Li Tianlong and his party were 50 horsemen, strong with swords, guns and horses, and 372 soldiers with bows and guns on their backs. Walking on the official road, the front and back hug, mighty. aroused the envy of everyone who leveled up all the way. But it seems that the little girls are also very thoughtful. did not tell the real belonging of these soldiers, but deduced that it was me, the army of the fake Liaoxi Army Marquis Sun Long. No one bothered anyone. Everyone listens to the shrewd, who dares to take that porcelain job without that diamond.

After about half a day, I came to Mustang Village, and it was already dark. Because they needed to enter the village to trade with the village chief Zhao of Mustang Village, the little girl and the others urgently needed to rush back to her eldest brother's village, so the group said goodbye and went their own way.

"May I ask if the village chief of your village is in the village?" Li Tianlong asked the players from Mustang Village who were standing guard at the door.

"Are you?"

"In the lower Liaoxi Army, the Marquis Sun Long. Have an appointment with the head of your village, Zhao. "

It turned out to be Brother Gongsun Long. The village chief is inside. I'll go in and inform the village chief, Brother Zhao, that you can rest here first. He's been waiting for you to come. "

Don't bother my brother. I'd better go in and find him myself. I still have urgent matters to deal with in Xuwu County. "

You just go straight to the Executive Center Cottage. The village chief should handle village affairs in the administrative center. Thanking

the guard brothers, Li Tianlong and his entourage rode to the village. The village administrative center is easy to walk to. Generally in the center of the village. The main road at the entrance of the village leads directly to the cottage in the administrative center.

"It's different to look at other people's VIPs. Dozens of military horses. That's a lot of money.

"If only my dad was a billionaire. You don't have to play a game and be reduced to the point of standing guard. "


Several player brothers who were standing guard whispered, and they were very envious of Li Tianlong, a fake and shoddy VIP.

After a while, Li Tianlong and his entourage came to the administrative center of Mustang Village.

"Please tell the village chief Zhao of your village, just say that Gongsun Long of Liaoxi is visiting. "

The Changfeng trade union deserves to be a big trade union. At the entrance of the village, the guards at the administrative center of the village are actually all players. It's amazing, it really makes Li Tianlong admire it very much. The big trade union is infinite in manpower and material resources.

"It turned out to be the Gongsun brothers. I'll go in and report to the village chief. Immediately

, the village chief of Wild Horse Village Zhao walked out: "It turned out that the Gongsun brothers came, and they were disappointed." "

Hehe, Brother Zhao is too awarded. "

Hey, I saw that Li Tianlong and his party were all tall Karasuma horses. Especially the dark horse next to Li Tianlong is even more extraordinary. When did this guy get so angry. It's a lot more beautiful than the last time I came.

"Come on, the brothers will bring Brother Gongsun's subordinates to the tavern for a good reception. Village Chief Zhao pulled Li Tianlong and was about to enter the house to talk.

"That's free. Brother Zhao, wait a minute, we have to go to Xu Wuxian County to do something, and we can't drink alcohol. It's enough for you to send someone to get them some food and water. "The bandits in the mountains are all heavy drinkers, but you have to keep them under control at all times, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with them if something goes wrong.

Li Tianlong pulled Zhang Long aside and whispered to him to take care of the bandits and tell everyone to talk less. So he went to discuss things with Village Chief Zhao in the political center. Speaking of which, Zhang Long is the most intelligent among the bandits in Tongwang Village, except for Ping Xuechang and Wang Daniu. He can generally handle the things Li Tianlong commands well. In addition to Li Tianlong's surprise, he was also delighted.

The two of them came to the lobby of the administrative center and sat down. Drinking the fragrant refined camellia, it seems that the benefits of these big unions are really good, and even the tea leaves are equipped so quickly.

"Brother Gongsun, it seems that you are getting more and more beautiful. This time it's all light cavalry. It's very important for the captain. "

Hey, hey. This is all due to the care of Brother Zhao. The captain of the school was very satisfied with the errand I did last time. So the captain gave me a few booty as a means of transportation for my brother. It can also better complete the things that the captain instructs.

"I see. Brother Gongsun has a bright future.

"Hehe, you're welcome.

"Brother Gongsun, I don't know how much equipment you brought this time? Since the last transaction, the younger brother is looking forward to the stars and the moon and looking forward to the arrival of his brother. You've really solved my urgent need. "

Huh. Brother is too awarded. "It seems that these people are really in a hurry to equip themselves. Hehe. It seems that although the durability of his equipment has dropped a little more. But I think these people shouldn't be so much. These big guilds should have blacksmiths, and they can be repaired when the time comes. After all, it is not a reality, looking at the introduction on the forum, it is still more convenient to repair the equipment. You just need to consume some iron ingots.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhao. After the last transaction, the captain was very relieved. This time, a lot of equipment was approved. "

During this time, Li Tianlong captured a lot, and he didn't bring all the extra equipment with him when he went down the mountain last time, but this time it was still relatively rich.

The various pieces of equipment add up to 513 pieces. For the current market, it is a big deal.

"Brother Gongsun, why have all the durability of these equipment dropped so much, and they are almost 1/3 gone. "

Ah, brother. It's not that you don't know that these are all obtained by the bandits, and the durability will definitely be lost. Your Grand Guild shouldn't care about that, just fix it for the blacksmith. "

Hey, you're really a hard brother. Village Chief Zhao sighed there, but he didn't pursue this matter. It seems that the other party is really in urgent need of these equipment.

Due to the durability of the equipment, Li Tianlong did not increase the price of those horn bows, scimitars, and wolf skin armor. Although the level of these things is also level 20, the attributes are much better. In the end, all of them were calculated based on 150 documents/piece, and 77 pieces were rounded.

"Brother Zhao, there is one more thing. The last time we made an agreement to pay 60% upfront. Our captain is still not satisfied. Tell me to consult with you. "After trading with the Golden Gun last time, Li Tianlong thought that a guild as big as the Changfeng Guild always has a VIP, and it is impossible that such a few coins can't be scraped together. You have to find a reason to change this article, otherwise it will still be a loss.

"Well, I forgot to tell my brother just now. The leader of the guild specially allocated a batch of funds for this business, saying that he could not treat you badly. After that, we are all 100% paid in one lump sum. But food, which is really hard to come by, may be very small. Hearing

the news, Li Tianlong was already very happy. There are very few people who are as bold as the golden gun and are willing to give food to others. Being able to get all the coins at once has already served its purpose. Anyway, even if there is food, there is no way to get it back for the time being. It's impossible to ask him to send a player to use a storage backpack to help him bring it back to the cottage. Then it's all exposed. Last time, I let the little girls know that there was no way to do it.

I put all the 77 coins in the storage backpack and was happy again. With the equipment trade in Mustang Village and the minions of the Golden Gun, you shouldn't have to worry about coins at the beginning of the game. The next step is to solve the food problem, and the cottage can make great strides forward.

"Brother Gongsun, next time you have to bring more equipment. The more the merrier. "

Well, the little brother must work hard. "It looks like we're going to double down on those bandits.

With the wave of Village Chief Zhao's hand, Li Tianlong took the well-fed bandits and set foot on the road to Xu Wu County. Originally, Village Chief Zhao still left Li Tianlong and others to stay at the Wild Horse Village Inn, but Li Tianlong refused in order to avoid unnecessary trouble. It's better for everyone to be less together, so as not to show any horses and feet.

Li Tianlong had already inquired with the little girl and learned that the road guide to Xuwu County needed to go to the township to find the township chief or the husband to receive the task with his village head's documents. Most of the tasks are to help deliver letters to the village, help farmers farm fields, help women find lost children, and so on. After completion, you can get the road guide issued by the village governor, and with the road guide, you can enter the city. And the town of Xuzhen, which is ruled by the township governor here, is not far from Mustang Village.

When I came to Xu Town, it was already the treetops on the moon. It's been a hard day. Li Tianlong led the minions to the inn to sleep directly, and he went offline to rest.

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