In the first battle of Tianma Ridge, Li Tianlong's team relied on the Great Vulture Knight to discover the enemy's ambush, annihilated the 10,000 high-level troops led by Wulou, captured the main Wulou of Sanzhai alive, burned the earth fort, killed a large number of enemies, and won the meritorious service 620. Successfully obtained a volume of "Iron Shield Sword Barracks Construction Drawings" for the high-level barracks.

The mid-level barracks "Sword and Shield Barracks Construction Blueprint" was taken away by the bloody Changfeng Guild. However, the Changfeng Guild is also the most seriously injured player corps this time. Of the 100,000 legions led by the god of wind, less than 10,000 remained in the end. The Changfeng Guild was attacked by the Karasuma bandits at the beginning and killed nearly 30,000 people, and it was able to earn the mid-level barracks blueprint from many players at a disadvantage, which also showed everyone the strength of the Changfeng Guild. Although on the surface, the Changfeng Guild has a large number of deaths, in fact, most of the deaths are players.

Exchanging the lives of a large number of players for a mid-level barracks blueprint and hundreds of merit points is still cost-effective for a big guild like them. NPC's combat effectiveness far exceeds that of players, a sword and shield soldier battalion can recruit 1500 sword and shield soldiers in a month, and the 1500 sword and shield soldiers who form a battle formation can completely defeat 15000 players of the same level. In the future hegemony, for a long time, the real strength of players will depend on the combat power of the NPC troops in their hands. Only in the later stage, when the player's level reaches a certain height and truly adapts to the flesh-and-blood battle of this world, can the player's combat power be different from that of the NPC.

A blueprint of the Longsword Barracks and a blueprint of the Shortbow Barracks were obtained by the Cloud Banner Villa and the Sunshine Guild, respectively. Other small and medium-sized player groups have also gained considerable merit points, and with merit points, they can also recruit a certain number of NPCs in county towns or counties.

Although the player legion suffered heavy casualties, the merits obtained were much richer than the usual killing of bandits. Relatively speaking, players still enjoy this kind of large-scale government-organized mission. Otherwise, if you simply accept those bandit orders, you don't know what year and month you want to raise the merit value. Moreover, this kind of large-scale bandit warfare will always break out a lot of good equipment, silver taels, skill books, and so on. Although the final battlefield cleanup was done by officers and soldiers. But during the battle, many people were busy and picked up a lot of good things.

However, players are speculating about the mysterious players who will get the high-level military camp. Li Tianlong was a low-key person, and still chose to make an anonymous announcement. However, this has aroused the interest of players in Beiping Right. In the past, Li Tianlong chose to make anonymous announcements for the promotion of the Ranger Captain, the promotion to the Ranger Captain, and the promotion of Taoyuan City to the county-level territory. Coupled with this reward announcement, the players of Youbeiping, especially the player bosses such as Fengshen, Xiayi Yunran, and Sunshine Boy, are very interested in this player hidden in the shadows, and they have secretly sent a large number of people to inquire about the information of this mysterious person. However, Li Tianlong's secrecy kung fu was quite good, except for the titanium knife of Rose Villa and the golden rose and others, no one else knew that it was him.

Gao Shun's own harvest is also huge. Personally beheaded the king of Jialou, the lord of Tianma Village, and cut off the mountain flag of Tianma Village with his own hands. destroyed the Tianma Village, which had been a disaster for many years, and its own troops died no more than 20,000. NPCs don't care about the death of a player's legion. Although the players had a lot of complaints about this famous general of the Three Kingdoms, and were privately very dissatisfied with Gao Shun using them as cannon fodder, Gao Shun's martial name quickly spread all over Youbeiping and Youbeiping. Gao Shun not only gained a large number of imperial court merit points, but also completely subdued the 200,000 horses and horses of the Youbeiping garrison.

Cleaning the battlefield and looting the warehouse of Tianma Village is also quite satisfying. The 2,000 Iron Bow Bandit guards under Mugu have been fully equipped with all kinds of Condor War Bows, and there are more than 100 Black Eagle War Bows. There are also 4 Golden Eagle War Bows, the use conditions are too high, except for Mugu and Yi Er who can pull the Golden Eagle War Bow, the rest of the bandit bosses cannot use it, and the extra 2 Li Tianlong can only be temporarily put away. In addition to the Condor War Bow, a large number of iron armor and war knives were also pocketed by Li Tianlong one by one. When I was collecting the warehouse and secret room of Tianma Village, I found 2 more first-level minion barracks blueprints. It is said that when the players destroyed the Tianma Village Barracks, they burst out the Horse Bandit Barracks token, and I don't know which lucky player gang picked it up.

More than 50,000 coins were harvested, all of which were used for military expenses by Gao Shun, and a large amount of grain, stone, and wood were divided among the players. We don't lack these things, let people be cannon fodder, we have to give people some benefits.

Destroyed Tianma Village and got their respective rewards, the players were interested, and some people even asked the government to issue a task in the line, Gao Shun led everyone to destroy another giant cottage, Tianlong Village. The leaders of the Changfeng Guild, Yunphong Villa, Sunshine Guild and other forces even offered to give tens of thousands of taels of silver each to support the government's dispatch of troops to Tianlong Village. These damn bunch. Knowing this, the grain and timber would not be distributed to them, and when attacking the mountain, they should be ruthless and let them all be killed by the Karasuma bandits.

Looking at their righteous and stern words, righteous men and gentlemen, eliminating harm for the people, and doing the right thing for heaven, Li Tianlong, who stayed aside with a mask, was furious. Don't you just want to use the hands of the government and the players of Quanyou Beiping to uproot our player cottage, it's really a big bad conscience. Although we have strong soldiers at hand, we have always been honest, except for kidnapping, driving out some NPC villages, and robbing Xu Town, we have never troubled these player villages. At most, it is just that a large part of the Youbeiping Mountain Range has become a leveling point under his hands, and most of the cottages were destroyed by Zou Dan and his men and horses as soon as they were refreshed. Nearby players have a lot fewer leveling points. These guys just can't see others being stronger than them.

If the current county lieutenant is still that Liu Gu, it is really possible to be bribed by these guys with a lot of money and send troops to Tianlong Village. It's a pity, Gao Shun has already been in a gang with Tianlong Village. Gao Shun shirked the request of these guys for many reasons, such as Tianlongzhai having always been honest and did not harass the common people, the army was tired after many days of fighting, the threat of the Yellow Turban Army was imminent, and the government army had to recuperate, and it was necessary to return to the city to report to the county government for such a major event.

When the battle was over, the people returned to their respective territories with their men and horses. Gao Shun led the army back to Youbeiping, while Li Tianlong asked Mu Gu and the others to avoid the player and led the army back to Tianlong Village on the mountain road.

"Brother Cheng, this time there are a large number of Karasuma Condor Archers and Karasuma Iron Cavalry, so don't report it to the above. lest the county government take precautions and be bad for our future plans. "If the county government affirms the fact that the Karasuma people are rebelling, they will take drastic measures to suppress the Karasuma people early, which will seriously weaken the strength of the Karasuma people. This is different from what Li Tianlong planned in his heart. As long as the Karasuma power in Youbeiping is weakened, the stronger the Karasuma people in other places, the better. Heroes emerge in troubled times, and the more chaotic the time, the more opportunities we have to seek greater benefits. However, this also requires a fairly strong military force.

"Don't worry, my lord. But Zitai still needs to be informed. "

Well, Brother Tian, you go and tell him. Let Brother Tian tell his family, so that they can secretly take precautions, and don't eat the loss of the Karasuma people at that time. But don't let anyone else know. In addition, our army must step up its training. Arrows, grain and other war materials should be stored in abundance. Don't take it lightly.

"Don't worry, my lord, the affairs of the army will be left to me. Gao Shun patted his chest.

Don't be too high, Li Tianlong and Jade Arrow rode on the big vulture and flew to Xucheng. First, there are batches of ironclad blades to be sold in the Yunlong supermarket in Xucheng, and second, Zhen Qiang is about to lead the caravan to the Saiwai prairie again, and Li Tianlong still has something to discuss with him.

Arrived in Xucheng and found Zhen Qiang, this guy was watching a group of beautiful courtesans playing music in the *qin, while holding a jade cup to taste wine.

"Brother Zhen, enjoy it so much. Li Tianlong greeted.

"Everywhere, it's a blessing to Brother Toli. Zhen Qiang hurriedly removed the courtesan and asked his subordinates to serve fragrant tea. Now Li Tianlong is the number one bandit in the Youbeiping Mountains, and Zhen Qiang does not dare to offend this former small villager.

"Brother Zhen's goods have been prepared, when are you ready to leave?"

"It will take three days to leave." At that time, Brother Li will need to help vigorously. However, this year the situation was chaotic, and it took a little longer to prepare the goods, and it was already August, and it was already winter when the caravan arrived on the steppe. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back until after the year.

"It doesn't matter. I came this time to invite Brother Zhen to visit my city.

"Chengchi, is it Brother Li's cottage? I have heard that Brother Li's cottage is the largest cottage within a radius of thousands of miles. Zhen Qiang had long wanted to visit him. Zhen Qiang also wanted to meet Li Tianlong's cottage to see what the real strength of this partner was.

"Then we'll leave now. Zhen

Qiang didn't dare to sit on the big vulture, so the three of them had to ride a fast horse and go straight to Taoyuan Village. Zhen Qiang is really wealthy, and the horse ring in the house is three superb horses, one is snowy white, one is blue, and one is a black-maned horse, all of which are worth thousands of horses. This guy has been smuggling the prairie for many years, and the wealth he has accumulated is probably not inferior to that of some big chambers of commerce.

The three of them hurried to Taoyuan Village. Seeing the cottage city on the top of the mountain, hundreds of thousands of troops, and the mountainside city wall being built, Zhen Qiang was taken aback. He never thought that the strength of this partner's subordinates had reached such a point, and he couldn't help but secretly congratulate himself that he had a unique vision and found Li Tianlong as a bodyguard. If he hadn't been looking for him, I'm afraid his caravan would have been robbed by these bandits.

"Brother Zhen, I'll take you to another place to have a look. Seeing Zhen Qiang's surprised expression, Li Tianlong was very satisfied. Decided on the next dose of fierce medicine.

"Brother Li, do you still have a cottage?"

"Hehe, you'll know when you arrive."

After a while, Li Tianlong took Zhen Qiang and galloped to the gate of Taoyuan City.

"Brother Zhen, this is my territory, Taoyuan City, what do you think, it's okay?" Li Tianlong said with a smile.

Wow, Zhen Qiang opened his mouth wide: "This, this is your territory?" He actually built this majestic city in the deep mountains, the towering boulder city wall is not as far as the eye can see, endless fields, wide roads, soldiers patrolling back and forth... It's incredible.

"Let's go, Brother Zhen, I'll take you to the city to have a look.

Li Tianlong patted the stunned Zhen Qiang, and several people rode into the city. There are many shops in the city, hotels, teahouses, hospitals, theaters, silver shops, jewelry stores... Whatever is available outside, there is everything inside the city. Although the population is a little smaller than that of a city of 400 square kilometers, it is not inferior to the county town in other aspects.

I saw the inner city piled up with hundreds of millions of catties of grain, warehouses full of armor, weapons, and iron ingots, master-level blacksmith shops, bow and crossbow shops, and grandmaster-level medical halls... Zhen Qiang's mouth never closed.

"How is it, Brother Zhen Qiang. Are you interested in following me? If you have achievements in the future, you will definitely not treat Brother Zhen badly. Li Tianlong finally showed his fox tail. For Zhen Qiang, a capable businessman, Li Tianlong has long wanted to recruit him. There is a lack of a capable person in charge of business. In the outside store, the restaurant needs a general manager to manage it as a whole. Although there are Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping, the Zhen family is the four major businessmen in the world, especially the five sisters of their family, especially Zhen Mi.

Zhen Qiang has been in business for many years and knows the sophistication of people. Li Tianlong suddenly took him to visit his territory, and Zhen Qiang knew in his heart that he was now in the same boat as him. Recognizing this stranger as the master is not a loss-making thing. Look at the people who built the city deep in the mountains, there are hundreds of thousands of troops, countless grains, mountains of weapons and armor, and a mature ordnance manufacturing system... At first glance, he is a person with great ambitions and plans for great things. And today's chaotic situation, follow him, if he can get a county, or even a state in the future, he may be able to be a county magistrate. He has been in business for many years, and although he has accumulated a lot of wealth, he is a businessman after all, and his status is low. was originally going to buy a county official, but now such a good opportunity can't be missed.

made a decision in his heart, and Zhen Qiang immediately fell to the ground: "Zhen Qiang is willing to follow the lord." "

System news: Congratulations to the player Li Tianlong, who successfully recruited businessman Zhen Qiang. Fame +10.".

Hehe, it's not in vain. Then he was asked to move his family.

After successfully subduing Zhen Qiang as his subordinate, Li Tianlong immediately appointed Zhen Qiang as the post of the Zhengbapin Shaofu in the management of finances of the Xiangyun County County Government, and gave Zhen Qiang to Le. If you buy it with money from the government, you have to spend 100,000 yuan.

However, at present, the smuggling business of the prairie still needs to be handled by Zhen Qiang himself, so Zhen Qiang has no way to take over Li Tianlong's industry for the time being. However, Li Tianlong introduced his industry situation to Zhen Qiang in detail, Zhen Qiang heard that Li Tianlong has established two super good Yunlong supermarkets, several master-level medical halls, luxury restaurants, luxury teahouses, master-level ceramic shops, etc., Zhen Qiang was even more happy and smiled. I secretly boasted in my heart that I really didn't follow the wrong person.

After getting Zhen Qiang, Li Tianlong hurriedly began to build the Iron Shield Sword Barracks in the inner city. Consuming 10,000 pieces of coins, 100,000 units of wood, 100,000 units of stone, and 100,000 units of iron ingots, a majestic and simple barracks was erected in front of everyone.

Iron Shield Sword Barracks - Level 60 Troops;Equipped with Thick Iron Armor, Square Iron Shield, Black Iron Sword;Characteristics,Offensive and Defensive,Defensive Troops;Recruitment Cost: 12 Pieces/Name;A certain chance to refresh Level 61 Iron Shield Sword Commander, Level 62 Iron Shield Sword Commander, Level 63 Iron Shield Sword Soldier Dubo, Level 65 Iron Shield Sword Soldier General, Level 68 Iron Shield Sword Soldier Marquis, Level 70 Iron Shield Sword Soldier Tooth General.

The recruitment fee is only 12 times, which is 3 times cheaper than the 15 pieces of the ironclad bandits. Although it is a defensive class, the attack power is not very strong, but the defense power is first-class. From head to toe, his whole body is covered in thick iron armor. In particular, you can equip a half-human-high iron shield on your hand, and you can also connect with your teammates to form a shield wall during battle. Compared to the round pot iron shield of the iron shield sword soldier, the defense is superior.

After the Iron Shield Sword Barracks were built, Li Tianlong went straight to the Heavenly Immortal Village and established the two junior minion barracks captured in Pegasus Village. So far, the number of barracks in Xianren Village has reached 1 bandit barracks, 5 horse bandit barracks, and 14 minion barracks. Although most of them are junior minion barracks, the junior minion classes are quite cheap anyway, and they don't care about the food and coins. And after subduing the cottage masters not long ago, there are a lot more low-level generals under his command. Let them go out for training and training with low-level troops, and after half a year, it will be a batch of middle-level troops.

Then Li Tianlong asked Zhen Qiang to write a letter to ask his family to come over, now it is the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and it is not safe over there, so Li Tianlong sent 10,000 rangers to go back with Zhen Qiang.

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