Tai Shi Ci got a plan, and his mind turned to understand it, and he led 8,000 elite soldiers out of the city gate and came to the field.

"I have long heard that the combat power of the Youzhou army covers the world, and the famous general of Jizhou, General Liyi, has been handed down, and a certain Donglai Tai Shi Ci came to receive the teaching!"

Tai Shi Ci held his halberd and clenched his fists, and said loudly.

A stone's throw away, Koji Yi carefully looked at the young general named Tai Shici opposite.

I saw that he had a handsome face, a tiger's back and a bear's waist, and there was a hidden air flow around his body, and between the thick qi and blood, a faint stream of wolf smoke could be seen rising from the heavenly spirit, rushing straight to a height of several zhang!

"Some skills!"

On the battlefield, only those who have the ability can be respected. Lu Yi replied slightly, and said with a smile: "General Taishi, dare to ask what position you live

in now?" Tai Shici was stunned, and was a little confused for a moment, but still replied: "A certain person is now in the position of captain of Changshui." "

Captain Changshui?" Lu Yi frowned, shook his head, and said: "It's overkill! With all due respect, General Taishi's skills are placed in my Youzhou Army, at least he is also in the position of a general." The king of Yuyang is eloquent and strategic, and he is the only one, General Taishi, if you vote for the king of Yuyang, I dare to guarantee that Youzhou will definitely show you your stage!"

Tai Shi Ci was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his anger rose: "General Lu Yi! Although he is a martial artist, he also knows the word loyalty and righteousness! Don't insult my personality!" Lu Yi

looked at Tai Shi Ci, who was glaring angrily, and secretly said yes, but said: "You can't say that." As the so-called good birds choose trees to perch, and now they are already at a disadvantage, and sooner or later they will fall into the hands of this general, so why bother to fight against them and give the lives of these soldiers in vain?"

Tai Shi Ci was furious when he heard this, and shouted: "Whether it falls into the hands of your General Liyi, it will take a while to know, don't be too arrogant!" Tai Shi Ci

thought to himself, no matter how powerful your Youzhou army is, there are still 1.2 million troops in my Gaotang City, even if you can't win, it is more than enough to rely on the city wall to confront you! Although those steel monsters look terrifying, they may not be able to do anything with this wall!

This is the difference between knowledge, experience, and vision.

For example, Chen Deng Chen Palace saw the threat of these siege equipment at a glance. However, Tai Shici was too young and confident in his martial arts, but he underestimated these new super siege machines invented and cast by Li Tianlong and the Mo family.

"Come on, General Liyi, fight with a certain for a while, and if you lose, this Gaotang City is your Youzhou Army!" Tai

Shici shouted, and the eight thousand elite soldiers behind him drank at the same time, which was quite murderous.

These 8,000 elite soldiers, although they are the most elite soldiers selected by Liu Xuan's Qingzhou army, are all tall and full of strength. But in the eyes of Koji Yi, it is far from enough. If nothing else, just this cheer sounds a little imposing, but it is not harmonious enough, it is a little messy, and it can't be compared with the elite army of Youzhou at all.

Of course, if these 8,000 elite soldiers can be handed over to Lu Yi to be trained with the secret method of Youzhou Army training, they will not be afraid for two years, and they will inevitably be 8,000 elite soldiers who are not inferior to Mo Daomen. After all, isn't it the essence of the 1.2 million people

?" "You want to fight?"

"That's good!" Tai Shi Ci blindly remembered Chen Deng's instructions, and immediately said: "It is rumored that the Youzhou army has won a hundred battles, if you don't believe it, try it yourself!"

Lu Yi nodded and waved his hand.

He saw that in the phalanx of heavy cavalry behind him, there were hundreds of horsemen under the leadership of a general with a giant axe in one hand and a whole body of armor, like a whole, and slowly walked out.

Seeing this, Tai Shici suddenly secretly said that something was wrong, and at the same time he was furious.

Unexpectedly, this Lu Yi was unwilling to play in person, and sent his subordinates to fight, that is to say, Chen Deng's idea was destined to not come true. And it's only a hundred horses!

Contempt, this is * naked contempt!

I can't help but be too angry.

"Koji Yi, you don't dare to fight against a certain one! coward!" Tai

Shi Ci's heart turned, and he immediately shouted angrily, wanting to provoke Koji Yi and force him to fight in person to achieve his goal.

"Bastard!" The

general with the giant axe shouted violently and said angrily: "What is your identity, a little captain of Changshui, what qualifications do you have to fight against the deputy commander!?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Deng in the city suddenly knew that the strategy had failed.

As the so-called soldier against soldier, general against general, he is the commander of the corps, but Tai Shici is just a small captain, so he is naturally not qualified to sit on an equal footing with Koji Yi. To fight against Ko Yi, unless Liu Xuan, Cao Bao or Chen Deng. But none of these three people had extraordinary martial arts, how could they have the courage to lead the troops into battle?

Chen Deng's idea was actually to make Tai Shici anger and force him to go into battle in person. It's a pity that one is Tai Shi Ci, this person is not the material for scolding, and the other is that Lu Yi got Liu Xuan's hint, and he had a plan in his heart, and Chen Deng's plan naturally failed.

Seeing this, Tai Shici suddenly didn't know what to do, and looked back at the city, but saw Chen Deng's sad face, and knew that the plan had failed.

However, now that it is difficult to ride a tiger, and the opponent has taken the initiative to propose a fighting formation, he can't retreat because the main general of the opponent is not the target person, right

? If this is the case, won't he be a joke? And it will inevitably drop his morale greatly

! So! Tai Shici's face was solemn, let's fight!

"Beat the drum!" Koji

Yi broke off and shouted, and suddenly, the drum rumbled.

II. Winter Knock Knock... Stirring.

In the city, the sound of war drums also sounded at the same time, but because the strength of the drums was too small, they were firmly suppressed by the drums under the city. Cao Bao was in a hurry, and went into battle in person, so that he could be on par with the city.

Taishi Cifang, 8,000 elite soldiers.

Jizhou military, a thousand heavy cavalry.

Tai Shi Ci raised his head, his eyes were like lightning, and he collided with the big man holding the axe, and in an instant, two murderous auras burst out from the two armies! One is even more vast, but it is very condensed

! Compare the two with each other, and make a judgment from the top!

" A certain Donglai Tai Shi Ci never kills an unknown person under the halberd, and the enemy general is reported to be named!" Tai

Shi Ci asked while commanding eight thousand elite soldiers to form a circle formation, and at the same time slowly moved forward. He had to try his best to shorten the distance between the two armies, because the power of the cavalry was focused on charging, and if the distance was not enough, the power would not be obvious, so that it could be better dealt with!

The entire head of the axe-wielding general was covered in a helmet, and a pair of eyes burst out of the eyeholes, and he could see Tai Shici's plan at a glance.

This person laughed, and his voice shook for more than ten miles: "Hahaha... Tai Shi Ci j, I am Pan Feng, the general of the Jizhou Legion under the command of the King of Yuyang!"

After that, Pan Feng waved his giant axe, and the hundred horsemen stepped forward at the same time, and suddenly, an incomparably heavy sharp qi gradually took shape!

At the same time, he was even more shocked by the identity of this enemy general

! Pan Feng! It turned out to be

Pan Feng!

At the head of the city, Chen Deng grew his mouth and asked Liu Xuan with a side face: "Pan Feng? Isn't it the Pan Feng and Pan Wushuang who used to be under the Jizhou Mu Han Fu, and Yuan Shao was in a hurry, and he couldn't take down Anping and Qinghe Counties no matter what?"

Liu Miao nodded slowly. At the same time, I am even more glad in my heart.

Unexpectedly, even a character like Pan Feng has already threatened the generals of the Yuyang King!

One hundred war horses, four hundred hooves, stepping on a neat and incomparable rhythm, the speed is getting faster and faster, and in a few breaths, they have crossed most of the distance, and they are about to collide with Tai Shi Ci's eight thousand elite soldiers!

In an instant, the two armies collided together, and at the same time, the hand and the giant axe collided with a spark in no particular order

! The man was on his back, but the horse did not turn

over! The heavy cavalry, with the huge weight of the whole body and the huge impact force, knocked the enemy soldiers and their shields out of the air, and in an instant, they tore apart the circle formation of Tai

Shi Ci's sword and shield soldiers! "It's so powerful!" Tai Shi Ci and Pan Feng fought hard, trembling all over, and even the people and horses were shocked back far away, and at the same time, they suddenly felt that their arms were numb, and the tiger's mouth was bleeding

! ! Pan Feng held a 180-pound big axe, which was one-third more than Li Tianlong's Heavenly Dragon Breaking City Halberd, and he was already a super strength general. And Tai Shi Ci is good at halberds, bows and arrows, and Pan Feng fights hard, and there is no doubt that he is completely at a disadvantage

! "It's so powerful!" At

the head of the city, Chen Deng and the others watched as the circle was easily torn apart like a piece of paper, and Tai Shi Ci was repelled by an axe, and his scalp suddenly became numb! Pan Feng repelled Tai Shi Ci

with one blow, and did not chase, but only synchronized with the hundred horsemen, killing the enemy formation, the big axe flew over, the sword flashed, and the enemy soldiers who killed cried and shouted for their mother!

The entire circle collapsed in an instant!

Koji Yi looked at it from afar and shook his head incessantly.

These 8,000 people are indeed strong, and they have a lot of potential. It's a pity that the training is not good, plus there is not much blood, the killing is not strong, and the will is not firm, how can it be able to defeat the elite heavy cavalry that has been tempered for thousands

of years? ! After just a few breaths, Tai Shi Ci came back to his senses, and the circle of 8,000 people had already been killed! At least 300 people were killed or wounded! Tai Shi

Ci's eyes were split

! "What a gut!"

These 8,000 people were carefully selected by him and were ready to be trained into elite essence according to his own ideas. It's a pity that before the training is completed, he went into battle to kill the enemy, and the opponent is still a well-tempered Youzhou heavy cavalry, and there are countless casualties in an instant, how can it not make him feel very distressed?!"

"Pan Feng!" Tai Shi Ci pulled out his horse's head and chased after

him, wanting to fight Pan Feng to the death! Pan Feng

killed through the enemy formation, slowly slowed down, and then brushed the city wall to draw an arc, turned around, and just accelerated, he met the oncoming Tai Shi Ci and the more than 200 sword and shield soldiers gathered behind him. As for the other sword and shield soldiers, they had already been frightened and fled in all directions!

Tai Shi Ci gritted his teeth, his wrist flickered, and when the halberd light flickered, dozens of gorgeous halberd flowers burst out, enveloping Pan Feng's whole body in it. He knew that his strength was not as good as Pan Feng's, but his skills, hehe

! Pan Feng was not afraid. Not to mention that the whole body is illuminated by iron armor, such a flowery move, even if it hits the body, it can't cause too much damage. Moreover, does he Pan Feng only have the strength?

Pan Feng's big axe flew up, and simple moves such as chopping, chopping, and smashing poured out one after another, but they were incomparably wonderful, and every time they could collide with the tip of Tai Shi Ci's halberd!

Behind him, the hundred horsemen had already crossed the battlefield of the two generals, and killed the more than 200 people gathered by Tai Shici

! Then, they slowed down, turned, and killed back!

Where did those remnants of the sword and shield soldiers dare to block, and hurriedly dodged away, their faces were frightened, and they scattered in all directions.

As a result, the 100 cavalry team, which had not lost a single person, slaughtered

Pan Feng and Tai Shi Ci! Tai Shi Ci and Pan Feng fought more than ten times, but they felt that they could not win at all.

Although his moves are mysterious, they are as endless as the waves of the sea. But that Pan Feng is not only powerful, but also the simple moves are full of subtlety, like a rock, let the waves surge, I am immovable! And look at his appearance

, he is not doing his best! Pan Feng does not want to do his best, first, I feel that this opponent is a talent, I can't bear to hurt with a big move, and second, Tai Shi Ci's moves are endless, and it is difficult to take it in a hurry, it is better to save my physical strength, rather than to consume, and when Tai Shi Ci is exhausted, he will be captured by thunder!

At this moment, the heavy cavalry came back

! Moreover, they didn't slow down at all, and they went straight to

Tai Shi Ci! "Not good!" Tai Shi Ci felt the infinite murderous aura and edge behind him, and his heart was shocked, and his hand slowed down, and he was almost injured by Pan Feng.

"Not good!"

At the head of the city, Chen Deng secretly screamed that it was not good.

This Tai Shi Ci is the general that his side relies on the most, if he loses this, how will he fight in the next battle

!? "Quick, hurry up and release the arrows!"

Chen Deng also only came up with this way, wanting to stop the heavy cavalry!

Although, he knew that this might not help. After all, the enemy's whole body was covered with iron armor, and ordinary crossbowmen probably wouldn't be able to play a role!

At the same time, Chen Deng instructed Cao Bao to prepare to lead his troops out of the city to rescue Tai Shici.

Although Liu Miao's face was anxious, he was very calm in his heart.

Ko Yi knew that Tai Shi Ci was his subordinate general, and if he would not make a dead hand, it was most likely to be captured alive.

"Capture this person alive!" Pan

Feng had to order. Because of the military regulations of the Youzhou Army, one of them is that if there is no general order on the battlefield, the enemy will be killed without mercy!

At the same time, Pan Feng made an even more rapid move, and Tai Shici was firmly entangled, and he could not get rid

of it! At this time, he could only hear the loud noise, and a rain of arrows fell on the city, and he poured it down on his head.

Pan Feng sneered for a while and ignored it. The same is true of the hundred horsemen, who did not stop at all, and rushed forward in the rain of arrows.

There was a clanging sound, and the hundred horsemen were unharmed.

Because of Pan Feng's general order, after a hundred heavy horsemen approached Tai Shi Ci, their wrists shook at the same time, and the big knives in their hands turned over together, facing them with their backs

! Suddenly, with a strong fishy wind, the back of the five horse chopping knives

smashed at Tai Shi Ci's back at the same time! "Drink!"

Tai Shi Ci's head was exposed, and he shouted, and swept away Pan Feng's big axe with a halberd, and at the same time, a Su Qin back sword, and his backhand smashed the hand load that burst out of the awe-inspiring light on his back!


five crisp sounds burst out, Tai Shi Ci was shocked, and even led the horse forward, just in time to meet the big axe that Pan Feng had chopped over

! At the moment of life and death, at the critical moment, Tai Shi Ci exerted extraordinarily, his arm shook, the halberd burst into flames, and at the same time, his waist twisted, and he spun on the horse's back, dodging Pan Feng's blow, and the halberd in his hand stabbed towards Pan Feng's waist without hesitation

! "Hey, hey!".

Pan Feng sneered, and as soon as the big axe retreated, the axe light flickered, and the axe handle was just right, knocking this lore away!

As if endless, every five soldiers brushed

Tai Shi Ci with a combined blow! Tai Shi Ci was tired of coping, and he only felt that he didn't obey the call all over his body

, and he was getting more and more tired and more and more difficult to resist! Pan Feng was on the side, and he didn't make a move, but he squinted his eyes slightly, just waiting for Tai Shi Ci to be exhausted

! At this time, the gate of Gaotang City was opened, and Cao Bao led two cadres to kill him!

"General Taishi, hold on, Cao Mou is coming!"

Cao Bao shouted, and led two cadres of soldiers and horses to meet the heavy cavalry that had grazed

Tai Shi Ci and killed him! When Tai Shi Ci heard this, the spirit of gathering into a rope suddenly paused, and the halberd in his hand slowed down, and suddenly, the back of five knives smashed on his body, making his eyes wide and his whole body stiff in pain!

Pan Feng secretly said a chance.

Immediately replied with a wave, and slashed at the head of Tai Shi Ci Liuyang. Tai Shi Ci couldn't get back, knowing that he was about to die, he couldn't help but sigh and close his eyes.

"Come here, you

!" Pan Feng's big axe shook a false move, swept the horse, grabbed Tai Shi Ci, threw it on the ground, and threw Tai Shi Ci into a dizziness

!"Tie up this general

!" Pan Feng shouted, and two horses reined in the war horse, turned over, and hurriedly tied Tai Shi Ci strongly

! "Escort back!"

Pan Feng gave the order, turned around, and faced Cao Bao!

Cao Bao watched Pan Feng capture Tai Shici, and suddenly his heart was cold, and then he saw that the hundred horsemen had already killed their own army formation, and he was cut back by several enemy soldiers, and he couldn't help but retreat, and Pan Feng came up again, and immediately made a decision, shouting: "Retreat!"

shouted, shook a void, pulled out the horse and retreated, the two soldiers suddenly dispersed, followed Cao Bao ran across the suspension bridge, galloped into the city gate.

At the same time, the drawbridge slowly rose, blocking the heavy cavalry out of the moat

! Pan Feng led the army back to the main formation, clasped his fists and shouted to Lu

Yi: "The last general is fortunate not to be dishonored!" "Okay! General Pan should be the first merit in this battle, and this general will definitely report to the prince and give a heavy reward!"

After that, Li Yi smiled, took the reins of his horse, and slowly walked forward a short distance, looking at the head of the city and shouting: "What is it? Now that the generals are captured and the army is forced, it is time to keep his promise!?"

In the city, Chen Deng looked at each other with the frightened Cao Bao and the anxious Liu Xuan, and looked at each other speechlessly.


, you want to break your promise?!" Lu Yi's face sank, and he shouted: "Don't let the world look down on you

!" Chen Deng's mind changed rapidly, and after thinking for a long time, he replied: "Why did General Lu Yi say this, we will keep my promise

!" "Even so, we don't want to open the city and surrender!" Lu

Yi shouted.

"Well, this, General Liyi, you also know that there are 1.2 million people in Gaotang City, and we still have to do ideological work, so that everyone can sincerely serve the King of Yuyang. Do you think you can give me a day to wait, and tomorrow morning, I will open the city and surrender?"

Chen Deng said nonsense.

How could Koji not know what this man was planning?

Either flee, or delusionally want to defeat the Youzhou army.

However, Koji Yi rolled his eyes and nodded in agreement.

This made Chen Deng very surprised.

It is said that the koji righteous battle was completely victorious, and the general Tai Shici was captured, and the morale skyrocketed. In contrast, the morale in the city was low and the people were panicking, but it was not a good time to attack the city?

Chen Deng couldn't figure it out.

But it doesn't matter if you can't figure it out, just give yourself time!

Chen Deng made up his mind, hugged his fist to Lu Yi, and went down to the city with Liu Miao and the others.

At the same time, Koji Yi also ordered the army to camp on the spot and prepare to bury the pot and make rice.

Lu Yi sat on the main seat of the main account, Zhou Tai sat beside him, and Pan Feng and other cadres in the hall will sit opposite each other in turn.

"Come on, bring General Taishi up!" said

Koji yelling outside the tent.

In a moment, Tai Shici, who was tied up with five flowers, was escorted into the big tent with a calm face.

"Untie up!" Koji

Yi smiled: "General Taishi is such a hero, how can he be treated like this." Look!"

Then, a soldier took a stool and placed it beside Tai Shici.

Tai Shici moved his hands and feet, didn't sit down, looked up at Liyi, and said, "If General Liyi wants to recruit me, you don't have to do this. I will never surrender!"

Koji Yi smiled slightly and said, "General Taishi will sit down first."

Tai Shi Ci couldn't figure out what Koji meant, and he didn't twist, so he sat down immediately.

"General Taishi, General Ben will introduce you first.

At that moment, Lu Yi introduced Zhou Tai and a cadre general to Tai Shi Ci to each other, and then said: "General Ben has a great opportunity and has not attacked the city, what does General Tai Shi think?" Tai Shi Ci

was also unsure of Lu Yi's plan, but sneered: "There must be some conspiracy and tricks waiting to be implemented, hey."

"Definitely!" Lu Yi was not angry, and said: "With the strength of our army, we still need to make a strategy? What does General Taishi think?"

Tai Shici was speechless. Indeed, he had just been defeated by the Youzhou Army, so he naturally had a deep understanding of the strength of the Youzhou Army.

Mo said that the 1.2 million miscellaneous troops in the city, even if there were more, they would not be the opponents of the 500,000 Youzhou army.

"General Taishi, do you know what kind of order King Yuyang gave to General Ben?" Taishi

Ci was even more puzzled when he heard this. The king of Yuyang gave you an order, and it was my business!" The king

of Yuyang said, they are all sons of the Han family, but they want internal friction, why bother? ! A good hot-blooded son, should be focused on foreign wars, not internal friction! So let this general do as little killing as possible, and he can *surrender and *surrender!" Lu Yi said in a deep voice: "We are the generals, on the battlefield, which one is not full of blood and has ten thousand lives? That is the king of Yuyang, not also known as 'human slaughter 77, but that is all foreign wars!'" It is right to be unrelenting to Hu Lu and the real enemy of our Chinese nation, and it doesn't matter how many people are killed. But now, both of us are descendants of Huaxia, brothers who have inherited the same bloodline and have common characteristics!"

"Could it be that the same room*Ge, do you want to kill them all?"

Listening to Lu Yi's words, Tai Shici's cold and calm face suddenly disintegrated, and he stopped talking.

It is undeniable that Koji's words moved him. At the same time, a feeling of wanting to see the Yuyang King immediately rose in his heart.

Lu Yi looked at Tai Shi Ci's changing face, smiled slightly, and continued: "On the battlefield just now, General Pan Feng could have easily killed General Tai Shi, right?"

Tai Shi Ci nodded without hesitation.

Pan Feng is stronger than him, and he is convinced.

"But why didn't he do it?" "Because you are our man

!" "What?!"

Tai Shici's mind couldn't turn around. I'm too Shici, when did I become a member of the Youzhou Army?

"Hahaha..."Lu Yi laughed and said: "Because Liu Dai Qingzhou and Liu Miao Taishou are already my subordinates in Youzhou!"

This..."Tai Shici's head flickered: "Then why," just acting. Lu Yi waved his hand and said, "Liu Qingzhou wanted to give a big gift to the King of Yuyang, so he used himself and Qingzhou as bait to trick Cao * and Tao Qian into being fooled and weaken their strength. "

I see!"

Tai Shi Ci suddenly said. Although he still had some doubts in his heart, he didn't think that Koji would lie to him.

But in an instant, Tai Shi Ci thought of the eight thousand elites he had died in battle, and couldn't help but exclaim: "In this case, why do you want to clean up and slaughter my eight thousand elites!" "Alas," Lu Yi sighed: "Isn't this to confuse Chen Deng." If you don't be real, how can you deceive that fox?"

Tai Shici nodded involuntarily.

In a dense forest thirty miles outside Gaotang, Xiahou Chun, Xiahou Yuan, and Chen Gong were discussing.

"According to the detailed report, under the premise of having the advantage, Na Lu Yijing did not attack the city, and only let that Pan Feng capture Tai Shici, which is suspicious. Xiahou Yuan said in confusion.

"yes. Xiahou Chun also said: "If it were me, I would definitely wave my army to attack the city, and I would be able to go down in the day! I gave up this great opportunity in vain, which really made me scratch my head."

Chen Gong looked pensive, but after thinking about it, he didn't expect that it was Li Tianlong who ordered the massacre to be banned.

"So... Keep watching!"

the three of them looked at each other and made up their minds.

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