"Everyone, now that Guangzong City is in our hands, Zhang Jiao's main force has also been wiped out by us, in order to prevent the Yellow Turban Army in Jizhou from resurrecting under the leadership of the fleeing Zhang Jiao, now the general has decided to divide the troops into three ways to completely sweep away the forces of the Yellow Turban Army in Jizhou. When Li Tianlong found a position and did it, Lu Zhi said directly.

"On the first road, General Youben led an army of 2.5 million to the north. The second route was to march east with an army of 2.5 million led by Vice General Xiao. The third route was led by Master Li to march to the southwest with an army of 1.5 million. Strive to eliminate the remnants of the Yellow Turban Army lurking in Jizhou as soon as possible.

"The subordinates respect the general's order, and they must want to destroy the remnants of the Yellow Turban in Jizhou. "

The Jizhou Yellow Turban Army is mainly distributed in the northeast and north of Jizhou, while the Yellow Turban forces in the southwest are relatively small, and there is no difficulty for Li Tianlong, who has more than half of the troops above level 60. In addition to Li Tianlong's original 150,000 soldiers, there are also 100,000 soldiers assigned to him by Lu Zhi before, a total of 250,000 troops, and the rest are the Yellow Turban Army.

After receiving the order, Li Tianlong returned to his camp alone.

"Gao Shun, order down, order all the soldiers to get ready, there is a task. After entering the camp, Li Tianlong directly found Gao Shun and instructed him.

"It's the lord. Gao Shun didn't ask why, as long as Li Tianlong said anything, he would do it.

Gao Shun turned around and walked out of the camp tent, and after less than a stick of incense, Gao Shun returned to the camp tent and said to Li Tianlong: "Lord, the order has been issued, and all the soldiers are ready.

"Okay, order Zhang Liao to lead 50,000 cavalry as the vanguard, Yan Ming to lead 50,000 cavalry as the rear wing, you and I to lead the Chinese army to the south, and strive to clear the remnants of the Yellow Turban in Jizhou as soon as possible."

After seeing Zhang Liao lead 50,000 cavalry to set off first, Li Tianlong commanded the Chinese soldiers to also move. The target is directly aimed at Quzhou City in Julu County.

At present, except for the Yellow Turban Army led by Zhang Jiao in Jizhou, after suffering heavy casualties, the other twelve states of the Eastern Han Dynasty were all pressed and beaten by the Yellow Turban Army. So far, the Eastern Han Dynasty has been captured by the Yellow Turban Army in 18 county towns, and hundreds of other small cities. According to the statistics of the players of the Yellow Turban camp, the total number of the Yellow Turban Army has reached 17000000, while the total number of troops of the Imperial Army is less than 13000000.

However, the number of players participating in the Yellow Turban camp is not as large as the number of players participating in the Imperial Camp. In this way, the strength of the imperial army and the strength of the Yellow Turban Army are not much different. However, as the defender, the imperial army was too scattered, while the Yellow Turban army was more concentrated, and the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were at least twice as many as the imperial army in each battle.

Because Zhang Liao led 50,000 cavalry as the vanguard, Li Tianlong led the middle route army without any trouble along the way, and arrived in Quzhou City in the south of Julu County one day earlier than expected.

"My lord, according to the report of the scouts, the Yellow Turban forces in Quzhou are currently rampant, and nearly half of the towns have been occupied by the Yellow Turban forces.

When the army entered the territory of Quzhou, Li Tianlong ordered the whole army to be stationed in the same place, while Li Tianlong and Gao Shun discussed the movement of the Yellow Turban forces in Quzhou.

Hearing Gao Shun's words, Li Tianlong asked, "In which direction is the Yellow Turban forces in Quzhou mainly concentrated?" This must be asked first, and then lead the troops to rush over directly.

According to the report of the scouts, at present, the Yellow Turban forces in Quzhou are mainly in the south of Quzhou City, and the southern part of the entire Quzhou territory is occupied by the Yellow Turban forces, and the current Yellow Turban Army is attacking Quzhou City. Gao Shun replied.

"How long can the garrison in Quzhou City be able to support it?"

"The city walls of Quzhou City are strong, and there is plenty of food and grass, and it is conservatively estimated that it can last for more than 10 days.

"10 days?" Hearing Gao Shun's answer, Li Tianlong touched his chin unconsciously, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Gao Shun, you said that the Yellow Turban Army is attacking Quzhou City, so what about the garrison in their rear?" As if thinking of something, Li Tianlong asked Gao Shun with a smile.

"What does the lord mean by 'encircling Wei to save Zhao'?" After hearing what Li Tianlong meant, Gao Shun squinted his eyes and smiled.

"Not only do we have to 'encircle Wei to save Zhao', but we also have to eat all the 'Wei'.

After listening to Li Tianlong's words, Gao Shun lowered his head and thought about it. To deal a heavy blow to the rear of the Yellow Turban Army in ten days, this time can be said to be a bit harsh, but it is not impossible. If all the cavalry were dispatched, even if the Yellow Turban Army was hanging behind them, it would be able to stir up the rear of the Yellow Turban Army in a dark place.

Thinking of this, Gao Shun raised his head and said to Li Tianlong: "Lord, according to the opinion of his subordinates. This time, the 'Siege of Wei and Rescue Zhao' sent Wen Yuan and Yan Ming to lead all the pikes and rangers to attack, and one cavalry was highly mobile and had a miraculous effect on the surprise attack. The second is the problem of time, ten days is a bit harsh for our large army, if it is replaced by cavalry, this time problem is not necessary. Three... Speaking of this, Gao Shun paused and then said to Li Tianlong.

"Three, after the cavalry is over, we can lead the army to set up an ambush on the road that the Yellow Turban Army must pass through, and give the Yellow Turban Army a certain amount of damage. The Yellow Turban Army besieging Quzhou City has launched no less than ten siege battles in a row so far, and the Yellow Turban Army at this time is a little tired, but after a few days they heard that the rear was attacked, they rushed back, at that time, the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were at the lowest point in terms of fatigue and morale, wouldn't it be better to have an ambush battle?" After Gao Shun finished speaking with a smile, he looked at Li Tianlong and waited for Li Tianlong to make a decision.

"Haha, that's a great plan. But... After listening to Gao Shun's detailed explanation, Li Tianlong said with a smile, but Li Tianlong felt that this plan was not too perfect.

"Lord, but what?"

"I wonder if I can inform the defenders in Quzhou City, if the Yellow Turban Army retreats and the defenders in the city can go out of the city to pursue, coupled with the ambush of our army, there is a great chance to destroy the Yellow Turban Army, wouldn't it be more troublesome?

"What the lord said is very true, but now that Qu Zhoucheng is surrounded by the Yellow Turban Army, if you want to go in and report the news, it will be even more difficult than ascending to the sky!" "Yes! Qu Zhoucheng is surrounded by the Yellow Turban

army, how can you send the news in? It would be nice if there were flying props at this time, but Li Tianlong's idea is very unrealistic.

After Li Tianlong and the others couldn't think of any way, they didn't think about it anymore. Anyway, you can destroy as much as you can when the time comes, and you don't want to eat him in one bite. As long as the Yellow Turban Army suffers heavy losses through ambush and sneak attack, it will be much easier to eliminate the Yellow Turban forces in Quzhou in the future.

"Okay, let's act according to the strategy we just discussed, you send someone to find Wen Yuan and Yan Ming, and you are talking to them in detail. "At present, I can only sit like this, Li Tianlong commanded Gao Shun.

"It's the lord, and my subordinates are going to find Wen Yuan and Yan Ming. After listening to Li Tianlong's words, Gao Shun bowed his hand to Li Tianlong, got up and walked outside the tent. The sneak attack battle was really a piece of cake for the light cavalry led by Zhang Liao and Yan Xing.

Tough action and strong attack. Just these two points can make the back of the Quzhou Yellow Turban dark.

"Lord, Wen Yuan and Yan Ming are here. About a quarter of an hour later, Gao Shun led Zhang Liao and Yan Xing into the Chinese military tent where Li Tianlong was.

"Well, Wen Yuan is strict, on the way here, Gao Shun has already told you about the sneak attack. Looking at the two of them, Li Tianlong said with a smile.

"Yes, my lord, for this sneak attack, my subordinates and Yan Ming will complete the task. Hearing Li Tianlong's inquiry, Zhang Liao stepped forward and replied to Li Tianlong.

"Well, okay! I won't say much else, just one point, this operation strives to eliminate the most Yellow Turban Army with the fewest casualties, I don't know if Wen Yuan and Yan Ming can be confident?" Li Tianlong nodded and smiled.

"Don't worry, my lord, I have full confidence that those subordinates of the Yellow Turban Army and Wen Yuan will be dealt a heavy blow. The casualties of our troops will be minimized. Yan Xing patted his chest and said to Li Tianlong.

"Okay, those two will prepare to set off now, and Qu Zhoucheng will meet in ten days. After hearing the assurances of the two, Li Tianlong nodded and ordered the two to set off.

"Yes. Zhang Liao and Yan Xing turned around and walked out of the Chinese military tent.

"Lord, Wen Yuan and Yan Ming have already led all the cavalry to set off, what will we do next?" After seeing the two of them leaving, Gao Shun asked Li Tianlong.

"Let's wait and see what happens, and at the same time send out a large number of scouts to reconnoiter most of the areas in southern Jizhou, strive to understand the situation of the Yellow Turban Army in southern Jizhou, and prepare for the next elimination of the Yellow Turban forces in southern Jizhou. "What is missing now is the distribution situation of the Yellow Turban Army in the south of Jizhou, if it can be grasped in advance, it will be of great benefit to future battles. The art of war is cloudy: know yourself and know your opponent, and you will not be defeated in a hundred battles.

"It's the lord. After understanding what Li Tianlong meant, Gao Shun immediately left the camp tent and came to the scout's camp to order the task.

After Gao Shun finished ordering the scouts, he saw that in addition to a few scouts from his own army who had reconnoiter the Quzhou Yellow Turban Army, the remaining nearly 200 scouts had carried out a large-scale reconnaissance of southern Jizhou in a fan shape.

After Gao Shun left, Li Tianlong saw that there was nothing to do, so he ordered the guards to patrol seriously, and then clicked the button to go offline.

With a flash of golden light, Li Tianlong returned to the real world.

Li Tianlong, who came out of the game warehouse, looked at the time, it happened to be twelve o'clock at noon, Su Xiaoxiao and Chen Yuanyuan were not around at this time, Li Tianlong knew that Su Xiaoxiao was cooking in the kitchen.

After lying down all morning, his body was already a little stiff, and Li Tianlong walked out of the bedroom.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you going to eat at noon today?" asked Li Tianlong while asking Su Xiaoxiao, who was cooking in the kitchen, as he walked towards the study.

"It's all what you like to eat, look at how good the little lady is to you. Chen Yuanyuan's voice came from the kitchen.

Haha,,, who called me your husband, okay, I won't bother you, I'll go to the forum first, and call me when the meal is ready!"

After opening the forum and seeing the above news, Li Tianlong had to sigh about his luck. At present, the Yellow Turban Army in the entire China region is extremely rampant, except for Jizhou, where he is located, the imperial army in other regions has been lost one after another. Yingchuan's Huangfu Song, Zhu Juncao* and other famous figures of the Three Kingdoms were also temporarily suppressed by the Yellow Turban Army, Youzhou would have been peaceful if Li Tianlong didn't want to make trouble, but he didn't want Liu Guanzhang to come to Yuzhou so early.

And the players who join the two camps are also happy and worried, the happy thing is that they can get a lot of merit points, and the worry is that if they hang up once, it will be a level reduction of 10 levels! According to the latest official statistics, among all the players in China at present, more than 80% of them have been downgraded in the Yellow Turban plot. Think about it, there are currently nearly 500 million players in China who have joined the Yellow Turban plot, and these 80% is 400 million.

This is a strategy of game companies to extend the life of the game. In the future, as the plot deepens, players will frequently play in the big war, and the level of most players will drop at that time. In this way, it can only develop again after the Yellow Turban plot.

However, at that time, although there are no systematic story missions, the battles between players will be more intense. After all, players in the same county belong to different camps in the Yellow Turban Plot, and the feud that is taken in the Yellow Turban Plot will find a place before the Yellow Turban Plot passes.

After reading the posts in China, Li Tianlong casually clicked on the posts in foreign regions. Compared with the launch of the first plot in China, the foreign region is still working hard to meet their first plot. This has to say that the Universe Group is a big group in China, which makes China take a lot of advantage in the solar system, and in the setting of this game, even Li Tianlong snickered.

The development of the Chinese zone is a month earlier than the foreign zone, and when the national war starts in the future, the players in the Chinese zone will have a great advantage. Li Tianlong has decided that his first goal is Little Japan, as a Chinese can not kill devils on the real battlefield, but in the game, Li Tianlong has this power, and after the national war starts, he will first go to Little Japan's server to make a big fuss, and at the same time dedicate Little Japan's famous policy to them.

Little Japan's famous policy: kill, rob, burn.

"Husband, it's time to eat. Just after Li Tianlong picked up the posts about going abroad and read them usefully, Su Xiaoxiao's voice came in outside the study.

"Yes, here we are. Finally, after browsing the forum and finding that there was nothing major, Li Tianlong turned off the computer and got up and walked out of the study.

Looking at his favorite braised pork on the table, Li Tianlong's originally slightly hungry stomach suddenly rang.

was about to reach out to grab it, but Su Xiaoxiao, who didn't want to be beside her, knocked the claw holding An Lushan with the chopsticks in her hand.

"Wash your hands first. Glancing at Li Tianlong, Su Xiaoxiao put the dishes and chopsticks in his hand on the dining table.

"That's it, it's just ,,, I don't know who doesn't pay attention to hygiene every day, hehe,,。 Chen Yuanyuan covered his mouth and smiled at the side.

Li Tianlong glared at Chen Yuanyuan fiercely and said, "I don't want to clean you up at night."

After Li Tianlong came out after washing his hands, the lunch of the three of them started.

The meal was finished amid the laughter of the three of them. At the end, Li Tianlong took out a napkin and wiped his big mouth full of oil, and gave Su Xiaoxiao a thumbs up.

"Xiaoxiao, I didn't say it, the braised pork you make now has caught up with my mother's cooking, it's so delicious, it's not like a presumptuous person who can't cook."

Looking at the appearance of the round round teeth and claws, Li Tianlong smiled.

The time after the meal was beautiful, Li Tianlong, Su Xiaoxiao, and Chen Yuanyuan were just leaning together and chatting about the whispers that belonged to them.

During this period, Li Tianlong asked Su Xiaoxiao about the development of Xiangyun City. After listening to Su Xiaoxiao's words, Li Tianlong nodded with satisfaction.

Xiangyun City has almost reached the conditions for upgrading the big city under the management of Su Xiaoxiao, the population used to be a big vacancy in Xiangyun City, although it has been relying on the capture of prisoners from other cottages to join Xiangyun City, but with the surrounding cottages being wiped out by Li Tianlong's Tianlong Village, the population has not risen.

After the Yellow Turban plot was opened, Zhou Cang and Wutu Gu of Tianlong Village cooperated with Tian Yu and Cheng Pu of Xu Wuxian County to eliminate the Yellow Turban Army and move all the captured prisoners to Xiangyun City, which solved the problem that had been bothering Su Xiaoxiao because the population could not keep up, and there were thousands of people coming out of the hooligan camp every day.

It can be said that the launch of the Yellow Turban plot has brought too many benefits to Li Tianlong.

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