The game time is 24 hours a day, and it is only 6 hours after the offline return to reality. Although 30 days have passed since the game has been in operation, Li Tianlong still feels magical every time he goes offline. It's like entering the mustard seed space of those great gods in YY's novels. It feels magical, it's magical.

I took a hot bath and had a good meal after stir-frying some farm food. With the development of science and technology, food has not changed much. Vegetables and fruits, pork and beef are still the main dishes in people's homes. Concentrated food, which tastes so bad, is mostly used as rations for army soldiers, or as food for people to carry out expeditions in the wilderness.

Browsing the forum, Li Tianlong felt very proud. The first player in the Huaxia game area to successfully subdue the general. Although the name is hidden, everyone doesn't know that it is me, but Li Tianlong's psychological pride is still indispensable. The forum is also very popular about this matter. The topic of today's most popular post is the matter of subduing the military generals in the field.

"I strongly ask the official to announce the method and process of recruiting and accepting generals, brothers...

"In the name of all Chinese players, please announce the methods and procedures for subduing the generals in the field. The brothers are grateful. Let's stand up together... Damn, the followers are actually as high as millions, and they are still growing.

"Lucky brother, publish your general's information to the younger brothers. It's good to open your eyes. "

Overlord Village invested 1 million Realistic Earth Coins to recruit players who subdued the generals. If you are interested, please contact... "

Tianxia Village invested 1.5 million Reality Earth Coins to recruit this lucky player. Please contact... "

Sun's, isn't it. Such tempting conditions. Seeing himself so enthusiastic on the forum, Li Tianlong was a little dizzy. 1.5 million earth coins, how can it be enough to work for more than ten years. It's worth considering. If you take refuge in the past, you can improve your life a little and buy a small flying car.

After thinking about it for a long time, Li Tianlong still decided not to join those big guilds. Although I will definitely be valued for the time being, there are many benefits. But this is also my own luck for a while, and it will be difficult to say in the future. There are too many rules in those big guilds, and the people at the head are all wealthy princes, and they are not easy to greet. It's better to be at ease and unrestrained by yourself, and do whatever you want.

However, Li Tianlong still wrote a post about the process of subduing the generals, accompanied by some photos to testify, and also set 1 earth coin to take a look. Seeing that the situation is so hot, maybe you can gain a little bit.

After playing the game for so long, although the reality is not long, and the body is not tired, it is still more exhausting. Li Tianlong went out to the supermarket to replenish some ammunition and then went to sleep.

Sleep helps with brain recovery. I have to say that the benefits of technology, like now, people don't have to worry about lack of time for the time being.

Workaholics have a lot of time to work, and leisure people can also find a lot of time to go out and play.

The online appeared in the inn room, and Zhang Long and they were getting together and didn't know what little game they were playing. With the lesson of being hijacked by the little girl last time, Li Tianlong found that the passenger station was not very safe. This game is too real, according to the little girl, they just spent 2 copper coins to buy off the innkeeper's lady, and they got Li Tianlong's room number.

So before Li Tianlong went offline, he ordered Zhang Long to concentrate all the guards in the room where he went offline. Anyway, he booked an independent small building in the inn, and the space is quite large. Although there are not so many beds, the bandits are already in good condition.

It's really real, and the shopkeeper also brought hot water to wash his face. Although the sun is already high in the game now. A warm towel is applied to the face, which is very comfortable. This is much better than the service of those star-rated hotels in reality. As soon as you went online, the second child of the store came into the room with washing water. Be considerate and thoughtful.

Leaving the bandits at the inn, Li Tianlong asked the innkeeper about the mayor of the town, who was also the residence of the township rank of Xuxiang, and rode alone to pick up the task of guiding the way. According to the experience of other players, it is just a small mission, and it is better for those bandit soldiers to stay in the inn, in case of trouble, it is difficult to clean up. This NPC town is very good. According to the setting, the population is at least 10,000 or more, and looking at the surrounding environment, there are a lot of soldiers patrolling the streets with guns and knives, groups of

people The administrative center of the town is extraordinary, much more polite than the administrative cottage in our Xiangyun Village. Look at the people here, bluestone walls, mahogany courtyards, carved dragon eaves, and dragon pavilions. It's much better than those sightseeing gardens.

"Come and get off the horse. The NPC guarding the gate held a gun in front of Li Tianlong's horse.

Li Tianlong turned over and dismounted, and arched his hand: "Brothers, good afternoon." The

NPC glanced at Li Tianlong: "Don't talk nonsense, what's the matter here." This is a small town, and idlers are not close to it. "

Grandma's, these NPCs are so bullish:" The younger brother is the head of Xiangyun Village. I came to meet the township lord and asked for the road into the city, "I handed over my village chief documents and 10 Wen Li Tianlong." This is all the experience summed up by the previous player brothers. It's hard to get a little ghost, and it always hurts to give a gift.

After taking the paperwork and feeling the weight in his hand, he said, "Well, you wait here, I'll go in and tell Lord Xiangzhi." "This guy was overjoyed. Recently, a large number of people have come to ask for directions every day, and the brothers have made a small fortune.

After a while, this NPC came out.

"Our township lord said that your Xiangyun Village has been recorded. Pay all 1 copper coins can directly get a copy of the road. "

Hey, it's so expensive, isn't it just a small task? When my coins come easily. Li Tianlong asked in a low voice: "This brother, I heard that Lu Yin only needs to do a small task to get it? Why has it become 1 copper coin now?"

"For the sake of your generous face, I will tell you." The NPC pulled Li Tianlong aside and said in a low voice: "Recently, a large number of you Inhuman players have come to seek a way to introduce the city. The county town is overcrowded and the law and order is chaotic. There was a document on it, saying that it was necessary to collect a little security fee appropriately. It's still for the sake of you being the village chief, it's a lot cheaper. "

The sun's is truly a rare dark period in history. The emperor of the court above sold officials, and the county and township roads below were all sold for 1. It's really unreasonable. But there was no way, so I had to obediently pay 1 copper coin to the janitor brother and ask the brother to hand it over.

With money, things can be done quickly. As soon as this NPC took the money, it came in again. handed Li Tianlong a document: "This is the brother's path, valid for 3 months." There is also a paper certificate from the village chief of the brother. "

Valid for 3 months? After receiving the document certificate, Li Tianlong opened it and took a look: Xu Xiang Lu Yin, Xu Wu County, Youzhou Youzhou Youbei County, the holder of Xiangyun Village, Li Tianlong, the head of Xiangyun Village, can use this certificate to pass through all towns and cities in Beiping County within 3 months of the validity period; after the validity period, it needs to be collected anew; and the validity period will be counted from the same day. It's even darker than me, a bandit, and this kind of speed of grabbing money can't be compared.

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