At this time, Li Tianlong thought that there was nothing to do now, so it was better to use those cottages to train his troops, so he returned to the cottage and gathered people and horses to march towards the deep mountains.

At this time, the spies sent to explore the way returned.

"Newspaper. "

Your Majesty, there are two cottages in each of the ten miles ahead, and there are not as many people as us, and they are not close. "

Li Tianlong heard it, these are two dishes.

With the current people, they can even serve them to the pot.

So Li Tianlong ordered to go to the nearest cottage first, and when they came to the cottage, the cottage was raided before they could react.

After a period of weak resistance, Li Tianlong completely occupied this cottage.

The harvest of this big cow village is: 2 taels of money, 3 taels of gold, 4 taels of silver, more than 6,000 catties of grain, 700 units of wood, 500 units of stone, lv20 simple knives, long swords, spears, and 18 longbows, 4 sets of lv20 light armor, 9 sets of light leather armor, 1,700 arrows with thick iron heads, 37 women and children, and 54 prisoners.

All 54 Hello joined the team, and the women and children were brought back to the cottage by a small team of Hello soldiers led by Zhang Long.

After packing up the loot and destroying the cottage jade. Li Tianlong used a long snake formation to lead more than 400 Oro soldiers to the west, attacking another village called Black Mountain Village.

I have to say how good Li Tianlong's luck is today, since he robbed the Karasuma people's village, Li Tianlong's two battles have been quite good. With almost no losses, a single soldier took Daniuzhai and Heishanzhai.

Attacking the Black Mountain Village is similar to attacking the Big Niu Village, and the sneak attack is successful.

I also got 1 low-level general--Wang Da Niu: level 22, NPC low-level general, commander 32, force 47, intelligence 21, politics 18, perception 38, charm 29, luck 5.Common

skills: 6% of intermediate training soldiers, (with a bonus to the bow and arrow system) advanced archery 1%, and 34% of primary fighting.

Special Skill: Aurora Flame (Bow System) condenses the blazing qi into the arrows, triggering a high-speed whirling white flame that shoots out and burns countless enemy soldiers. It is a level of power.

Arrows (Beginner): Continuously fired for 1 minute, with 1 second interval between each arrow.

There were 133 soldiers, 77 women and children, 8 taels of money, 7 taels of gold, 649 taels of silver, more than 18,000 catties of grain, 400 units of wood, 800 units of stone, 57 lv20 knives, long swords, spears, and longbows, 3 sets of Lv20 fish scale heavy armor, 7 Lv25 swords, 25 Lv25 ring head swords, 39 sets of Lv20 light armor, 61 sets of light leather armor, 6,900 arrows with thick iron heads, 1 drawing of medium-sized village construction, 1 blueprint of strategist skills, 2 scrolls of calligraphy and painting, 600 catties of burning knives, 2 carriages, 3 horses: 1 high-class horse, 2 medium horses。

Horses: Ordinary Horses - Inferior Horses - Medium Horses - Superior Horses - Steeds - BMW.

Today's biggest gain is the medium-sized village construction blueprints, followed by low-level generals, special troops, skill blueprints and a large number of resources, horses. In the end, it's a prestige book.,It's okay to know it earlier, I'll find more.,But it's not everything.。

Now that Li Tianlong's prestige is enough, I'm excited when I think about it.

There were more than 400 people when they came, but when they returned to the cottage, they became more than 600 people, more than 70 women and children, the two carriages were also full of supplies, and Li Tianlong's backpack was full.

Back at the cottage, it was already dawn. Li Tianlong decided to go to Xiangyun Village first and upgrade the small village to the middle village.

Before leaving, he instructed Ping Xuechang and Wang Daniu to take care of the cottage and rest well. There are also after the action in the evening.

Li Tianlong took the construction drawings of the medium-sized village and 77 women and children captured from the Black Mountain Village, and a group of short archers led by Zhang Long marched towards Xiangyun Village.

Xiangyun Village, under the management of Lao Zhu, everything is in order.

Li Tianlong came to the village, found Lao Zhu, and told him to call all the people in the village. Good upgrade to medium village.

As soon as Lao Zhu heard that he was going to upgrade the village, he was excited, and he agreed.

The number of people in the village meets the requirements, and the buildings meet the requirements.

Li Tianlong clicked on the construction drawings of the medium-sized village, and saw a flash of golden light.

"Personal system prompt: Congratulations to player Li Tianlong for upgrading to a medium-sized village, the system is about to make a server-wide announcement, do you want to display the player's name?"

"If it shows that it hasn't been discovered, it's still sneaking into the village to shoot guns, don't hehe,,。

"System announcement: Player ** has established the first medium-sized village in the system, Xiangyun Village, address; Special title - the first Nakamura in the world, reward prestige +10, hereby announced, I hope players continue to work hard. Li

Tianlong added all the archers and other women and children led by Zhang Long to the village.

Medium-sized villages: Xiangyun Village, village head Li Tianlong, deputy village head, Zhu Xi.

Village resources: 3 taels of money, 4 taels of gold, 852 taels of silver, more than 8,000 catties of granary, 2,105 units of timber warehouse, 1,032 units of stone warehouse, and 800 units of iron ingot warehouse.

Existing villagers/largest villagers: 162/1000 Seeing this, Li Tianlong asked everyone to add it, so it was almost 1000.

Strength: 36 Hello Shortsword Soldiers in the 1st Corps, 30 Hello Short Archers in the 2nd Corps. Led by Zhang Long, the leader of the Hello.

Existing Building/Largest Building: 8/16 Villager Satisfaction: 75Village Popularity: 12 Existing Building: One Administrative Courtyard: There is a meeting room and the residence of the village head.

36 thatched huts: 2 people per habitable villager, primary blacksmith shop: can be used to craft farm tools and weapons. Construction conditions: 1 junior blacksmith.

Primary medical center: save lives and help the wounded, and provide some medicines. Construction conditions: 1 junior physician.

Junior Liquor Shop: Offering a wide range of alcoholic beverages. Construction conditions: 1 junior winemaker.

Beginner Tailor's Shop: Can make all kinds of ordinary clothes, beast skin armor. Construction conditions: 1 junior tailor or 1 junior armor tinkerer.

Elementary Private School: Villager Intelligence Permanent +2, Satisfaction +3. Construction conditions: 1 celebrity or scholar.

Primary warehouse: can store all kinds of materials. The construction conditions can be built by a builder.

There's a whole bunch of pigeon houses and stuff.

Buildable Buildings: Primary Bow Shop: Can produce bows and arrows. Construction conditions 1 hunter.

Junior Inn: Habitable for foreign population. Construction conditions 1 cook.

Primary Lumberyard: Logging.

Primary Quarry: Mining of stone.

Primary Arrow Tower: One person can be arranged to patrol it to increase the field of vision.

Beginner Carpenter's Shop: Crafting wooden tools. Construction conditions: 1 junior carpenter.

Mill: Grain can be made into flour. Construction conditions: 1 junior carpenter.

Money Bank: Villager satisfaction +2, which allows residents to store money. Construction conditions: 1 merchant.

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