The ransom paid by all NPC prisoners of war, Iron Blade, and player prisoners of war was divided up by the tribal alliance, and the player prisoners of war who had no money to ransom themselves were also distributed to each tribe. Many tribes returned with booty and joyful teachers.

The fire in Mawangcheng burned extremely vigorously, and if there was no heavy rain, it would not be possible to extinguish the fire in Mawangcheng in six or seven days. If you want to go in and find the gold and silver treasures left behind in Mawangcheng, you will have to wait for a while.

The tribal chiefs withdrew to their respective territories with most of their armies, leaving only a certain number of troops to stay under the city of Mawang, preparing to enter the city to hunt for treasure after the fire was extinguished. There are so many things in the tribe that they can't afford to stay here for long.

By the time the sun set, less than 400,000 of the original 2.9 million tribal alliance troops were stationed under Mawang City.

Luo Chen, Tian Meng led the army, and the prisoners of war withdrew to the Iron Spear City, leaving Gao Yuan with 50,000 heavy spears, bows and iron cavalry to follow Li Tianlong to stay under the Mawang City. The 200,000 leather armored horse bandits brought by Tian Meng need to go through a lot of wars before they can be upgraded to a high-level army, and they can't stay here to delay the time for army training.

Of the 24,000 elite ironclad horse bandits, Li Tianlong handed them all over to Luo Chentian Meng to strengthen the high-end forces of Iron Spear City. Iron Spear City has many enemies on the grassland, but you have to be careful.

16,000 elite ironclad bandits, Li Tianlong asked Luo Chen to recruit them, and then sent troops back to Tongwangzhai. The grassland is the world of cavalry, and the most suitable place for these elite ironclad bandits is Tongwangzhai.

Li Fei also withdrew to Shengong City with the tribal army, and he wanted to go back to prepare for the tribal migration. Tribal migration can be a big deal, especially when it comes to getting from the savannah outside the Seychelles, where they have lived for hundreds of years, and there are so many things to prepare. Li Tianlong said that he would give him a surprise when the time came, and Li Fei was full of expectations.

Li Fei had already made up his mind in his heart, as long as Li Tianlong could settle the tribesmen well, he would recognize Li Tianlong as the master. Although the three conditions agreed at the beginning, the killing of the horse king was not completed. But destroying Ma Wang City and annihilating Ma Wang's 1.3 million elite troops (800,000 horse bandits + 500,000 mountain bandits), even if Ma Wang escaped, he had no capital to make a comeback.

When night fell, Li Tianlong, Titanium Knife, Golden Rose and other girls from Rose Villa were drinking delicious mare's milk wine in the military tent, but the girls' faces were slightly lonely.

The fire killed more than a million NPCs, including a large number of innocent women and children, innocent people, and innocent slaves. The living NPCs lived far from the city walls, and they were all asleep, and the fire was burning, only to realize that the situation was not good, and it was too late to escape. Moreover, the roads in the city are full of troops who are in a hurry to flee for their lives, all armed with knives and guns to open the way, and it is basically impossible for the living NPCs to escape to the city walls.

Although the dead are all NPCs, but they are just electronic data, but the game is too realistic, the miserable cries in the fire, the cry for help, and the cruelty of the war are vividly reflected at this moment, so that the girls are really not happy, although they often kill bandits on weekdays to level up.

Living in the virtual game world for a long time, many players have a certain sense of identity with NPCs. Killing thieves can also be regarded as eliminating harm for the people and seeking justice, but killing innocent people, women and children, NPCs, players still have certain psychological barriers. Being able to be cold-blooded and ruthless, disregarding "NPC human life", only a small percentage of players can do it.

"You don't need to do that. War is like this, and we can't help it. The golden rose comforted the girls.

"It's much better if people try to imagine that they're just electronic data. Li Tianlong said.

The war is like this, before the war, when Li Tianlong decided on the plan of action, he had already thought about the fate of the NPCs living in Mawang City. If you want to take Mawang City at the lowest cost and completely annihilate the army of Mawangcheng, burning the city is the only way; sealing the city gate with fire and guarding against Mawang's 5,000 ultimate steel horse bandits and 50,000 elite ironclad horse bandits is also a method that cannot be ignored.

Li Tianlong told himself that these living NPCs were just electronic data, so he decided to implement this method. However, this world is indeed a world that ignores human life, when Li Tianlong told Li Fei, Luo Chen, Xianming and others about the plan of "burning the city with heavenly fire", the three of them only sighed a little and sympathized with those civilian slaves, and accepted the plan to burn the city without raising any objections.

Under the persuasion of the golden rose, the girls slowly collected their mood. Wait, but there are still things for the girls to keep busy, and it's not okay to be so demoralized.

After a while, it was already late at night, and it was the time for covert operations. Hundreds of large vultures took advantage of the darkness of the night, among the Chinese army surrounded by 50,000 spears, bows and iron horses, quietly took off into the air, and flew quickly to the center of the inner city of Mawang City. On the back of the big vulture, there were hundreds of Taoist priests from Qingyang Temple, as well as a surrendered Mawangcheng human-level general.

"Lord, below is the City Lord's Mansion, and the treasures of Mawang City are hidden in the underground secret room under the City Lord's Mansion.

"Hurry up, the temperature is too high, and the big vulture won't last much time." Li Tianlong shouted. Although the fire had been raging for twelve hours, the fire in the city continued unabated. The big vulture is flying at a height of 100 zhang, and the heat wave below is still rising in streams, and the big vulture cannot support it for long in this environment.

The Taoist priests of the "Rainstorm Fu"

Qingyang Temple took out the talisman paper that had been prepared long ago, and under the auspices of the master Qingfeng Daoist, they recited words in their mouths. With the casting of the Taoist priests, the originally fiery air quickly became cool and moist.

"Boom", there were several thunderclaps in the night sky, and a rapid rainstorm suddenly began to fall in the air. However, although the rain was heavy, it was concentrated in a small area below, and there was not even a drop of rain elsewhere.

The inner city is inhabited by the big bosses of Mawang City, and the building density is much smaller than that of the outer city, especially the city lord's mansion below, which is surrounded by artificial lakes and meadows. In the super large city lord's mansion, there are large areas of flowers and plants, small bridges and flowing water, and there are not many buildings. After 12 hours of intense burning, the buildings of the City Lord's Mansion had already burned to the ground, and the fire had begun to gradually weaken.

Under the incessant spelling of the Taoist priests, the sudden heavy rain poured down, and after a while, the fire below was weakened a lot.

Hehe, I don't know how much silver is hidden in the underground warehouse below, Li Tianlong is secretly happy.

Not long ago, he went to Mawangcheng to participate in the auction, which made Li Tianlong have a deep understanding of the wealth of Mawangcheng, and he was very red-eyed. At that time, Li Tianlong was thinking about how to swallow this wealth into his own hands. Moreover, what Li Tianlong wanted was to monopolize this wealth, not to divide it with the tribal alliance. Although it is estimated that there will be a lot of silver, the more people will share it, and the less it will be.

Racking his brains, Li Tianlong thought of the strategy of "taking chestnuts from the fire". The Taoist priests of Qingyang Temple in Taoyuan City are good at rainfall, although they are not as powerful as Taiping Dao, but a small area of rainfall to extinguish fires is still difficult for them.

At that time, Li Tianlong had already decided on a plan of action, that is, while the coalition army was waiting for the burning city, he secretly flew to the inner city, let the Taoist priest rain to extinguish the fire, and secretly entered Mawang City by himself to empty the things hidden by the horse bandits. Whether it's equipment or silver, with the girls of Rose Villa and storage backpacks, it's not a problem to have more things.

Moreover, after accepting prisoners of war during the day, Li Tianlong learned very useful information from the mouths of the generals of the Mawangcheng rank who surrendered. The wealth accumulated over the years in Mawang City is preserved in the underground secret room where the treasure of the sandalwood acacia was found, and above the underground secret room is the city lord's mansion of King Ma.

The underground chamber is built ten zhang below the bottom, and the protection measures are quite perfect, and the fire on the ground cannot burn below. This made Li Tianlong very pleasantly surprised, the protection measures in the secret room were good, but he told him that the things inside were still there, waiting for him to pick them up.

The fire is getting smaller and smaller, and gradually, there are only a few wisps of fire left in the City Lord's Mansion below.

"Let it rain for a while, and bring the temperature down. "

The rain continued to fall for a while, and I sent someone down to try it, and the temperature had dropped a lot. When Li Tianlong was about to send someone back to call the girls from Rose Villa, a strange thing made him open his mouth wide but he didn't speak.

Thousands of feet away from everyone, the fire was rolling and boiling strangely, and the flames rushed up dozens of feet into the air, and a huge hideous face appeared in the flames, accompanied by a roar like thunder.

"What's that?" The Taoist priests in the air opened their mouths wide "China system news: On September 30, 185 years of the game calendar, the Son of Heaven has no virtue, traitors are in charge, villains are rampant, wars are raging in the world, the people are not happy, killing, anger, and resentment are full of resentment between heaven and earth... A large number of monsters,Ghosts are born in anger.。。。 The demons and monsters sealed in the ancient times have broken out with the help of the resentment of heaven and earth. The demon system in China is officially opened, more bosses, more treasures, more skills, more experience, more adventures, waiting for you to open... "

On the territory of the thirteen states of the Eastern Han Dynasty, including the prairie and desert in the north, the semi-snowy fields of the thirteen high-mountain states in the west, the hidden deep mountains and dense forests, and the lonely cliffs and dangerous places, there are shocking roars and terrifying laughter, which spread from the corners of rare people to the countryside, small towns, and cities.

Demons and ghosts will also run out to cause chaos, troubled times, this troubled times will be even more chaotic.

The abbot's room of the White Horse Temple in Luoyang City, the head is shining, the eyebrows are white, wearing a white robe, closing his eyes tightly, and the old monk sitting cross-legged on the futon suddenly opened his eyes and said: "God has the virtue of a good life; "

Buddhism has not been able to spread widely in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and now is a great opportunity to publicize Buddhism in large quantities.

Yizhou Five Bucket Rice Dao General Altar, Five Bucket Rice Dao issued to the outside world, whoever hands in five buckets of rice, can become a disciple of Five Bucket Rice Dao, enjoy learning the art of subduing demons and eliminating ghosts.

Taoist temples all over the world have also posted notices in various places to recruit disciples.

The opening of the demon system is great news for players. Originally, although the monastic system had been opened, the conditions for each Taoist temple and sect to recruit disciples were extremely strict, and few people could meet the requirements. Now those NPC masters have opened their doors one after another, and finally have the opportunity to learn the magical Dao technique. Even if you can't learn advanced tricks, it's good to learn some simple "healing techniques", "fireball techniques", "ice bomb techniques" and so on.

Demons, those guys should have a lot more experience than killing bandits, leveling madness thought.

Demons, but there are countless more bosses, and it seems that there is a place for the armor of the divine weapon, and the equipment fanatics are overjoyed.

Demons, powerful pets finally have a provenance, you must get a superb, pet maniacs immediately thought of catching one or two powerful demons as guardian pets.

However, since it is a demon, is it so easy to be killed by the player to level up, is it so easy to kill explosive equipment or tame it as a pet?

Right now, Li Tianlong is extremely big.

Qingyang Guan Lord, Qingfeng Dao Chief, recognized the origin of the monster in the fire of Mawang City, Huo Hu, an evil monster born in the fire, a very powerful existence; Qingfeng Dao Leader admitted that he, along with his hundreds of disciples, was no match for Fire Beard at all.

Facing a monster for the first time, and it was a powerful monster, Li Tianlong didn't want to take risks. It's better to withdraw first and see how it goes.

"Withdraw", Li Tianlong cursed the system on the one hand, why did they not die when they got the treasure of Mawang City, they turned on the "demon system", and suddenly generated such a powerful monster, hateful; The fiery mantle ran quickly towards the location of his group.

Seeing the prey fleeing, the fire mantle pinched the flames around him with both hands, and then threw them into the sky, and the large clumps of flames flew into the air like wings to the great vultures that escaped.

Several of the Great Vulture Knights couldn't dodge, and when they were pounced on by the flames, with a few screams, they fell weakly into the sea of fire below.

"Separate, don't come together. Li Tianlong yelled. I didn't expect the big vulture to appear here for the first time, and my heart hurts. NND, didn't we just burn down a city gate, so we could let such a powerful monster clean us up?

Upon receiving the prompt, the Great Vulture Knights immediately activated the Great Vulture Eagle, scattered in all directions, and flew out of the city at a rapid pace. Finally there wasn't too much damage.

"Hurry, abandon all the baggage, and the army will withdraw here as fast as possible. Fleeing back to the barracks, Li Tianlong immediately ordered his 50,000 guns and bows to evacuate quickly.

"Li Tianlong, what's going on?" asked Titanium Knife.

"Wait a minute, get out of here first. "

I don't know what the plan is for this firehead to fall to the ground, it's better to be safe, and withdraw the army away first. If something goes wrong, you'll lose a lot.

Gao Yuan took 50,000 guns, bows and iron horses, and immediately hurriedly galloped his horse and evacuated into the distance. Relying on the big vulture, Li Tianlong flew in the air with Qingfeng Dao Chang, Yu Poison, Titanium Dao and others, and did not withdraw too far, but watched from a distance.

At this time, Huo Hu walked out of the sea of fire in Mawang City. A huge body two feet tall, a fiery red strange battle armor, and the battle armor was still burning with raging flames. The most amazing thing is that behind the fire man, a wide flame connects it with the sea of fire in Mawang City behind him, and the fire mane keeps moving forward, and the flames behind him continue to extend.

"What kind

of monster is this?" the soldiers of the coalition army all opened their mouths, looking at this huge monster with a whole body that had just come out of the fire of Mawang City. Could it be that the cavalry of Divine Bow City fled because of this guy?

The soldiers of the Tribal Alliance were also bold, and they didn't run away, just standing there looking at the flame monster they had seen for the first time in their lives.

"Go and warn the judge, and tell him to finally retreat the army ten miles. Li Tianlong decided to remind his friendly army to judge the Hua, as for the other tribes, he didn't bother to care.

"Yes, my lord. The Great Vulture Knight took the order.

The fire beard had already walked a hundred feet away from the wall of Mawang City, and the flames on his fiery red armor were still beating fiercely, and the flame bonds behind him were constantly rolling in the night.

Not only that, but it also absorbed the resentment and anger of the millions of horse bandits, civilians, and slaves who were burned to death in Mawang City. Two big fiery red eyes stared at the tribal alliance in front of them, and a word kept churning in the heart of this fiery mantle.

"Kill", the fire beard suddenly opened his mouth, and a slightly dull voice sounded in the night sky. At the same time, the wide flame bond behind the fire mane suddenly began to widen and thicken rapidly, and boom, with the fire mane hands together, the overwhelming waves of fire poured out from behind him, sweeping away the tribal alliance in front of him.

Volume 8 Karasuma Rebellion Chapter 40 The Flame Bond Behind the Fire Beard provided a steady stream of flame energy for the Fire Beard, and the fireballs the size of baskets flew out from behind the Fire Beard like raindrops, happily rushing towards the tribal coalition forces in front. The fireballs flowed in a steady stream of scorching flames and fell into the coalition camp, turning the soldiers into fire men, the war horses into fire horses, and the tents into bonfires. After a while, the coalition camp was already a wolf crying wolf.

"Shoot the

arrows, release the arrows" The tribal coalition launched a rain of arrows one after another, and thousands of iron arrows immediately whistled and flew towards the fire. Although the flame monster was powerful, the tribal alliance did not retreat. The coalition forces that had just defeated Mawangcheng were all high in morale and full of confidence. Where will you retreat because of a monster that suddenly appears, and there is only one enemy, no matter how powerful it is.

The arrows shot by a heavy archer are very ordinary, and a third-rate martial artist who is a street performer can easily deal with them, but the volley of tens of thousands of heavy archers, the power, even a heaven-level general, has to be carefully handled.

In particular, the overall attack of the large-scale army has a powerful murderous impact, and the murderous aura of the army is not only useful for military generals, but also an excellent weapon for restraining monsters and ghosts.

Seeing the rain of arrows coming, the big hand of the fire beard stretched out behind his back, and pulled out a huge trident with raging flames, the trident stabbed high into the sky, and the sea of fire in Mawang City behind it quickly surged towards the fire mane, and a large area of flames quickly gathered around the fire mane, and in the blink of an eye, the fire mane was surrounded by a small sea of fire with a range of ten zhang.

"Flame Protector": Fireman's signature skill, summons a flame to protect the body. However, because he was in the sea of fire in Mawang City, there was almost infinite flame energy, and the originally limited power of the "Flame Protector" was suddenly upgraded to the "Sea of Fire Protector", and the defense power increased by hundreds of thousands.

This sea of fire, which has been enhanced by the fire attribute of fire, has a temperature of 2,000 degrees. The arrows plunged into the sea of fire, the wooden arrowshafts immediately turned to ashes, the iron arrows immediately turned red, and the originally sharp arrows had lost their original attack power when they came into contact with the fire-red armor of the fire.

The arrow rain offensive was declared useless, but there were too many arrows shot out, and the body of the fire mane was so huge, and this fire mane was a monster that had just been generated, with limited intelligence, and there was no intention of dodging at all, and the impact of countless arrows made the fire mane impact back by more than ten steps, and the murderous impact attached to it also caused the fire mane to suffer a lot of damage.

However, there is a flame bond behind the fire that connects the fire sea of Mawang City, and the flame energy in the fire sea is endless, and in the blink of an eye, it has recovered the damage it has suffered.

The attacked fires became even more furious, and with a roar in the sky, they rushed towards the coalition camp with a huge trident.

With a sea of fire of hundreds of square meters, the fire mantle slashed with the flame trident, rampage in the coalition camp, although there was only one person, but in terms of momentum, it was three points stronger than the hundreds of thousands of tribal coalition troops. Everywhere the fire passed, everything, soldiers, horses, tents, horses, all were ablaze.

Although some brave soldiers came forward to meet the enemy with broadswords and spears, they were either turned into burning men by the large fireballs sent out by the fire man, or they were torn apart by the flame trident.

The coalition forces were originally awakened in their sleep by the roar of the fireman, but they did not have time to form a formation; the highest-level monster like the fireman, waiting for a hundred or so soldiers, could not stop its advance. People block and kill, horses block and kill horses, and the fire rushes to kill, and the camp of a third-level tribe in front of it is stirred into pieces, and fires are burning everywhere, and nearly 10,000 soldiers are killed and injured.

This kind of powerful combat power only made Li Tianlong and the others who were watching the battle from the air smack.

"Hey, why did this guy rush back again?" Destroying a tribal camp like a devastating one, the fire beard actually turned around and rushed back to the sea of fire in Mawang City behind him. The crowd was amazed.

In just three or five minutes, the fire beard rushed out of the sea of fire in Mawang City and launched an assault on another tribal camp. The sea of talisman fire, which had originally consumed most of the talisman in the previous rush, had been restored to its original state, and hundreds of square meters of flames were burning around it.

"It seems that this guy is returning to the sea of fire to replenish the flame energy. "

Everyone is a shrewd man, and when they compare it before and after, they can guess the reason. The flame bond behind the fire mane that transported energy was obviously limited in distance, and after the fire stalk rushed out of Mawang City a hundred zhang or so, the link disappeared. The fire beard rushed to kill in the camp of the tribal alliance, and there was no way to directly replenish energy from the sea of fire behind it. A "person" rushes to kill in the army, the flame energy is consumed very quickly, and if he doesn't go back to replenish it, when the talisman flame is gone, the coalition soldiers should be able to directly attack the body of the fire mantle.

Although Huo Hu is strong in his own right, he is the only one after all. There are still more than 300,000 tribal alliances under Mawang City, and the monsters are strong, but they do not have the ability to move mountains and reclaim the sea; It's really hard, and more than 300,000 middle and high-level troops are definitely able to take out the fire.

However, the current battlefield environment, the twenty square kilometers of the sea of fire in Mawang City, gave this fire a great advantage. As long as he went back from time to time to replenish the flame energy and ensure that he was always protected by the sea of fire, the coalition soldiers would not be able to attack him at close range.

Obviously, although this fire-bearded monster is a newborn monster with limited intelligence, it has a strong fighting instinct and a strong sense of fighting, and knows how to take advantage of the environment.

Whenever the talisman fire sea is exhausted, this fire beard has already killed back to the fire sea of Mawang City as quickly as possible. Even if there was no sea of fire, the combat power of this top-level monster was at the level of a heaven-level general, and no one in the coalition could stop its way back.

The monster's physical strength is obviously not comparable to that of humans, rushing back and forth to the coalition camp, this fire beard did not stop to rest for a moment. The rain of arrows, the big sword array, the iron shield array, the heavy spear array, and the heavy cavalry assault were all destroyed one by one by the heroic strength of the huge flame trident without exception.

The strong combat effectiveness shown by the fire beard had already made Li Tianlong and the others who were watching the battle from the air open their mouths wide.

Li Tianlong, the highest level of heaven-level generals among NPC generals, is no stranger, and he has Cheng Pu, Han Dang and other famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, and he has also seen the more powerful "Jiangdong Tiger" Sun Jian, "Xiliang Tiger" Dong Zhuo and other world-famous generals in the Jizhou Yellow Turban Battlefield, but the performance of any one person is not as good as the current fire beard*.

Although to a large extent, the fire of Mawangcheng behind him provided almost endless flame energy, but the combat power of this fire mane, Li Tianlong believed that even if he fought fairly, Cheng Pu and Han Dang, the two heaven-level first-rank martial arts generals under him, would probably not be able to defeat Huo Yan. If it was in the current situation, the two of them would only have escaped in the wilderness and been reminded by Li Tianlong, who didn't believe it at first, but after seeing that the flame monster was so strong, he hurriedly retreated back with his men and horses. The other tribes, seeing that the most powerful Shen tribe had already retreated, and the flame monster was so powerful, and no one had the courage to come forward to encircle and suppress it, they all abandoned the heavy and withdrew from Mawang City with their men and horses.

With the withdrawal of the tribal coalition forces one after another, soon, only Li Tianlong and other air spectators were left on the battlefield.

This firehead pursued the coalition army for several miles, and then Shi Shiran returned to Mawang City, circled the city, and set fire to all the tribal coalition camps with fireballs. After looking at Li Tianlong and the others with two big eyes in the air, they threw a few fireballs, and found that they could not defeat the enemy's fire, so they retreated into the sea of fire in Mawangcheng behind them.

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