"Little ones, let me spread out. Watch me clean up this kid. "The big bull who only broke the heads of 2 players is very dissatisfied. There has been no happy fight for a long time. waved his subordinates and faced the wind like a dragon alone.

"Boy, eat your big cow grandpa with a knife. Before he

could finish speaking, the huge broadsword slashed down at the proud dragon's head. Proud Rulong thought that this person was the same as the big sword of other NPCs, but so, he waved the big knife to meet it.

With a "bell", the ghost-headed broadsword of the wind like a dragon broke in two, and the stainless steel broadsword fell on the head of the proud dragon without stopping, and the brain was like a thick pulp.

It's so strong. Feng Rulong was dying and didn't understand how he had met such a powerful opponent. It can't be that he met the legendary general.

Li Tianlong shook his head when he saw it, if Ao Rulong didn't have a hard fight with the big bull, he could still support it for a while, and he would have to wait until you reached level 40 to see it.

From Li Tianlong's order to shoot arrows to Feng Rulong's hatred and being killed by a knife, it took less than 10 minutes. Something that exploded on the ground. These more than 50 people seem to be elites, and they probably didn't expect that they would be killed together here. The goods on the ground were abundant, and the coins of the land were shining in the light of the moonlight.

"Escort, clean up the battlefield. Da Niu, with 4 phalanxes to continue the battle. Kill all the people you encounter, whether they are bandits or players. "I've already offended them anyway, so I might as well kill them together. It's also a lot of experience.

Da Niu continued to fight in the mountains with 4 small phalanxes, looking for various targets. Li Tianlong led the escort team to clean up the battlefield and provide long-range attack support.

There are also players who come to join the wind like a dragon. It's a pity that they don't know that Ao Rulong has been killed by a gorgeous knife. The game doesn't have that kind of remote chat setting. They should have been resurrected in their own village, but there was no way to inform them.

It's not nonsense, see one kill one, see two kill a pair. Players are either killed by random knives or arrows. For a while, the shouts on the mountain came and went. More than 40 players were killed, and the rest also found out that the situation was not good, and they all ran down the mountain to flee for their lives.

Li Tianlong also found that there were still white lights flashing on the mountain from time to time, and it seemed that the people from the Changfeng Guild had been notified to go online. Li Tianlong immediately divided the escort team and short archers into 15 groups according to a group of 10 people, and distributed them all over the mountain. Seeing the white light flashing, whether it was thirty-seven twenty-one or twenty-two, it was a random arrow shooting over. Most of the players were still in a daze, and they didn't even see the enemy's face, so they were shot by random arrows and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, he decided to destroy Ao Rulong earlier, otherwise it would have been a long time, and it would have been really troublesome.

After a hard night in the middle of the night, Li Tianlong finally eliminated all the wandering bandits on the mountain, as well as most of the players who appeared. Looking at the bandit token, the bandits killed 138 people. The number of players is estimated to be more than 200. After cleaning up the battlefield, Li Tianlong hurriedly led the minions to retreat. Who knows if the people of the Changfeng Guild will come to seek revenge, or quickly withdraw to safety.

He led the bandits to retreat to the vicinity of another cottage 10 miles away, and found a hidden hill, before Li Tianlong ordered everyone to rest. After arranging for people to take turns to guard the guard, Li Tianlong settled down to see the harvest in his storage backpack. Just now, I just remember that the hands that received the things handed over by the minions were numb, and I haven't calculated them carefully.

The number of coins increased by 32, 132 swords, 81 swords, 21 short spears, 15 short bows, 36 sets of leather armor, and 102 sets of light kai. There are 21 swords, 12 swords, 1 ghost head sword, 3 swordsman tokens, 1 swordsman token, and 1 swordsman token.

It's a lot of money. Most of them were exploded by players of the Changfeng Guild. It's really rich, it seems that this group of people are the elite of the Changfeng Guild. After killing so many of them, this feud is too big. But fortunately, his identity was not revealed.

Some of his minions have also been upgraded, but Da Niu has not been upgraded, but he himself said that it is almost there. A good harvest. It seems that robbing players is much faster than robbing bandits to make a fortune, look at the 102 sets of light Kai, how can there be bandit equipment. In the future, you have to plan well and find the right opportunity to come a few times, so that you can make a fortune much faster.

In the following days, Li Tianlong rested and reconnoitred during the day, and led the territorial bandits to attack and suppress the bandits at night, and by the way, he also killed those players who dared to embarrass him. In 1 week, more than 1,000 bandits were suppressed, and when a group of players attacked a cottage, they took advantage of the chaos to cut down the mountain flag of the cottage, and finally completed 5 lv1 level bandit suppression orders and 1 lv2 level bandit suppression order. Among them, there are no less than 500 players killed, and most of them are people from the Changfeng Guild, who calls the Changfeng Guild here has the most people. Ordinary people looked at Li Tianlong's large army and avoided it for a long time.

On the forum, the right Beiping County plate has also made a fuss about this matter.

"Xu Wushan was shocked by the night killer, and nearly a thousand players were innocently killed...

"Who is the Night Slayer?NPC?Players?Everyone is welcome to vote... The

Changfeng Guild also spent a lot of money to issue a reward notice in the Yamen of Xuwu County: "A reward of 100 yuan for the capture of the night killer", as well as the photographic portraits of Li Tianlong and others, but it was dark, and Li Tianlong was wearing a masked scarf, and everyone had no way to recognize him.

There are also some players who post on the forum in support of Li Tianlong, the killer of the night. It is said that the Changfeng Guild is overbearing and forcibly occupies territory, and someone should have taught them a lesson a long time ago. There are still a lot of people who like it.

Looking at the wanted photos of Da Niu on the forum, Li Tianlong was very distressed, he didn't expect Da Niu to become famous like this. It seems that there is no way to take the big cow out of the mountain for a while. Otherwise, if someone recognizes him, his identity will be exposed. Freedom waited for a while, after this matter cooled down. Anyway, all kinds of big things in the game are endless, and all kinds of news are constant, and things like this are just hot for a while.

The harvest in 1 week is huge. More than 100 coins and nearly 2,000 pieces of various leather armor weapons were seized. There are 12 long tokens and 12 long tokens. Li Tianlong himself was upgraded to level 20, Da Niu was also promoted to level 43, Zhang Long was promoted to level 38, and most of the other big and small bosses were also upgraded to level 1 to 3. Da Niu's Tianlong Guards and Li Tianlong's Escort Light Cavalry also successfully received systematic recognition. Changed from the identity of a minion to the Draco Guard and the Light Horse Bandit.

However, 102 of their own minions also died, and 2 of the Celestial Dragon Guards of the Great Bull died. Let Li Tianlong regret it.

The next thing is to hand over the task to Xu Wuxian County. With excitement, Li Tianlong sent the big bull Zhang Long to take people back to the mountain, and Li Tianlong himself rode to the county seat.

Hahaha I'm happy to think about it, when the prestige reaches me, I can upgrade the village again, there are not a few intermediate villages now, and mine is about to be upgraded to a high-level village.

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