Li Tianlong and the others discussed the major events in the world, and discussed that it is better to develop it now, and when the world is in chaos, they are grabbing territory.

At this time, Li Tianlong thought that in the north of Youzhou, there are no foreigners, do you want to grab a sum, this is a problem, I heard that there are many illegal merchants who use the Lulong Fortress built in the Western Han Dynasty to smuggle, and now the Lulong Fortress has been abandoned, and it has become a smuggling paradise for those illegal businessmen.

No, Tianlong thought that he was also going to participate in it at this time, so he talked to Cheng Pu and them and rushed back to the cottage.

After returning to the cottage, Li Tianlong shouted.

"Wu Yong, you asked everyone to come to the conference hall, I have something to say. "

Yes, my lord, I'll go. Wu Yong saw that his king seemed to have something important, so he hurriedly ran to call someone.

After a while, the big bull's loud voice came.

"King, King, is there any more mission, let's talk about which one we are going to rob this time.

Li Tianlong said when he heard the voice of the big bull.

"We know that we are civilized people, how can we say robbery, how bad it sounds, we robbed the rich and helped the poor at that time, and we studied hard after we went down. Then

the big cow and they all came, and they only heard the big cow purr in his mouth.

"Rob if you rob, rob the rich and help the poor, but why don't thieves rob. Although

his voice was small, everyone heard it.

They all started laughing, and Da Niu was embarrassed to go back at this time.

"King, after I go down, I will definitely find a military advisor to study hard.

Li Tianlong said at this time.

"Okay, don't laugh, let's get down to business. "

What's the matter, King?

Everyone was very curious, and at this time, they all looked at Li Tianlong with doubts.

"That's right, I heard in the city that there are many people smuggling out of the plug now, it's a profitable business, and it will take several years to eat it once, so Xuechang, you go and check it well, and then we will also have to participate in it, otherwise, hum hum everyone knows." "

Yes, the lord will arrange it. After Ping Xuechang finished speaking, he went out.

At this time, Li Tianlong thought that the Lulong fortress had to be used well.

said to Wu Yong.

"Wu Yong, you now arrange manpower to start building and reinforcing the Lulong Fortress in the Western Han Dynasty, and I will give you 100,000 horses to repair it well, and then we can garrison there again." "

Lord, it's going to take a while," Wu Yong just said.

"It's okay, you fix it slowly, but you must ensure quality and quantity, you know.

Wu Yong said as soon as he heard that Li Tianlong didn't arrange any time.

"All right, my lord, I'll go now. After saying that, he also went out.

At this time, Li Tianlong faced Yan Xing.

"Yanming, now the cottage will be handed over to you, this time to hurry up, our affiliated cottages have been built, and there will be 50,000 horses by then, and now we are starting to unify the Xu Wu Mountains, only our family knows how to do this, just like Yanshan.

Yan Xing said as soon as he heard the task given to him by Li Tianlong.

"Lord, there is a giant cottage in the Xu Wu Mountains now, but it is in the east, we don't have too many cottages in the north, south and west, so it's easy to clean up, but the one in the east is a bit troublesome, and there are more than 500,000 giant cottages.

Li Tianlong felt a headache when he heard Yan Xing say this, and he said it when he thought about it.

"Well, let's slowly start unifying the other three sides now, and I'm trying to figure out the rest of the way.

"Yes, my lord, I'll go and prepare.

After Yan Xing finished speaking, he and the generals went to get busy, especially when Da Niu heard that there was another battle, not to mention how happy he was.

After everyone left, Li Tianlong thought that there was nothing to do and went offline.

After leaving the game, Li Tianlong thought that he hadn't gone out for a long time now, so he went out.

Li Tianlong walked out of the house and came to a park, where he saw a lot of people exercising.

The current earth is no longer the 21st century, with the vigorous development of space resources and new energy, such as oil, natural gas and coal, which are polluted and useless.

At this time, the technology on the earth is very high, and deserts and the like have long been transformed, especially the deserts in my country have become grasslands, forests and farms.

So the air is also very good now.

Li Tianlong came to a small forest and practiced a set of Tai Chi and Yixing Boxing.

As he practiced, he found that his physique has changed a lot, and he used to be able to fight one or two people, but now he feels that he can fight dozens of them at a time.

At this time, he felt that something was wrong, and after contacting himself since he had a game warehouse, his body was getting better and better, and he found that the game was slowly changing his body, but he was not stupid, how good it would be to make a fortune in a muffled voice.

And he felt as if there was a breath of qi running slowly in his body, as if it was the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing" that he learned when he entered the game.

Now Li Tianlong is happy, what is that, that is the emperor's ancestor's sister cheats, I think the ancestor of the original sister has soared into immortals.

Li Tianlong thought that he didn't know how many sisters he had to become immortals.

Forget it, he slowly walked around the park to play.

Just then, he saw a man, and that man saw him.

"Li Feng, is it you, why don't you greet me when you see me, why aren't we friends, besides, we've been working together for so long. Then the girl said first, and seemed to be very happy.

This girl is the girl rescued by Li Tianlong under the leadership at that time, this girl is Su Xiaoxiao, a native of Lijiang, Huaxia, and has two younger sisters at home, but they are both in school and are about to graduate. Although Li Tianlong resigned for her, it was nothing, look, isn't there a reward now.

Seeing the beauty in front of him, looking at himself with those charming big eyes, Li Tianlong had no choice but to smile and say.

"Haha, it's Xiaoxiao, how can you have time to come here, isn't your home on the other side of the group's road? "

Hmph, I also said, I don't do that anymore since you left the company, and now I work in a company here, and I live in Fuyuan District, why can't I?"

"Yes, Fuyuan District, I also live there, such a coincidence, are you from the company?" Hearing

Li Tianlong say that he also lives in Fuyuan District, I don't know what's going on, Su Xiaoxiao is very happy, since Li Tianlong saved her, Su Xiaoxiao has Li Tianlong's shadow in her heart, and now it is slowly taking root.

After seeing Li Tianlong today, I hurried to his side.

"Hee-hee, what do you want to do. At this time, Su Xiaoxiao said deliberately, "Haha, what can I do, see if you are safe." Li Tianlong said at this time.

At this time, Su Xiaoxiao's face suddenly flushed and said slowly.

"Li Feng, are you living with your girlfriend now?

"Hey, what kind of girlfriend, I live alone, and besides, who wants a job like me now, even you won't want it."

Li Tianlong sighed and said at this time.

Hearing Li Tianlong say that he didn't have a girlfriend, Su Xiaoxiao was very happy at this time.

He said, "Then how about I be your girlfriend."

As soon as he heard Su Xiaoxiao say this, Li Tianlong saw Su Xiaoxiao's uneasy look, and his heart was hot and asked.

"Xiaoxiao, are you telling the truth?

Su Xiaoxiao nodded lightly at this time, and then said seriously: "Actually, I've liked you for a long time, do you like me," saw Su Xiaoxiao said seriously


Li Tianlong felt happiness at this time, so suddenly.

"Xiaoxiao, of course I like you too. After speaking, he took Su Xiaoxiao's hand.

Then the two slowly leaned together and began a French kiss.

After playing in the park for a while, Li Tianlong and Su Xiaoxiao walked together.

That night, Su Xiaoxiao moved his things to Li Tianlong's house and lived a life of two.

After eating in the evening, Li Tianlong changed Su Xiaoxiao from a girl to a woman As for the process, let's think about it, quack...

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