To deal with monsters and ghosts, the grassland tribes also have professionals such as "sacrifice", just like Taoist priests of the Central Plains, who are good at dealing with mountain spirits and ghosts. The "tribal sacrifice" that presides over the tribal promotion ceremony is a type of "sacrifice".

Among the previous 2.9 million tribal alliances, there were also hundreds of sacrifices brought by major tribes, many of whom were powerful and powerful. However, after the fire broke out in Mawangcheng, the priests all withdrew to their tribal territories with the army, leaving very few behind.

However, this fire is really strong, and its own strength is also the appearance of the top martial arts generals among the human race, the fourth rank of the heavenly rank, and the fifth rank of the heavenly rank. Moreover, due to the existence of the sea of fire in Mawangcheng, the fire beard can have an almost inexhaustible source of flame energy, and the hundred-square-meter sea of fire that protects the body is always enveloped all over the body, even if there are a large number of tribal sacrifices here, I am afraid it will be difficult to please.

Grain, jerky, tents, and other heavy loads were all burned by the fire, and the tribal armies could not stay around Mawang City for a long time. Seeing the terrifying flame monster disappearing in the sea of fire, and the terrifying roar came one after another, the generals of the various tribes thought about it again and again, and withdrew to their respective territories with their armies.

Although according to the captives, countless grains, wood, stones, iron ingots and other materials were piled up in the warehouses in Mawang City, it is clear that the fire has burned these materials, and the stones are estimated to have been burned and the iron ingots will also be melted. The underground secret room hidden under the city lord's mansion has always been the elite class of Mawang City, and the ultimate class is stationed, even if it is a bandit in Mawang City, very few people know about it. And the elite troops, the ultimate troops, and human-level generals in the Mawang City were all in Li Tianlong's hands, so although the people in the coalition army suspected that there would be the wealth hidden by the Mawang inside, they did not know the specific location of the hidden treasure, and whether there was a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry.

With limited attraction and the threat of powerful flame monsters, it's better to leave safely.

Bo Lei, the patriarch of the Bo clan, although he cooperated with the King of Horses, did not derive any useful information from the mouth of the King of Horses. Eager to find the treasure of Tanshi Huai, he had left Mawang City with 100,000 iron horsemen and others.

Li Tianlong also withdrew to Iron Spear City with all his men and horses, but Li Tianlong had not given up the treasure hidden under the City Lord's Mansion in Mawang City in his heart.

According to the high-ranking military general who surrendered, he had also commanded his elite horse bandits to carry the financial reports in the last month. Although I don't know how much treasure is hidden inside, one or two million silver is the minimum.

One or two million silver, recruited at half price in your own city, you can recruit nearly 100,000 high-level troops. Li Tianlong, who was short of money, didn't want to let it go like this. And maybe there are some good treasures hidden in it that the horse bandits have collected for many years.

Although the fire beard is powerful, there is only one after all. And what the fire beard relies on is only the sea of fire in Mawang City, if there is no sea of fire in Mawang City, the fire beard cannot replenish its energy and cannot maintain the protective fire sea around it, then it will definitely not be as invincible as it is now. The fire in Mawangcheng will be extinguished after all, and it will be time to deal with it, without the inexhaustible flame energy energy, it will be up to it to see how arrogant it is.

Li Tianlong immediately sent thousands of miles of carrier pigeons to deliver news to Changli City, Xu Wucheng, Tianlong Zhai, and asked Zhang Ren, Zhao Yu, Cheng Pu, Da Niu, Bai Rao, Mu Gu, Mi Shan, Luo Zhen, Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others to rush to the prairie on a large vulture eagle to participate in the monster war a few days later.

Mawangcheng is not a mountain forest after all, there are countless shrubs and towering trees for the fire to burn. Wooden houses burn fast and burn fast. Three days later, in the midst of a heavy rain, the fire in Mawangcheng was finally completely extinguished, leaving only a two-foot-tall flame giant with a fiery red trident to patrol the ashes.

Heaven-level first-rank military general Cheng Pu, heaven-level third-grade Taoist Yu Poison, ground-level military general Zhang Ren, ground-level military general Zhao Yu, ground-level military general Luo Chen, ground-level military general Li Fei, ground-level military general Hei Xiong, ground-level military general Bai Rao, ground-level military general Mugu, ground-level military general Luo Feng, ground-level military general Mi Shan, ground-level Taoist Luo Zhen, human-level Taoist Qingfeng, Qingyangguan Water Department Taoist 300 (carried by the Great Vulture Eagle Knight and in the air), this is the combat power that Li Tianlong took out to deal with the fire mane.

Originally, there was also a ground-level military general under his command, and the prisoner of war Tiexiong, but unfortunately he hadn't been recruited yet, and he couldn't join this shemale battle. The 2,300 Ultimate Steel Horse Bandits, because they had just surrendered, their loyalty, and morale were too low, and they reluctantly ordered them to participate in the battle, which was just a few more additions to the battle of this fireman. Although the ultimate class is strong in combat, it is useless to deal with powerful monsters such as Fire Mane, if the ultimate class cannot reach the best state.

Under the autumn sun, the two sides confronted each other in the ruined city of Mawangcheng. The black ashes everywhere, the few architectural remnants that have not yet been burned, and the collapsed city walls are full of gloom. Just a few days ago, it was a bustling fortress.

Both sides were looking at each other, and Cheng Pu and the others were also seeing a real monster for the first time, and it was also the top-level monster at the top of the fire beard. The magnificent body of two feet high, with the slightest flame, the fiery red battle armor carved with strange patterns, and the huge fiery red trident shocked these generals very much.

Shock is shock, these generals will not have a trace of fear. These generals and Taoist priests are all famous figures, all of them are strong, and in the face of opponents like Huoji, they can only trigger their stronger fighting hopes.

From the momentum of the opponent, the fire beard also saw that the enemy's strength was extraordinary. Especially one of the big men holding the Iron Spine Snake Spear, the snake spear exuding a chill. It was very uncomfortable, and it was obvious that this was a water-attribute treasure weapon that restrained his fire attribute. And the strength of the Han itself is obviously extremely strong.

Although he was alone, the fighting spirit of the fire was better than that of Cheng Pu and the others, and he was not inferior at all, the fiery red trident pointed obliquely at everyone, a flame rose at the tip of the trident, and the two fiery red eyes stared at everyone.

The meaning of the fire is very obvious, if you want to fight, then fight. If you want him to retreat, that's impossible.


Cheng Pu took a snake spear first and rushed towards the fire. Zhang Ren, Zhao Yu, and Luo Feng, the three earth-level generals, also immediately followed, each holding an iron spear and rushing towards the fire.

Fighting against monster powerhouses like Fire Beard, war horses are useless. No matter how good the war horses are, they can't withstand their casual moves, and the result of fighting on horseback is just the loss of a few superb war horses in vain. So all the people fought on foot.

Cheng Pu's force value is 90, making the iron spine snake spear, Zhang Ren's force value is 89, making the hundred birds towards the phoenix gun, Zhao Yu, the force value is 87, making the 24-way Zhao family marksmanship, and the black bear, the force value is 85, making 120 catties of steel mace.

The four of them lived separately around the fire, and each used their own means to fight with the fire. Li Tianlong doesn't have any plans to fight alone, the large number of people is our advantage, if we don't make good use of it, then we are called idiots.

"Qingfeng Dao Chief, it's up to you.

"Lao Dao will do his best. Qingfeng Dao Leader nodded and said, "Apprentices, go." Slay demons and demons, right today. The

Great Vulture Knight flew over the Fire Beard with the Qingfeng Dao Master and 300 Taoist priests. The 300 Taoist priests were divided into two batches, and the first batch of 100 people was divided into four groups, flying not far behind Cheng Pu, Zhang Ren, Zhao Yu, and the black bear, and was responsible for the non-stop auxiliary Taoism for the four people, increasing defense, increasing demon breaking, restoring physical strength, increasing speed, and increasing strength. All kinds of small Taoist techniques, as long as they are beneficial to them, the Taoist priests will take turns to perform them for the four people without stopping during the battle, so as to ensure that the four people are in the strongest combat state at all times to the greatest extent.

The second group of 200 people, under the leadership of the Qingfeng Dao Chief, was located above the head of the fire man, and constantly performed the "rain technique" to ensure that heavy rain was poured down over the battlefield of the four people at all times. The Fire Beard is a fire-type monster that maintains a fairly high temperature around it at all times. Fighting against the fire is very uncomfortable just to withstand the heat. Although Cheng Pu and the others are all masters of internal strength, this high temperature will not be able to do anything to them for a while, but it will definitely have an impact after a long time.

The task of the Qingfeng Dao Commander is to cool down the battlefield so that Cheng Pu and them can fully exert their combat power. In addition, it is also equivalent to quickly consuming the flame energy of the fire mantle, creating a battlefield environment that is not conducive to the fire mantle.

Fire beard, this kind of top-level monster exists, Li Tianlong does not dare to relax a little. If any of the several people in the battle had an accident, they would not have to die.

In addition to the Taoist priests of Qingyangguan, Li Fei and Mugu, two generals who were proficient in archery, also flew into the sky on the big vulture eagle respectively, and aimed their bows and arrows at the fire mane, one from time to time to shoot arrows to harass the fire mane, maintain the air deterrence of the fire mane, and attract the attention of the fire mane; second, it is also to prevent any accidents from happening to the generals on the battlefield, and always be ready to deal with the killer of the fire man.

Luo Zhen, a ground-level Taoist, is also pregnant with a * technique on the side, ready to take the opportunity to give Huo Yan a good look.

Although the Heavenly Rank Daoist Yu Poison is a Heavenly Rank Third-Rank Daoist, and his poisonous fire Dao technique is mysterious, but as a powerful fire attribute monster, the fire attribute attack Dao method it sends out may even be absorbed by the fire mantle. Therefore, Yu Poison, as well as his army of poisonous fire Taoist priests, did not participate in the battle. However, Yu Poison also used his master-level "Barbarian Ghost Guard", summoning the equivalent of 8 powerful "Barbarian Ghost Guards", wandering around the battlefield, always ready to find an opportunity to attack Huoji, or block the gun eye for Cheng Pu and others.

If you want to defeat the fire man, your own generals can't die yet. This is Li Tianlong's plan. Of course, if only a few Taoist priests died, then Li Tianlong would not be too sad.

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