"In the Xia Changfeng Guild, the wind is like a dragon, I don't know who your Excellency is the hero?" The group of torches who came touched about 50 people, and the first handsome young man wearing a light Kai shouted to Li Tianlong's side.

The wind is like a dragon, obedient. Li Tianlong once inquired with Village Chief Zhao of Mustang Village, and the important cadres within the Changfeng Guild were all super-rich princes in reality. The village chief of Mustang Village is the white horse marquis of *Hou. I didn't expect to meet a Wind Emperor now, grandma's, who can be regarded as a high-level figure in the Changfeng Guild.

Although Li Tianlong had business dealings with the Changfeng Guild, Li Tianlong did not think of reporting to his home. On the contrary, when he noticed that the player's torch was moving in this direction, Li Tianlong brought himself a masked black cloth, and it was better to be low-key.

"Unknown people in the mountains and fields, what is the noble thing for a hero?" Anyway, now that his strength is far superior to that of the other party, Li Tianlong is not afraid of what Ao Rulong thinks.

"This hill is the leveling range of our Changfeng Guild. Ask a friend to find another place. "The wind is like a dragon, and it is also very hot. Several small hills in the vicinity have been contracted by the Changfeng Guild.

Nearby players are aware of it. Players who are usually scattered come to level up, they don't stop it, anyway, they have the advantage of strength, and they are not afraid that they will snatch it. But I didn't expect to meet such a group of faceless people today.

Such a big bunch of people. Seeing that the other party is strong and strong, it seems that I haven't heard the intelligence hall report that there are players with such strength nearby. Except for the bastards of the Knife Family. However, the people of the knife family don't seem to be so sneaky.

Solar. Relying on the strength of his guild, he enclosed the territory. Li Tianlong looks down on such a person very much. You haven't built a village here, so why should you say it's your family? If you have the ability to rob me, you can grab it.

"I'm sorry. Brothers. The younger brother needs to exercise and exercise. You'd better come back tomorrow. I'm here tonight, brother, I'm chartering the venue. "It's rare to show off in front of the top leaders of this kind of big guild, Li Tianlong is very happy.

In the past, when playing games, he was often killed by people PK for no reason, and Li Tianlong was very disgusted with these domineering family guilds. Li Tianlong ordered his subordinates to go to the mountain to kill as usual, but secretly sent Zhang Long to inform the big leaders to pay careful attention to these people, and pulled the big bull back.

The popularity of the Changfeng Guild is dead. When did we experience this kind of bird spirit? In this right Beiping County, in Youzhou, the strength of our Changfeng Guild is in the top three. Even the bullish gun family doesn't dare not give us face. I didn't expect this kid to have such short eyes. Cut him.

"Big brother, let me go up and kill him. Let's see if he dares to be arrogant. Don't look at whose territory it is. A muscular guy shouted with a large knife.

"But there are so many more people than we do. "There are still people who are more sober.

Feng Rulong is very angry with Li Tianlong. Speak for yourself, who doesn't dare to give face. Even that golden gun, you have to call me brother. In front of his own subordinates, it's not okay to retreat and lose face. That's in vain to call the wind like a dragon.

"Xiaoyun, you go and call the other brothers who are leveling up around. Sanzi, you go offline immediately and ask the people who are offline nearby to go online immediately. "Count the number of companions who are still leveling around now, and there are more than a hundred of them.

Although there are many people on the other side, Feng Rulong is also a master of the game. He had already discovered that most of the soldiers on the other side were low-level NPC troops, but he didn't know where this guy got so many people, and they were all fully equipped.

Even at the headquarters of their Changfeng Guild, there are only a small number of level 10 militia cultivated by themselves. However, their 100 players are all level 20 or above, as long as they are properly commanded, they should still have a fight against these low-level NPCs. We can't disgrace the name of our Changfeng Guild.

Seeing that the Wind Emperor had already given the order, the others began to prepare. Tidy up your gear, nibble on dry food, and drink cold water. If you don't want to, you can't. Thinking about this kind of guild, the discipline is very strict.

"Boss, it looks like the other party wants to do it. The big bull next to him stared at the group of players not far away and whispered. He is not a military general for nothing, looking at the opponent's posture, Da Niu already knows that he has something to play again.

Li Tianlong saw that the other party still didn't leave, and always followed behind him, and he also understood the thoughts of these people.

Since you're going to give some experience to my NPC men, I'll laugh it off. Players have experience in killing monsters, and players can also gain experience when killing monsters. And Li Tianlong once read a post from an insider test master, which said that NPCs can not only gain experience by killing players, but also gain intelligence, and there is a possibility of evolution. There is a greater chance of getting an evolution than killing an NPC.

However, it is also mentioned that this requires the NPC to go through a lot of kills and remain undead. These NPCs are dead and cannot be reborn.

Strike first. After the previous reconnaissance, Li Tianlong knew that although there were not many players on this mountain, there were not only 50 people in front of him. I think the other people are also members of the Changfeng Guild. It's even more difficult when they're together. It's better to kill these people in front of you first, not to mention that there is a leader here. Kill him, the others must not be so bold to rush to deal with him.

"Zhang Long, send someone to inform the 3 phalanxes to surround them in 3 directions. The order went on, and all the minions began to move. Like a dragon in the wind, they surrounded them. Originally, Li Tianlong was going to use the escort team to ride a horse to charge them, but looking at the terrain, it was already halfway up the mountain. There are many stones and trees blocking the way, and the guards are not very skilled in riding, so I am afraid that the effect will be limited, so I have to give up.

Seeing Li Tianlong's men and horses pressing this way, the people of the Changfeng Guild also understood. It seems that the other party is also going to take them under the knife. I didn't expect the other party to move so fast. The people in the neighborhood haven't come yet, and the brothers who are offline haven't gone online yet. Some people are starting to panic.

"Calm down, now that the enemy is so close to me, the enemy has a large number of horses, and there is no hurry to run. The rest of the brothers are coming over soon. As long as everyone supports the brothers online, it will be a victory. The wind was like a dragon comforting everyone. The two sides were only about 20 meters apart, and the escape was all over at this time, and the enemy's horse team was all carrying horned bows. In fact, Ao Rulong didn't expect that Li Tianlong's horse team was still a cavalry that had not been successfully trained, and his riding skills were only rudimentary. At this time, if he ordered a retreat, some people would definitely be able to escape with their lives.

"Friend on the other side, what do you mean by that. Proud as a dragon shouted. Now at this time, it is possible to delay for a while.

The longer the time drags on, the better it will be for you: "Aren't you afraid that our Changfeng Guild will retaliate?"

"Hehe. Nothing interesting. Ignoring each other, the bandits have already begun to surround this group of players. Soon these people will be byebye.

The bright steel knives and steel spears reflected the bright moonlight, the fierce expressions of the bandits, more than a hundred horned bows not far away had been fully drawn, the iron arrows were reflected red by the firelight, and the howl of wild wolves was heard from time to time in the distance.

"Shoot. With a shout, 150 iron arrows flew towards the players. Pity these players, they can only wave the small wooden shield and sword in their hands to block the arrows. The screams rang out incessantly.

"Shoot. "Shoot. "After 3 rounds of shooting, there were only about 10 players standing in the middle, and there were still a few arrows stuck in their bodies. The wind is like a dragon, but he is very brave, and he deserves the title of the Wind Emperor. A big knife dances with a tiger and a tiger, splashing water without revealing it. The light Kai on the body is obviously a modified boutique. There are brass heart goggles on the front and back. There are no injuries yet.

"Da Niu, it's up to you below.

"Brothers, rush, cut down these bastards for me. After receiving Li Tianlong's order, Da Niu picked up his all-steel broadsword and rushed forward with his guards. I have to say that Da Niu is a tough guy, the big knife he took was cast in stainless steel, weighing 120 pounds, according to Da Niu said that it was his family heirloom.

"Brothers, fight with them. "There is no way back, and Feng Rulong has no time to regret his arrangement, now is the time to reflect a person's courage and blood.

These players are worthy of being the elite of the Changfeng Guild, and they are all tough guys. Although almost all of them were wounded, they still rushed towards the big bull's guards with their swords.

"Kill. "

The Great Bull took the Draco Guard and the remnants of the players to hand over the fire. These Tianlong Guards are the elite of the cottage bandits, with a strong physique, muscular, equipped with lv20 broadswords, and Li Tianlong also gave them all the light Kai worn by his escort team. All of them are strong men, and they are excellent weapons against light infantry. In particular, these players are all injured, and as soon as the two parties come into contact, the winner is decided.

Haha, look at how crazy you are, and you still want to occupy this place, hum.

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