For the shame of Yixue's collective dropping of more than 200 players a month ago, the Changfeng Guild recently contacted the other two guilds in Xu Wu County. Together, they discussed the attack on the cottage. When the three reached a consensus. The Changfeng Guild dispatched most of its players in Xuwu County.

Because the power of the Changfeng Guild is the largest in Xu Wu County, Qingtian was elected by the players to be the temporary commander of this operation.

"President, that canyon ahead is where the brothers hung up last time." Coming to the small canyon in front of Tianlong Village, Tianmo said to Qingtian.

"Celestial, you were killed by those archers here last time?"

"Yes, President."

Optimus looked at the small canyon ahead. Yes, it's a good place to set up an ambush. However, it can only ambush some small troops, not large ones.

"Celestial, how's the situation of the player reconnaissance ahead? Are there bandits in ambush there? Qingtian asked Tianmo beside him.

"Don't worry, President, I have already sent someone to the front to observe. No bandits were found, and the canyon was silent. "

Well, have you sent someone to check on the hills on either side of the canyon?" Qingtian waited for the president of the Changfeng Guild to have a deep understanding of this kind of battlefield. Only since he started playing this game, he has been looking through books on military subjects whenever he has time.

"There is a high probability of an ambush in that place. Last time, I was attacked by the bandits from behind the trees on both sides of the hills, so this time I sent someone up to check it out. There's not much movement up there. "Tianmo suffered a big loss there last time, but this time he is much smarter.

"Well, it's good if you don't. The order was given, and the procession proceeded. Qingtian thought as he instructed Tianmo.

Isn't the cottage in front of him named Li Tianlong? Is it really a systematic copycat?

Let's not talk about what Qingtian is thinking there, let's talk about what Li Tianlong is doing now.

Just when that group of players was still 80 miles away from Tianlong Village, Li Tianlong had already received a report from the cottage scouts.

Li Tianlong felt that instead of waiting for the players to attack in the cottage, it was better to ask Yan Xing to lead the archers of the cottage to ambush in the woods behind the small canyon! How many players can be killed.

After thinking about it, Li Tianlong found Yan Xing and told him his plans. After listening to Li Tianlong's strategy, Yan Xing lowered his head and thought about it.

The canyon is 500 meters away from the woods, and it is possible to lay an ambush there.

Yan Xing thought about it and sold his opinion to Li Tianlong, the same as Li Tianlong's thoughts. The last time the group of players were attacked in that small canyon, they will come back this time to scout the small canyon and the hills on both sides. They don't look at the woods in front of them.

"Yanming, now I order you and Wang Hu to lead all the archers and horse thieves in the cottage to ambush in the woods in front of the cottage. Strive to eliminate as many players as possible. After Li Tianlong and Yan Xing reached a consensus, they immediately gave orders to Yanxing and Wang Hu.

"It's the lord." After the two received the order, they took all the archers and horse thieves of the cottage with a total of 8,000 people out of the cottage and went to the woods to ambush.

After seeing Yan Xing and Wang Hu leaving, Li Tianlong ordered the longbowmen soldiers in the cottage: "All the longbowmen have it, go to the city wall immediately." All orders are under my command, and when I say to release the arrows, you will release the arrows, understand? "

Yes, Lord."

"Big bull, Black Wind. I order you two to lead all the melee soldiers of the cottage to wait inside the gate of the cottage, and do not act without my orders. "

It's my lord."

"Mahan, are the logs and stones on the walls ready?"

"Rest assured, my lord, everything is ready."

"Alright, everyone follow my orders to prepare."

"It's the lord." Everyone shouted to Li Tianlong in unison.

Everything is ready and just waiting for the ducks to hit the shelves.

Yan Xing and Wang Hu were hiding in the grove behind the canyon with all the archers and horse thieves of Tianlong Village. Now all the bows and arrows in Longzhai have been replaced with exquisite arrows, which are much stronger than those crude arrows in terms of range and lethality! Moreover, the level of archers and horse thieves in Tianlong Village is basically around level 50. The archers are equipped with a lv40 longbow, and the horse thieves are also equipped with a lv30 longbow.

Once the Horse Thief reaches level 45, he can equip a level 30 longbow. Before level 45, horse thieves could only be equipped with a shortbow.

After Yan Xing saw that the players had made the canyon one after another and walked towards the woods, he ordered the soldiers of Tianlong Village to get ready.

"Attention, everyone, 70 steps ahead, aim, shoot." When the players' team was still 70 steps away from Yan Xing, Yan Xing ordered everyone to shoot arrows. Eight thousand delicate iron arrows flew out of the woods and rained down like a torrent of rain towards the player's ranks.

Faced with the sudden attack, Xu Wuxian's players were terrified. I didn't encounter an attack in the canyon, so why was I attacked just out of the canyon?

"Ahh "Oops~"

Suddenly, the screams in the player team continued to sound. The in-game pain sensation is 5% of the reality.

"Retreat! Hurry back! "After all, the players are not the NPC soldiers of those systems, they are undisciplined, and when they encounter an attack, they immediately become chaotic.

After Yan Xing ordered the soldiers of Tianlong Village to attack in the first round, he then gave the order to attack everyone.

"80 steps ahead, shoot." Another round of arrows rose into the air.

"100 steps ahead, shoot."

Three rounds of shooting, tens of thousands of bows and arrows.

The players in Xu Wuxian began to be chaotic after the first rain of arrows fell, patronizing and shouting, and before they could make a big reaction, a large number of players were shot to the ground by three rounds of tens of thousands of bows and arrows. Only a small number of players outside of the rain of arrows reacted and retreated into the ravine.

The canyon is not long, only about 200 meters. The death of that group of players was clearly seen by Optimus and the other players in front of the canyon mouth.

When Optimus saw the corpses of the players all over the ground, it hurt so much! Most of them are players from his Changfeng Guild!

15,000 players died before they could get out of school.

When Yan Xing was about to give the order to release the fourth round of bows and arrows, he found that except for those who fell to the ground, the rest of the players who could walk ran out of the range of the bows and arrows.

"Withdraw." After Yan Xing saw that there was no advantage to take advantage of, he ordered everyone to retreat to the cottage.

Just after Yan Xing and the soldiers of Tianlong Village turned around and ran a few steps, Yan Xing stopped.

When the soldiers saw Yan Xing stop, they all stopped with him for some reason.

"That's not right! What am I running at the level of those players? When they catch up, it's not too late to run away! Through the sneak attack just now, Yan Xing found that the quality of that group of players was really not ordinarily bad.

Yan Xing didn't react at once just now, so he ordered the soldiers to retreat. But now that he reacted, Yan Xing felt that he could take the initiative to attack that group of players.

He told Wang Hu his idea, and Wang Hu also agreed with Yan Xing's idea after hearing it. Anyway, it's a ranged attack, so it's not too late to retreat after the group of players rush up! After all, their level is a lot higher than that group of players. Speed has some advantages.

"Guys, what do you think of this?" As the players exited the canyon, Optimus asked the leaders of the various players' guilds. It's impossible to push forward by yourself. In addition to the three major trade unions in Xu Wu County, there are also some small trade unions in Xu Wu County.

"What's your opinion?" The president of the Knights' Guild asked Optimus.

"Brother Knight said yes. Brother Qingtian, you are the commander-in-chief of this operation, you say what to do, everyone will follow Brother Qingtian. "The presidents of the other trade unions in Xu Wu County are all shrewd.

"Brothers, that's what the little brother said. Now everyone is blocked here, everyone has seen the previous losses, and this offensive is imperative. Otherwise, the major guilds in Xu Wuxian County would not have become the laughing stock of the world? In the future, what will players in other places say about us when they see our guild players in Xuwu County? At this, he looked at the presidents of the unions, and said, "Imagine that. When you tell the players outside that you are Xu Wuxian or something, how will they react? They'll say, 'Oh! Are you the leader of one of the first players in the game to spontaneously organize an attack on a large cottage? I heard that you didn't even see the appearance of that cottage that time? Just scared away? How would the presidents react when they heard this?

Qingtian's words made the presidents of Xu Wuxian nod their heads.

Oh, yes! It seems that no matter how many players are lost this time, the cottage will also be taken down. I'm a face-saving person! The presidents of Xu Wuxian thought of it one after another.

"Brother Qingtian, just say it! We all listen to you, why can't we just retreat here! "It's the reputation that counts.

"Okay, then the little brother will say it directly, the brother thinks we can be divided into 3 pairs. Attack the canyon all the way, the left mound all the way, and the right mound in the last direction. As for who will attack where, I think everyone might as well draw lots. There shall be no objections after the draw, I don't know what you think. After listening to Qingtian's suggestion, the presidents of Xu Wuxian on the side felt that there was nothing unfair about it, so they all nodded in agreement.

At this time, there is nothing to argue about. Although none of them wanted to be cannon fodder, they had to die for the sake of their future reputation. If this operation was successful, then their great name would spread throughout the thirteen states of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The results of the draw were rather ridiculous. Of the three guilds in Xu Wu County, the Changfeng Guild drew the middle road, the cavalry union drew the road on the hill on the left, and finally the Mustang Guild drew the road on the hill on the right. The other small unions were divided into these three unions.

After the draw of lots, each trade union immediately summoned the people of its own union to gather in their own camps.

"Brothers, the time for revenge has come. Rushing through the canyon in front of you is the nest of the large cottage. I announce that the first brother to rush through the grove after the canyon will be rewarded with the reality RMB5000 Dayuan. The grove behind the canyon was rewarded by all the brothers. "As the old saying goes!" Under the heavy reward, there will be brave men. This

old saying has now been interpreted by these players. I saw the players looking at the canyon in front of them with red eyes.

"Rush!" With the order to charge. The players roared and rushed into the small canyon.

Seeing the players who were charging towards him, Yan Xing, who had just arranged the soldiers, hurriedly ordered the soldiers to draw their bows and arrows and aim at the valley mouth.

"Pay attention, aim in the direction of Taniguchi, and shoot freely." Each soldier in Tianlong Village had at least 3 arrows on his body, so there was no need to save at all.

"Shoot! Shoot me hard. Yan Xing commanded loudly as he kept pulling the longbow in his hand.

The players who had just rushed out of the canyon were immediately blocked by a large rain of arrows, and some players continued to fall to the ground with a miserable wail, turning into light and being reborn.

"Brothers. Come on! "Optimus is constantly directing the players to rush forward one after another. Players who had just come out of the canyon were desperately charged, charging wave after wave, and although none of them could rush to the edge of the grove, the players did not hesitate to rush towards the grove.

"Second village master, a large number of players are rushing towards us from the hill on the left (right)." A soldier ran from each flank of the team and shouted at Yan Xing, who was shooting arrows.

"What? Players rushing on both sides? Yan Xing was taken aback when he heard the report of the two soldiers. He didn't expect those players to split up in 3 ways.

"Immediately give orders to go down, and all of you retreat into the cottage. Make no mistake! Immediately, Yan Xing gave the order to retreat.

"It's the second master." When the two soldiers received the order, they ran to the flanks.

"All of them, shoot the last round in your hand and immediately retreat to the cottage." After Yan Xing finished shouting at the soldiers, he shot a bow and arrow in his hand into the player's ranks.

After the soldiers of Tianlongzhai retreated, the players in the middle lane quickly rushed into the grove.

Looking at the empty woods in front of him, Qingtian's heart hurts!

It was this grove that caused his Changfeng Guild to lose a total of nearly 25,000 players. Nearly 5,000 of them were seriously injured.

Critical Injury: After severe injury, the character's stat value drops to 5% of its heyday. When the character's HP drops to 20 and there are no deaths, the system will determine that the character is seriously injured. In the case of severe injury, the character can be restored with medicine.

The other guilds in the mid lane lost a total of 6,000 players and seriously injured 200 players.

And the two-way player team on the hill has zero losses.

"I can't imagine that a small canyon will cost us more than 30,000 players. It seems that this operation is not as simple as we thought at the beginning! Seeing that the players were cleaning up the battlefield, Qingtian frowned and said to the other leaders of Xu Wuxian.

"I think we're thinking too much of these bandits. This group of bandits is not the real village we attacked at the beginning!

"yes, I would like to think they're just a rabble. I didn't expect there to be so many archers in that cottage. I wonder if you've found out? The level of those archers is not low! I was shot with a bow and arrow myself, and I lost more than 1,500 lives at that time! A leader who had just charged in the middle said to everyone in fear.

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