Li Tianlong was intimate with Su Xiaoxiao for two days, and at this time he also knew that Su Xiaoxiao was playing, so he bought another game warehouse, and after coming to the game, Li Tianlong sent a message to Su Xiaoxiao.

At this moment, a girl named Yujian sent a message saying that in Xu Wuxian, Li Tianlong knew that it was Xiaoxiao.

So he rushed to the Xu Wuxian County Meeting, and after Xiaoxiao, Li Tianlong took him to the cottage.

"Wow, my husband didn't expect that the mysterious cottage that was hyped up on the Internet was you, and if anyone bullies me in the future, you will teach them a lesson.

"Okay, wife, if anyone dares to bully you, I will implement the three-light policy.

Li Tianlong hurriedly expressed his position after listening to Xiaoxiao's words.

At this time, everyone saw Li Tianlong with a woman, and it was very strange.

"Come, let me introduce to you, this is your mistress, I will look for her when I am busy in the future.

Li Tianlong pulled Xiaoxiao to introduce it to everyone.

"Mistress, good,"

everyone shouted in unison.

"Okay, I won't say much about everyone here, by the way, Wu used what you prepared.

"Lord, I'm ready, and when the lord finishes his vote, I'll start building."

"Well, that's good, by the way, Xuechang, how about the businessman you are looking for.

Li Tianlong asked about Ping Xuechang again.

"My lord, I was about to say that I had found a merchant and wanted us to protect him on a trip to the outside of the city. Ping Xuechang said at this time.

"Oh, yes, tell me who it is. "

My lord, it's a businessman named Su Shuang. "

As soon as Li Tianlong heard something, Su Shuang wasn't the guy who funded Liu Bei, now he has to hold it in his hands, this is a cow.

"Well, let's discuss it and act on it. "

Yanming, you have to hurry up during this time, I will take a few months to go outside the country." At this time, Li Tianlong explained to Yan Xing.

"Don't worry, my lord, I'll definitely step up.

"Okay, I like to hear you say that, okay, let's go get busy.

After Li Tianlong finished speaking, everyone retreated.

Then Li Tianlong took Xiaoxiao to Xiangyun Town for a turn, and also said Xu Wuxian in his hand.

After playing in the town for a while, I took Xiaoxiao to Xu Wu County.

After coming to the county seat, Tian Yu introduced one of his nephews named Tian Meng to Li Tianlong, is he still a military general.

Li Tianlong accepted it, and said that he was going to go outside the plug, and Tian Yu also prepared a lot of goods to go with him.

In this way, Li Tianlong waited for two days, and after contacting Su Shuang, he made an appointment with him.

On this day, Li Tianlong brought tens of thousands of people and goods to the agreed place, and began to leave after the meeting.

When it was time to eat, Li Tianlong found out that something was wrong, Su Shuang and they were all eating porridge, so he asked.

"How do you drink porridge?"

"Su Shuang's shopkeeper said that the food is not enough to eat, eat more meat and eat less. "

What's going on. I found Su Shuang to find out. The million catties of grain transported by Su Shuang's 100 small anchor trucks were to be sent to the prairie to the big leaders of the Karasuma tribe, not the food of the troops. Grandma's, our tens of thousands of soldiers only brought about 10 catties of food.

"Don't worry, I have 10 truckloads of jerky here, 100,000 catties of jerky with porridge, hunting or something, it's quite easy to get by. When everyone walked out of Lulongsai, there were fresh beef and sheep, fragrant fried noodles to eat. Moreover, there are several truckloads of tea here, and everyone can eliminate discomfort as long as they drink strong tea.

Li Tianlong glared angrily. This guy is pure nonsense. This Karasuma people themselves have to buy grain to eat, where is there anything to sell to us. But when it comes to fresh beef and mutton, it's not wrong. It seems that this trip has to eat meat in one meal. But they are all in the army, and they eat more meat, which just gives them long fat. Meat is also a kind of food, and we will only last for a few months, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Let go of Su Shuang, and everyone hit the road again. The trail is wide, but muddy. The frozen snow in the mountains has not yet melted, and you can still see the snow all the way.

Although there are many thieves in the mountains, there are no large cottages in the vicinity, but small and medium-sized cottages. After seeing tens of thousands of elite soldiers, how dare they come to die. The road was safe, and a few wild wolves wandered on the side of the road without knowing whether they were alive or dead, but they were shot and killed by the archers one by one. The meat is eaten, and the skin is kept out from the cold.

The march is the most boring. Li Tianlong rode on the sunspot and chatted with the jade arrow. Tian Meng, waiting for the young players is quite excited. He led his sergeants to line up in a neat line, shouting an inexplicable trumpet.

The march on the official road was only more than 100 miles, and the flat avenue became a sheep's intestine path. The road behind is getting narrower and narrower, and the road condition is getting worse and worse. Rocks, mud, vines, and shrubs clogged the whole road to the brim.

During the Western Han Dynasty, this road was still a standard flat road, and it was from here that the Western Han army went to Lulongsai, Xiongguan, to fight against the Huns. It's a pity that for 200 years, this road was inaccessible, and there was only a "micropath".

This time to Lulongse, the width of the road can only accommodate one anchor truck, and it needs to be cleaned by personnel from time to time. Three hundred carriages, more than 17,000 people, mighty and mighty, in groups for miles. This has really become a long snake formation, Li Tianlong smiled bitterly.

At a speed of about 30 miles a day, I traveled for 10 days, and finally arrived at Lulongsai, the remnant pass.

Lu Longse, the former Xiongguan. During the Western Han Dynasty, it was the main battlefield between the Han Dynasty army and the Huns. An ancient city of Xiongguan, guarding Liaoxi County, the north gate of Beiping County on the right. 200 years have passed, and everything has disappeared and been forgotten by the world.

However, fortunately, this road has been forgotten by the world, and illegal businessmen such as Su Shuang can sneak out of the fortress and trade with the Xianbei Hu people outside the fortress to make a lot of money.

The variety of goods traded and the quantity of goods are also strictly controlled. Not to mention the blade, even grain, tea is not allowed to be bought and sold in large quantities.

The terrain is extremely precarious. There are towering mountains on both sides, the high mountain on the left is Meishan, and the high mountain on the right is Yunshan. The valley mouth between the two mountains is only more than 100 zhang wide. If you build a fortress here to guard it and dredge the ancient official road of nearly 200 kilometers, you can safely trade with the Hu people outside the Saiwai. Its interests are obvious. Lu Longsai is 100 miles in front of the range, the ravines are vertical and horizontal, the rocks are craggy, and it is a barren land. The march was quite difficult. Along the way, you can see skeletons and broken blades everywhere. Two hundred years later, the place is still lifeless. It can be seen that the Western Han army and the Xiongnu fought fiercely.

Su Shuang has more than ten years of experience in this road, and he is naturally familiar with it. Although there were many obstacles along the way, with good guides, more than 10,000 people spent 5 days successfully passing through this lifeless place. Arrive at the savannah.

"I finally saw the prairie. Jade Arrow took a deep breath of fresh air, and his face was happy.

The nearly 20-day march has been passed through the rocks, and the hardship and boredom in it are unbearable even for a big man like Li Tianlong. It's hard for this girl.

"Shopkeeper Su, is there a water source nearby?"

"10 miles to the northwest is the main stream of wet water. "

The whole army has it, 10 miles to the northwest, and it is camped in the water. Rest for 2 days and go on the road the day after tomorrow. "

After nearly twenty days of arduous marching, everyone was tired enough. The morale of NPC soldiers has dropped to 65, so they need to rest well and regain their energy. Otherwise, it will not be good if you encounter a large number of horse thieves. Although the scenery of this outer steppe is beautiful, there are also many outlaws.

For an hour, they marched to the wet water and set up camp to rest.

Wet water - the largest river in Liaoxi County, originating from the Xianbei prairie, passing through Lulongsai, Chuanlingzhi, Luyangle, Huihe Lushui and Xuanshui, and finally flowing through Haiyang and flowing into the Bohai Sea. The abundant water source has created the fertile land of the small plain in western Liaoning.

The sergeants unloaded their belongings and rushed into the river to wash away the hard work of the day. Li Tianlong, and Tian Meng and other generals threw themselves into the water to swim.

Among the more than 17,000 people, except for Su Shuang with 2 beautiful maids, there is only one girl, Jade Arrow. So I had to wash with the two maids.

The prairie is beautiful, the vast prairie, the green grass and blue sky, people can't help but think of the folk song that has been passed down through the ages: the Eile River, under the Yin Mountain, the sky is like a dome, covering the four wilderness. The sky is blue, the wilderness is vast, the wind blows the grass and sees the cattle and sheep.

"Sister Jade Arrow, do you want to go out and race horses

?" "Okay, afraid of you?" Jade Sword was not to be outdone.

The cold river water washed away the fatigue of the whole body, and the whole person was refreshed. Came to the prairie, the blue sky and white clouds prairie, don't run wildly, I'm really sorry for myself.

Leaving Tian Meng, Zhang Long, Zhao Hu and others to stay in the camp, Li Tianlong, Jade Arrow with 500 archers and cavalry, snorted lightly, and galloped along the river.

All the way, without scruples, his legs clamped between the horse's belly, carried on the horse's back, and galloped forward. That's a lot faster than the motorcycles of the last century. The whirring wind and the sound of horses trampling make people feel wild and debauched, and it is difficult to control themselves.

Suddenly, a figure appeared by the river in front of them, and everyone hurriedly reined in the reins, stopped the horse's momentum, and galloped forward. When I walked up, it turned out to be a group of young girls playing by the river. There was also a herd of horses eating grass and drinking water nearby.

"Hello, who are you?" Li Tianlong went to negotiate. Li Tianlong has a jade face in the game, and with the operation of "The Emperor's Inner Diameter", the charm is getting bigger and bigger. It couldn't be better to ask for news.

"Ghitali Guvavla... A group of beautiful girls surrounded the young general, shouting, and some even touched the bright silver armor on his body. made Li Tianlong's face red and red, and he was at a loss.

The group of girls in front of them were dressed up, wearing wool clothes and birch fur hats. There are many similarities in dress with the Karasuma people in Sene, and it is clear that they are from the Karasuma tribe. Obviously, Li Tianlong does not understand the language of Karasuma, and falling into such an embarrassing situation makes Li Tianlong feel really funny.

According to historical records, the Karasuma people have a beard, and the woman does not grow her head until she gets married, and it is divided into a bun. Fortunately, this custom was not added to the system in this game for beautification. Otherwise, seeing a group of bald women is really unpleasant.

"And laughed. Aren't you going to help me?" Li Tianlong said at this time.

Yujian said at this time: "I don't know their language, hmph, you can enjoy it." "

Many Karasuma people settled in Youzhou, and many Karasuma people knew how to speak Chinese, and most of the Han people would also come to Karasuma dialect. But the Karasuma people outside the plug are not necessarily proficient in Chinese.

Li Tianlong did not learn the language either. According to players who learn Karasuma on the forum, you first have to find a Karasuma teacher and spend 1 hour a day learning. There will be a small success in January, and a large success in March. Li Tianlong really didn't have the patience to learn. Although this is much easier than learning English, lazy people like Li Tianlong still don't have that spirit. Instead of learning Karasuma, it's better to train those two big vultures.

Jade Arrow also did not learn Karasuma language. But Tian Meng was once studied by his father for a while, and a simple conversation would have been possible. However, he is now in the camp. This place is dozens of miles away from the camp, and the water far away does not quench the thirst of the near.

Just as everyone was looking at each other, one of the Karasuma girls was abnormally beautiful, and the girl in a tiger skin dress separated everyone and relieved Li Tianlong's siege.

"We are from the Karasuma clan tribe, I don't know where your guests came from?" I didn't expect this girl outside the gate to speak fluent Chinese.

"We are merchants in Xu Wu's territory. "

Xu Wu, do you know Uncle Su Shuang?" the little girl hurriedly asked.

This girl also knew Su Shuang, and Li Tianlong also replied honestly: "Yes, we are the escort army of Su Shuang's shopkeeper caravan." How did the young lady know the shopkeeper Su?"

"Hehe, Uncle Su Shuang has to come to my house every year to sell goods on the grassland. Take me quickly, I'm going to ask him for a present. He was months late. I thought he wasn't coming. The little girl chirped and kept talking.

"How about taking them back?" asked Jade Arrow.

"It's okay, just take it back. What's more, they still have an old relationship with Su Shuang. Li Tianlong replied.

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