As soon as it was dawn the next day, Li Tianlong got up early. After finding Yan Xing and telling him to take good care of the cottage, Li Tianlong rode towards Xu Wuxian County.

"Brother Cheng, I've come to see you. As soon as Li Tianlong walked outside the study of the county governor's mansion, he shouted inside.

"Haha~~~ I said how did I hear a magpie calling in the tree today, it turned out that Brother Li came to the door with a nobleman! I heard Wang Da tell Brother Li about the story of the big battle! I didn't expect Brother Li to wipe out the player's 420,000 army with such a small number of troops, Lao Cheng admired. Cheng Pu immediately walked out of the study and greeted Li Tianlong.

"There, it's all Brother Wang's compliments, I'm just lucky. Li Tianlong smiled and waved his hand to Cheng Pu.

"Brother Li, don't be modest, facts are facts. I believe in Brother Li's strength. Cheng Pu said as he led Li Tianlong into the study.

"I don't know what happened to Brother Li coming to me this time?" After taking his seat, Cheng Pu asked the purpose of Li Tianlong's visit.

"That's right, the younger brother's cottage strength has reached the upper limit of a large cottage, and this time I came to talk to Brother Hu.

After hearing this, Cheng Pu glared at Li Tianlong with two bull's eyes: "Your Tianlong Village has really reached the upper limit of the strength stipulated by the large cottage?"

Just yesterday it was reached. "Copper Coin Road.

After listening to Li Tianlong's words, Cheng Pu was suddenly surprised. Li Tianlong's Tianlong Village had just experienced a big battle not long ago, and although it had lost very few soldiers, it was impossible to complete the task requirements put forward by him and Tian Yu in such a short period of time!

"Brother Hu doesn't believe in the younger brother?" Li Tianlong saw Cheng Pu's doubts, so he said to Cheng Pu again.

"No, it's not. Lao Cheng, I was just a little surprised, I didn't expect Brother Li to be so powerful, just after a big battle, he could complete the task that I and Lord Tian explained in one day. Brother Li is really someone I have never seen in my old Cheng life!" Cheng Pu had to believe that the young man in front of him, who was not good-looking, had indeed completed the task.

"Brother Hu, how do you feel about your little brother? With Brother Hu's great talent, it is really too condescending to be trapped in a small county town. Brother Hu, a good man, should be ambitious in the world, how can he live in one place. The younger brother is not talented, but he also has ambitions, and he has more than 100,000 elite soldiers, but there is no one like Brother Hu who is a general... Li Tianlong was gushing to persuade Cheng Pu to recognize him as the master.

"Needless to say, Brother Li, I promised you. Being able to follow such a heroic figure as Brother Li is also a blessing for my old Cheng. What's more, it was still the task that my Lao Cheng gave to Brother Li at the beginning. Lao Cheng is willing to recognize Brother Li as the master. "

System personal prompt: The historical military general Cheng Pu wants to recognize the player Li Tianlong, you are the master, do you accept?"

"Accept, of course accept." "I didn't expect Cheng Pu to respond so simply, Li Tianlong hurriedly picked up Cheng Pu who knelt down on one leg, good guy, this is the second historical military general accepted by Li Tianlong. Although the strength is not good, only the second-rate level of history, but it can be cultivated! This is a game, as long as it is cultivated, how can Cheng Pu's strength be raised to the level of a first-class military general in history.

"System personal prompt: Player Li Tianlong successfully subdued the historical military general Cheng Pu, and his loyalty is 85. "

Cheng Pu - Zi Wencai, a native of Youzhou, age 30, lv 72 military general, commander 57, military force 75 (+1), intelligence 35, politics 15, perception 20, charm 50.

Weapon: bronze axe, 2 zhang long, weighing 59 pounds. Brawn +1.

Equipment: Bronze Tooth Helmet, Silver Bone Tooth Armor Bottoms, Silver Bone Tooth Gauntlets, Silver Bone Boots.

General's skills: 26% of advanced horsemanship, 89% of advanced axe skills, 99% of advanced combat skills, and 65% of intermediate training soldiers (axe system is preferred).

Special Skill: "Drink" Advanced Skill.

"Inspire" advanced skills.

"Provocative" intermediate skill.

Internal Strength Method: "Thunder Splitting Earth Heart Method" is 69% advanced.

Rock Iron Fragment (Big Axe): Increases the fighting spirit, and slashes suddenly, causing the earth's crust to stir up, making it difficult for the enemy to survive. Power depends on the character's level and brawn.

Shake Yue Strike (Axe Series): Slam the ground with your weapon to cause a shockwave to sweep away the enemy. Power depends on the character's level and brawn.

Formation: Fish Scale Formation: After the general is located in the formation, the main forces are assembled in the center, divided into a number of small phalanxes in the shape of fish scales, arranged according to echelons, and the front end is slightly convex, which belongs to the offensive formation. Tactical idea: "Central breakthrough". Concentrate forces to launch a fierce attack on the center of the enemy formation, and use it when the side has an advantage, and the weak point of the formation is on the tail side.

Phalanx: Few troops in the middle. There are many troops on all sides, and the mobile units are positioned in the rear. You can bluff with a small number of troops in the middle, you can crush the enemy with thick troops around you, and you can use mobile forces flexibly if you have a lot of troops in the back. According to the different scale of operations, the large array can reach more than 10,000 people; according to different combat situations, there are more and some less, and some are divided and some are combined, and "the division is like a lightning switch, and the integration is like a dark cloud." The convergence rate is natural and varied.

Long Snake Formation: A column used for marching or pursuit, with strong mobility and weak combat effectiveness.

Yes, it was a fight with Yan Xing at that time.

"Brother Hu, let's fight the world together in the future. Li Tianlong said happily to Cheng Pu.

"Lord, but there are orders, and his subordinates dare not obey. Cheng Pu arched his hand and said: "Lord, I don't know if my subordinates will resign from the post of county lieutenant and follow the adults to Tianlong Village or stay in this Xu Wu County?" "

Brother Hu will still call me Brother Li in the future, they are all a family." There's no need to be so polite, and you know that we players don't like that. Brother Hu will stay in Xu Wu County, and I will go to Brother Zheng later. In that way, after I subdue Brother Zheng, we can take Xu Wuxian County into our own hands. Li Tianlong said to Cheng Pu with a smile.

"That's good, I'll still call the lord Brother Li in the future. I'll stay in Xuwu County. Cheng Pu responded briskly.

"Brother Hu. I don't know how many troops there are in this Xu Wu County?" Li Tianlong asked Cheng Pu about Xu Wu County's troops, how to say that in the future, this Xu Wu County will be his Li Tianlong's world.

"Xu Wu currently has 2,000 rank 60 pike heavy cavalry, 20,000 rank 40 spearmen, 20,000 rank 40 pikemen, 20,000 rank 40 swordsmen, 28,000 rank 40 longbowmen, and 10,000 rank 40 archers. 100 medium-sized stone-throwing machines, 100 medium-sized bed crossbows.

I was in charge of 2,000 spear heavy cavalry, 10,000 archers, 20,000 pikemen, 28,000 longbowmen led by Hu Xin, and another 20,000 sword soldiers and 20,000 swordsmen led by Tian Xiang, a thief. Cheng Xin is my younger brother, and this Tian Xiang is the son of Brother Tian. "

Good fellows! 100,000 troops! And all of them are mid-level. Li Tianlong was listening to Cheng Pu while snickering on the side.

"Let's go, Brother Cheng. Let's go to Brother Zheng. Li Tianlong said to Cheng Pu with a smile.


Afterwards, Li Tianlong and Cheng Pu came to the county government where Tian Yu was located.

After Li Tianlong and Tian Yu explained their intentions, Tian Yu asked this Li Tianlong, "Brother Li, do you really want to recruit me?"

"Yes, Brother Zheng." The younger brother wants to create a great cause, and with the help of Brother Zheng, it should be like a tiger with wings. Li Tianlong spoke earnestly to Tian Yu.

After listening to Li Tianlong's words, Tian Yu nodded.

"Okay, since Brother Li is so sincere, and the task I gave you has also been completed. Tian Yu recognized Brother Li as the master. Please accept Tian Yu's worship. With that, Tian Yu knelt down to Li Tianlong.

"Brother Zheng, get up quickly, you and I are brothers, and we don't need to be polite. In the future, Brother Zheng will still call me my little brother. Li Tianlong immediately hurriedly helped Tian Yu, who was kneeling on the ground.

"System personal prompt: Wenguan Tian Yu wants to recognize the player Li Tianlong, you are the master, do you accept?"


System personal prompt: Player Li Tianlong successfully recovered the civil official Tian Yu, and his loyalty degree is 80. "

Tian Yu - the word is also based on, Jizhou Xu no one; age 54; lv 68 civil official; commander 20, military 18, intelligence 39, politics 80, understanding 80, charm 70; civil official unique skills: "inspire" skill master level; greatly improve the morale of the subordinate army; "benevolent government" skill master level; improve the heart of the people in the city, public security; "can speak well" skills are advanced; articulate, for all kinds of persuasion, persuasion, diplomacy and other work has a strong auxiliary role; "horn" Advanced skills; strong appeal, can make residents take up arms to help soldiers resist foreign enemies; good guys! Pure civil officials!"

"Brother Zheng, in the future, the affairs of Xu Wuxian County will depend on you." After reading Tian Yu's attributes, Li Tianlong immediately said to Tian Yu.

"Brother Li, don't worry! You Brother Zheng and I don't have any great ability, so I can only take care of the trivial affairs of the town. If you can't even do this, then I'm sorry for you, brother.

"Haha~~~, that's good, I will talk to Brother Zheng and Brother Hu in the future. Everyone has shared blessings and difficulties. Li Tianlong immediately smiled at Tian Yu and Cheng Pu.

"Brother, as you said before. The world is going to be in chaos, I don't know what's going on?" After the three of them sat down, Tian Yu asked Li Tianlong.

"Yes, that's right. In two years, there will be a major rebellion in the world by an organization called 'Tianping Dao'. The first to bear the brunt is our Jizhou. Li Tianlong said.

"'Taiping Dao'?" Tian Yu wondered.

"That's right, this 'Taiping Dao' was formed by the giant deer man Zhang Jiao during the Guanghe period. He called himself a great sage and good teacher, served Huang Lao Dao, used the "Taiping Sutra" to spread Taoism, coached disciples, and cured people with bowing down and water charms. Zhang Jiao sent 8 disciples to the Quartet, with "good way" to educate the world, more than 10 years, the number of disciples increased to hundreds of thousands, all over the Qing, Xu, You, Hebei, Jing, Yang, Yan, Henan eight prefectures. According to the form of military organization, 36 "squares" were set up, with more than 10,000 people in the big and 6 or 7,000 in the small squares, each of which was set up to command the people. In the past two years, floods and droughts have been frequent in various parts of the Han Dynasty, epidemics have been prevalent, the imperial court has been corrupt, arrogant and powerful have run rampant, and the peasants have been displaced and miserable. That Zhang Jiao conformed to the situation and called on his followers to resist the rule of the Han Dynasty with the slogan "The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand, the age is in Jiazi, and the world is auspicious".

In the first year of Zhongping, the group of rebels all wore yellow scarves as a symbol, and Zhang Jiao called himself General Tiangong, his brother Zhang Liang called General Digong, and Zhang Bao called General Rengong. The rebel army burned the government mansions in various places and captured the prefectures and counties, and between the ten months, the world responded, and the Beijing division was shaken. Li Tianlong explained to the two of them about the situation of 'Taiping Dao'.

"Such a large range?" After listening to Li Tianlong's explanation, Tian Yu asked Li Tianlong in surprise.

"Well, the influence of 'Taiping Dao' is very large. The main reason for this turmoil was that the eunuchs of the imperial court, such as Zhang Rang, Zhao Zhong, Xia Yun, Guo Sheng, etc., were tyrannical and sold their officials, and their fathers, brothers and children were all over the world, rampant in the countryside, scourging the people, and no official dared to manage it. The people could not bear the exploitation and oppression, so they rose up to resist. In addition, today's holy meat* has no way and does not hold the government. Ignore the political affairs reported by the localities. "

Well, what my brother said is that people everywhere are miserable today. Even our Xu Wuxian has a lot of displaced people!" Tian Yu said with emotion.

"Yes! When the time comes, the people of the world will suffer!"

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