Following the old man's fingers, Zhang Liao looked up and saw a huge gray-black cloud in the sky. Faintly, the clouds seemed to be rolling.

Zhang Liao's eyes widened, and when he saw it with all his eyes, he couldn't help but change his face suddenly!

The cloud was indeed rolling, and it was rolling away with a momentum that crushed the heavens and the earth. Look in that direction, it's coming this way.

"Not good!"

Zhang Liao sat on the back of the horse with a deep face, and looked around, it was a wilderness, and there was not even a place to hide! If it was really a snowstorm, then the situation would have suffered

! "Where is

the scout!?" After a while, the scout came to Zhang Liao.

"Can there be hills, grassy slopes and other terrain within a radius of fifty miles?"

Although Zhang Liao's face was calm, he was not impatient. The mood of the general affects the morale of the soldiers to a great extent, and if Zhang Liao is flustered, there will be some accidents. Although with the discipline of the Youzhou Army, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen.

When the scout heard this, he pondered for a while, and said, "General Qiyu, there are no hills and grassy slopes within fifty miles. However, there are several large potholes not far from Lake Bega, which appear to be dry pools.

Although the scout didn't understand why Zhang Liao wanted to ask about the terrain, he still told him what he knew.

"Hmm..." Zhang Liao's face remained unchanged, but his heart turned a thousand times.

"Judging by the speed of the clouds, it will take an hour at most to reach here, and if there is no place to hide, this army of 10,000 people is afraid... There are no hills and grassy slopes, and the dirt pit is fine, but: too close to the big lake, if the storm is too violent, the lake will be swept up and flow backwards..."

Zhang Liao thought for a moment, and immediately gritted his teeth and made up his mind to go to the earth pit

!" "The herald ordered the army to march quickly, and within half an hour it must rush to the earthen pit on the shore of the lake fifty miles away! Those who have strayed behind must be killed!"

"Wow!" The

army rushed like a black torrent and went straight to Lake Baiga.

Half an hour later, Zhang Liao stood in front of the earthen pit.

There are three huge earthen pits, each of which is about three or four acres in size, and the deepest part is about one zhang, several large earthen pits are connected together, and there are many small earthen pits scattered around.

The pit was completely dry, and there were many shriveled fish carcasses at the bottom of the pit, clinging to the dirt.

This is supposed to be a group of pools that have dried up due to the dry season in winter.

Zhang Liao breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at the sky and saw that the clouds were approaching! A dull feeling of depression slowly hit his heart, Zhang Liao's heart sank, and the storm came faster than he expected

! "Order! The army is divided into three parts, enter the pit! Use the tent as a container, fill the earth in the digging pit, and place it on the edge of the pit in the west and north to make it a wall! The whole army will act immediately

!" "Wow!"

Under the general's order, the soldiers immediately moved. More than 30,000 people jumped down from each pit, those who took tents took tents, those who dug dirt dug the soil, and the ping-pong work began!

"General, is it a storm?" If the deputy general still can't see the clue, he is not worthy of being selected by Zhang Liao as a deputy general. Along the way, there have been many storms, but the scale is not large, and when the storm was encountered before, there was also a favorable terrain to cover it, but this time, the deputy general raised his eyes and looked into the distance, his face was full of gloom.

Zhang Liao nodded, and said in a deep voice: "This place is a flat grassland for fifty miles, and there are no hills and grassy slopes, so it can only be like this!" As he spoke, he pointed to the huge dark clouds that were rolling more and more in the northwest sky, and said, "Looking at the situation, the storm must be not small." If there is no place to hide, our army will inevitably be scattered. In such weather, in such a desolate area, as soon as the army is dispersed, it will be over!"

"So the general used the military tent as a container and poured soil to block the water of the lake that was poured out by the storm?!"

"Not bad.

As he spoke, a breeze suddenly rose in the wilderness, and it became more and more violent! To Zhang Liao's surprise, the storm came too quickly

! "Quick! Quick! Let the soldiers speed up!" Zhang

Liao couldn't help but become anxious when he saw that the earthen wall had not yet been completely built. Immediately jumped off the warhorse, handed the reins to the lieutenant general, kicked his feet, flew down the dirt pit, and helped the soldiers dig the soil and fill the mud!

In the distance, a huge tornado was connected to the sky, and there was little white smoke around it, just like the mythical Buzhou Mountain, and the momentum was violent and majestic! Everywhere the tornado passed, the turf on the ground flew and sand and stones burst out, looking like the end of the world!

Zhang Liao gasped and shouted: "Lie down hand in hand!" The

soldiers shook hands and joined each other, and they all fell to the ground!

Gusts of wind blew overhead, cold and cold, like a steel knife scraping bones, and pieces of goose feather snow flew down, making people cold from head to toe

! "Whoa...!" The

tornado came, and dense snow flakes poured down like an arrow array, and on the lake not far away, the waves suddenly raged, and the sound of agitation was deafening!

White lines of height rushed from the surface of the lake, like a number of armies and horses, slapping on the shore again and again!

The white line is higher and higher, surging farther and farther

again and again! Boom! The huge wave is finally approaching, and the huge waves crash against the earthen wall that the soldiers have temporarily built, making a deafening sound, and everyone's ears are buzzing

! The tornado is getting closer and closer, and there is a whining and screaming sound between heaven and earth, as if the door of a ghost is wide open and ten thousand ghosts are crying! The

waves in Lake Baijia have risen from a height of one zhang to a height of two zhang, and are now close to three zhang!

The huge wall of water hit the earthen wall, and then crossed the earthen wall, and fell from the sky

, like a mountain and a sea! The

cold water mixed with the snow flakes poured down, and the soldiers shivered all over

, and their lips were purple and purple! Boom! "Oh no! Collapsed

" Zhang Liao looked up when he heard this, only to see that on the edge of the pit not far away, two huge sandbags were swept over by the huge waves, and the torrent-like ice water surged in!

"Quickly plug

it!" Zhang Liao stood up, his whole body was full of qi and blood, dispelling the severe cold, only to see him take one arrow step after another, and in a few flashes he was in front

of the torrent! "Ha!"

Zhang Liao shouted, grabbed the tent sandbag at his feet, and threw it up violently, just throwing it at the gap!

Zhang Liao was about to let go and concoct another sandbag in the same way, but then a big wave hit, and the sandbag that had just been placed was almost overturned again! Zhang Liao

could not but hold on to this sandbag to the death, and shouted again and again: "Quick! Come, bring this sandbag up as well! Quickly! Summons the soldiers to take turns to go into battle, hold the sandbags, and do not let the sandbags fall, otherwise we will all be drowned!"

The soldiers swarmed up, in groups of three or five, nailed to the back of the sandbags, and waves hit them, shaking the soldiers trembling all over! The strength of the waves was not enough to make the soldiers succumb, but the harsh cold made them numb and stiff, and they could not exert their strength

! "Hold on! A team of people took turns to step forward! They must resist it! Cough, cough, cough..." A

wall of water smashed, Zhang Liao was caught off guard, and was poured several mouthfuls of turbid ice water, and couldn't help coughing again and again.

Woo woo... At this moment

, the tornado arrived! A huge tornado ran over the surface of the lake, like a long knife, splitting the lake in two, and the silt at the bottom of the lake was almost visible! A huge wind blew over the heads of the soldiers, and if they were not careful, they were lifted into the sky!

Zhang Liao took root on the soles of his feet, and the soles of his feet clung to the ground, ~ his eyes squinted slightly, staring closely at the soldiers, ready to rescue at any time, although he couldn't see clearly.


wind blew, and one of the soldiers was blown up when they couldn't stand steadily, but fortunately, the temporary ones next to them were quick and rushed up to stop him! There were also soldiers who were not well transported were blown into the air and disappeared in the dense snowflakes

! Zhang Liaoning's eyes were split, these were all soldiers he brought out with his own hands! Zhang

Liaoning would like them to die on the battlefield than to be like this!

Zhang Liao jumped up violently, grabbed the two soldiers flying overhead, and made a thousand catties fall, falling into the mud.

"Damn! It's endless!" Zhang Liao burst into a foul mouth and scolded at the tornado who was rolling on the surface of the lake and refused to leave, and the snow flakes poured straight into his mouth

! As if hearing Zhang Liao's curse, the tornado moved violently to this side, and Zhang Liao's face turned pale in fright! Fortunately, the tornado

just played a sidekick and walked south next to the lake shore!

As the tornado progressed farther and farther away, the wind subsided, the lake leveled down, and the snow thinned out and became smaller.

Zhang Liao exhaled wildly and sat down

in the mud! After a while, Zhang Liao got up violently and shouted: "Herald, herald! Order the whole army to assemble, quickly! It must be assembled within half a pillar of incense, otherwise, it will be killed!" Now

the army is tired, cold, and frightened, if you stay in this mud any longer, something will definitely happen!

Zhang Liao could not control the complaints of the soldiers, and immediately ordered the army to assemble.

Half a pillar of incense, all the warriors dragged their extremely tired bodies together.

"Adjutant General, pick a thousand soldiers who still have physical strength, and give me to find the soldiers who have been blown away, go quickly!" Zhang Liao rode on his horse in the appearance of a mud monkey and shouted: "The others will go with the general

! Run! Don't fall behind!"

Zhang Liao led the army and looked to the northeast.

The tornado comes from the northwest and goes south, so the northeast direction is not raging, that is, as long as you look northeast and go a certain distance, there is a dry place. Then the army set up camp and lit a fire to keep

warm! As for the grain and grass, Zhang Liao smiled bitterly, is it possible to preserve the grain and grass carried by the whole army in that situation? But the first plan is to let the soldiers keep warm, and when the cold is driven away, they will pay attention to the matter of grain and grass!

After running for half an hour, although no soldiers were left behind, all of them were almost dying.

Zhang Liao looked at the dry flat land not far away, sighed, and drank: "Camp on the spot, find firewood to keep warm!" The soldiers cheered, and the teams scattered in all directions, and took the dry artemisia grass on the ground on the spot, and after a while, countless fires rose.

By the time the adjutant general's team of cadres followed the trail of the army to the camp, it was already night.

"Have you counted it?"

"About 800 people were lost.

"Didn't you find it?"

"Only more than two hundred were recovered, and the rest were nowhere to be found, presumably., Zhang Liao's face was gloomy dripping. The elite army in Youzhou was a fierce battle, and there were few huge casualties such as the loss of 800 people. And now he Zhang Liao has not encountered a single enemy, and he has lost 800 people, which is a great shame!

Zhang Liao was depressed. In the face of the power of nature, no matter what

Zhang Liao is, it is in vain! "Huh..." Zhang Liao pondered for a long time, finally took a long breath, lifted his spirit, and said: "The grain and grass are lost, the soldiers are tired and hungry, this problem must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise..." Zhang Liao showed a wry smile again: "The whole army is annihilated, how can you tell me to go back to see the prince with the face!?"

"Deputy General..."Zhang Liao looked at the tired deputy general, shrunk the words in his mouth, but said: " You rest first, General Ben goes out to pick up some soldiers with good physical strength, and settle the food first!"

Zhang Liao took the selected 1,000 soldiers and walked aimlessly on the grassland in the dark night for most of the hour, and finally almost became disheartened!

"Damn tornado

!" Zhang Liao cursed, and suddenly a flash of inspiration: "Lake!" Immediately,

Zhang Liao led his army straight to Baiga Lake.

When he arrived at the lake, he asked the soldiers to raise their torches and probe around, Zhang Liao looked at Baijia Lake but frowned deeply.

"Those who know how to fish are out of the ranks!" Zhang

Liao thought for a moment and turned around.

Suddenly, more than a dozen people stood up.

Zhang Liao's face was happy, and he said: "The army's grain and grass are soaked in silt and are no longer edible, and the general thinks that only this lake can save the army's life." So you see, how can

you get fish out of the lake!?" "A dozen people, you look at me, I look at you, and finally one of them stood up and said, "General, if you want to get fish out of this lake, you might as well have no boats, but you can't do without fishing nets

!" "Yes! Yes!"

The rest of the dozen or so people nodded their heads.

"Fishing nets..."Zhang Liao looked around with a calm face, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "What do you think of this tent?"

"Tent!-" A thousand people all set their eyes on the tent built there full of dirt.

"Punch some holes in the tent and use it as a fishing net, and you're done!"

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