavalry on hand are not on the band. The 5,000 guards have gone through many battles and many screenings, and all of them are fierce bandits with good swords and bows above level 60, and they are all loyal guards above 90.

Now there are more and more player villages, and the food in the market is becoming more and more abundant. Although there are more and more player armies, the food in the game is harvested every month, and there has been no major war in the territory of Youzhou, and the food supply in Youzhou is quite sufficient, and the price of food has been hovering around 4 Wen/catty. 10,000 guan can buy 2.5 million catties of grain, enough for 15,500 people to consume for two months. As for horse food, it's cheaper. The funds on hand are temporarily abundant, and they can buy food all the way. Speaking of Zhuo County, let's help you fight the Yellow Turban Thief, you Zhuo County Taishou will not fail to supply food. Li Tianlong ordered the soldiers to bring their own food for 3 days, and then led the troops to the starry night of Zhuo County.

The 15,500 troops are all light cavalry troops, and they are all elite divisions above level 60, and the mounts are all mid-to-high-grade horses, and the journey is extremely fast. Rapid progress of more than 300 miles a day, a journey of 10 days, and finally arrived in Zhuo County, Zhuo County.

Along the way, countless groups of players are also rushing to Zhuo County, all of which are player armies preparing to participate in the Yellow Turban War. But none of us are bulls*. The LV60 ironclad cavalry, all the way, roared all the way, so not arrogant. Most of the players thought that it was the county government that rushed to the aid of the officials and troops of Zhuo County, and they were envious.

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