The fire in Mawangcheng City is getting bigger and bigger, and the raging flames are devouring the surrounding buildings and everything around, and the fire is spreading so fast that even Li Tianlong, the initiator, is a little unexpected. In a short tea time, the flames rolled and boiled with the spread of the wind, and the flames quickly burned the plains, and a sea of fire quickly formed in front of everyone's eyes.

The fire spread so quickly that there wasn't much time left for the people in the city to react. A considerable number of horse bandits were still asleep in the tent, and suddenly they were awakened by the heat of their whole bodies, only to find that the tents were full of flames and smoke, and they were swept up in the flames in a panic, and they became miserable fire men, and were burned alive.

Ma Wang and other bandit leaders reacted quickly, and before the poisonous fire Taoist cast the "fire spell technique", they knew from the black oil tank and the strong wine rain that the tribal alliance was going to use a fire attack, and hurriedly rushed from the inner city to the outer city, although at that time everyone did not expect that the fire would fall from the sky.

When the flames at the city gate soared into the sky, and tens of thousands of fireballs appeared in the night sky, everyone probably understood the plan of the tribal alliance, and the sky burned the city. Originally, it was thought that even if the enemy attacked by fire, he could only shoot rockets from outside the city to the inside of the city, but the area near the city wall was a large open space, which was a training ground for the city defense army, and the enemy's rockets were fired in vain. I didn't expect the enemy to have this move, and the fire would fall from the sky. With the help of the light of the fireball and the sparse starlight, everyone also vaguely saw the huge black shadows fluttering their wings in the air.

There is no way to return to the sky, there is no way to return to the sky. Everyone's mood sank to the bottom for a while. The fire all over the city is unavoidable, and there is no way to hide. Flee, didn't you see the flames rushing to the sky at the 12 city gates, the 2.9 million tribal coalition troops must be blocking the city gates everywhere now, ready to serve everyone with bows and crossbows.

"Go to the South City. King Ma yelled. With the 5,000 Ultimate Steel Horse Bandits behind him and the high-level officials of the Horse King City, he quickly fled towards the south gate. King Ma still has a glimmer of hope in his heart at the moment.

The southern city was defended by a coalition of 800,000 tribes led by the Bo tribe, a fifth-level tribe, and it was rumored that Mawangcheng had colluded with the three major tribes in the east, but in fact it was not the Chu tribe, but the newly rising Bo tribe.

As long as you escape to the South City Gate, you can escape from the South City Gate, which is defended by the Bo tribe who have a secret agreement with you. As long as the green mountains are there, even if there is no firewood. King Ma kept comforting himself in his heart.

However, the bluestone avenue, which was originally empty, is now overcrowded. The slaves, civilians, players, and a large number of soldiers who had been resting in the various buildings all ran to the bluestone avenues, heading towards the walls on all sides.

The King of Horses roared loudly, making the crowd on the road get out of the way. But now, no one would pay attention to him. The entire city has turned into a hell of fire, the destruction of the Horse King City is already doomed, and the ferocity of the Horse King is no longer useful. If you give way, you will definitely be burned to death, and if you don't give way, there may be a glimmer of hope to escape. The civilian slaves are desperately squeezing forward, and even the horse bandits in Horse King City are mostly too lazy to pay attention to the horse king at this time, and as for the players, they don't know how to bird him.

"Death to those who stand in the way. With

a loud roar, the 5,000 Ultimate Steel Horse Bandits all pulled out their huge ghost-headed big ring knives and began to frantically slash at the crowd blocking the road. At this time, he couldn't care about anything, and escaping from Ma Wang City was the only thought in Ma Wang's heart.

Just when the people in the city frantically rushed to the city gate, at this time, the city gates, the army of Mawang City, which was originally stationed at the city wall, had already lit up a fireball in the sky, so they opened the city gate under the command of the vigilant leader and rushed towards the city gate frantically.

However, even if these leaders woke up early, it was too late.

The City Gate Volcano was all set on fire before the skyball of fireball appeared. The volcano is 2 zhang high, which is as high as the castle wall of Mawang Castle, and the length of the volcano is more than 150 zhang, and the width is more than 5 zhang. A burning volcano is like a moat, and it is impossible to rush through it head-on. The distance between the volcano and the city gate was about 50 zhang, and the army of Mawangcheng could only flee for their lives from this open space.

But at both ends of the volcano are the tribal coalition that has been waiting for a long time. Countless heavy pikemen, heavy archers, and crossbowmen have already surrounded the exits at both ends. Even if you escape the city gates, you will not be able to escape the interception of the tribal alliance.

The horse bandits who escaped from the city gate were constantly shot and killed by the tribal alliance, but after a while, outside the wide city gate, there were corpses piled up on the ground; the corpses quickly thickened, piled higher and higher, and the war horses could no longer get out of the city gate, and the soldiers of Mawang City could only run out of the city gate on foot in horror and climb the corpse mountain, but in the end they could only further increase the height of the corpse mountain.

Outside the city gates, the corpses piled up higher and higher, and soon, a large number of corpses came into contact with the volcano. The volcanic stone did not refuse, and soon ignited the leather armor and cloth clothes on the corpses, and the corpses began to burn one by one. After a while, the spreading flames ignited all the corpses of the city gate, and the raging flames completely sealed the city gate.

The gates were completely enveloped in fire and had become impassable. And the fire in the city is getting bigger and bigger, the flames are getting higher and higher, and the temperature in the city is getting higher and higher. Bursts of hot air rushed towards the horse bandits at the city walls.

Unable to stand it anymore, a horse bandit jumped off the city wall with a white flag. The city wall is only 2 zhang high, which is not a big problem for these high-level troops.

"I surrender, I surrender," the jumping horse bandit shouted loudly, waving a white flag with both hands in the air and stumbling towards the tribal coalition in front of him. This bandit was very clever and ran fast, and it was very likely that the coalition forces thought he was going to attack and shot him to death.

The eyes of the soldiers on the city wall lit up, yes, it is not only the city gate, the city wall is so low, you can jump down. Now that Mawang City is over, there is nowhere to go except to surrender. As for jumping off the city wall to fight, the bandits who were already desperate had no will to fight at all, and what they wanted was to escape from the flame hell of Mawang City as soon as possible.

"Surrender" "Surrender" "Surrender" ...

The soldiers of Mawangcheng threw away their weapons and armor, shouted and jumped off the city walls, and then ran to the tribal alliance in front. A small number of Mawangcheng diehards tried to stop it, but they were soon disarmed and tied up into zongzi by everyone. The clever bandits also know how to surrender and bring some gifts.

In the same way, the people and soldiers who arrived behind also climbed the city wall one after another, and then jumped off the city wall desperately, shouting "surrender" and running forward.

The leaders of the tribes were naturally happy and hurriedly arranged their troops, and all the prisoners who were cast in the future shouted and rushed to a clearing, surrounded by heavy troops, and those who were dishonest were naturally ruthlessly slashed and killed.

The leaders of the tribal alliance admired the fire in front of them, watched the army of Mawangcheng collectively perform "jumping the city", and at the same time rejoiced in their wise choice to send troops. The casualties of the troops were nothing more than a thousand killed by the horse bandits defending the city when they piled up the timber mountain at the city gate, but now that there were so many prisoners of war, this battle was really a good deal.

However, the fire was too big, and I am afraid that most of the horse bandits were burned to death. It's a pity, the tribal leaders thought.

Just when his subordinates were going to jump out of the city and surrender, the horse king in the city finally relied on his 5,000 ultimate steel horse bandits to kill near the south city gate. After all, the powerful combat power of the ultimate class is not something that ordinary soldiers can resist, although there are many people blocking the road on the road, and there are many people who resist, it is also difficult to resist the 5000 ultimate steel horse bandits who are like dragons and tigers.

However, when it came to the South City Gate, there were less than 2,000 of the 5,000 ultimate steel horse bandits that King Ma had painstakingly cultivated. Some were crushed to death by collapsed buildings on both sides of the road, and some were pulled off their horses by the surging crowd.

King Ma really had the idea of crying loudly at this moment, he never thought that his heroic life would end up in the current end. The hard-earned Mawang City is gone, the 1.3 million elite troops under his command are gone, the 50,000 elites are gone, the 5,000 ultimate troops are gone, and the huge wealth accumulated is gone. After ten years of hard work, it turned into ashes overnight.

"Judging Ming, Li Fei, I swear to you that I will not stand on the other side. King Ma secretly gritted his teeth and decided that he would kill these two enemies after escaping. But now, can he still escape?

Seeing that the city gate was closed by a sea of fire, and the people on the city wall were constantly shouting "surrender" and jumping down, King Ma couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and trembled with anger.

"Calm down, King. As long as you flee this place today, there will always be a day of rise in the future. The subordinate hurriedly persuaded him.

At the moment of life and death, the King of Horses forced himself to calm down, and took nearly 2,000 ultimate steel horse bandits to abandon the war horse and walk onto the city wall. At this time, the king of horses and the others could only take off their armor, shout "surrender", and jump down in the crowd.

Although the leader of the tribal alliance at the South City Gate is Bo Lei, who is secretly connected with him, his identity must not be revealed at this time. The 800,000 tribal alliance troops at the South City Gate are not only the army of the Bo tribe. Many people are big enemies who want to eat his flesh. I can only act at the opportunity.

Can Bo Lei still abide by the agreement and let himself go? The moment he jumped off the city wall, King Ma was a little skeptical. In other words, in this war, the most aggrieved is the player army in the King of Horses. Players have never encountered such a depressing thing, and the whole war, the battlefield of 5 million troops, ended overnight.

Because it was nighttime, not all of them were online. However, in order to prevent the Horde Alliance from attacking the city at night, there are still about 400,000 player troops stationed near the city walls, a small number of which are players, and most of them are the players' own elite NPC troops.

When the heavenly fire struck, the most elite group of players in the eastern steppe were all shocked, realizing that it was impossible to save the defeat, they went offline one after another, but everyone got the system prompt "In the middle of the battle, it is impossible to go offline." Please wait until the battle is over, or 12 hours later. "

Depressed and aggrieved players are almost vomiting blood, and it's nothing to say that they die on the battlefield. Which of these adventurous players has not died once or twice, but it is too embarrassing for an enemy to be burned to death without being killed. The temperature on the city wall is getting higher and higher, and seeing the horse bandits jumping out of the city and surrendering one after another, the bitterness in the hearts of the players.

Surrender? Asking players who think highly of themselves to drop their guns and surrender to NPCs before they have a fight is even worse than asking for their lives.

The Hu tribal leaders were already deeply dissatisfied with these players who wandered around the grassland and grabbed their belongings everywhere (the Hu people thought that everything on the grassland belonged to the Hu people, and the Han people could not be touched), and now what kind of attitude would they have towards the players who helped Mawangcheng? If they surrendered, it is really hard to say whether these bad-tempered guys who grew up eating beef would kill all 400,000 player troops in a fit of rage.

Breaking through? That's obviously impossible. There are 2.9 million tribal coalition troops outside the city, and it is basically impossible to abandon the war horse and jump into the city to fight and break through.

Suicide? It makes people vomit blood even more.

After thinking about it repeatedly, the 400,000 player troops finally reluctantly lowered their arrogant heads, and reluctantly followed the jumping army and surrendered to the tribal coalition on the opposite side. After becoming a prisoner of war, you can go offline, but after going offline, the character's body will still remain in the prisoner of war camp, without the slightest power to resist, whether to kill or chop, let others dispose of it.

Although most players look down on NPCs, the situation is still very clear. Fighting is definitely a dead end, fighting a battle that knows that there is no chance of winning, and being brave is not the player's style, and the player does not have such a great hatred for the Horde Alliance.

Although it is possible to surrender and be killed by the angry Hu people, there is still some hope, do these guys dare to offend all the players on the grassland, aren't they afraid that they will seek revenge after they are resurrected?

Reluctant to work hard to improve the level, reluctant to carefully train the elite NPC squad, players are nervous to jump the city and surrender.

However, the army of players who surrendered together in the NPC army did not have to worry about how the tribal alliance would treat them for the time being, and for a while, the tribal alliance would have the leisure to distinguish which was the player and which was the horse bandit.

The defeat was like a mountain, and a large number of enemies jumped out of the city and surrendered, which was something that all the tribal patriarchs, including Li Tianlong, did not expect. Willing to fight to the death for these guys. In the midst of the great joy, the tribal coalition drove the disarmed prisoners of war to the nearby low-lying land, which was used as a temporary prisoner of war camp, heavily guarded on all sides. The persuasion of the prisoners of war and the distribution of the prisoners of war will not be decided until dawn and the many tribal patriarchs will discuss it together.

The most important reason for this gratifying result is that Li Tianlong's fire is too fierce, too big, and too shocking.

2 million catties of black oil, 500,000 catties of spirits as an accelerant, there were originally 9 percent of the houses were wooden Mawangcheng, under the hundreds of thousands of fireballs falling from the sky, the surging fire, instantly made the entire Mawangcheng burn, the effect is so good, it is really not expected by everyone.

Ma Wangping is always extremely vicious, and his subordinates are extremely cruel, and the morale of Ma Wangcheng's army is not very high. After seeing the spectacular and tragic heavenly fire burning the city, and seeing the city gate blocked by the fire, those who tried to break through were all shot into a hornet's nest by the tribal alliance.

Seeing the tribal alliance army outside the city, the morale of most of the Mawang City defenders dropped directly to 0, and they completely lost the mind to fight, so it was natural and reasonable for a large-scale surrender to occur. A small number of ferocious bandits, the confidants of King Ma, even if they don't want to surrender, they are powerless under the general trend.

While collecting prisoners of war, the tribal coalition army sorted out the ironclad blades piled up into a hill, and everyone was smiling. Originally, I was preparing for a bloody battle, but I didn't expect that I was not damaged at all, and there would be a lot of loot in my account soon, and everyone was happy in their hearts. Many tribal patriarchs also sent their clansmen to brave the high temperature to climb the city wall of Mawang City and dismantle the bed crossbows on the city wall, which is a rare treasure.

However, Li Fei, the commander of the Xichengmen coalition army, is now a little worried.

"Big brother, do you think this guy King Ma will be burned to death?"

The strength of the King of Horses is also the level of a general, and he still has 5,000 ultimate soldiers as guards; although the fire in King Ma City is very large, there is still no way to take them. The King of Horses can definitely rush out of the inner city with his men and horses.

Now that the city gate has been completely sealed by fire, there is no way for the horse king to pass through the city gate. But jumping off the city wall to raid, without the ultimate steel horse bandit of the war horse, many skills can not be used, and their strength has been greatly reduced, and they cannot break out of the blockade of the coalition army.

I'm afraid that this guy King Ma pretended to be an ordinary horse bandit, mixed in with the prisoners of war, and then took the opportunity to escape.

"Then what should I do? If the king escapes, it will be difficult to catch him in the future. Li Fei was so anxious that he missed this opportunity, and he didn't know where to find King Ma to avenge his father in the future.

Li Tianlong patted his head, his head flew around, and finally came up with a move: "In the name of Lord Xianming, order all the tribes, just say that the King of Horses is very likely to hide in the prisoner of war camp with his ultimate class guards, and let all the tribes strengthen the defense of the prisoner of war camp, and if there is a riot, there will be no mercy."

In addition, as long as the king of horses is identified, Shengong City will be rewarded with a lot of money, 100,000 taels of silver for those in the tribal alliance, and 50,000 taels of silver for those in the prisoners of war, exempting them from the status of prisoners of war, and giving them the positions of centurion, thousand, and ten thousand commanders in Shengong City according to their abilities.

"It's a good idea, I'll do it right away." "

I'll let the Great Vulture Knight go, it's faster. Li

Tianlong immediately arranged for his Great Vulture Knight to send letters to the head of the tribal alliance everywhere, and now he can only do this, hoping that someone will report the horse king. It's really not good, when the day comes, one by one among the prisoners of war will be identified, as long as this guy is among the prisoners of war, I don't believe that I can't find it.

Soon, the news of the whereabouts of the horse king with a large bounty spread throughout the tribal coalition and prisoner of war camps, causing a sensation. 100,000 taels of silver, for the patriarchs of many small and medium-sized tribes, this is also a lot of money. The favorable conditions also aroused the strong interest of the prisoners of war, and the originally dull eyes began to look in all directions, hoping to see the familiar face of the former boss. The players in the POW camp are even more active, and this is a godsend, and if you find the King of Horses, you can successfully escape.

King Ma is not a low-key person, his appearance, many people in the tribal alliance know. Hearing that King Ma was among the prisoners of war, the tribal leaders of all tribes followed the instructions to increase the guards of the prisoner of war camps in various places a lot. The great scourge of the King of Horses, they have long wanted to get rid of it, not to mention that there is a rich reward.

At that moment, many tribes began to screen prisoners, hoping to be lucky enough to find the king of horses in the prisoner of war camp they defended, 100,000 taels of silver.

The horse king, dressed as an ordinary horse bandit, was hiding in the middle of a group of guards at this time, and he was even more uneasy when he heard the news of the heavy reward. He couldn't believe Bo Lei, and he hadn't contacted Bo Lei until now, but tried to find an opportunity to escape with the guards, which would be safer. However, the tribal alliance is very well guarded, and no good opportunity has been found until now.

Now that the Horde Alliance is more heavily defended, it is harder to find an opportunity to escape. Now it's dark, and I'm hiding among the guards again, and no one else can find me. But after dawn, the enemy began to investigate on a large scale, and there was no way to hide when the time came. Do you have to turn to Bo Lei? That guy might kill someone...

It is said that in the handsome tent of the Bo tribe at this time, the patriarch of the Bo tribe, Bo Lei, was bowing his head and thinking. If King Ma is mixed in with prisoners of war, then nine times out of ten he is in the prisoner of war camp of the coalition army led by himself.

In the past, for the development of the tribe, Bo Lei secretly formed an alliance with Mawangcheng, allowing Mawangcheng to kill the leaders of several rival tribes. Only he, a few elders, and some of his henchmen in the tribe knew about this matter.

If the king of horses is really found, it will be a big mistake. The horse king guy will definitely find a backing when he is dying, and when the time comes, the tribal alliance that knows that he and the horse king are colluding will definitely not let go of the Bo tribe.

Be sure to find the King of Horses before the other tribes, otherwise things will be a big deal. This time, he only brought 100,000 iron horsemen, and once the other tribes attacked, it would be over.

How do you find the king of horses? Most of the soldiers guarding the prisoner of war camp are from other tribes. How to bring the king of horses to the tent of his army in full view is also a big problem.

When Bo Lei was overwhelmed, the guards hurriedly ran in from outside the tent and whispered that King Ma had sent someone to make contact with the Bo tribesmen guarding the prisoner of war camp.

The King of Horses finally couldn't help it, and Bo Lei said: "You personally go and secretly bring the King of Horses to the camp, and you must not be discovered by other tribes." After

a while, the guards led a hooded man to Bo Lei's tent.

"King Ma?"

"Patriarch." "

Lift the hood, sure enough, it's the king of horses. It's just that in the past, he was arrogant and domineering, and now the king of horses is pale and haggard to the extreme.

"I knew that with my brother's ability, it would never be possible to be burned to death by a fire. Bo Lei smiled: "I don't know what Brother Ma Wang is looking for me?"

"Patriarch, celebrities don't say dark words. I would like to ask you to let me and my brother go for the sake of our old relationship. I have a lot of rewards. King Ma said directly.

"Brother Ma Wang, 2.9 million coalition troops are looking for you everywhere, this thing is really difficult to do. Bo Lei looked embarrassed.

"Do you want to know the clues of the great treasure of the sandalwood locust?" If you want Bo Lei to help him, it is difficult to convince the other party without considerable weight. The king of horses directly threw out an oversized weighing stone.

The clue to the great treasure of the sandalwood locust? Bo Lei was taken aback.

"Is that true?"

If it is false, my king will not die well. King Ma said categorically.

Hearing that King Ma was so sure, Bo Lei really believed it, after all, this guy had found a small treasure of sandalwood acacia, and it seemed reasonable that he had a clue to the big treasure. The treasure of Tanshi Huai, Bo Lei, who was originally going to kill people, was moved.

"It's just a clue, can the Ma Wang brothers definitely be able to find it?, but many people say that they have a clue

to the treasure these days?" "This treasure is in the Xu Wu Mountain Range. I've been searching for years here, and I already have a rough range, and in a few months, I'll be able to find the exact location of the treasure. "Ma Wang said.

"As long as the patriarch releases my brother with me, I promise to help the patriarch find the treasure. When the time comes, let's add two to five and divide the treasure equally.

"No, let it go, how can I find Brother Ma Wang when the time comes." The brothers of the king of horses will stay in our army.

"Okay then. King Ma also knew that the other party could not let him go like this: "But the patriarch wants to rescue all my guards."

"Three or two people are fine, but if there are too many, you don't want to." Now I only have 100,000 troops here, and if I attract the attention of others, it will be troublesome. "

Just kidding, putting out those of your ultimate classes isn't giving you more strength. Bo Lei thought secretly.

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