After being watched by several Great Vulture Knights, it was determined that the terrain drawn on the treasure map fragment was indeed a topographic map of the heart of the Xu Wu Mountains. The Great Vulture Knight patrolled back and forth over the Xu Wu Mountains every day, and it could be said that no one was more familiar with the terrain distribution of the Xu Wu Mountains than them.

The location depicted in the treasure map was affirmed, and everyone was overjoyed. The king of horses just found a small treasure of sandalwood locust, and dug up 20,000 tenth-grade horn end bows, not to mention this big treasure. If you find it, whether it is equipment, resources, or gold and silver treasures, Xiangyun City will make a fortune.

Just harvested 2.4 million taels of silver in Mawang City, as well as a large number of barracks drawings and other valuable things, and now recognize the location of the great treasure of Tanshi Huai, Xiangyun City is really lucky. It seems that our Xiangyun City is destined to do a great cause, and all the generals are secretly glad in their hearts that they recognized Li Tianlong as the main wisdom.

"Don't rejoice too soon. This is only a fragment of the treasure map, although the approximate range is determined, but the specific location of the treasure is not shown on this part of the fragment, it should be on the part of the fragment. The terrain on this map is almost a hundred square kilometers, and finding a hidden treasure trove without hinting is not much more difficult than looking for a needle in a haystack. Li Tianlong poured a basin of cold water on everyone's heads.

In fact, without other information, this treasure map is nothing more than a piece of waste paper.

"What then? Big brother. Could it be that we just give up in vain, this is a big treasure of sandalwood acacia, this guy has been on the grassland for many years, but I don't know how many good things have been scraped. Luo Chen said stupidly.

"What do you think of Brother Cheng Pu?" "Ma has no night grass and no fat, no one has windfall and no wealth, and Li Tianlong, the head of the house, is more coveted than anyone else for the great treasure of Tanshi Huai. However, he couldn't think of any good ideas for a while.

"My lord, I see that the king of Nama has been entrenched here for many years, and it is very likely that he is looking for treasure. Judging from the fact that he found a small treasure, maybe the king of Nama knew some hidden information about the treasure map.

Mawangcheng was destroyed, and the wealth, army, and materials accumulated by Mawangcheng over the years were all destroyed. Even if this guy still has a certain army hidden in Xu Wushan, according to the surrendered prisoners of war, the elite of the army hidden in the deep mountains were also summoned to Mawang City by King Ma before the battle, and they were either burned to death or captured. The army left in the mountains is only hundreds of thousands of middle and low-level troops, and its strength is extremely limited.

If the king wants to make a comeback, it takes a lot of financial and material resources to recruit troops and horses, and he will definitely go in search of treasures. This guy has been here for so many years, maybe he already has a clue about the treasure.

I think we can secretly send a large number of reconnaissance teams to the area depicted on the remnant map, as well as the surrounding area, to find Ma Wang and others who came to hunt for treasure. As long as you find the Horse King, you may be able to find the treasure. Cheng Pu analyzed.

"Brother Cheng said it well, when I found King Ma, I just happened to find him to avenge my father's murder. Li Fei clapped his hands in agreement.

"Yes, what Brother Cheng Pu said is very reasonable. For seniors, this matter will be handed over to you. The people of the Hunter Legion are very good at finding traces of prey, so this matter will be handed over to them, and let Wang Xiaohu send more people to the center of the Xu Wu Mountain Range for long-term collection. At the same time, send the Great Vulture Knight to conduct aerial reconnaissance

" "Yes, lord.

"Be careful, and those who tell him must take care of concealment, and it will not be good if they are discovered and arouse the vigilance of the enemy. "

For the time being, I can only hope that things are just like Cheng Pu's analysis, the King of Horses knows the effective treasure information, and the Hunter Legion can find the team of the King of Horses who went to hunt for treasures. There is no other way. After all, there are no obscure verses on this treasure map fragment, nor are there any circles of stars indicating the location, so there is no way to determine the exact location of the treasure.

The matter of Mawangcheng has basically ended, and the charcoal and iron left behind are waiting for the people sent by Iron Spear City to come and pick up and transport.

Zhang Ren and Zhao Yu rode back to Changli City to lead the army, while Cheng Pu, Yu Poison, Qingfeng Daochang and others took the generals and Taoist priests of Xiangyun City to escort the captive Huojian back to Xiangyun City, and needed to build a solid underground ice vault in Xiangyun City to hold Huoji. Taming the fire is a long-term job, and Li Tianlong is ready for a protracted battle.

Li Tianlong consulted the three cultivators, Yu Poison, Qingfeng Dao Chief, and Luo Zhen, on how to subdue the monsters. According to the three Taoist priests, the best way to subdue such a powerful monster as the Fire Beard is to use force. Youkai worship force and respect the strong, and as long as you are stronger than him, it is very likely that you will be tamed by defeating him.

Li Tianlong's strength is now only 48, his intelligence is 70, and the commander has steadily risen to 82; it is estimated that Huo Yan only needs a big fireball to hang Li Tianlong. Although there is no shortage of strong generals under his command, Tian-level generals, and Tian-level Taoists, the monsters of other people value personal strength more. To win the fire mane, Li Tianlong estimates that even the current Zhao Yun and Lu Bu may not be able to defeat the fire mane.

Single-handedly on this path, for Li Tianlong, the possibility of success is zero.

However, according to the head of the Qingfeng Dao, in ancient times, in the glorious era of Taoism, there were monks who were proficient in the "art of contract" and were able to turn captured monsters, spirit beasts, and ghosts into slaves of others through the "art of contract", so that weak people could drive powerful monsters at will. However, this kind of advanced Taoist technique seems to have been lost, and the current cultivators have never heard of anyone who knows the "contract technique".

Qingfeng Daoist also said that some Taoist priests still have a very small number of ancient charms in their hands, and there is a certain possibility that this kind of "contract technique" spell exists.

Anyway, there was still some hope, Li Tianlong asked the Qingfeng Dao Leader to secretly look for and buy this kind of contract charm, and if there was any clever function, or an ancient charm with great power, he would also buy it together. I just made a lot of money, and I have a certain amount of surplus funds to buy such a superb treasure.

Of course, what is the next three tricks of coercion, money, beauty, food, and hunger Li Tianlong also has to give it a try. The world is impermanent, maybe it's really done, hehe.

The girls of Rose Mountain Villa are planning to play on the savannah for a while, and the girls who have just set a fire to a city need to relax and adjust their mood.

Bidding farewell to the girls, Li Tianlong took Li Fei, Zhang Ren, and Zhao Yu to Licheng, a country in eastern Liaodong. Li Tianlong wanted to choose a place for the Li tribe to settle there.

Originally, it was planned to immigrate the people of the Li tribe to Xiangyun City, but after thinking about it again, if the 400,000 people of the Li tribe joined Xiangyun City at once, there would still be certain hidden dangers to their revolutionary base areas. You can't have the heart to hurt people, and you can't have the heart to defend people.

Having achieved the position of the governor of Liaodong and mastering millions of high-level troops in one hand, Li Tianlong had no intention of giving up the Liaodong subject country in the future. Li Tianlong was determined to build the Liaodong vassal state into another base that was different from the Xiangyun City in Youbeiping.

Slowly improve his prestige in the Liaodong vassal country, enhance the loyalty of Shi Dang, Ji Yong and other generals and the army, and enhance his prestige among the people; even if there is a conflict with the Eastern Han Dynasty court in the future, he is ordered to withdraw from the post of governor of Liaodong, Li Tianlong does not intend to act according to the order, and the big deal is to rise up, and now the world is in chaos, and the border land of the Liaodong vassal country, the Eastern Han Dynasty court is also beyond the reach of the whip. What's more, there is also Jizhou between Youzhou and Luoyang, such a large piece of territory where the Yellow Turban Army is entrenched, and he is secretly still the commander of the Yellow Turban Army.

Historically, Gongsun Zhan, the overlord of Youzhou, started by relying on the history of the governor of Liaodong, and by virtue of his long-term tenure as the governor of Liaodong, Gongsun Zhan has accumulated quite high prestige among the people and the army, so that Liu Yu, the assassin of Youzhou, has no way to do it.

According to the normal entry into the city, after Gongsun Chan served as the governor of Liaodong for a period of time, he was transferred to Zhuoxian County, and then made a contribution to the Karasuma Rebellion, and was promoted to the Taishou of Youbeiping, and at the same time concurrently served as the governor of Liaodong, holding great power, and finally became a great warlord who dominated the north step by step.

Now that Li Tianlong has snatched the post of governor of Liaodong, compared with Gongsun Zhan's career path, Li Tianlong feels that he has a lot to learn from. Firmly grasp the position of the governor of Liaodong, there are millions of elite soldiers, and with the troops of Xiangyun City, Tianlong Village, Tianchou Chengpu, etc., in the next Karasuma Rebellion, he is more sure to make great achievements.

As long as you have military merits, and then spend a lot of money on the relatives of the eunuchs in Beijing, you will not be afraid that you will not be able to keep the three acres of land in Liaodong. * It is not impossible to do a good job in adding points of territory. Didn't Gongsun Chan get a right Beiping Taishou and the governor of Liaodong at the beginning, we have to be a little ambitious, a little ambitious.

Li Tianlong moved the people of the Li tribe to the subject state of Liaodong, also in order to put down a more reassuring tribal force here and stabilize his rule here. After all, Li Fei, the patriarch of the Li tribe, has basically taken it, and the difference is only the last step.

Liaodong belongs to the six counties of Guochang, Licheng, Fuli, Bintu, Tuhe, Fangxian, and Xiandu, and Li Tianlong plans to let the Li tribe occupy a county alone in the future and develop it well. When it comes to his own forces, Li Tianlong has never been stingy.

However, this matter can only be carried out after the Karasuma Rebellion, and at that time, it is estimated that there will be a rebellion in the five counties of Changli City, and there will be three or two prefectures of tribes. When the time comes, the rebellious Karasuma people will be cleaned up, and the Li tribe will have their own city.

Now, the people of the Li tribe can only live in Changli City temporarily. There is still a lot of open space in Changli City, which is more than enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of Li tribesmen to set up tents.

Explain his plan to Li Fei, and Li Fei nodded in agreement after thinking about it. When he flew back to the Great Prairie Divine Bow City under the escort of the Great Vulture Knight, he immediately began to arrange the relocation of the Li tribe. We have to hurry, it is already late autumn, and the weather on the grassland has begun to turn cold rapidly. When it comes to winter, it will be more troublesome to move hundreds of thousands of people.

The Li tribe moved, and Shengong City would not give up. The 200,000 horse bandit troops led by Tian Meng and some of the elite cavalry of Iron Spear City will be stationed in Shengong City. At the same time, the Li tribe will also leave behind 20,000 flying eagle rangers, as well as about 20,000 tribal people who are unwilling to leave the grassland.

The Li tribe has two special types of troops, one is the Flying Eagle Ranger and the other is the Divine Archer.

Eagle Ranger - Mounted Archery Special Class, Level, Lv60 or above, Main Weapon, Flying Eagle Bow, Secondary Weapon, Scimitar Knife, Mount, High-grade War Horse, Special Ranger Created for Li Ling's descendants to synthesize Li Family's Divine Arrow and Xiongnu Cavalry Archery, Marksman - Infantry Archery Special Class, Level, Lv60 or above, Main Weapon, Li Guangbow, Secondary Weapon, Long Sword, Practice Li's Divine Archery Technique, Hit 100 Shots, and Attack Power is huge far beyond the average archer class.

The two major archery classes, one for cavalry archery and the other for infantry archery, are famous in the steppe.

The location of Shengong City is farther north than that of Iron Spear City, and the surrounding tribal melee is more chaotic and fierce than that of Iron Spear City, which lives near the Shen tribe, and it is also closer to Xianbei in the east and Xianbei in the middle. In Shenbow City, cavalry units can find enough opportunities to experience combat and improve the level of cavalry, which is more suitable for training than Iron Spear City.

Staying in Changli City to deal with official business, sending troops to suppress bandits, and pacifying the people for a few days, Li Tianlong finally got the good news that he went to Gaochang in the Western Regions to snatch Zheng Ma's jade arrow. Jade Arrow and his party successfully rescued Zheng Ma from the Gaochang military camp.

As a blacksmith master, Zheng Ma's iron-making skills won the respect of the local army generals. I live in an independent courtyard, and I eat exquisite dishes sent by local luxury restaurants every day, and the living conditions are very comfortable. It was only in order to prevent him from escaping Gaochang after the expiration of his exile period, Zheng Ma's range of activities was limited to the military camp, and the courtyard where he lived was also heavily guarded.

After inquiring about Zheng Ma's situation, Yujian secretly found the restaurant guy who cooked Zheng Ma's daily meal, and under the temptation of Wei *, the restaurant guy obediently complied. Through the restaurant guys, Jade Arrow successfully got in touch with Zheng Ma.

In the middle of the night when the wind was high in the dark moon, a long rope hung down in the air of the small building where Zheng Ma was located, and took Zheng Ma away from the military camp unconsciously. Now, the group is riding the big vulture to return to Xiangyun City day and night.

Jade Arrow also said mysteriously that he would give Li Tianlong another surprise when the time came. Although I don't know what it is, since it is a joy, it is naturally a good thing, and Li Tianlong is of course full of expectations.

Just waiting for the jade arrow, Zheng Ma returned, and before subduing Wuxian Mountain to ask the court for merit, the court's reward finally came down.

The reward is very rich, much better than Li Tianlong's expectations, and there are four main ones.

First, the army of Changli City, rewarded 100,000 copper coins, a thousand altars of wine, a thousand palace silks, and 10,000 heads of cattle, sheep and pigs and other livestock to eat meat; Second, the subject country of Liaodong gave 1 blueprint of the ranger barracks, 1 blueprint of the heavy spear barracks, and 1 blueprint of the iron shield and sword barracks; 3. List of military generals to be promoted: Gongsun Xu was promoted to the general of the fourth grade; Zhang Ren was promoted to the captain of the heavy cavalry; Zhao Yu was promoted to the captain of the rangers...

Fourth, Li Tianlong's personal merits were raised to 20,000 yuan, and his official rank was promoted to that of the third-grade Huwei general; he was given a "first-grade Longquan sword";

1,000 taels of gold, 100 horses of palace silk; and 100,000 copper coins. Of his 1,000 taels of gold, Li Tianlong also bought all the wine and food and rewarded his subordinates. Of course, this wine and food are all purchased from his own restaurant, taking care of his own business, and buying people's hearts.

The three high-level barracks increased the number of barracks in Changli City to a full 10, and supplemented the Ranger barracks that Changli City did not have, and the heavy spear barracks with strong combat effectiveness were increased by one. Although it is not as good as those border counties, compared to many counties in the Central Plains where there are scarce high-level barracks, 10 high-level barracks are already very good.

What's more, every year, the counties of Youzhou have to allocate more than 100,000 high-level troops to the subject states of Liaodong. Combined, the two are equivalent to 20 high-level barracks. In this way, the number of high-level barracks in the border counties is also at a medium level.

What made Li Tianlong happiest was that Emperor Han Ling was so generous, adding more than 6,000 meritorious deeds to himself at once, and directly promoted himself to the rank of General Huwei. The recruitment authority has increased by 100,000, and Cheng Pu's snake spear iron cavalry can add another batch of soldiers.

A product of Longquan sword, a treasure-level weapon, very good equipment: attribute 1: increase the force value of 1 (increase the attack power by 80, increase the speed by 20); attribute 2: sharpen iron like clay; attribute 3: break the evil, have a strong restraint effect on ghosts and ghosts, have a considerable additional damage bonus, defense bonus; attribute 4: save, reduce the internal force value of swordsmanship skills by 2 percent; Li Tianlong, who gave up the great development of force, gave the sword to Zhao Yu after a long period of friction. The little girl ran around with her, and she had not been rewarded well. This Longquan sword made by a famous blacksmith of the royal family is very light and agile, which is very suitable for Zhao Yu to use.

Got the gorgeous and exquisite Longquan sword, the little girl happily kissed Li Tianlong on the face several times, and then jumped up and down with the sword to find Zhang Ren Zhaoyun to show off.

Touching the red marks on his face, there was still a sweet smell of the little girl on it; Li Tianlong immediately ordered his men to hurry up and prepare high-quality incense, candles, and fire paper or something, and Liu Yu, the state pastor, would rush to Wuxian Mountain in three days to worship heaven and earth on behalf of the Son of Heaven.

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