The elders are like this, but they have made it clear that they want to support Li Tianlong and develop in Youzhou. The reason for this is that in this troubled world, for the sake of sectarian security, it is necessary to serve one side of the force, and the so-called good shade under the big tree, with the security guarantee, can continue to develop and grow, and Li Tianlong, regardless of his personal charm or the forces under his command, meets this condition, and there is no one in the world who is stronger, better, and more suitable than him!

Second, Li Tianlong's idea of treating them equally and contending with a hundred schools of thought attracted them. In the past, the regime has not only taken one or two schools of thought to govern the country, and the rest were all deposed, but Li Tianlong broke this convention, which surprised them and made them very curious, wanting to see what Li Tianlong+ could do.

Third, because Li Tianlong has certain conditions, a sect pins a hope on him. In other words, there is one thing that can only be completed with the help of Li Tianlong. In fact, it is the secret that Cai Yong said. Of course, Li Tianlong doesn't know now, but he has already remembered it in his heart, and he is trying to find the best time to ask Cai Yong.

"It's here!"

the few people spoke, and they arrived at the gate of the academy. Li Tianlong pointed to the few people under the gate of the academy that was as tall as Gu and all built of bluestone, and said with a smile: "It's Zheng Gong and them." A

few people looked at each other, it was Zheng Xuan, Cai Yong, Mo Zheng, Hua Tuo, and Zou Yan and Zou Xun!

"Zheng Gong, Yue Zhang..."

At this time, it is the time of class at the academy.

Walking through the garden path, the winding path, walking through the Confucian Academy, the Academy of Sciences, the Medical College and the Martial Arts Academy, the elders looked at the students who were either sitting in the classroom reading and practicing calligraphy, or experimenting in the outdoors, or practicing martial arts on the field, and couldn't help but admire again and again.

"This kind of teaching mode makes the old man refreshed!" Zhu Lao said: "Compared with the education method of today's private school academy, it looks more organized, and the effect is better!" The

entire Youzhou College covers an area of dry acres, and Li Tianlong led everyone to take a tour, it was already the end of the hour, and it was almost noon.

So I went to the college cafeteria and had lunch in the college. After the meal, Li Tianlong and a group of sect masters came to Zheng Xuan's dean's office.

There is a large round table in the room, Li Tianlong sits at the north head, and everyone sits around in turn. "This king created Youzhou Academy before, and now with you joining, it can be regarded as complete. So Ben Wang decided to reorganize the college.

Liu +yuan glanced at it, and saw that Zheng Xuan and the others had unchanged expressions, nodded secretly, and continued: "From now on, Youzhou Academy will be divided into two colleges. They

looked at each other and continued to listen.

"The outer courtyard is still called Youzhou College, and the inner courtyard is named the Scientific Research Institute. "

The Outer Academy is still responsible for one-day travel education: while the Scientific Research Institute focuses on research and creation of higher and newer fields!" "The Scientific Research Institute is

divided into the Department of Literature, the Department of Staff, the Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Law, the Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, the Department of Medicine, the Department of Astronomy and Geography, and the Department of Social Art. They are respectively in charge of Confucianism, soldiers, Mohists, legalists, peasants, doctors, yin and yang, and novelists. "

The scientific research institute shall have a president, three vice presidents, and a minister in charge of the preparation department. "

For the position of president of the scientific research institute, this king proposed that Zheng Gong should hold it, and the vice presidents should be Tong Lao, Ma Lao and Mo Lao. The position of the head of each department, the Ministry of Literature is held by Cai Weng, the father-in-law of the king, and the other ministries are held by the suzerains or nominees of the suzerains.

"The president and the minister are directly responsible to the king, and the president and vice president are the same product, and they are more than 5,000 stones: the minister of preparation is the same as the second product, and they are more than 3,000 stones, and they have the right to see the king at any time, and the annual salary is distributed by the government.

After Li Tianlong finished speaking, he asked: "Do you have any other opinions or suggestions, you may wish to say them and discuss them."

Zheng Xuan frowned, and said first: "Why is the old man a little puzzled by the division of the inner and outer courts?" "

Heh, I guess you are the same, since this is the case, the king will analyze it carefully." Li Tianlong said with a smile: "First of all, the responsibilities of the inner and outer courts are different, the outer court is only responsible for education, while the inner court is responsible for in-depth research. For example, Mo Lao presided over the Ministry of Science and Technology, vigorously researched all kinds of machinery, and made better, more practical, more economical, and more meaningful machinery or mechanisms. For example, the Mo family's trap bird, has Mo Lao ever thought that one day he will be a huge trap bird that can carry people into the sky?!"


Mo Attack screamed in surprise, and suddenly fell into deep thought. The rest of the people were even more shocked by Li Tianlong's words. The sky has always been the domain of birds, and if a machine could be used to send humans into the sky, then...epoch-making significance! If there really is such a flying mechanism, then war, transportation, and so on, will not it be much easier?

Seeing that it aroused the great interest of the elders, Li Tianlong laughed in his heart, and continued: "Since Shennong discovered the five grains for the benefit of mankind, until now, the output of grain crops such as millet, millet, and grain has undergone several major jumps. But what is the reason for the increase in their yields? And is it possible to make the present grain production increase greatly according to this law? What if one day the peasants invented seeds with a yield of 30 or 40 stones, or even higher? At that time, no one will starve to death!"

Zheng Xuan and the others widened their eyes, and their faces were full of disbelief.

There is only Kihara, and his face is full of energy.

"I don't want the prince to have such attainments in the field of agriculture, the old man can't do it if he doesn't admire it!" Kihara sighed: "My farmer has always been committed to the research and development of agriculture and animal husbandry, and has a deep research on seed optimization, farming technology, farm tool research and water conservancy.

"Impossible, right?" Tong Yuan was full of doubts: "If the yield per mu really reaches thirty or forty stones, then..."

"How is it impossible?" Li Tianlong smiled: "Tong Lao doesn't know, the average grain yield per mu in Youzhou has exceeded twenty stones!" Li Tianlong stretched out two fingers and solemnly gestured: "In this way, I have laid the foundation for a series of wars in Youzhou within ten years, but it will not affect the people's livelihood!"

"I see!" all the old clubs sighed, and Ma Chong said: "It's the first time for the old man to come to Youzhou. Before, the old man thought that the prince had fought repeatedly, even if he raised the power of a country, he was afraid that he would not be able to do it, and he thought that Youzhou was now poor, and he went to Youzhou the day before yesterday to take a look, which surprised the old man and was very puzzled. Now after listening to the words of the prince, I know that this is the case!"

"Hehe," Hua Tuo rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "What about the doctors?" "

This king has already said that the research fields of various sects are indispensable elements in this world! And the essence of medicine and its development direction are also here. The popularization and innovation of medical skills are directly related to the development of society. For example, the survival rate of infants, a large part of the babies born every year will lose their lives because of one disease or another, but babies are the future of a country and a nation! For example, in the treatment of external injuries, our army fights, and the soldiers shed their blood on their heads, and many people are injured. In many cases, because of the improper handling of external injuries, the soldiers who had hoped to survive did not have a chance to meet the victory, and the war that had the hope of victory was lost, so it can be said that medical skills are also a necessary factor in determining the victory of a war.

"There are also the study of incurable diseases, the containment of plagues, and so on, all of which are inseparable from medical skills! So, Hua Lao, you doctors have a long way to go!"

After hearing this, everyone sighed. In ancient times, the most important factors influencing population growth were the low growth rate of infants and the effects of wars and plagues. And the doctor was created for this.

"In the past, Shennong tasted a hundred herbs and died without regrets. The king hopes that the doctors will inherit this spirit, carry forward the medical skills, and contribute to the people and society.

Hua Tuo's face was full of seriousness: "Don't worry, my doctor has never forgotten the spirit of Shennong to taste a hundred herbs!"

Li Tianlong nodded and said, "Let's talk about Confucianism again." This king thinks that it is not only because of the needs of the emperor, but more importantly, because Confucianism has inherited the spirit of the sages and ancestors! This king can say without hesitation that Confucianism is

the spiritual core of our Chinese nation! Just like what this king said: Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a life for the people, continue to learn for the saints, and open peace for all generations!

Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faith represent the most beautiful and upright traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and are everyone's spiritual sustenance. This is the true spirit of Confucianism!"

"Confucianism plays the role of connecting the past and the future. It inherits the spirit and cultural achievements of our ancestors, inherits and carries forward this treasure, so that our descendants will always remember how our ancestors pioneered and innovated in the midst of hardships and hardships in that distant era! What kind of wealth our ancestors left for us

! "We can have no food, no clothing, and no shelter! But we cannot do without persistence and faith in our hearts! We will never forget that we are Chinese people! We are called Xia because of the great etiquette, and the beauty of Chinese children is called Hua!"

"Inheriting the culture of China, inheriting the spirit of our ancestors, carrying it forward, pioneering and innovating, this is the duty of Confucianism!" Li

Tianlong said, tears streaming down his face. In the hazy tears, he seemed to see that in that ancient period, the ancestors worked hard for the sake of their descendants! as if he saw the three emperors and five emperors overcoming obstacles and leading China; as if he saw the first saint Confucius giving a lecture at the opening altar... Zheng Xuan heard it with tears in his eyes

! This is the truth he has been looking for

! This is the true essence of

Confucianism! Tong Yuan, Ma Chong, and others were shocked!

No wonder Confucianism has always pressed them, and the original reason is this!

"The first saint Confucius is worthy of the title of a saint! We deeply respect him!" Tong Yuan and the others said solemnly. It is no wonder that only Confucius, the founder of the Beijia school, is respected as a saint, and now that I think about it, only he is qualified to be honored as a saint! Li Tianlong waved his sleeves to wipe the water from the corners of his eyes, settled his mind, and said: "Okay, we dare not hope that Confucianism inherits the spirit of our ancestors, and we must always keep it in mind. However, the role of the soldier and the lawyer must not be ignored at all!"

"Let's talk about the soldier first. I have heard that some Confucian scholars despise soldiers, saying

that there is no benevolence and righteousness in the matter of soldiers holding swords and killing! For such a person who is not a Confucian student at all, this king will definitely spray his face

when he sees it!" "This king thinks that the great benevolence and righteousness lie in the fact that soldiers do killing!" Li Tianlong said categorically: "You may not know, this king is also a soldier of the family

!" "Ah?!"

The elders were surprised inexplicably.

Tong Yuan's face was full of surprise.

"But this king is not a soldier of his grandson!" Li Tianlong said again.

Tong Yuan's face stiffened with a smile, and he followed everyone to wonder. Listening to what Li Tianlong said, is there still a second soldier in this world? Impossible!

"This king's martial arts, the method of training soldiers, and the method of marching and arranging formations are all inherited from the ancient soldiers!" Li Tianlong threw another bomb.

"Ancient soldiers?!" Zheng Xuan's eyes flashed, thoughtful: "Could it be..."Seeing

this, Li Tianlong smiled slightly: "Zheng Lao Bo is all over the world, he must know the ancient God of War Soldier Master

Chi You, right?" "Chi You?!" "That big devil?!"

"Yes, it's Chi You

." But he's not the big devil. Li Tianlong said solemnly: "This king can be said to be the next-generation disciple of the god of war Chiyou!"

At this time, all the old clubs were dumbfounded. Chi You, a character in myths and legends, I am afraid that there are more than tens of thousands of years ago, and there are even disciples of the next generation, and he is also this eloquent prince!"

Could it be that there is something hidden in this?" Cai Yan frowned.

"Yes, there are secrets. Li Tianlong sighed and said: "In that reckless era, fierce beasts were rampant on the earth, and our Chinese nation has been struggling with it since its founding! In order to survive and carry forward the race, the ancestors picked up weapons and used their own flesh and blood to create a leap through the sky for future generations! It is precisely because of them that our Chinese nation has the grand occasion it has today!"

Among these ancestors, there is a group of people who have always fought at the forefront, always used their own hands, their own weapons, and their own wisdom to support the race! They are the pioneers of the ancient soldiers

! "They have created countless combat skills and techniques in the struggle against fierce beasts and nature! Passing them on and letting all the clansmen learn them, so that the countless crises of the race's extinction will be avoided!"

"Later, with the growth of our Chinese nation and the perfection of martial arts, we gradually expelled the fierce beasts and defeated nature! In the process, these pioneers established the ancient soldiers!" By the time of the Yellow Emperor, the fierce beasts were expelled, the earth was peaceful, and the people lived a peaceful life. As a result, the pioneers of the Shangji military family suddenly felt as if they had nothing to do! And at that time, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor was ready to change the national policy because he had lost an external threat!

And said to the Yellow Emperor that the soldiers cannot be abandoned, otherwise when the time comes to natural disasters and man-made disasters, no one will die for the race anymore!"

But the Yellow Emperor insisted on his own opinion, believing that the earth was unified and there was no threat from outside, and the soldiers and killing gods must be hidden, otherwise they would suppress the soldiers at all costs. "

The contradiction between the two became more and more intense, and so, the big war broke out!" "

Chi You was angry for a while, and led the army of a hundred battles under his command to win successive battles, and the Yellow Emperor was defeated, until he fought to chase the deer, and he could decide the world in one battle!"

"At this time, there was a person who broke into Chi You's military tent alone and said a word. "

... Chi You, do you understand the purpose and meaning of the soldier's existence?'"

When Chi You heard this, it was like being struck by lightning! What is the duty of the soldier? The soldiers fought for the survival of the Chinese nation, existed for the reproduction of the Chinese nation, and existed to protect the Chinese nation! Instead of raising a butcher's knife and slashing at their own people!

"This is the inside story

of the battle for the deer!" "It's a pity! After Chi You died, the Yellow Emperor remembered the danger of this battle, so he ordered to hunt down and kill the members of the soldiers, and the soldiers of Shanggu were destroyed!"

Li Tianlong said, sighing.

"Is that so!?"

everyone looked at each other. Chi You turned out to be such a person, and the Yellow Emperor actually won the victory

in this way!"Just like the inheritance says, the existence of the soldier family is to protect! Protect your own race, protect our Chinese nation!-A nation, in the process of his development and growth, will inevitably experience the test of blood and fire, and at this time, the soldier family is the guardian god of the race! Therefore, this king said that the soldier holding the sword to kill is where the righteousness lies!"

"I see! Tong Yuan Wang Yue muttered to himself.

"We will inherit the spirit of our ancestors, protect the Chinese nation, and fight a bloody path for future generations!"

Li Tianlong nodded fiercely.

"Let's talk about the law, we all know that there are no rules. If there is no law, the world will be in chaos. "

With the development of society, more and more new problems will emerge. At this time, the Legalists will have to assume the responsibility of revising the law! Let the world be peaceful, let the people work in peace and contentment, and never close their doors at night, this is the duty of the Legalists. Therefore, Legalism is an indispensable part of the prestige of the regime, and even the most important part!"

"Novelists walk among the people, and we may ignore it a lot of time. But that doesn't take credit away from them.

It is a great merit to take the things that have already happened and to educate the people of the world! On the one hand, because these things come from the people, they are more easily accepted by the people, and the other is extremely important to find out the loopholes in the policy strategy so that the government can supplement them

." "Then there are the Yin and Yang families, who observe astronomy and geography, study the astrological calendar, seek truth from the mystery of nature, and predict natural disasters, and their role is irreplaceable. For example, if we can predict the occurrence of natural disasters accurately, how much damage can be avoided!? For example, if we can predict earthquakes or floods in advance, how many people will be able to get life?

As long as they do what they should do well, they will invisibly make a great contribution to this nation.

Li Tianlong said, picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip, looked at the reverent and admiring eyes of several old people, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Immediately laughed dryly, and said: "Elders, looking at Yuan like this, Yuan is really embarrassed hehe..."

So the matter of the day is settled. Zheng Gong is the dean of the academy and presides over the scientific research institute, and his father-in-law is responsible for the cultural teaching of the entire students, and summons the Confucian giants to preside over the literature department: Tong Lao and Wang Lao are responsible for teaching the students the martial arts and the art of war and the general staff of the research of the art of war;

The support of several schools of thought made Li Tianlong feel very comfortable. Although he wasn't sure that the Beijia School put all its energy into Youzhou, after all, eggs would not be put in one basket. But since the sect masters of the Bei family have stayed in Youzhou, then in other words, he, Li Tianlong, is the most ideal candidate in their minds.

As for the other side details, there is nothing to worry about.

When I returned to the palace, it was already evening.

had a sweet dinner with Cai Yan, Zhen Mi, Xiaoxiao and other girls, and today was a happy ending.

The next day, Li Tianlong devoted himself to his work.

Although he is lazy, he often delegates authority to his subordinates to act as agents for everything. However, now it is necessary to establish guilds, newspapers and periodicals, and scientific research institutes, these are all systems that transcend the times, so Li Tianlong is really at ease in his heart, although in various fields, Li Tianlong is absolutely inferior to professional talents, and he cannot get his hands dirty, but after all, he is the soul of the future, and his broad vision is the crown of this era, and perhaps a word he says can give Chen Qun and others infinite results!

From this day on, Li Tianlong's life has become a three-point line.

In the morning, I got up and exercised in the morning, had breakfast, went to Chen Qun's mansion to discuss, formulate and revise the law with Ma Chong, Cheng Yu, and Man Chongyi, and others; after lunch at noon, I went to the academy to help Zheng Xuan and others improve the responsibilities and regulations of the scientific research institute, and returned to the house in the evening.

It's plain, but it's very fulfilling.

When Li Tianlong was busy with the internal affairs of Youzhou, the extreme north, northwest, eastern Liaodong and the Central Plains were all changing all the time.

Let's start with the Far North Frontier.

On that day, Li Tianlong passed the order, but within a day, Zhao Yun and Yan Liang received the military order.

After Zhao Yun received the military order, he did not hesitate, and immediately ordered the generals under his command to discuss, and finally decided to let the deputy general Zhang Liao be in charge of the pioneering, and he stayed in the defense area. Zhang Liao is not a procrastinator, he took over the general, immediately led an army of 100,000, brought enough grain and grass, and went straight to the north.

And Yan Liang is an idle master.

He handed over the army to Liu He, and he took over the task of pioneering.

The grasslands of northern Xinjiang are vast and very desolate. Especially in the north of the five new cities, it is even more inaccessible. Because Li Tianlong defeated Xianbei and expelled the remnants of Xianbei, the grasslands in the extreme north were even more silent.

Zhang Liao led his army to the north for a month and a half, making maps along the way and recording geographical routes. In the evening of that day, Zhang Liao received a report from the soldiers.

"General, there is a huge lake fifty miles ahead!"

"Lake!?" Zhang Liao heard this, pondered for a moment, and said, "Bring the guide over." "

It is said that it is a guide, but in fact, it is just a prisoner after the defeat of Xianbei.

In a moment, the soldier brought the guide up.

It was an old man, with gray hair, and he looked to be about fifty or sixty years old. However, the clothes on his body are no different from those of the Han people, if it were not for the unique temperament of the grassland people, no one would definitely recognize him as a Xianbei person.

"General. "The old man of Xianbei gave a long salute.

"Do you know where this is, and what is the name of the lake fifty miles away?" asked Zhang Liao.

"General, this is the extreme north, and the footprints of the Xianbei people stopped here!" replied the old man: "That tide is called Baijia Lake, which is the boundary between the territory of the Xianbei people and the extreme north. "

That is, after Lake Vega, you don't know the way?"

"Yes, General. The old man bowed and said: "The land of the extreme north is cold and harsh, and there are often snowstorms in winter, and the Xianbei people did not think of developing to the extreme north, but because there were 100,000 troops wiped out by the blizzard overnight, no one has this idea anymore."

Hearing this, Zhang Liao frowned.

It's winter, and the weather here is extremely cold, especially for the warriors in iron armor. Zhang Liao looked back at the still neat and disciplined army, and sighed in his heart.

Although it is the elite of the elite, it is not iron-clad after all. Although it seems that it has not been affected by the climate now, Zhang Liao believes that the combat strength of the army has dropped by almost two or three percent

! Not to mention the threat of a blizzard! "General!" Seeing Zhang Liao hesitate, the old man pointed to the dark clouds in the sky and said: "General, look at that dark cloud, with old experience, it must be a harbinger of the coming of a blizzard! The general must be prepared in advance, otherwise..."

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