At this banquet, Li Tianlong opened most of his heart to almost everyone present, and it was naturally not difficult to get the favor of Tong Yuan, Ma Chong and others. Sincerity has always been the best weapon to gain the favor of others. In addition, every word he says does not deviate from righteousness and the people of the world, which makes them very respectful of Li Tianlong.

For example, Cheng Zhongde, who barely spoke, originally stood from the perspective of an outsider and an observer, but later he couldn't help but put forward his opinions to Li Tianlong, but he had the feeling of substituting for Li Tianlong's subordinate role.

Then again, in fact, great benevolence and righteousness are not important to the Beijia school, and there are more people with benevolence and righteousness in the middle of the day and day. Benevolence and righteousness are naturally very effective when used to fool the common people, but for Tong Yuan and these people, it is not the most important.

Because troubled times are coming, these people are not simple characters, how can they see that they are about to decline?

In this troubled world, they must have the temperament and potential of being a superior person, which is what they like the most!

Perseverance, decisiveness, ruthlessness, and black bellies... With these conditions, you have the qualifications to become a hero and a hegemon.

But to be the master of the world, there is still a little short

! We must have the courage to have the world in mind, just like Li Tianlong said, dare to be the first in the world! Can no one can, dare no one dare!

The banquet lasted until the end of the day, when it was successfully concluded. During this period, Li Tianlong appointed Lü Bu as the deputy commander of the Shanggu Army, leading an army alone, at the same level as Gaoshun Zhang Liao and others, and immediately set off for the surrendered city defense area the next day to assist Xu Huang in waging war against the Northern Xiongnu; appointed Xu Rong as the general of Fenwu, under the command of Yan Liang of the Liaoxi Army, and immediately went to Shiqin City to take up his post the next day; appointed Hua Xiong as the general of Fenwei and went to Liaodong to assist Zhang Jaw. The rest of Cao Xing, Hao Meng and others all have their own rewards, and their positions are not low.

It's a pity that Pan Feng is still unwilling to surrender, but when he knew that his lord was killed by Yuan Shao, he was still very sad in his heart, so Li Tianlong told him to go down and think about it first.

What makes Li Tianlong the happiest is the contribution of Cheng Yumanzhong and Han Wen.

At the end of the banquet, the three of them stood up and worshiped Li Tianlong as the lord, assisted Li Tianlong, and took root in Youzhou.

In this regard, Li Tianlong cannot be treated badly. Cheng Yu was placed under the Fuzhi to assist the Fuzhu in handling internal affairs and people's livelihood matters; Manzhong temporarily lived under Chen Qun and was in charge of criminal punishment, legal system, public security and other matters; as for Han Wen, this young man who was only twelve or thirteen years old was thrown by Li Tianlong under his senior brother Zhao Yun, and let him exercise first, see the effect, and then make a decision.

Early the next morning, Li Tianlong, Cai Yan, Zhen Mi and the other daughters had a belching breakfast, and then he and Dian Wei took Tong Yuan, Wang Yue, Ma Chong, Mu Yuan and Li Xi out of the palace and went to Youzhou Academy.

Because of the elders' request, they did not take a carriage or horseback, but walked on foot, walking on the bustling streets of Yuyang City, pointing and discussing all the way.

"Looking at this population density, the total number of people in the entire city is probably not less than one million!" Ma Chong seemed to always have a straight face, and when he was talking, he was also very solemn: "The big city of millions of people, along the way, I haven't seen a single public security incident, presumably Yuyang City is quite well governed!"

Li Tianlong nodded and said with a smile: "But that's the case." Now I, Yuyang Ling and Taishou Tian Kai, is indeed a rare talent in internal affairs!"

Li Tianlong and the others walked slowly, and from time to time there were ordinary people and traders who knew Li Tianlong, and they saluted Li Tianlong respectfully and sincerely.

Li Tianlong didn't support it, and returned the gifts one by one.

"The so-called food and clothing are enough to know the etiquette," Tong Yuan said with a smile: "You see, the people of Yuyang City are all red-faced, and they must have a good life. Looking at the younger generation, all of them are strong and steady, and they are all good materials for being soldiers

!" "Hehehe..." Li Tianlong laughed and said: "The people are rich, the body is strong, and they know etiquette and knowledge, which is the goal that this king has been working hard for! However,

" Li Tianlong said this, paused, and said: "Actually, the public security incident in Youzhou has been on the rise in recent years! That is, Yuyang, with this king in charge, is peaceful, but other places are much worse!"


As a legalist, I am naturally most interested in the rule of law.

"It's nothing. Li Tianlong nodded and said: "It's just because of the popularization of martial arts in the whole territory of this king, which has caused young people from all over the country to learn the art of martial arts, grow bloody, and be competitive and ruthless, but it makes this king quite a headache!"

Li Tianlong didn't say anything about the creation of the guild, but actually wanted to hear the opinions of everyone around him.

"Oh?!" Ma Chong frowned and groaned.

It was Tong Yuan, who listened to Li Tianlong's words, but his eyes lit up.

"The art of martial arts and war has always been cherished and monopolized by the big families, but the prince's move is to break the old rules and create a new system!" Tong Yuan said: "In this way, the prince is helping the old man do something that the old man can never do!"

It's not that no one thought about it before, but it was not implemented because of the imperial court's policy of ignoring the people. Now what Li Tianlong did made them feel very surprised.

"The old man has heard that the Legalists have a saying," the farmer Mu Lao glanced at Ma Chong, who was contemplating, and said to Li Tianlong: "Confucianism uses literature to mess with the law, and chivalry uses martial arts to violate the ban." If the art of martial arts and war is popularized throughout the territory, isn't the prince afraid that those lawless students will go against the government after they arrive?"

Li Tianlong nodded and said with a smile: "This king has also considered this. But there are two sides to everything, as long as it is well controlled, it can develop in a good direction. Besides, if this king is afraid of this and that, and he doesn't even have this bit of courage, how can he talk about winning the throne?"

Although Youzhou popularized the art of war and martial arts, it also imposed restrictions. The martial arts taught by the martial arts academy are all veterans who have retired from the army, and the content taught is naturally the combat skills in the army. The combat skills popularized in the army are actually simplified by Li Tianlong according to the nameless combat skills in the inheritance, and they are divided into several levels. In other words, the combat skills taught by the general grassroots martial arts academy are only the first one or two layers of the simplified combat skills, that is, no matter how good a person's talent is, it is impossible to become a master of the world by only learning these two layers of combat skills.

In doing so, on the one hand, it restricts the level of masters among the people, stimulates the blood of the people, and strengthens their physique; on the other hand, it also plays the role of a bait; if they want to continue to acquire higher and deeper combat skills, they must join the army!

As for the art of war, the degree of restriction should be a little stricter. The comprehensive and profound military strategy is a comprehensive art of war that cannot be learned in the martial arts academy of the university department of Youzhou University, and only by joining the army can you have the opportunity to learn the comprehensive art of war.

To put it bluntly, Li Tianlong's intention to popularize the grassroots martial arts academy is just to cultivate reserves for the army. Although those minor fights and brawls and other public security problems have some impact, they are only minutiae. He believed that as long as the guild system was introduced and the guild law was sound, these situations would be eliminated.

At this time, Ma Chong, the sect leader of the Legalist family, seemed to have thought clearly.

This old man looked at Li Tianlong meaningfully, and said with a smile: "Youzhou can reach the point where it is today, which is closely related to the prince's eloquence and far-reaching vision. As for the question that the prince just raised, the old man believes that the prince must have a countermeasure! It should be said that the prince should have made all preparations before implementing this policy! I don't know if the old man has guessed wrong?

!" Li Tianlong laughed: "Sure enough, Jiang is old and spicy! Ma Lao is old and strong, and Yuan really admires it! But Yuan wants to hear Ma Lao's views and countermeasures on this, can Ma Lao give me advice?"

Ma Chong grinned at the corner of his mouth, pulled up a smile, and said: "In view of this situation, the old man has three suggestions.

"Oh!?please!" Li Tianlong's eyes flashed, and he listened respectfully.

"First, it is also the most appropriate way to ban the martial arts academy one by one. The martial arts academy is gone, and if the root cause is broken, it will not be able to make waves_o

"Second, they will be severely punished! If there is a fight on the street and disturbs the peace, they will be fined and imprisoned, and their ears and noses will be cut off at the worst!"

"Third, it is naturally to transfer and guide!" Ma Chong looked at Li Tianlong and said with a smile: "Presumably Grandpa Wang is going to use this method! Since the people are full of blood and the young people have excess energy, it is better to use it for my use! Or start a war, divert attention, consume blood, or replace it with other things, in short, it is transfer and guidance!"

Li Tianlong nodded and said, "The third article that Ma Lao said is exactly what I want. So Li Tianlong roughly said about the development of northern Xinjiang, the treasure hunt in the sea, and the creation of the mercenary guild: "This king thinks that all the forces in the world can be used by me." As long as there is detailed guidance, it can become a source of promoting social progress!"

"Old decay admires!" Everyone

looked at Li Tianlong, and their words were full of admiration from the bottom of their hearts. "But the guild system has never been seen before, after all, it is a new system. Something new is bound to have its flaws. The old man thought that the prince should be taken seriously, and the guild's self-imposed legal supervision must be accurate and comprehensive!"

"That's what Ma Lao said. Li Tianlong said with a smile: "Ma Lao is the sect master of the Legalist family, and for the study of the law, there is no one in the world who is better than Ma Lao." Therefore, this king wants to ask Ma Lao to help and give Chen Qun some tips, so that my Youzhou law will be more sound, and the mercenary bill and the newspaper supervision bill will be born earlier!"

Then, Li Tianlong went over the matter of creating newspapers and periodicals.

"The prince's whimsy, I'm impressed!" "

Newspapers..."Novelist Sect Master Li Xi's eyes flickered, looked at Li Tianlong and said: "Prince, this newspaper...""Hehehe... Doesn't Sect Master Li think that this newspaper is just created for novelists?" Li Tianlong's face was full of provocative smiles: "It is precisely the purpose of novelists to collect folk news, publish it, and educate the people of the world with the truth contained therein! This newspaper of this king is under preparation, but he cannot find a suitable person to preside over it. Helpless!"

"Uh... Wang Ye, how about my novelist to preside, "

Li Xi didn't know what Li Tianlong meant, and immediately said.

"Hahaha... This king is waiting for Sect Master Li's words!" Li Tianlong laughed: "In this way, starting tomorrow, the matter of preparing for the establishment of newspapers and periodicals, this king will hand over the matter of preparing for Sect Master Li to do it, how about it?"

"Okay, good!" Li Xixi was overjoyed.

"Alas, I said that the prince, the Legalist novelist has something to do, what about my farmer?" Mu Yuan couldn't look at it from the side, and hurriedly said.

"Hehehe... Mu Lao don't be anxious!" Li Tianlong looked at Mu Yuan's somewhat envious and anxious appearance, and said with a smile: "Agriculture is the foundation of the country.

This king has always paid attention to the development of agriculture. For the optimization of cultivated land, sowing, harvesting, farming tools, water conservancy and seeds, etc., I have also made some achievements in Youzhou. But after all, the farmer is the ancestor of this way, so this king wants to establish a farming department in the academy, and wants to ask Mu Lao to be the dean to study and teach the world to farm, I don't know what Mu Lao wants?"

"Wow!" Mu Yuan laughed.

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