"General Qi Tiangong, the imperial court soldiers and horses have weakened their offensive and begun to carry out gradual strikes on our soldiers at various points. "In the position of the Yellow Turban Army, Zhang Jiao's captain of the guard reported to Zhang Jiao the latest movements of the imperial court's soldiers and horses.

"Well, is this?" After listening to the report of the captain of the guard, Zhang Jiao lowered his head and thought about it.

"Order, order the brothers of the two armies in front and behind to attack. The brothers of the Chinese army were divided into two divisions, large and small, most of which went to the front army to support, and the small part went to the rear army to support. After thinking about it, Zhang Jiao raised his head and commanded the captain of the guard.

"It's the general.

After seeing the captain of the guard leave, Zhang Jiao took the remaining team of guards around him to get up and go to the front army to fight against the imperial officers and soldiers led by Lu Zhi. Regarding the 140,000 cavalry led by Li Tianlong, Zhang Jiao thought that they did not pose a big threat, after all, Lu Zhi led the main officers and soldiers of the imperial court. Those NPC soldiers alone have reached more than 2 million troops, not to mention that there are nearly a million player legions? Zhang Jiao didn't think that the 140,000 cavalry led by Li Tianlong would make any big move.

Not to mention anything else, the strength of the rear army of the Yellow Turban Army alone has reached nearly 500,000 people, and the 100,000 player legions, plus a small number of Yellow Turban thieves who have just been transferred from the Chinese army are 150,000. The total number reached 750,000. The 140,000 cavalry led by Li Tianlong is not enough to stuff his teeth. Even if the rank of the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army is not high, but there are more ants that can bite and kill elephants, not to mention that Li Tianlong's soldiers are not inferior in numbers by 120,000.

Judging from the losses of Li Tianlong's army just now, the cavalry led by Li Tianlong only eliminated 20,000 rebels of the Yellow Turban Army with the loss of 2,000 cavalry. I have to say that the number of people is still very important. 10,000 enemies, 100,000 enemies? That's just a legend.

Let's say that on Li Tianlong's side, when the rear soldiers and horses of the Yellow Turban Army received Zhang Jiao's order, they were led by their leader to rush towards the three-way cavalry led by Li Tianlong and others.

"All obey the order, concentrate backwards, and set up a circle. After seeing the reaction of the Yellow Turban Army, Gao Shun, who was located in the rear of the Third Route Cavalry, immediately ordered the whole army.

To deal with the large number of Yellow Turban Army, choosing a circle formation can be said to be the most effective formation. In the Yellow Turban Army, whether it is offensive or defensive, or its changing speed, it can effectively resist the advantages of the Yellow Turban Army's large number, and can more effectively protect the rangers, so that the rangers can play the long-range characteristics of the rangers in the middle of the circle.

After hearing Gao Shun's order, the cavalry of Li Tianlong's army collectively turned their horses around and gathered towards Gao Shun's rear army after carrying out the last round of feint charges.

"Lord, it seems that Zhang Jiao has changed his strategy and started to attack. When Li Tianlong came to Gao Shun's side, Gao Shun said to Li Tianlong.

"Well, Zhang Jiao knows that we have seen his intentions, so now he has changed his strategy, and the only thing we have to do now is to gather with General Lu's imperial court soldiers and horses. Using the circle formation, whether it is a melee charge or a long-range strike, we can effectively and quickly rendezvous with General Lu's team. Brother Gao is worthy of being a man who is proficient in tactics!" "

Let's not talk about how Li Tianlong's side approached Lu Zhi's officers and soldiers, let's take a look at the battle between Zhang Jiao and Lu Zhi first.

"Report, General. Most of the enemy's Chinese army is pressing towards the battlefield, please ask the general to decide.

"Oh? Could it be that Zhang Jiao has changed his strategy? haha~~~ Okay, then let's play with this group of anti-thieves." Look at how the regular army of our court defeated their rabble. Vice General Xiao!" Lu Zhi laughed when he heard Tanma's report. How could the combat effectiveness of a temporary contingent composed of peasants like Xiang Xiang be compared with that of the well-trained officers and men of the imperial court? Lu Zhi was full of confidence in this battle, although the number of troops of the Yellow Turban Army was several times greater than that of the imperial army.

Speaking of which, the Yellow Turban Army was able to break through the city and kill the officials just after the uprising. The main reason for this was the numerical superiority of the Yellow Turban Army, followed by the corruption and laziness of the troops in some county towns and counties, which made them frightened one by one after seeing the number of the Yellow Turban Army under the city when defending the city. If the soldiers defending the city had the courage to fight the Yellow Turban Bandits, the city would not have been broken.

Let's say that Zhang Jiao led most of the Yellow Turban Middle Road to the battlefield of the front army, and saw that although his Yellow Turban Front Road army was several times larger than the court officers and soldiers in terms of strength, it was still pressed and beaten by the court officers and soldiers led by Lu Zhi. Even the 50,000 'Yellow Turban Julies' personally trained by Zhang Jiao were pressed and beaten by the 20,000 special troops of the imperial army, the 'Dongcheng Guard'.

Faced with such a scene, Zhang Jiao frowned when he saw it. He didn't expect that the Yellow Turban special troops he had secretly trained for a year were not as good as the middle and upper class special troops of the imperial court.

Zhang Jiao also didn't want to think about how the special arms that had been trained for one year could be compared to the ones that the imperial court had trained all year round? These special arms of the imperial court were away all the year round, and they were always carrying out the test of life and death. Although the court is now controlled by the 'Ten Standing Attendants' and other official eunuchs, no one dares to slack off on the training of these special arms of the imperial court. As

for the current situation of the Eastern Han Dynasty, except for Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, who lived in the court, other people such as the 'Ten Permanent Attendants' all knew it well. Before the Yellow Turban Army revolted, there were all kinds of peasant uprisings in various parts of the Eastern Han Dynasty, but the scale of those peasant uprisings was not too large, and there was no effective organization, so they were quickly suppressed by local governments. In the face of all this, those bigwigs in the court raised their hands in favor of the training one by one.

After Zhang Jiao ordered most of the middle lane to go to the rescue, he immediately picked up the weapon in his hand, the 'Fire Scepter', and his mouth was full of thoughts. Those who understand will know at a glance that this is Zhang Jiao releasing skills.

In the first second of Zhang Jiao's casting, there was no movement.

In the second second, Zhang Jiao's 'Fire Scepter' emitted billowing black smoke.

In the third second, Zhang Jiao raised the 'Flame Scepter' and pointed in the direction of the imperial court camp.

In the fourth second, I saw the billowing black smoke coming out of the 'Flame Scepter' as if it had been blown by a strong wind, and quickly surged into the sky above the soldiers of the imperial court camp.

Fifth second, sixth second, seventh second...

In the fifteenth second, I saw that all the players and NPC soldiers in the court camp were covered in the billowing black smoke.

Just as Zhang Jiao was casting a spell, Lu Zhi of the Imperial Court Army noticed billowing black smoke rising from the Yellow Turban Army. At a glance, Lu Zhi understood that this was Zhang Jiao's spell. While Lu Zhi instructed the lieutenant general beside him to order the entire army to retreat, he raised the 'Staff of Purification' in his hand in an attempt to stop the power of the Zhang Jiao spell.

I saw white light emerge from Lu Zhi's 'Staff of Purification', at first it was a white light, and slowly, after about three seconds, the number of white lights increased rapidly, from one to four, from four to sixteen.

Three seconds later, I saw countless white lights gathered around Lu Zhi, bursting out with dazzling light, and rushed towards the black clouds in Zhang Jiao. Since ancient times, good and evil have not been opposed, and black and white have been incompatible. I saw the countless white lights released by Lu Zhi rushing into the black clouds released by Zhang Jiao with dazzling light.

The white light and the black cloud met, and there was no earth-shattering sound, no gorgeous color, only the silent devouring. The white light purifies the black clouds, and the black clouds cover the white light. The two are constantly devouring.

After Lu Zhi finished his skills, he directly waved the staff in his hand, pointed at the camp of the Yellow Turban Army, and shouted: "The Yellow Turban Thief is the first to open his horn, and the evil words confuse the public, the crime cannot be punished, brothers, kill!"

Suddenly, in addition to the officers and soldiers who were fighting against the Yellow Turban Army, the remaining army in the middle of the court raised the weapons in their hands and rushed towards the Yellow Turban Army with shouts.

The war has evolved from a melee at the beginning to a life-and-death struggle today.

I saw that the weapons in the hands of the soldiers on both sides were constantly waving, and the entire battlefield was filled with the smell of death.

In this short period of time, the white light and black light in the sky finally divided the winner and loser. Lu Zhi's mana has never been as powerful as Zhang Jiao's ability to learn the Heavenly Book "Taiping Technique".

I saw that the white light in the sky was completely covered and swallowed by the black clouds, and the black clouds that devoured the white light paused in the sky for a few seconds, as if they were pulled by a pair of big hands, leading them to the heads of the court officers and soldiers and court players.

"Boom... "Boom... In

the black clouds above the heads of the soldiers of the imperial camp, there was a sudden roaring sound. I saw that from the black clouds, there were constantly rolling stones and sassal trees falling from the sky, smashing towards the officers and soldiers and players of the imperial court camp in any direction. Whoever is hit by rolling stones and sassalwood is either smashed into a meatloaf or smashed into the ground by the force of the impact. Buried deep in the earth.

Seeing all this, Lu Zhi could only wave the 'Staff of Purification' in his hand and do his best to release the Wind Dao Method. Trying to blow the rolling stones and sassalwood falling from the sky into the camp of the Yellow Turbans.

Not to mention, Lu Zhi's move still had some effect, and I saw that half of the rolling stones and sassal trees that fell from the sky changed direction and smashed towards the Yellow Turban Army.

It doesn't matter if this is smashed, the Yellow Turban Army has also suffered heavy losses! The number of the Yellow Turban Army is not dense on the battlefield, and when a rolling stone falls, dozens of people will become cakes in the ground.

Seeing this, Zhang Jiao, who was located in the rear, immediately released the Dao technique, and the wind howled, and the black clouds fluttered. Just look at the rolling stones and other things that have not yet fallen into the camp of the Yellow Turban Army, and they collectively turned around and smashed into the rear of the imperial court camp.

"Damn! This still doesn't let people live, the Taoist art is so good*??" The players who saw this scene, whether it was the Yellow Turban camp or the imperial court camp. One by one, they stood there stupidly and watched.

Every player thought to themselves, this is the first time that a large-scale group attack has appeared since the beginning of the game. At present, among the players, those who choose the Taoist profession can only learn some basic spells such as adding life and mana like the Strategist and some basic Taoist techniques to dispel negative states. There are only a few single attack techniques of the five elements.

Xiang Zhang Jiao's group attack has a large range, and it is a civil and engineering dual-attribute Dao technique, and players only have envy at present.

To mention here, Lu Zhi's profession is a common profession for NPCs of the Three Kingdoms between a strategist and a general. And Zhang Jiao is a real Taoist priest.

"All of them stepped back, avoiding Dao attack points. "In the face of Zhang Jiao's spell, Lu Zhi has no way to deal with it now. Only officers and soldiers could be ordered to make a temporary retreat backwards. Anyway, the Yellow Turban Army didn't dare to rush over and pursue, after all, the rolling stones and sassalwood falling from the sky were not decorations.

I have to say that Zhang Jiao's Dao attack is really not covered. In just that time, the officers and soldiers of the imperial court lost nearly 3,000 people. The player legion lost nearly 10,000 men. This is still Lu Zhi's quick response, and he used spells in time to blow the rolling stones and sassal trees falling from the sky into the camp of the Yellow Turban Army, otherwise, the loss of the imperial army.

Faced with such a situation, Lu Zhi didn't expect to fight with Zhang Jiao, so he could only rely on his own soldiers. After a short break, Lu Zhi looked at the Yellow Turban Army.

"Kill them all in one go. This is the only thought in Lu Zhi's mind now. Rely on the strength of your own soldiers to fight quickly.

Five minutes later, the dark clouds in the sky finally dispersed. Zhang Jiao's Dao technique lasted for 7 minutes, what a powerful power this was! Whether it was the people from the imperial court camp or the people from the Yellow Turban camp, they were speechless when they saw the area between the two armies, and they were all shocked by this place that had been attacked by powerful Dao techniques.

I saw that the middle ground between the two armies was full of rolling stones and sassal wood, and everywhere there were bloody corpses and broken arms and legs. Crimson blood flowed down the surface of the ground that had been smashed by rolling stones. Countless small rivers have been formed by twists and turns.

These all indicate the power of the Dao technique just now, especially the players on both sides who saw this scene, they were all envious of Dao techniques like this. Playing games, who doesn't want to be the overlord in the game, the supreme

in the game? If you have such a Taoist technique, in the game, isn't it possible to go wherever you want?

This basically represents the voice of most players.

In the face of such a battlefield, whether it is Lu Zhi from the imperial court or Zhang Jiao from the Yellow Turban side, it is a headache. Why? How can a war be fought on a battlefield like this? Just stepping on the obstacle between the two armies is enough for the soldiers of both sides to eat.

However, the surface that has been damaged by Zhang Jiao's Dao technique will be automatically cleared by the system after 24 hours. Except for leaving a few flesh-and-blood corpses.

"General Lu, the lowly rescue is late, and I also ask General Lu to punish the crime. At this moment, Li Tianlong, who had been killed from the Yellow Turban Army, led his remaining 35,000 soldiers to the location of the imperial court camp.

"Haha~~~ This must be the Taishou of Youbeiping, Lord Li Tianlong. It's not too late, it's not too late, Lord Li Tianlong came at the right time. The old man has heard it a long time ago, saying that the Taishou of Youbeiping is a young and promising person, and when he sees it today, it is really extraordinary!

"Master Xie complimented. In the face of Lu Zhi's words, Li Tianlong didn't have anything to say, so he could only bow his hand right away.

Hearing Li Tianlong's words, Lu Zhi waved his hand, pointed in the direction of the Yellow Turban camp, and asked Li Tianlong, "Lord Li Tianlong, how do you think today's battle will be fought next?" Following Lu Zhi's words, Li Tianlong

turned his head to look at the opposite side.

Good guy, Li Tianlong came in a hurry just now, and he didn't notice anything wrong on the battlefield at all, but now when he looks at it like this, he sees that the place where the two armies have just fought has become a typical hell on earth. It's not an exaggeration to say that those Shura hells are like those in the novels that Li Tianlong has read

!"If you want to fight, you have to fight well, why are you so scary! This cosmic group is really." If there is a person with a bad heart, he will not be frightened by such a scene and have a heart attack on the spot!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Tianlong muttered secretly in his heart.

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