After going online again, Li Tianlong found Gao Shun, and the two came to the camp where the Yellow Turban Taoist priest was imprisoned.

Since the Yellow Turban Daoist belonged to a high-level class, the difficulty of subduing it was much greater than that of the rabble of the Yellow Turban Army that Li Tianlong had subdued before. For this reason, Li Tianlong ordered Sun Hong and Ge Zheng, who had surrendered, to lead 5,000 soldiers to guard them.

All the Dao talismans on the bodies of the group of Yellow Turban Daoists had been searched out by Li Tianlong's orders when they were captured, and the Yellow Turban Daoist without the Dao Talismans couldn't even beat a level 20 soldier. Send 5,000 people to guard it, and you won't be afraid that the 2,000 Yellow Turban Taoist priests will run away.

When 2,000 Yellow Turban Taoist priests were captured, Li Tianlong's brother-in-law Chen Zhen found Li Tianlong at that time and asked Li Tianlong for the leadership of 200 Yellow Turban Taoist priests.

Thinking of this, Li Tianlong found that he didn't see the shadow of Chen Zhen and the others.

"Gao Shun, what about the three hooligans?"

"Oh, they're with Wen Yuan and Yan Ming.

"Well, those three are the Lords who can't be idle.

After coming to the camp where the Yellow Turban Taoist priest was imprisoned, Li Tianlong found Sun Hong and Ge Zheng and asked them what the Yellow Turban Taoist had been doing in the past few days.

According to the understanding of the two, this group of Yellow Turban Taoist priests were all so proud and not inferior after they were just imprisoned, but Li Tianlong's order was to treat them well, so Sun Hong and Ge Zheng were waiting for them very well, and many of the meals they sent each time were knocked over by them.

There was no way, Sun Hong and Ge Zheng came to chat with them every day, telling them about Li Tianlong's various benefits, and at the same time explaining to them that the Yellow Turban Army could not fight the imperial army, and persuaded them to join Li Tianlong's team, no matter what treatment or anything, they would have a good guarantee. After all, they were forced to join the Yellow Turban Army in the past, so why don't they fight for such a good opportunity now?

After three days of painstaking enlightenment by the two of them, most of the Yellow Turban Taoist priests slowly figured it out and did not knock over the food sent to them again. And there is a small group of people who followed Zhang Jiao in the early days, and their views on Zhang Jiao have not changed much, and they always believe that Zhang Jiao is their general.

For this small group of Yellow Turban Taoist priests, Sun Ge and the others could only press them alone in a tent. Can't this small group of people wipe out his achievements in the past few days, so that Sun Hong and Ge Zheng don't have to find a corner to cry?

After Sun Ge and the others finished speaking, Li Tianlong couldn't help but nodded. It seems that these two people are still available! If the Yellow Turban Army is recruited in the future, just send them to two districts.

"You guys are doing a good job, take me to those Yellow Turban Daoists who have figured it out first. "Surrender the easy ones first, and it's not too late to wait for those Yellow Turban Daoists who are difficult to surrender later.

"Lord, this is the leader of the Yellow Turban Taoist Battalion, and he agreed to join Hong Feng under the command of the Lord from the beginning. After entering the tent where the Yellow Turban Taoist priest was imprisoned, Sun Hong led a Yellow Turban Taoist priest to Li Tianlong and pointed to the man and introduced.

"Oh, I don't know why Daoist Hong agreed to join the command of this official from the beginning?"

"Don't hide it, my lord, my subordinates are forced to participate in the Yellow Turban Army, since I followed Zhang Jiao, Zhang Jiao taught me the Tao, but his ambition was too great, and he rebelled, and I was helpless, so I had to be a thief. Today, I am fortunate to meet adults, so that we can see our future, and now I swear to the sky that in the future, I will never betray my lords. Daoist Hongfeng said this, walked up to Li Tianlong and knelt on the ground.

"The lord is above, please accept the next bow. "

Haha~~ Okay, it turns out that Daoist Hong has lost his way and returned, and this official, as an official of the imperial court, should accept you and others to surrender. In the future, the entire Yellow Turban Taoist Battalion will be renamed the 'Wushuang Battalion', and you will have direct command. "I didn't expect to recruit this group of Yellow Turban Taoist priests so easily, and successfully made Li Tianlong point to the sky and laugh.

"This... Thank you for your trust in your subordinates. Hong Feng heard that he would still be able to command his own Taoist battalion in the future, not to mention how excited he was. I thought it would be good for him, the surrendered man, to be the captain.

It seems that there is no wrong vote. Hong Feng thought to himself.

I have to say that Lao Han has done a good job in recruiting and buying people's hearts! In this way, in the future, he Hongfeng will not wait to follow in Lao Han's footsteps with all his heart?

After subduing this group of Yellow Turban Taoist priests, Li Tianlong was in a happy mood and ordered the release of all the Yellow Turban Taoist priests here and sent people to set up camp for them. Everything was prepared for those Yellow Turban Daoists.

Lao Han roughly counted, and this time almost more than 1,700 Yellow Turban Taoist priests were surrendered. Since then, there are still nearly 300 Yellow Turban soldiers who have not come to their senses. For the group of obsessive Yellow Turban Taoist priests, Li Tianlong couldn't go at this time, and he directly handed over the task of recruiting the three hundred Yellow Turban Taoist priests to Hong Feng, who had just taken office. After all, Hong Feng was their leader before, and it was much more effective for him to persuade him to surrender than for Lao Han.

Hearing Li Tianlong's explanation to his people, Hong Feng patted his chest and promised Li Tianlong to complete the task.

Hearing Hong Feng's assurance, Li Tianlong nodded with satisfaction. With Hong Feng's words, the remaining 300 Yellow Turban Daoists will be almost nine out of ten.

After seeing Hong Feng follow Sun Hong Gezheng and the others to recruit the remaining Yellow Turban Daoists, Li Tianlong found a Yellow Turban Taoist and checked the skills of the Yellow Turban Taoist.

The skills of these Yellow Turban Daoists are not much different, and they are mainly based on the Dao technique of thunder and lightning. There are several skills such as 'Wild Thunder Falling from the Sky', 'Taiqing Thunder Boom', 'Thundercloud Lightning' and so on. These skills are all group skills, and when releasing a skill, the Yellow Turban Taoist must have a corresponding Dao talisman in his hand. Otherwise, no matter how powerful the Yellow Turban Taoist is, he will not react at all.

To put it bluntly, the Dao Fu is a medium, and the Dao Fu is using the spell in the mouth of the Taoist priest to attract the thunder and lightning of nature to carry out targeted attacks.

With the addition of the Yellow Turban Daoist, Li Tianlong's team is relatively complete. This is talking about the troops on land, and in the other seas, Li Tianlong does not have any decent troops.

The cavalry has pikes, iron cavalry and rangers, the melee arms include large spears and swordsmen, long-range strikes and big archers, and the Yellow Turban Taoist battalion that has now joined at the distance. It can be said that if Li Tianlong had another team of heavy cavalry, everything would be good.

However, Li Tianlong also has a special class of troops - vine armor soldiers.

The rattan armor soldiers are a special type of troops comparable to the heavy cavalry, and at present, Li Tianlong's five thousand rattan armor soldiers have begun to take shape under the training of the vultures. After all, Li Tianlong's rattan armor soldiers were mastered by those melee soldiers. The tough type has not yet been well developed.

"It seems that after the Yellow Turban plot is over, it's better to show off these special classes that I said. They were the main force to attack Little Japan in the future! However, it was said that after receiving Li Tianlong's order to attack by surprise, Zhang Liao and Yan Xing led 30,000 cavalry to march to the south.

After discussion between Zhang Liao and Yan Xing, the two decided to put the first target of the sneak attack on Tiantai Mountain Town, south of Quzhou City. According to the information obtained by the scouts, there were 100,000 Yellow Turban troops, basically all of whom were old, weak, sick and disabled, and it was relatively easy to attack.

According to the plan for Tiantai Mountain Town on the road, Yan Xing led the rangers to cover, and Zhang Liao led the lancers to attack the town. The plan wasn't great, but it didn't take long.

When the Rogue Three Musketeers asked Zhang Liao and Yan Xing about the plan of action, Chen Zhen and the three of them always thought that the plan was not good. In the unlikely event of an unfavorable situation, the casualties will increase exponentially.

According to Chen Zhen's thoughts, it was the three of them who pretended to be players from the Yellow Turban camp to find a way to infiltrate the city of Tiantai Mountain Town. Learn more about the deployment of troops in the town and the strength of the Yellow Turban Army inside. After understanding the specific information in the city, he came out to discuss the specific attack plan with Zhang Liao and Yan Xing.

After Zhang Liao and Yan Xing heard Chen Zhen's proposal, they also felt that this method was feasible, although it was a waste of time, but it was safe. If a large ball of thunder and lightning suddenly flew from the city wall during the attack on Tiantai Mountain Town, even the pikemen were in the finest way, and they would also be separated.

At this time, the Quzhou Yellow Turban Army did not get the news of Zhang Jiao's defeat, so although Tiantai Mountain Town had 10 troops, its precautions were very lax. According to the idea of the Yellow Turban soldiers in the town, on this territory, except for Quzhou City, which can break through their town, everything is safe for them. They didn't even expect anyone to pay attention to them. Isn't the current Quzhou City being pressed and beaten by their commander and leading a large army?

"Stop, who is it?" Although the garrison of Tiantai Mountain Town is lax, it does not mean that there are no soldiers guarding the gate. No, as soon as Chen Zhen and the others arrived at the gate of Tiantaishan Town, they were stopped by a small leader of the Yellow Turban Army guarding the gate.

"Master Jun, we are players from the Yellow Turban camp, and we just came from the south today to join the big army. Chen Zhen said to the little leader, and took out a tael of silver from his backpack with his right hand and secretly stuffed it into the little leader's hand.

The little leader of the Yellow Turban Army pinched the silver taels in his hand and nodded with satisfaction.

"Oh, it's the brothers from the south! Welcome!" Money can make ghosts grind, it's not false at all, no, a tael of silver fooled the little leader guarding the door. You don't even need to check your identity.

According to the idea of the small leader of the Yellow Turban Army, aren't they just three players? Even if they are from the imperial court camp, what will happen? What kind of big waves will the three of them set off? Tiantai Mountain Town is guarded by 100,000 Yellow Turban Army.

"Second, third, what do you think of the garrison in Tiantaishan Town?" The rogue three musketeers entered Tiantaishan Town, and after walking around the town, Chen Zhen asked the two brothers behind him.

"Rotten!" After the second child finished saying a word, he pouted directly. And the third child nodded straight on the side, agreeing with what the second child said.

"It seems that there is nothing going on in this town either. By the way, have you roughly counted how many Yellow Turban Soldiers there are?" After listening to the conclusions of the two, Chen Zhen then asked the two.

"I didn't count, those garbage soldiers are not as bad as our brothers. The second child shrugged his shoulders directly.

"I've counted more than 90,000 points, not 100,000 points! Could it be that the scout's news is wrong?"

"Third brother, you also counted more than 90,000 points? There's no way the Scout's message is wrong! After Chen Yuanyuan heard the words of the third child, he decided to find out how many Yellow Turban troops there were in Tiantai Mountain Town.

The second time was the same as the first, and this time all three of them counted more than 90,000 points.

"Boss, what should I do? Do you want to go back and discuss it with Zhang Liao and Yan Xing? After all, our three brothers are not good at fighting. The second child looked at Chen Zhen and asked.

"Well, go back and talk to them. Let's report back on what we have seen and learned. Chen Zhen agreed with the second child's suggestion, and the three of them went out of the city and returned to the place where the troops were stationed.

After telling the two of them about the situation in Tiantai Mountain Town, the three of them waited for Zhang Liao and Yan Xing to come up with ideas.

After a discussion among the five people, it was decided to attack Tiantai Mountain Town directly. No matter how many garrison Yellow Turban troops there are in the city, take it down in one breath first. At the worst, he will also eliminate most of his Yellow Turban Army and then shift the target. Anyway, this mission is to disrupt the rear of the Yellow Turban Army, so that the main force of the Yellow Turban besieging Quzhou City will come back to help, and then Li Tianlong will lead the army to sneak attack from it, and strive to eat the Yellow Turban Army in Quzhou in one go.

The time of this attack on Tiantaishan Town was late at night, so Zhang Liao and others ordered the cavalry to camp and rest, and wait for the night to attack Tiantaishan Town.

Time passed like a white horse, night came, and the moon in the sky shone softly. The stars twinkled as if ready to witness the upcoming battle. Outside the camp, Zhang Liao and Yan Xing looked at the 30,000 cavalry in front of them. After a day's sleep, the 30,000 cavalry were in good spirits, and their combat effectiveness was 100 percent strong.

Zhang Liao and Yan Xing nodded to each other, and with a wave of Zhang Liao's hand, 20,000 pikemen under the leadership of Zhang Liao took the lead in running towards Tiantai Mountain Town. Yan Xing looked at the remaining 10,000 rangers, turned his horse's head and led the army of rangers to follow behind the lancers.

The gates of Tiantai Mountain Town were closed, and under the moonlight, several Yellow Turban soldiers could be clearly seen patrolling back and forth on the city wall.

The walls are not high, just over 4 meters, which is considered medium in a town-level city.

At the foot of a hillside outside the city, Zhang Liao ordered 1,000 cavalry to dismount. This time, their mission was to climb from the blind corner of the wall that the Yellow Turban patrols could not see to the wall in front of them to eliminate them and open the city gates. In this way, the cavalry will be able to show their strength.

The 4-meter wall was not a problem for this group of cavalry above level 60, and soon, the 1,000 cavalry climbed onto the wall from various dead corners of the wall. Although the cavalry can exert 100 percent combat effectiveness on horseback, on the ground, cavalry can also exert 60 percent combat effectiveness. However, for the Yellow Turban Army on the city wall, sixty percent of the combat strength was enough to send them to the Western Heavens.

Due to the lax garrison of the Yellow Turban Army, there were only a few Yellow Turban soldiers patrolling the city wall, and the 1,000 cavalry were quickly dealt with by two, and the Yellow Turban Army on the city wall was wiped out by the 1,000 cavalry under the moon.

After eliminating the defenders on the wall, one of the 1,000 cavalry came to the edge of the wall, waving his arm at the main force outside the city.

"Succeeded, brothers, follow me to kill the enemy. "

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