Jingzhou, Jiangxia County.

Sun Jian led more than 500,000 men and horses of the Jiujiang headquarters to fight with Huang Zu, a general under Cai Mao, and sought the P-Ri and Qichun areas.

The two have been facing each other for more than a month, but they have their own winners and losers.

Although Sun Jian was brave, but Yuan Shu only gave an order, did not give all kinds of materials, and only used the power of Jiujiang to contend with Jingzhou, which made Sun Jian quite powerless.

Huang Zu is inferior to Sun Jian in all aspects, whether it is brave or governing the army, he is a few points behind. However, Huang Zu was cautious in life, and with Liu Biao's full support, he firmly suppressed Sun Jian in Xunyang and was not allowed to enter Jingzhou.

On this day, Huang Zu received a secret letter from Cai Mao, asking him to keep an eye on Sun Jian, and when Sun Jian returned to help Runan, he immediately sought an opportunity to defeat Sun Jian's army with one blow! Huang Zu

, as a general in Jingzhou, naturally knew about Liu Biao's conspiracy with Cao * to seize Yuzhou.

So he ordered his subordinate generals to monitor Sun Jianjun's every move and report back at all times.

There is a general under Huang Zu, named Wei Yan, who is a person from Yiyang.

Wei Yanshi was in the middle of his two years, and he was quite brave and strategic, so he immediately joined the Jingzhou Army nearby, and was assigned to Huang Zu, and became a 100-man general and commanded 100 people.

On this day, when Wei Yan's troops were guarding the Qichun City Gate, Wei Yan was wearing a simple leather armor, pressing the handle of the knife on his waist, walking back and forth at the city gate, and suddenly a scout entered from the city gate, but he was talking.

Wei Yan listened to it, and it turned out that Sun Ce, the son of Sun Jian, had traveled from Jiujiang to Lujiang and Anhui County alone, but it was not a big deal.

Looking at the scout riding by, Wei Yan looked up to the sky and sighed.

"On these days, when is the first time!" He

thought about his skills, but he was reduced to guarding the city gates, and he remembered what else could he do but laugh at himself?

If you want to be promoted and make a fortune, you must have great merit, and if you want to have great merit, you have to go to the battlefield. It is a pity that his soldiers and horses in this part are all new soldiers, so where are they

qualified to go to the battlefield? If he is not qualified to go to the battlefield, he will not have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and if he does not have military exploits, he will not be promoted to an official position and make a fortune. If he can't be promoted to an official and make a fortune, why is he Wei Yan joining the army?

Wei Yan thought to himself, he must find an opportunity to go to the battlefield, kill the generals, capture the flag, and show his skills!

Suddenly, Wei Yan remembered the conversation between the scouts just now.

Sun Ce

is Sun Jian's precious son, and now the Jingzhou army is confronting Sun Jian, both sides are helpless, if they can catch Sun Ce, they can threaten Sun Jian, then the credit... Wei Yan grinned and smiled.

But this matter still needs to be carefully planned.

How can he leave his post without a trace and not be discovered by the officials? And how can he safely hold

Sun Ce with the nickname? You must know that Sun Ce is Sun Jian's son, and Sun Jian is known as the Jiangdong Tiger, so Sun Ce's martial arts must not be bad

! Throughout the day, Wei Yan was in a trance.

At the same time, he handed over the defensive task with another part of the army, Wei Yan walked slowly to the barracks, and suddenly a general led more than a dozen personal soldiers to pass by his side, Wei Yan looked up and immediately smiled.

"General Huang! General Huang! Wait a minute!" Wei

Yan waved his hand and shouted.

The general strangled the war horse, looked back, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Wen Chang, what's the matter?"

This person's surname is Huang, his name is loyal, and he is a general.

Wei Yan was looked at differently by Huang Zhong because of his extraordinary martial arts, his word Hansheng, and his current command of Huang Zu, and because of his love of martial arts, he often went to Huang Zhong's mansion to ask him for advice, and the two were also teachers and friends, and they had some relationship.

"General Huang. Wei Yan strode over and saluted respectfully.

For Huang Zhong, Wei Yan admired and thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

admired his superb martial arts skills and thanked him for teaching him.

If it weren't for Huang Zhong's teaching, Wei Yan's sword technique would definitely not have improved so quickly!

" General Huang, Yan has something important to ask the general, I don't know, Huang Zhong bowed slightly, and said, "You came to my house." "

General Xie. Wei Yan hurriedly thanked him.

Huang Zhong smiled slightly, pulled out the horse and left.

Wei Yan followed, and after a while, he arrived at Huang Zhong's mansion.

It's an ordinary yard, not big or small, very old.

Wei Yan was welcomed into the door by

Mrs. Huang, and while greeting Mrs. Huang, looking at Mrs. Huang's depressed face, he said to her: "Is the son better?" Mrs. Huang shook her head slightly, and said, "My son's condition is getting more and more serious..."

"Madam, go buy some wine, I have something to say to Wen Chang.

Huang Zhong commanded.

Mrs. Huang wanted to speak and stopped, but finally walked out without saying anything. There is not much money left in the family, and to maintain the family and see a doctor for her son really broke Mrs. Huang*'s heart.

After Mrs. Huang left, Wei Yan and Huang Zhong sat down opposite each other, and Huang Zhong asked, "I see that you don't belong to your mind, do you have something on your mind that you can talk to me?"

"If you want to say that I'm Wei Yan, I think I have some skills, but I can't be reused, alas..."Listening to Wei Yan's

complaints, Huang Zhong nodded slightly, sighed, and said: "This is also a helpless thing." The Jingzhou army is controlled by General Cai Mao, and it has always been nepotism, and we have no reason with it, so it is naturally difficult to get promoted.

Huang Zhong also had a lot of complaints about this.

He has served in the Jingzhou army for several years, and was recruited as a partial general because of his reputation during the suppression of the Yellow Turban.

"Liu Jingzhou is sympathetic to the people, but the military power is sideways, so like this, Jingzhou will be in the back garden of the Cai family sooner or later.

Huang Zhong said without hesitation.

Wei Yan nodded repeatedly.

"What you just said, I thought about it, it may be powerful, but the probability is not great. But since you want to do it, I won't force it, I'll give you ten days, and within these ten days, I'll cover up the matter of guarding the city gate. But if it takes more than 10 days, I'm afraid there will be big trouble. There have been some changes in the army in the past two days, and I think something big will happen in the future, so if you don't come back in ten days, don't come back, and go elsewhere.

Wei Yan listened to Huang Zhong's advice, and was very grateful, at this time, Mrs. Huang also bought the wine back, and the two drank each other, and Wei Yan said goodbye and left.

While walking, I also heard the conversation of Huang Zhong and his wife in the house: "Hansheng, do you know that there is not much money left in the house?"

"Do you know that Xu'er's life is on the line?"

"Yes. "

Do you know that all the famous doctors are in Youzhou?"

"Yes." "

Then why don't you want to give up this Laoshzi and go to Youzhou with my mother and son to seek medical treatment?" Do you want Xu'er to die?..."

Inside the room, there was a faint sound of low crying.

Wei Yan felt a pang in his heart, it was not a taste.

Cao*'s army marched south out of Chen County, and within less than half a day, it captured three cities in a row, and was caught off guard by Yuan Shu's defenders!

At the same time, Wenpin's army moved from west to east, out of Ye County, and captured two cities in succession, and captured Yan County.

At the same time, Cai Mao, the general of Jingzhou, went from south to north, made a new breath, connected two cities, and captured Xincai.

The three-way army was in a semi-encircled state, pointing directly at the capital of Runan

, Pingyu! Yuan Shu was preparing to watch the good show of the Qingzhou War, but the battle broke out in all directions, and in an instant Pingyu was almost surrounded, and he couldn't help but be frightened.

"How is it good? How is it good? Damn Cao Apu, damn Liu Jingsheng!" Yuan

Shu was very restless, walking back and forth, scolding nonstop.

Under the hall, Yuan Lian, Yang Hong, Yan Xiang, Yuan Yin and other 1,000 ministers: Ji Ling, Zhang Xun, Chen Ji, Lei Shu, Yang Feng, Chen Lan, Le Zhuo, Han Hao and other generals. The military generals gathered together.

"My lord. Yuan Jian stood up and said in a deep voice: "The only plan for today is to try your best to keep Cao * and Liu Biao's three-way army out of peace, otherwise..."

Yuan Shu was extravagant and skillful, and most of the resources of the entire Yuzhou and Yangzhou were concentrated by him in Pingyu.

If the peace is broken and the materials are taken away, Yuan Shu will be finished in an instant.

As long as these materials are still there, no matter how big the loss is, it can gradually ease up.

"Okay, you say, how

to resist the enemy!?" "First of all, the lord must send a general to divide his troops into three ways to resist the enemy and the door. Yan Xiang stood up at this time and said: "General Ji Ling can be sent to lead an army of one million to block Cao*; Zhang Xun, Chen Lan, and Le Wei are three generals to lead 800,000 troops, and to block Wen Ping: Chen Ji, Lei Shu, and Yang Feng are three generals to lead 500,000 troops to block Cai Mao!

"Why is it so distributed?" Yuan Shu said: "Cao Mengde only has 50,000 men and horses, but he needs a million troops to block it: and Cai Mao has 800,000 horses, but why does he block it with 50,000 men?"

"How can Cao Mengde be underestimated? The lord has been with him for many years, and he should know him very well!" Yan Xiang said.

"Well, that's good!" Yuan Shu woke up: "But that's the case!"

Immediately, Yuan Shu gave the order to go out and block the enemy army.

After the generals left, we believed in the generals, and the generals prepared to lead the troops and horses, and said again: "Lord, although I can't prepare the back road, just in case." Yan Xiang said: "It is only right to send General Han Hao to lead his troops to immediately transfer materials."

"Transfer supplies?" Yuan Shu pondered: "It makes sense! But where to transfer?" "


Yan Xiang, Yuan Lian, and Yang Hong glanced at each other and said at the same time.

"Okay, just transfer to Shouchun. A big stone fell from Yuan Shu's heart, and he said in a high-sounding manner: "General Ben (Yuan Shu is the rear general) will personally escort him!" Yan

Xiang opened his mouth to stop him, but was stopped by Yuan Shu with his eyes.

Although they knew that Yuan Shu's retreat would affect morale, but now Yuan Shu was almost frightened, and now if someone stopped him from going to Shouchun, I am afraid that in his opinion, it would be tantamount to blocking his way of life, and it really would not end well.

Yuan Jian knew Yuan Shu's character very well, and immediately stopped Yan Xiang. Yan Xiang sighed and said no more.

Yang Hong opened his mouth at this time: "Since the lord personally escorts the transport, it should be foolproof. However, for the sake of safety, it is necessary to recall a guard. "

Who?" said Yuan Shu. The generals under his command have all been assigned tasks, is there still forgetting?

Yan Xiang and Yuan Jian glanced at each other, and suddenly understood in their hearts.

"Sun Jian. Yang Hong replied: "Sun Jian is known as the Jiangdong Tiger, with extraordinary martial arts and outstanding soldiers, and he is the best candidate to protect the lord." "


!" Yan Xiang hurriedly stood up and stopped: "Lord, Sun Jian has different intentions, you can't entrust him with a heavy task!"

When Yuan Shu heard this, his face changed, and he looked at Yang Hong's gaze, a little cold.

For Sun Jian, he has always been on guard, when the water was closed, he refused to send grain and grass, and Sun Jian lost his troops, Sun Jian hated him, and he was also afraid of Sun Jian. At this time, Yang Hong actually asked him to recall Sun Jian as a guard, in case Sun Jian betrayed, wouldn't that be a sheep into the tiger's mouth? "Hmph!" Yuan Shu snorted coldly, making Yang Hong tremble in fright, and his face turned pale.

"This is only one time, if there is a next time, you will be killed!" Yuan

Shu snorted coldly and said: "Order, summon Sun Jian back to the army, and let him cooperate with Chen Ji and the other three to block Cai Mao, there must be no mistake!".

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