The "Karasuma Iron Cavalry Battalion" was arranged under the name of Xiangyun City; the "Iron Armored Horse Bandit Barracks" and the "Leather Armored Horse Bandit Barracks" were still sent to Xianren Village, the base camp of the cottage soldiers, as usual; and Li Tianlong arranged the five "Karasuma Cavalry Barracks" in the Iron Spear City to further strengthen Luo Chen's barracks.

"Tribal Construction Token" is of no use to Li Tianlong, who has already built an iron spear city, Li Tianlong plans to hand it over to Su Shuang and sell it in the "Yunlong Supermarket", after all, there are still many players who want to build a city in the grassland, the scenery of the prairie, the boundlessness of the prairie, the wild horses of the prairie, and the style of the prairie are very attractive to many players.

This thing is an extremely rare thing for players, you need to destroy a tribe to be able to obtain the tribe's "tribe token", and only to Xiangmawang City, the big bandits who have done a lot of extermination tragedies, can accumulate up to 12 tribe construction tokens, and they are all three or four tribe scales.

The grassland Hu people exclude players, and the possibility of players wanting to buy a tribe building token from the Hu people is very small. The sales of this thing shouldn't be a problem.,12 fast tribe tokens.,How can it be sold for hundreds of thousands.。

The chaotic camp, the grass camp is a very good thing, and it is to be established in Xiangyun City immediately. Li Tianlong had seen the introduction of these two special buildings on the forum, and he was very envious of those players who owned the building, but with it, he had a perfect leveling point.

There is only a building level on the iron plate, and there is no detailed description of other attributes. However, Li Tianlong, combined with the information he had seen on the forum, already knew the approximate attributes of his two "chaotic private" construction iron plates and one "grass camp" construction token.

The camp is a bit similar to the camp of the homeless camp. However, the camp is used to refresh the homeless people and provide for the rapid increase in the population of the city. The chaotic camp, the grass camp, is used to refresh the armed rebels, armed grass bandits, for the city army, players to level up.

Rebel Camp - Special Building, Level, Level 2, Randomly refresh 200~2000 Lv20~Lv40 Armed Rebels every day, have a chance to refresh an unequal number of Armed Grass Bandits, cannot be recruited, and can be killed to obtain experience equipment; Chaos Camp - Special Buildings; Level, Level 5; Randomly refresh 1000~5000 Lv20~Lv40 Armed Rebels every day; Grass Camp - Special Building; Level 3; 1000~3000 Lv40 Random Refresh Characters Lv40 ~ every dayLv60 Armed Grass Bandits;A certain chance to spawn an unequal number of Giant Bandits;The higher the level of the building, the more NPCs refreshed each day, the more level and the more stable it is. This NPC cannot be recruited, and can only be leveled up. If you don't have enough strength to clean up, it will cause heavy damage to the village and city, and in the worst case, the village will be destroyed, which is what the previous players have experienced.

Of course, Li Tianlong doesn't have to worry about this situation, but he is afraid that he will not have enough chaotic people. There are millions of troops in Xiangyun City's Tongwang Village, and the training and upgrading speed of generals alone is too slow, and a lot of battles are needed to improve the level and increase the murderous spirit of the troops.

Chaotic camps, grass camp can be upgraded, the way of upgrading, players have long figured out through practice, it's not complicated, that is, non-stop killing, whenever the total number of kills exceeds a certain value, the building will automatically be upgraded to a level. However, this total is relatively large, and there is no way to upgrade the building without a few months of work.

It is not clear how many levels there are in the chaotic camps and the grass camps. At present, the highest level of rebellion and rebellion that is open on the forum is level 6, and the grass camp is level 3. Whether the chaotic camp can be upgraded to the grass camp, whether the grass camp can be upgraded to a more advanced strong camp, and even the legendary giant camp, everyone is still not sure, but everyone agrees that it is very likely.

Listening to the surrendered human-level generals, there was originally a strong camp in Mawang City, which refreshed the ironclad strongmen of lv60~lv80, but after a few days of fires in the city, this strongman camp, including all the high-level ironclad horse bandit barracks and middle-level leather armor horse bandit barracks, has all been destroyed by the fire, even if there is a barracks iron plate order flag, it must have been completely destroyed in the fire, which is quite a pity.

Although 2 chaotic camps and 1 grass battalion are not enough to provide too many armed rebels, and the armed grass bandits are for millions of troops to level up, they are enough to train a small group of elite teams. Li Tianlong planned to hand over the three special buildings mainly to the Great Vulture Knight to level up, and strive to raise the level of the Great Vulture Knight in the shortest possible time; the Great Vulture Knight used bows and arrows as the main attack method, Li Tianlong had already thought about it, and as soon as the matter here was over, he asked Li Fei to send the best archers of the Li tribe to help train the Great Vulture Knight in archery.

Think about it, if each of the Great Vulture Knights was level 100 and proficient in the Li family's divine marksmanship, how powerful it would be. It's beautiful when you think about it.

A "Iron-blooded Horse Bandit Training Manual" made Li Tianlong very surprised.

Iron Bandit Training Manual - Systematic horse bandit training method, greatly accelerating the level increase speed of horse bandits, advanced speed; requirements, the owner of the force value of 80 or more, intelligence value of more than 80, in order to fully play the effect of the manual; the 100 level of the ultimate steel horse bandit trained by the method described in the manual has a certain chance of breaking through the talent barrier and advancing to a higher level of iron bandit.

Presumably, Ma Wangcheng can accumulate as many as 5,000 ultimate steel horse bandits and 50,000 elite iron armored horse bandits, which has a lot to do with this "Iron Blood Horse Bandit Training Manual". According to the official instructions, if a normal class is upgraded to level 100, it will not be able to upgrade the level due to talent limitations, and greatly increase its strength.

I didn't expect this "Predator Training Manual" to be able to advance the level 100 ultimate Iron Bandit to the legendary Predator. However, according to the records in the manual, if you want to advance to the Iron Blood Horse Bandit, you need a huge amount of killing, as well as a variety of elixirs refined from a variety of rare medicinal materials, so that you can hope to advance to the Iron Blood Horse Bandit.

The refining of the elixir is a big problem for many people, but for Li Tianlong, there is no need to worry at all. Qingyang Guan Daoist, Yu Poison, and Grandmaster Li Cai are all masters of alchemy, not to mention that the specific formulas and refining processes of various pills are recorded in detail in the manual, which is not a problem at all.

Li Tianlong originally planned to recruit the captured 2,300 Ultimate Iron Horse Bandits as his escort and bring them to Changli City, but now it seems that he can only change his mind, or stay in Iron Spear City and train according to the "Iron Horse Bandit Training Manual", hoping that some of them can advance to become Iron Blood Horse Bandits. Each class moves up a tier, and the change in strength can be very different.

As for the general who presided over the horse bandit troops, Li Tianlong decided to let Tian Meng, who had been leading the horse bandits, lead it. Tian Meng's force value has climbed to 78, his intelligence value is 79, and it is only a matter of time before both of them break through 80. Tian Meng's loyalty is very high, and he is deeply trusted by Li Tianlong.

Luo Zhen, the "Luo Tianzhen" who is good at the thunder attack method, Li Tianlong also plans to subordinate him to the horse bandit army as Tian Meng's deputy. If Luo Zhen wants to advance to a Heavenly Rank Daoist, he needs a lot of combat experience and battlefield comprehension. Luo Zhen, a middle-aged Taoist priest, was also born as a bandit, and he is very good at the work of robbing homes and houses.

In addition, with the captured 1 horse bandit leader with ground level strength and 5 horse bandit leaders with rank strength, the commander of this horse bandit unit is basically formed.

When he finally saw the fragment of the treasure map, Li Tianlong always felt that the geography of the mountains and rivers, rivers and lakes drawn on it was very familiar, and he should have seen it somewhere, but for a while, he couldn't remember what place was drawn on this map.

Listening to what the surrendered human-level generals said, King Ma once boasted to them after a drunken experience, which recorded a big treasure in the treasure of the sandalwood locust, and the collection inside was absolutely considerable.

Li Tianlong was even more anxious, but the more anxious this person was, the more he couldn't think of it. Li Tianlong could only pat his head in annoyance and put this matter down for the time being.

"City Lord, all the resource warehouses have been identified, the grain warehouses have all been burned down, only the pile of charcoal is left in the wood warehouse, and in the iron ingot warehouse, all the iron ingots have been melted together... "

Charcoal, melted iron can't be wasted. Li Tianlong hurriedly asked Luo Chen to send someone back to Iron Spear City and send someone to come over to recover charcoal and iron.

Charcoal is an important resource for people to survive the winter, especially in the north, where the weather is harsh. Although there are a large number of forests throughout the game world, and some of them are refreshed every day, the rate at which wood is consumed is terrifying. Players build cities and houses, prepare rolling logs, build warships, make spears, arrows and shields, cook rice and boil water, and heat the winter, wood is used everywhere, and as players develop, the consumption of wood has become very large, and in some places there has been a shortage of wood.

Iron can not be wasted, the iron ore output of Xiangyun City itself is far from meeting the demand, and it costs a lot of silver to buy iron ore every month.

"Let's come and see, look at this map and see if it's familiar, how do I always feel like I've seen this place. Li Tianlong did not give up, and beckoned his subordinates to come over to study the fragments of the treasure map.

Cheng Pu and the others all shook their heads when they saw it, but several leaders of the Great Vulture Knight looked at each other and said hesitantly: "City Lord, it seems that this is the Xu Wu Mountain Range, this big lake is very similar to the Immortal Lake, and the surrounding streams and mountain ranges are very similar. "


right?" "That's right, City Lord. We fly in the sky every day, and we are very familiar with the situation of the Xu Wu Mountains, which is indeed very close to the terrain of the Immortal Lake. The Great Vulture Knight looked at it again and said affirmatively.

Hearing him say this, Li Tianlong looked at the treasure map carefully, it was indeed very similar to the terrain of that piece, no wonder he always felt that this terrain was familiar before.

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