Jialou Erhe died under Gao Shun's spear, Gao Shun's army was demoralized, and he took advantage of the situation to cover up the past with ironclad horse bandits under the mountain. The demoralized Karasuma ironclad horse bandit was slaughtered by countless player armies in a short time. The ironclad horse bandits fled in a hurry, and the player's army pursued them in the back, and there was a great momentum to take Tianma Village in one fell swoop. However, under the suppression of the Karasuma Condor Archers and countless archers, after chasing down this group of ironclad horse bandits, they had to retreat down the mountain.

Moreover, a large number of archers and crossbow armies under Gao Shun's command did not attack the mountain with the player's army. The tens of thousands of archers of the player legion alone could not completely suppress the archers of Tianma Village. At this time, the casualties of the general attack must be very huge. Although the player bosses don't understand why Gao Shun didn't take advantage of the situation to carry out a big general attack, but relying on the player's army to attack on its own, the final casualties are heavy, which must be difficult for the bosses to accept.

With the help of Tianma Zhai, to fight the player forces in Youbeiping, this is the tone that Li Tianlong and Gao Shun have already set the tone of this battle. Therefore, after sending 10,000 heavy spear iron cavalry to wipe out most of the iron-armored horse bandits of the Karasuma people, Gao Shun and Li Tianlong's army retreated to the edge of the camp. The Karasuma bandits were given a certain amount of time to recuperate. Although taking advantage of this opportunity, it is completely possible to take down the enemy's earthen fort on the mountainside in one go.

As for the excuses to explain to the player bosses, that's a lot. Any player whose army is too chaotic for the archers to attack can get through. Anyway, Ren is player bosses are shrewd, and I am afraid they didn't expect that Gao Shun, who has 200,000 soldiers and horses in his hands, has already recognized the player as the master, and secretly intends to weaken the player's strength.

And it is not uncommon for NPC generals on the battlefield to use the player's army as a charging death squad and cannon fodder. Even if the players realized that Gao Shun had such a plan, they could only curse secretly. NPC forces are quite wary of player forces.

In today's battle, King Jialou, the lord of Tianma Village, died, and the 10,000-level ironclad horse bandits, who were actually Karasuma iron cavalry, were wiped out 8 percent. In addition, the 10,000 troops led by Wulou were completely wiped out before, and the mountain has not yet been officially attacked, and the strength of Tianma Village has been seriously damaged.

The three masters of Tianma Village, the most powerful Dazhai lord King Jialou was killed in two rounds, and the Golden Eagle Archer Erzhai Lord Wulou was captured alive by the enemy; the two ace troops of the Condor Archers of 1,000 people, together with the other 8,000 of the most elite heavy archers of the cottage, were completely wiped out; and more than 80% of the 10,000 Karasuma Iron Cavalry were wiped out. In just a few days, they suffered such heavy losses, and the morale of the bandits in Tianma Village was greatly reduced, and they were panicked for a while. Only one of the three village masters, Uge, is left to preside over the overall situation.

In fact, it can't all be blamed on the Karasuma people for such a situation. Sending elite archers to ambush and harass along the way is quite a clever strategy. It's just that Wulou is really greedy and wants to eat more Han army archers. How do you know that the Han people actually have a big vulture knight as a reconnaissance sentinel, looking down from a high altitude, you can see it at a glance, and the Han people know about his ambush and the result is that the whole army is wiped out. If it weren't for Li Tianlong's Great Vulture Knight, Wulou would really have succeeded in eliminating a large number of archers from the Han army. When the time comes, with 3,000 condor archers and a large number of archer troops, it is not impossible to hold the cottage.

What happened to Garu was that he believed in himself too much. This is the consistent fault of the Hu people, who always feel that they are the most powerful warriors in the world, and they don't know that there are mountains outside the mountains and people outside the people.

Tianma Village is just a giant cottage, although it should be a stronghold of the Karasuma tribe's troops secretly, but according to Li Tianlong's previous experience with Jialou, the 20,000 dead troops are probably the most elite troops in Tianma Village. At the beginning of the year, Li Tianlong had never seen such an elite force in Tianma Village, what kind of condor shooters, Karasuma Iron Cavalry had not seen it at all, that is, all the horse bandits of some big bandits, ironclad bandits, etc. If Jialou had such strength at that time, I'm afraid Tianlong Village would have been wiped out long ago.

The strength of Tianma Village should have risen within half a year. The Condor Shooter and the Karasuma Iron Cavalry are all regular troops unique to the Karasuma tribe, and the main troops, especially the Condor Archers, are the ace troops. Tianma Village should have recently received the support of a large tribe in Karasuma. Combined with the history and game setting, the rebellion of Karasuma in Youzhou will not be too long, and the Karasuma people have used Tianma Village as a place to garrison. With these trump card troops, on the one hand, the strength of Tianma Village will be greatly increased, and then it can deter and subdue the surrounding bandit forces and further strengthen the strength of Tianma Village; second, they can rob everywhere as bandits, and collect and accumulate a large amount of money, grain, grass, and other military materials; and third, they can also use combat to temper the combat effectiveness of the ace troops. It is no wonder that in recent times, the activities of Tianma Village have been very active and arrogant. However, these guys didn't expect that it was their arrogance that attracted an irresistible enemy for themselves.

Of course, these are all the cranky thoughts of Li Tianlong himself. No one knows what the Karasuma people really think about. Although the captive Wulou was severely tortured, this guy was very tough and didn't say a word. Especially today, when he witnessed his eldest brother being killed in front of the battle, it is impossible to take out half a sentence of information from his mouth. can only wait for the battle to be sent to the county government for execution. The other Karasuma bandit captives, although they were high-ranking soldiers, were only combat soldiers, and they didn't know the reason for this, and they didn't get any useful information. However, it confirmed Li Tianlong's guess that these condor archers, Karasuma Iron Rider, had indeed only joined Tianma Village in the past few months.

No matter what the Karasuma people are planning, let's wipe out the Karasuma forces in front of us first. Otherwise, it's useless to think too much. When our strength is strong, we are not afraid of what tricks this Karasuma people can turn over.

According to the captive's confession, the bandit barracks in Tianma Village were only set up a month ago. There are not many middle and high-level troops in the cottage, and after this war, most of the remaining soldiers and horses in Tianma Village are intermediate troops, and a certain number of primary troops, and the remaining senior troops are only about 10,000 people. With such strength, the victory is in hand.

"Come, everyone. Lord Gao killed the big bandit King Jialou in front of the battle today, which is really a big harm to the people of our county, and we salute Lord Gao with a cup. "

Grateful for your kindness, Gao took this cup. But there will be a big battle tomorrow, and today everyone will limit it to three cups. Tomorrow's attack on the mountain will require the great assistance of your brothers and Inhuman brothers. After the victory of the battle, Cheng invited everyone to eat a whole cattle banquet in Youbeiping. "

Master Xie. And

when they had drunk wine and eaten meat, they went back to their camps to rest. Li Tianlong was stopped by Gao Shun and stayed in the Shuai camp.

"My lord, I got a good thing today, which is just right for you. Gao Shun handed over a bronze iron plaque.

Li Tianlong took a look. Karasuma Cavalry Barracks Construction Token?Good thing, this thing can be built in Taoyuan City. Although it is not as advanced as the Karasuma Iron Cavalry, this Karasuma Cavalry is also very good. Level 40 Karasuma cavalry is armed with iron armor, a war bow, a saber or an iron spear. The combat power is much stronger than that of horse bandits equipped with leather armor, and they can be used openly.

"This is from the king of Garu?"

"Yes. It was from this guy's corpse. There is also this guy's mount, Baiyun Horse, which is also a superb war horse, just for the lord to ride. "

Huh. Such a coquettish white horse should be put in the Magang supermarket and auctioned. It will definitely be able to sell for a good price. Li Tianlong said with a smile. Among the 10,000 Karasuma war horses captured not long ago, one of the two top-grade war horses was black, and Gao Shun had not yet been assigned to the generals below. If you want to come and match together, with a gold bridle and silver saddle, you will have a black and white double hero, handsome men and women, and you will definitely be able to attract many bigwigs who are willing to spend a lot of money in pursuit of beautiful women.


In the morning, the high-morale sergeants, under the leadership of the generals, lined up in formation, swords out of sheaths, bows and strings, ready to attack the bandits on the mountain at any time.

Qianshan Attack Legion: Gaoshun Legion, 10,000 snake spear heavy cavalry, 10,000 sword and shield soldiers, 40,000 longbowmen, 100 two-bow bed crossbows, 100 stone throwing machines, Li Tianlong Legion of more than 20,000 people, 300,000 player legions, Gao Shun as the commander, player Fengshen as the striker, Houshan Attack Legion: Gaoshun Legion, 10,000 heavy spear iron cavalry, 10,000 sword and shield soldiers, 20,000 crossbowmen, nearly 200,000 player legions, Captain Jiang Yun as the general, player Xia Yiyun as the striker; Hundreds

of cowhide war drums sounded in the front mountain, and then, the cowhide war drums in the back mountain also sounded loudly.


With the sound of a low and thick horn, the front mountain and the back mountain launched an attack on Tianma Village almost at the same time.

Fengshen immediately led the player army to attack the cottage, and Li Tianlong, as a lieutenant under Gao Shun, led his army to assist in the attack and suppress the enemy's archers. Gao Shun led the army to sit at the foot of the mountain and was responsible for unified dispatch and command.

Anemo commanded 20,000 infantry armed with shields and various weapons, and 20,000 player legions of longbowmen, slowly ascending from the slower part of the mountain towards the mountain. Li Tianlong followed behind with 10,000 iron bow bandits, 5,000 sword and shield soldiers, and 5,000 wrestlers holding large shields.

The bandits of Tianma Village did not cut down the woods and shrubs on the hillside on a large scale, and it was relatively easy for everyone to climb the mountain with the help of trees. It's just that on the slopes of the mountain, there are not only a large number of arrow towers set up by the Karasuma people, but also a large number of Karasuma archers lying in ambush in the grass on the mountain, fighting and retreating, constantly attacking the army climbing the mountain.

The rain of arrows of the Karasuma people is extremely ferocious. The army attacking the mountain climbed the mountain for only a dozen feet, and nearly 10,000 players and NPCs fell. Gao Shun saw clearly at the bottom of the mountain, and with a wave of his sword, a 10,000-strong player infantry army rushed up behind. Cross the archers and join the charge in front.

"Kill. "

The enthusiastic players commanded their NPC army to attack the arrow towers and earthen forts on the hillside.

"Shoot the arrows. Looking at the approaching Han Chinese army on the hillside, the Karasuma people also put away the fear in their hearts and began to attack fiercely. It's a knife to shrink your head and raise your head, and now you can't run, and you've been a bandit for so many years, and grandpa has lived enough. Killing one is enough, killing two is earning. The bandits of Tianma Village began their final madness in the angry shouts of the big and small leaders. He who throws arrows throws arrows, and he who smashes stones smashes stones. Before he died, he would always pull a cushion.

"Shoot. "

Under the rain of arrows from the iron bow bandits, several arrow towers and earthen forts were completely suppressed, and all the archers who had risen were shot into hornet's nests. With archers on the side, the players rushed with NPC soldiers and rushed directly to the bottom of the arrow tower.

"Brothers, cut me. "

It's not good to bring a ladder to attack the mountain. There is a danger in climbing the arrow tower, and as soon as the player's head turns, one of them will hold a big wooden shield, and the other will take out a big axe and slash wildly. Or take out a sharp big chainsaw and slam it off. They are all wooden arrow towers, and after three or two blows, an arrow tower will fall down. Although under the bows and arrows of the bandits on the arrow tower, some soldiers will always fall. The results were remarkable, as wooden arrow towers creaked to the ground on the hillside, and the Karasuma bandits, who had not yet fallen to their deaths, were immediately chopped into meat sauce by the players who swarmed up to them.

Little by little, the player legion swept away the Arrow Tower Castle on the hillside and pushed upward.

"My lord, if the bow and arrow fire is a little stronger, the earthen fort will not be easy to attack. "A player leader ran in front of Li Tianlong and asked for fire support.

The Karasuma people built a number of circular earthen forts scattered along the main roads on the hillside. Each earthen fort has a hundred square sizes, about two zhang high, the earthen fort is divided into two layers; the upper layer of the earthen fort has a large number of bow and crossbow openings for archers to shoot, and the top of the earthen fort has a roof, which can prevent arrow attacks; in addition to a doorway in the lower layer of the earthen fort, there are a large number of small openings for spear and gun attacks. A large amount of arrows, grain, and water can be stored in the earthen fort. The bandits can fight for a long time while surrounded by a siege.

"I can't help it. This thing has a cover on top, and it can't be shot in. We can only use bows and arrows to block the holes where they shoot arrows. Isn't there a door down there, you can rush in? "

My lord, the entrance to the door is the focus of the enemy's defense, and it is difficult to get in. The player leader said angrily: "Grandma, fighting this earthen fort, more than 100 of my brothers have died, and they still haven't been defeated." "

Indeed, the opening of the door, which is less than four feet wide, is difficult to break into without a few deaths.

"My lord, use rockets, I see that the roofs of the enemy's earthen forts are all thatched roofs, as long as a few rockets are fired, the bandits inside will be defeated. I see that several earthen forts have been breached in this way. But there were very few rockets with us.

"I also carried iron arrows on my hands, not rockets. In this case, you make a few torches first, and throw the torches on the top of the earthen fort, which should also have an effect, and I will ask my men to immediately go down the mountain to transport the rockets up. Li Tianlong said.

"Thank you, then, sir. I'll check it out again. The player leader led the centaurs forward. I'm still cursing the stupid NPC in my heart.Don't you see that the roof of this earthen fort is all sloped?,The torch will roll down if you throw it up.。 Grandma's, it seems, still built a human wall to the roof and lit it with a torch. Hehe, I'm so smart. The player leader hurriedly ordered the brothers below to make torches.

It is not difficult to make a torch, find a dead branch and find some thatch tied to it, and it is a torch. There is no lighter, and this flint is something that almost every player will carry with them.

"King, didn't we bring rockets? Mu Gu asked.

"Hehe, if you use rockets, it's not good to give birth to them. Li Tianlong said in a low voice: "Send Bailai brothers down the mountain to find General Gao Shun to bring some rockets up and make a show." "

Generally, archers carry corresponding arrows according to the different combat missions. The arrows used in various occasions are different, such as eagle arrows for long-range shooting, short-feathered arrows for close-range shooting, oolong iron ridge arrows for armor piercing, and so on. Rockets are specially used to set fires, and on this kind of battlefield, most of the people bring iron arrows for killing the enemy. Li Tianlong's iron-bowed bandits only carried a rocket with each person.

The archers went down the hill to carry rockets, and the battle of the army could not stop, and the attack still had to be forward. Speaking of which, the legion of players near Li Tianlong can be regarded as happy. With more than 160,000 Iron Bow Bandits on the side, providing a torrential rain of arrows to suppress them, the player's legion suffered far fewer casualties than elsewhere. Although there are also a large number of longbowmen in other places, but archers of the same level, the archers of the Karasuma people have more powerful attack power, plus they occupy a favorable location, and under the bonus, the longbowmen are far from being able to suppress the archers of the Karasuma people.

Especially on the Karasuma people's arrow tower earthen fort, there are also special slingers, rolling wood soldiers, rolling wood and stones, and the corpses that immediately fall down. Li Tianlong saw it in his eyes and admired the bandits in Tianmazhai very much. This is the first time that a large number of earthen forts have been built on the hillside. It's just that this earthen fort has a hard wound of a thatched roof, and it will not be destroyed when it is attacked by enemy fire. If the thatch on the roof of the fort is replaced with thick logs or bricks, the fort's defense will be greatly increased, and the damage dealt to the player's legion will be greater.

"Your Majesty, General Gao Shun said that it is time to step up the attack. The casualties of the player legion were very serious, and he had already sent 50,000 players in a row to come up. Or don't go too far.

"Okay. Mugu ordered everyone to attack with rockets whenever they touched the earthen fort. "If the players see that they are angry, it's not good.

"Yes, my lord. "

Target, the top of the fortress ahead, rocket attack. "

Whoosh, there are dozens of rockets taking care of each earthen fort around, it is the height of summer, this thatched roof is being scorched and scorched, and it burns in case of fire, not to mention dozens of rockets, even if one or two rockets are shot on it, it must be burned.

Boom, in the blink of an eye, the entire earthen fort was filled with flames. One, two, three... All of a sudden, all the earthen forts that stood in the way of the army's advance were ablaze, and the raging flames made the entire battlefield even hotter.

"Put out the fire. The

bandits inside the bunker didn't have time to release their arrows, so they scooped up a scoop of water from the water tank and splashed it on the roof. But the fire is raging, where can a few scoops of water be extinguished. The flames on the roof kept falling, igniting the straw that slept on the floor in the corner, the dry clothes, the cloth armor on the body, and the terrible screams kept coming from the earthen forts. The gates of the bunker were quickly opened, and the bandits scrambled to escape from the bunker. The players who had been waiting for a long time next to them raised their knives one by one and slashed the bandits one by one.

"Forward. "

Without the command of the wind god, the various player leaders rushed to lead the men and horses to rush up frantically. It's late, the experience, the equipment is someone else's. With Li Tianlong's large number of rocket attacks, the earthen forts blocking the road were quickly cleared one by one. One by one, the earthen forts were set on fire, and the flames were everywhere, and many grasses were also ignited by the fire, and the fire suddenly became even more raging. Fortunately, the trees on Tianma Ridge are not the kind of coniferous forests that are easy to catch fire, but are mostly green willows and camphor trees, which are more difficult to catch fire. Otherwise, there is a real risk of causing a huge wildfire.

"Withdraw, all brethren, into the hilltop city. Uger looked at the fire under the mountain fiercely, and unwillingly withdrew from the Arrow Tower Tu Fort with all the bandits and retreated to the city on the top of the mountain.


the bandits retreating, the players yelled and pursued desperately with their men and horses, and chased to the top of the mountain in one go. When I reached the top of the mountain, I saw a city wall about two zhang high around several hills. On the city wall, countless large black flags fluttered, and a large number of Karasuma bandits were waiting on it.

Different from Li Tianlong's Tianlong Village, the mountain of Tongshan is gentle, the top of the mountain is very huge and flat, after a large number of civil engineering operations, the top of Tongshan is like a small plain, Tianlongzhai is an oval city, and Tianmaling is a small belt-shaped mountain range, the city built on the top of the mountain is also very long, including the three highest mountains in the middle of Tianma Mountain. Each hill is protected by a separate wall. It will not take a day to completely attack it.

"Captain Fang, you take someone to place the bed crossbow and stone thrower properly, and order someone to transport the stone bullets and crossbow guns up the mountain. "

Yes, sir. "

Lord Lieutenant, do you want to take advantage of the victory now?" said the wind god.

"Nope. Everyone fought for most of the day, and they were all tired. Let's make a fire and cook, and that's the end of today's battle. Early tomorrow morning, the siege will begin. "

Yes, sir. "

Arrange more manpower, pay attention to night vigilance, and guard against the enemy's sneak attack at night. "

On a hill on Tianma Ridge, Gao Shun set up a camp with his infantry army. It is only 300 zhang away from the city of Tianma Village. The rest of the player legions are still divided into two groups, one is stationed on the front mountainside and the other is stationed on the back mountainside. There are a large number of earthen forts on the mountainside, and although the roof has been burned, the earthen forts have not collapsed. It is just used to garrison soldiers and horses. The mountains are full of people and horses, cutting off the idea of the bandits breaking through the Tianma Village.

Resting at night, although there are many Karasuma eagle archers who frequently shoot cold arrows and harass everyone. But it's already a grasshopper after autumn, and it won't be able to jump for a few days. Everyone lay down in the earthen fort and slept peacefully. The sentry set up a large wooden shield and hid behind and stared closely ahead. As long as the enemy does not leave the city, he will not pay attention. When you go out of the city, you shoot it back with a random arrow.

At dawn, the siege began.

Under the protection of the big shield and the suppression of the iron bow bandits and the big yellow crossbow, 100 two-bow bed crossbows and 100 single-tip guns slowly advanced to a place about 100 zhang away from the enemy's city wall. Lined up, like mortars, aimed at the city wall in front.

Single-bow cannon - neutral stone throwing machine; use stone bullets within 10 catties; firing range within 150 zhang; establishment of 40 people; two-bow bed crossbow - large bed crossbow; use chisel arrows; firing range 200 zhang; establishment of 10 people; although single-tip stone throwing machine, the range of two-bow bed crossbow is far more than 100 steps, but it is used to attack soldiers, if you want to smash the city wall, you have to attack closely.

The narrow city wall of Tianma Village is less than 100 zhang wide in front of him, and Gao Shun's plan is to use dense stone bullets and crossbow arrows to smash this section of the stone wall into a gap. The player legion can then rush in and engage the Karasuma Legion in a hand-to-hand battle. Originally, it was intended to let the players charge on their own, but yesterday's post-battle statistics showed that the casualties of the player legion actually exceeded 100,000, which made everyone staggered. The casualties of the Karasuma people are estimated to be only about 10,000 people. The ratio of casualties between the two sides was 10:1, which shows the strength of the archers of Karasuma Tsuchika. If it weren't for the flaw of attacking Karasuma Bunker with a large number of rockets later, the player's losses would have been even greater.

Especially after the investigation of the Great Vulture Knight, it was found that there were still a lot of Karasuma bandits in Tianma Village. Not only are the walls densely populated with Karasuma bandits, but there are also a large number of Karasuma soldiers inside the cottage. According to the confessions of the Karasuma captives, the proportion of middle-level soldiers among the bandits in Tianma Village is quite large, more than half. Although the high-end combat power of Tianma Village has been wiped out, in this kind of siege battle on the mountain, one intermediate class of the defending side can also be equivalent to the intermediate class of several attacking sides. If you are not careful, the player will be killed or wounded, and then you will have to charge with your own soldiers. It's not worth it. After thinking about it, Gao Shun and Li Tianlong still decided to blast open the city wall and let the players engage with the Karasuma bandits, and with the combat power of the Karasuma bandits, they can also consume the strength of a large number of player legions.

Seeing the stone throwers of the Han army and the crossbow close to the city wall, the Karasuma people also understood the plans of the Han people. The Condor Shooters were quickly brought in and launched an attack on the Han gunners below. However, in this direction, Li Tianlong's 10,000 iron bow bandits and 100 rhubarb crossbows were all aimed at the city wall less than 100 zhang wide. Whenever someone rises up, it is a rain of hundreds or thousands of arrows thrown upwards.

"Target, front wall, single cannon, fire. Captain

Fang roared, and the four thousand gunners pulled the rope in unison. 100 10-pound stone bullets flew quickly to the front city wall. Boom, boom, boom... Hundreds of stone bullets slammed into the city wall fiercely, and the continuous rumbling sound was heard far away. Huge round pits appeared on the city wall.

"Two-bow bed crossbow, fire. "

As the crossbowman's hammer slammed into the trigger, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... A hundred* chisel arrows pierced the city walls, and the sharp arrows penetrated into the walls as much as a foot. It seems that the walls of the cottage were not made of stone, but were made of rammed earth. This is even better, Tucheng is even more powerless against this siege machine.

"Single-tip run, launch. "

Bed crossbow, fired. "


Under the suppressive protection of the archers, 100 single-tip cannons and 100 two-bow bed crossbows were fired in turn, round stone bullets and chisel arrows, constantly hitting the earthen city wall less than a hundred zhang wide. The rumbling sound continued, the walls kept shaking, and the Karasuma bandits on it had long since withdrawn.

Although it is an earthen wall, the quality of the rammed construction seems to be very good. After nearly two hours of continuous bombardment, the earthen city wall was blasted through, and a huge gap appeared in the city wall.

"Attention all, the last round. Bed crossbow, fired. "

Single-pinned cannon, fired. With

a bang, the entire section of the wall finally fell completely. Only the half-human-high pedestal is left exposed, and the terrified Karasuma bandits behind the castle walls can be seen.

"Kill. "

Without Gao Shun's orders, the leaders of the player legions know that the time has come to charge. It's impossible for NPC soldiers to charge ahead.

Countless legions of players rushed into the cottage, some climbing up from the collapsed walls and attacking the Karasuma bandits on both sides of the wall, while others screamed and charged the Karasuma bandits on the ground.

The Karasuma bandits were also very brave, and it was useless to think that they knew that even surrendering at this time would be useless. Inhuman players can't afford to give up the experience and merit they have received. The Karasuma bandits, who are determined to die, also fight back desperately under the leadership of the leader. Karasuma bandits are mostly mid-level troops, and at this stage, they are still a step above the player's strength.

Allowing the players to flood into the city to attack, Gao Shun stopped his captains' requests for battle, and carefully arranged for each captain to lead the soldiers and horses to guard the various passages down the mountain in Tianma Ridge to prevent the players from running to join the battle, and the Karasuma bandits broke through and went down the mountain.

Li Tianlong did not press all the troops under him. It's just that with 200 rhubarb crossbows, Mugu's 2,000 iron bow guards, 2,000 iron wrestlers, 2,000 sword and shield soldiers, black bears, Mugu and others slowly advanced towards the interior of the cottage as officers and soldiers. On the one hand, train these high-level units to kill the enemy, and on the other hand, keep the good things in the cottage before the players kill all the bandits. The Tianma Walled City is divided into three parts, which belong to the three lords. There are warehouse vaults in each part, and there must be a lot of good things in them. You can't let the players take advantage of the chaos.

After fighting until sunset, most of the bandits on the first hill were wiped out, and the small half fled into the back hill. More than 50,000 players were killed, and the next day, the second hill was captured. More than 80,000 players died; on the third day, the main village of Tianma Village was captured, and Gao Shun personally cut off the mountain flag of Tianma Village; Wuge, the main owner of Sanzhai, was killed by the players of the Changfeng Trade Union; Tianma Village was declared destroyed. Nearly 200,000 players have died in the player legion.

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