After the clarion call from Pearl City, Divine Bow City, and Iron Spear City to encircle and suppress Mawang City, 15 days passed in a flash. The crusading army has all gathered under the city of Mawang. The continuous camp tents, the men and horses surrounded the Mawang City.

The original estimate of 2 million troops had been surpassed by the crusade army five days earlier, and the size of the crusade army had now been gathered to 2.9 million troops. Mawang City, which is less than 20 square kilometers, has four city walls and twelve city gates surrounded by an army of 2.9 million.

Shen Ming, Shen Hua led 600,000 elite soldiers, 100,000 allied troops stationed under the north wall of Mawang City, and Li Fei led 200,000 people from Shengong City. 500,000 tribal coalition troops were stationed under the western city wall, Luo Chen and Tian Meng led 400,000 Iron Spear City men, 300,000 tribal coalition troops were stationed under the eastern city wall, and Bo Lei, another fifth-level tribal leader, led 800,000 tribal coalition troops to guard under the southern city wall.

However, at this time, the strength of Mawangcheng was no longer the original 800,000 cavalry. With the addition of 500,000 middle- and high-level mountain bandits hiding in the mountains, Mawangcheng's own strength reached 1.3 million.

The "Horse Bandit Summoning Order" issued by Ma Wang City did not work very well, and the major horse bandit forces did not come in a big way as Ma Wang expected. This time, the tribal alliance is strong, and most of the horse bandit forces are waiting to see the situation. Before Ma Wang City did not have a clear upper hand, let the envoys of Ma Wang City say that the sky is falling, they will not run to Ma Wang City to step on this troubled water.

However, Ma Wangcheng also gathered 200,000 other horse bandit forces through heavy money. Moreover, Mawangcheng's plan to recruit players to participate in the war was successful.

Because most of the grassland tribes refuse players to build villages in the grassland, they will send troops to destroy them as soon as they find them, and there are very few players who can get the permission of the Hu tribe to build villages in the grassland. Even players who catch wild horses are often stopped by people from the local tribe. This makes many players extremely dissatisfied with these Hu tribes.

After a series of measures such as the large bounty and the opening of the recruitment privileges of the Mawangcheng Barracks, players are very interested. A large number of players called friends and rushed to Mawangcheng with their troops to join the banner of Mawangcheng. On the one hand, combat is the best way to level up and train the troops, and why not take the money, and secondly, the players also want to take this opportunity to "repay" the Hu tribe that did not allow them to build a village.

Although the army of the Tribal Alliance far outnumbered Mawangcheng, players still had some confidence in Mawangcheng when it came to defending the city, especially in the steppes where there was a lack of heavy siege equipment.

As a result, Mawangcheng has recruited more than 600,000 player troops, which is quite a staggering number for the eastern grasslands. Because in the entire eastern prairie, there are only a million adventure players in total (very few constructive players). More than 600,000, almost half of the number.

With the addition of these player troops, the army of Mawangcheng has also surged from 800,000 to 2.1 million, filling Mawangcheng, which is only nearly 20 square kilometers.

With 2.1 million defending the city and 2.9 million besieging the city, Mawangcheng has an absolute advantage. However, the tribal alliance did not know the exact number of troops in Mawang City, although they knew a lot more, but they all believed that the army in Mawang City was only a little more than a million. The leaders of the tribal alliance are very confident and their morale is high.

Mawangcheng has more than enough troops to defend the city, but if it is a field battle, it is difficult to say who will kill the deer, and it is very likely that both sides will lose. In order to achieve victory, Mawangcheng hid most of its troops in the cave of the city wall, hidden in the buildings in the city, waited for the tribal alliance to come to attack the city, and waited for the tribal alliance to kill the army after the strength of the tribal alliance was consumed, giving the opponent a big surprise.

Of course, these circumstances cannot be concealed from Li Tianlong. After the incident in Wuxian Mountain, Li Tianlong paid more attention to the investigation in advance. When the war was decided half a month ago, Li Tianlong sent 100 Great Vulture Knights from Iron Spear City to fly to the vicinity of Mawang City to closely monitor the movements of Mawang City. The true number of troops in Mawang City exceeded 2 million, and Li Tianlong knew about it.

Li Tianlong only told Shen Ming, Li Fei, and Luo Chen about this matter, and the leaders of the other tribes did not tell them. I'm afraid that it will demoralize these guys, and some of the less determined ones will probably leave this place with their teams.

It doesn't matter if you leave a small number of troops, but if you leave more, it will be troublesome. There are many such tribes in the coalition.

"Patriarch, when did you start attacking Mawang City, what's the use of telling us to cut down a large amount of wood and pile it up in front of the battle all day long?"

"Does the Patriarch want to burn down Mawang City with a fire? Our timber is piled up outside Mawang City, and no matter how much wood we cut, it won't burn inside Mawang City." The patriarch asked suspiciously.

The tribal coalition that arrived early in Mawang City, under the orders of the temporary commander Xianming, sent a large army to the nearby woods and mountains every day to cut wood, and then dragged the timber to the bottom of Mawang City. These days, the timber cut down by a million army has been piled up into a hill outside the 12 gates of the four walls of Mawang City.

The second monk was confused, but the strength of the three of them reached 1.2 million, and the order of the temporary commander was still authoritative. If you don't understand, you have to execute it, and if you want revenge, you have to listen to his judgment. It's just chopping wood, and it's not asking you to be cannon fodder to die.

Together, the bandits in Mawang City didn't understand either. Only the military advisor of Mawangcheng, the middle-aged scribe, suspected that the tribal alliance was to prevent them from being killed by the iron cavalry of Mawangcheng during the siege, so as to block the city gate with a "volcano". However, the middle-aged scribe also wondered, didn't these guys want to attack the city from the city gate, or did they want to directly use the volcano to advance and burn the city gate.

I really don't understand the opponent's plan, but in the hearts of the middle-aged scribe, Ma Wang, and the leaders of Ma Wangcheng, Ma Wangcheng seems to be the final victor. No matter what tricks the tribal alliance has in mind, the most it will do is to retreat, but then they will wait for the crazy revenge of Mawangcheng in the days to come. As for wanting to conquer Mawang City, it was a dream, impossible.

Let them chop wood, what about burning the city gates, the head of Mawang City thought so.

"Don't worry, let's recharge tonight and attack the city tomorrow morning. Shen Ming said loudly.

The tribal leaders who had received the answer had only then dispersed.

"General Li, can you really succeed?" When it came to the end, Shen Ming was still a little apprehensive. Although he was extremely confident in Li Tianlong's plan, he still wanted to confirm it one last time.

"Don't worry, my Taoist chief has already divined, and there has been no rain in the last three days. And tonight, the wind will get a little stronger. Things are absolutely foolproof. Li Tianlong said: "Just wait for the ugly time to come, it's time to launch." When the time comes, it will be up to you to prevent the bandits from breaking through. "

General Li can rest assured, the old man will never let go of a person in the city of Ma Wang. "

It was getting darker, and the night was getting darker. Soon, it was time to be ugly.

"Send the great vulture messenger, and after a cup of tea, all the fires at the gates are lit. And gradually put the stored wood into the fire, and never let the fire go out. All armies are ready to fight, preventing the enemy from breaking through. "

Yes, sir. "

All the great vultures, take off. At

the sound of the order, 2,000 large vultures took off in unison, and quickly flew over Mawang City in the night. The 1,000 Great Vulture Eagles are carrying 1,000 female players of Rose Villa, and the 1,000 Great Vulture Eagles are carrying the 1,000 "Poisonous Fire Daoists" who are the best at "fire spells" under Yu Poison Ji.

As soon as they flew over the Horse King City, the female players sitting behind the Great Vulture Knight began to take out large ceramic clay pots from their storage backpacks and smashed them into the King City below. The vultures kept moving, and the ceramic clay pots kept falling and smashing on the houses below, on the roads.

The sound of crackling continued to resound in Mawang City, starting from the outer city and spreading rapidly to the center of the city. Many of the patrolling bandits were attracted by the sound.

"What is this?" one of the leaders dipped his finger in the black stuff of the broken crockpot, the pungent and unpleasant smell, oily, vegetable oil, but vegetable oil didn't smell so bad, and it wasn't so sticky.

The leader suddenly felt a burst of wetness on his face, and the smell of wine was so strong.

"Big brother, it's raining in the sky. The narrator's attendant shouted.

The leader looked up at the sky, and suddenly there was a light rain in the night sky, but it was not the usual rain, this fragrance, this smell, it seemed to be the burning knives sold by the Han restaurant in the city. Why is it raining with wine?

The leader's heart suddenly stirred, and he remembered what it was about the black and slimy thing just now, which was the black oil used by the Han people to light the lamps (dried cow dung used by the Hu people to burn fires). Black oil cans falling from the sky, wine rain, oh my, what the damn guys want to do.

"Tell the king, the enemy wants to burn the city. The leader was very clever, and suddenly thought of something very terrifying, and hurriedly mounted his war horse and rushed towards the inner city.

The leader of the horse bandits was not mistaken, the crockpots that fell from the sky were filled with black oil, each crockpot was filled with 50 catties of black oil, and a full 2 million catties of black oil were packed in 40,000 large crockpots. 1,000 female players of Rose Villa are throwing large clay pots in the sky above King Horse.

For every 10 or so black oil cans smashed out by female players, they would take out 10 bottles of burning knives and hand them to the big vulture knight in front. The Great Vulture Knight spilled the Burning Knife Wine in the air, and the female players continued to smash the black oil canister at high speed.

1,000 female players carried 2 million catties of black oil and 500,000 catties of burning knives. At this moment, these 40,000 black oil cans and 500,000 bottles of burning knives are being thrown in all corners of the Horse King City by female players and great vulture knights.

The speed of throwing things was very fast, from the big vulture taking off from the coalition camp outside the city, to all the black oil cans, and the soju bottles were thrown, just in the time of a cup of tea.

"Boom" "Boom"...

The "Timber Hill" outside the 12 gates of Mawangcheng was ignited by the coalition forces almost simultaneously, and the flames that soared into the sky stained the night sky red.

At this time, Ma Wang and the others, who had been patrolled by the soldiers, had already woken up from their sleep and rode their horses towards the city wall. Still halfway through, the flames that suddenly appeared in the night sky made everyone stop.

"I think these people are doing what they are doing outside the city gates with timber, so it is. The middle-aged scribe muttered to himself, not to prevent the cavalry of Mawangcheng from attacking, but to prevent the army of Mawangcheng from breaking through and escaping.

"Fire Spell"

A clear voice suddenly sounded over the entire Mawang City, the voice was a little kind and kind, but in the ears of Mawang and the others, it was undoubtedly the sound of hell, and a frightened face appeared on their faces.

1,000 poisonous fire Taoists performed their skills at the same time, and tens of thousands of large fireballs stood out in the sky above Mawang City. The fireballs are not dense and scattered. But the bandits were all repeatedly welcoming the end of the world, and they all froze there, looking at the orange fireball in the sky, and their faces were pale and pale.

"Boom", most of the 10,000 large fireballs fell on the roof of the house, the wooden house was ignited instantly, the flames began to spread, and the flames began to increase.

The clear voice of the "Fire Spell"

sounded again, and tens of thousands of large fireballs appeared in the night sky, smashing down towards the Mawang City below.

The 1,000 poisonous fire priests kept casting the "fire spell", and the flying and churning fireballs continued to appear in the night sky and constantly fell to the Mawang City below, as if it was a meteor shower, gorgeous and dazzling.

As the fireballs continued to fall, the buildings of Mawangcheng were constantly ignited, and fiery red fires appeared in all directions in Mawangcheng. Just like the volcano outside the city gate, "volcanoes" have also begun to appear in Mawang City, and the number of "volcanoes" has climbed extremely fast, but in a few minutes, it has been hundreds or thousands, thousands.

If it was just a simple fireball, even if the house was wooden, the situation would not be so bad. Mawangcheng also has a set of fire-fighting measures, and there are enough people in the city, while fighting fires, and on the other hand, driving away arsonists in the air with bows and crossbows, the situation can still be controlled.

However, the entire 2 million black oil and 500,000 catties of burning knives that were thrown away before became excellent ignition agents and combustibles. The wooden house, with the addition of black oil and alcohol, ignited at one point, and the small flames turned into a raging fire in an instant. With the help of the wind, the fire spread rapidly, and in an instant, the fire was irreparable.

It was another tea time, and with the release of dozens of rounds of "fire spells" from 1,000 poisonous fire Taoist priests, the entire Mawang City began to burn, and the entire Mawang City became a huge volcano. The huge flames that reached the sky could be seen dozens of miles away, and the miserable cry in the wind could be faintly heard.

The tribal coalition outside the city was also stunned, and the soldiers watched the fire in the city with their mouths wide open, listening to the screams of hellish ghosts, and bursts of heat came at them with a disgusting scorching stench.

In addition to the inexplicability, they all felt frightened. Although Mawangcheng is a heinous enemy, such a miserable encounter really makes these people rush to terror.

"What are you doing, the enemy is rushing out of the city. The crossbowmen have shown me that whoever comes out of the city will be killed. The leaders of the tribal alliance were also informed of the specific situation by the Great Vulture Knight when they lit the fire, and although they were also frightened, they quickly calmed down when they saw the big scene, and commanded their subordinates to take over the formation to prevent the enemy from breaking through.

"Quick, keep adding firewood to me. "NND, who came up with this brilliant idea. It's a shame that I was suspicious of the logging order.

One by one, the tribal leaders instructed their men to keep throwing timber into the fire to maintain the fire of the volcano outside the city gates.

"Hey, go collect all the spirits in the army and move them here. Whoever dares not to hand it over will be killed. "With enough firewood, and with spirits, you are not afraid that the fire will go down. As long as the fire is big enough and the fire is not extinguished, these bandits will not be able to rush out of the city. These turtle sons have been arrogant for so long, and now they are finally able to clean them up. NND, let you taste the power of the heavenly fire, haha.

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