In the past month or so, no player has touched the vicinity of Tianlong Village again. Li Tianlong has never been to Xu Wu County again, and Li Tianlong, the equipment in the Yunlong Equipment Shop, was ordered by Hei Feng to lead 500 archers to pull the carriage to deliver it.

From Li Tianlong's establishment of the Yunlong Equipment Store to the present, the Yunlong Equipment Store has brought a total of 800 taels of gold to Li Tianlong. Now Li Tianlong's total amount of gold has reached 2,400 taels. Not counting the 200,000 taels in the secret room, that's the old book.

The total amount of grain in Tianlongzhai alone reached 18 million catties. In the absence of war, soldiers consume 2 catties of food every day. When going out on the expedition, each soldier will consume 4 catties. Today's Tianlong Village consumes 180,000 catties of grain a day. Money costs 15 taels of gold per day.

When Li Tianlong checked the official forum today, he noticed a post that was more important to him.

"Youzhou Xu has no player updates." It was this post that caught Li Tianlong's attention.

This post says. 'Recently, the presidents of the three major guilds in Xu Wu County have met frequently, and I don't know if there will be big action.

Then, the person who posted the post made a series of speculations about the meeting of President Xu Wusan. One of the speculations was that Li Tianlong felt that it was very likely.

"According to my latest observations, more than 200 trade union elites in the Changfeng trade union fell by 10 levels a month ago. I suspect that the meeting of President Xu Wusan was to deal with this matter. "

What a deal! I think I'm going to discuss how to attack my cottage! When Li Tianlong saw this, he muttered in his mouth.

No matter how you say it, you have to make the news on the forum clear! Let's see if it's true.

At this time, Li Tianlong decided to go to the county seat to take a look, and first touched the situation.

After what Li Tianlong saw and heard along the way, Li Tianlong found that the news on the forum was right. Now, the three guilds have announced to the players of Xu Wu County that they are going to attack a large cottage in Xu Wu Mountain in 5 days.

As soon as the news was announced, nearly 10,000 players from Xu Wuxian participated. This is a large, player-organized mission, and there are no official NPC soldiers participating in this time.

When Li Tianlong came to Xuwu County, he first went to the county lieutenant Cheng Pu.

After meeting Cheng Pu. Cheng Pu also told Li Tianlong to take precautions in the past few days, and this group of players is likely to go towards Li Tianlong's Tianlong Village.

"Brother Cheng, rest assured, it is still possible to block their attack with the current strength of the younger brother." After listening to Cheng Pu's words, Li Tianlong said to Cheng Pu.

"Well, so be it! I will lend you another 20,000 officers and soldiers, so that you can help you resist their attacks. "

Then there will be more Brother Cheng." With Cheng Pu's 20,000 officers and soldiers, Li Tianlong added some confidence to blocking Xu Wu's attack on the mountain this time.

After saying goodbye to Cheng Pu, Li Tianlong went to the county government to find the county magistrate Tian Yu.

Tian Yu also told Li Tianlong about some of the movements he had recently discovered among Xu Wu's players. He also instructed Li Tianlong to borrow some officers and soldiers from Cheng Pu.

When he heard Li Tianlong say that Cheng Pu had lent him 20,000 Xu Wu soldiers, Tian Yu told Li Tianlong to be careful in everything, and Li Tianlong left.

Coming to the military camp in Xu Wu County, Li Tianlong took the 20,000 officers and soldiers that Cheng Pu had already prepared for him and walked towards Tianlong Village.

Along the way, Li Tianlong took 20,000 Xu Wuxian officers and soldiers to constantly turn corners to avoid players. After two days, Li Tianlong led the officers and soldiers back to Tianlong Village.

Back in Tianlong Village, Li Tianlong found Wu Yong first. After instructing him to arrange the officers and soldiers of Xu Wuxian, Li Tianlong summoned all the generals of the cottage to gather in the Juyi Hall of the cottage.

"Ladies and gentlemen. According to my latest news, the players of Xu Wuxian are ready to raise an army of 150,000 people and go to our Tianlong Village. It is estimated that it will arrive at our cottage in two days. I wonder what you can do? After Li Tianlong saw that all the generals of Tianlong Village had arrived, he asked everyone.

"Lord, what countermeasures do you need to deal with them? As long as they dare to come, I'll kill them. After listening to Li Tianlong's words, Hei Feng was the first to stand up and shout at Li Tianlong.

"Lord, Big Brother Black is right. If they dare to come, we will let them come and go. Suddenly, several low-level generals echoed Hei Feng's words.

"Shut up, I'm here to discuss countermeasures. It's not for you to brag! If I give you 20,000 soldiers, can you take down 150,000 of them? Li Tianlong shouted at the group of noisy people.

After listening to Li Tianlong's words, the few generals who were still chattering just now immediately closed their mouths. Oh, yes! How can 20,000 soldiers take down their 150,000 troops!

"Yanming, what do you do?" After drinking Hei Feng and the others, Li Tianlong turned his head and asked Yan Xing.

After hearing Li Tianlong ask about himself, Yan Xing got up and said to Li Tianlong: "Lord, take Yanming's opinion. Let's still use the city wall we just built as a support to come and wait for work.

"Yes! Yes, Yan Ming is right. Li Tianlong also planned so.

Subsequently, the people of Tianlong Village discussed again, and finally decided to rely on Tianlong Village, rely on the favorable terrain and fortifications of the cottage, gather all the existing forces of the cottage, and fight to the death with the invading enemy.

After discussing it, Li Tianlong ordered the soldiers of the cottage to stop brushing the cottage for the past few days. Raise your spirits and wait for the players in Xu Wuxian to take a look at a little color. Li Tianlong ordered Wang Daniu to expand patrols around the cottage and report back as soon as he found the enemy.

After everyone dispersed, Li Tianlong passed the book to the flying pigeon in Xiangyun Town. Tell Zhu Xi to take precautions in the past few days and pay attention to the movements around him.

After Li Tianlong arranged everything, he went offline to the forum to see what the situation was.

At this time, he realized that his body seemed to be different, but he thought that maybe the wine of the electric current massage ignored it.

The entire forum was about Xu Wu's preparation to attack the large cottage.

"Attention players in Xu Wuxian! The Changfeng Guild will join forces with the other two major guilds to form a player legion. Carry out the cleaning of the large cottage in Xu Wushan. Players are invited to participate enthusiastically, and the registration address is outside Changfeng Village, 10 miles east of Xuwu County. "

Brothers, kill the bandits."

"Is there a reward for killing bandits?"

"What's the reward for the player's own organization! Are you an idiot? Ask this question?

"When will the trade union in Qingzhou also organize players to attack the cottage? Little brother is looking forward to it~~~~"

The heads of the other two major unions in Changfeng Village turned their heads to Qingtian when they saw the 150,000 players gathered in front of Changfeng Village.

"Brother Qingtian, I see that the time is almost up, is it time to go?"

"Well, let's go." Seeing that the players were almost there, he ordered the players to set off for Xu Wushan.

Along the way, players are discussing the success or failure of the operation.

"Dude, do you think we can capture that large cottage this time?"

"Yes, it's not easy for so many people to capture a large cottage? Have you forgotten that not long ago, we attacked that large mountain village 'Tianshen Village'? Didn't we take it down at that time? Think about it, how many levels were we were at the beginning, and how many levels are we now! "

Well, what the eldest brother said makes sense. I'm sure I'll be able to take it. "

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