Arrived at Xiangyun Village, called Lao Zhu to help everyone drip blood to join the mountain village, and the population was full. There are a few more people. For the time being, I can't join the village, so I arrange to go to the horse farm to help take care of the horses.

The minions brought and the minions left behind were reorganized by Li Tianlong into the first mercenary corps in Xiangyun Village: 150 Pu Dao soldiers, 150 short spearmen, and 150 short archers.

It is directly led by the sword soldier Luo Daosan, and commanded by Zhu, the deputy village elder of Xiangyun Village.

According to Li Tianlong's arrangement, the farmland has not yet been cultivated, and several farmers donated by the system are helping to build houses. At the place designated by Li Tianlong, everyone was working in full swing. Even those Karasuma people are actively working. After all, this is their home from now on.

Li Tianlong's consideration is to concentrate on the construction of these buildings, like the kind of pedestrian street in reality. There are houses on both sides, and a bluestone street 10 meters wide in the middle. In the future, there will be more people, and it will definitely be very lively here.

Watching Lao Zhu directing everyone to work there, in an orderly manner. Li Tianlong simply came to the horse farm to learn to ride a horse.

The old man of the horse farm, the former Xianbei Wang Ting Horse Farm Mafu Bart. With more than 20 people, the assistant is holding a brush to wash the horse. Seeing Li Tianlong coming, Bart immediately ran over: "My lord." "

Bart, let's get used to living here. For such talents, Li Tianlong still has great respect. Although it was said that other people's villages were destroyed only the day before yesterday, this is not a troubled time, and there is no way.

"My lord, everything is fine. Yesterday, with the help of everyone, a horse pen was built and a primary horse farm was fenced off. It's okay to reinforce the fence these days. "

Bart, help me bring out a few more people who know how to raise horses." Now there are only about 100 horses. But in the future, there will be more, and you will have to try to lecture the wild horses. Li Tianlong is very confident that he can grab a few more horses.

"Yes, sir. "

Junior horse farm: covers an area of 200 meters by 1500 meters. One with a junior ring. Land for horse breeding.

"Bart, I want to learn how to ride a horse. Li Tianlong was very itchy, there was a first-class military horse in it, his whole body was black, and he was even a divine horse. Li Tianlong loves it very much.

Bart immediately taught Li Tianlong the introduction of horseback riding and explained the essentials of horseback riding. Li Tianlong couldn't wait to run towards the high-grade military horse he had named Kuroko.

Bart stopped him: "My lord, this horse cannot be ridden for the time being. "

Why?" Li Tianlong was very annoyed.

Bart said unhurriedly, "My lord, the owner of these horses has just died. Horses are psychic and need to be trained for a while before they can ride again. You are now less equestrian, so it is best to learn it with a colt or a normal military horse.

Li Tianlong was extremely depressed. But fortunately, Bart said that after 2 days, he promised that he could ride the sunspot. Listen to the experts, Li Tianlong also chose a horse and began to learn to ride a horse. Since he brought back all the things in Karasuma Valley, the saddle, halter, etc. are all fully furnished.

Horses, the lowest riding horses. It can be used for riding, pulling carts, and plowing fields. The advantage is that it is not a picky eater, and you can eat any forage.

Riding on a horse, I was very excited. In reality, there are very few such things, and in the age of technology, these are the stuff of the rich. "Drive", patted the horse's buttocks, and the horse suddenly trotted up. The body follows the ups and downs of the horse, and it feels so exciting. Li Tianlong slapped it again, this time it's terrible. The horse became angry and galloped forward. Even though I'm a colt, you can't beat me all the time. Li Tianlong was frightened to death, and threw himself on the horse, hugging the horse's neck tightly. When Bart saw this, he immediately turned over and got on the horse and chased after him, and finally arrived before the horse hit the fence, and stopped the horse with a whistle.

"My lord, the art of horseback riding is like practicing martial arts, it needs to be gradual, and it can be practiced day and night to be effective. Like you, not only is it easy to hurt the horse, but it can also be dangerous.

Li Tianlong took Bart's lesson seriously. Indeed, it is too anxious to train an equestrian champion in a day. Thanks to Bart for his guidance, Li Tianlong rode back on the horse. No more nonsense now. Take your time. For most of the day, under Bart's guidance, it can be regarded as a slight improvement.

Back at the construction site, everyone has already built the building. Although they are still only primary buildings made of trees and thatch, Xiangyun Pedestrian Street has been initially formed: a primary tavern: a wine-making aunt. product, mare's milk wine.

Junior tailor shop: 2 junior tailors. products, ordinary clothes, hare leather armor.

Junior station: 1 junior groom, 10 horses.

Junior Inn: 1 shopkeeper, room 10. Used to live bandits.

Primary grocery store: 1 boss and partner, selling daily necessities and thieves in the village. Purchaser Li Tianlong.

Primary medical hall: 1 junior pharmacist and intermediate medicine farmer, one acre of medicine field.

Beginner Bow Shop: 1 hunter, product, lv20 hardwood bow, bamboo arrows, hardwood arrows.

Junior pigeon building: 1 intermediate pigeon breeder, product, carrier pigeon within 150 miles. Due to the lack of seeds, it cannot be cultivated for the time being.

Butcher shop: 1 butcher, 1 bacon aunt.

There is also a primary horse farm, a primary breeding farm, a primary lumber farm, and a primary quarry.

Originally, there was no pigeon building in the small village, and there was no bow and arrow shop in the description of the building, so I thought there was no way to build it. But I didn't expect that with the corresponding NPC, the construction was successful. It seems that there are some things that the system does not elaborate on, but leaves it up to the player to explore and discover on their own. This is the kind of hidden information. If you tell you anything, there's no fun in exploring.

Very nice looking at the houses on both sides. Although it is now a thatched house, after the carpenter and stonemason, it can be upgraded to a wooden house and a stone house in the back. If you have a potter, you can also make bricks to make a brick house. However, Li Tianlong felt that the stone house would be stronger and more original.

As long as you raise your prestige, you can upgrade to a medium-sized village in no time. I don't know what happened to the villages of those large family guilds? Except for the skill NPCs that are hard to find, the others will not stump them. And the skill NPC can be solved by getting together in a few villages. It is estimated that the news of the upgrade should be broadcast by the system soon.

I don't know how to raise my prestige? I'll have to ask Pepper next time. They are the top VIP virtual warehouse users, and the big family must know something. Especially the golden knife has participated in the internal test, so I have to get something out of him.

Prestige, prestige, what should my sisters do if they don't have prestige, I still have to get some prestige as soon as possible.

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