Online Game Classic Tianlong: Please Start Your Choice!

Chapter 67 Obtain Mutation Halo X 3, Pk Scene Sacred Beast Mountain!

Ye Chen is coming to the captain and pulling Spotless to the Xuanwu Island adult ice silkworm refresh point.

The adult ice silkworm is a pet carried by level 55, covered in cold air, standing more than one person tall, Ye Chen felt cautious.

Spotlessly clean but loved it. "Such a cute ice silkworm baby, when I reach level 55, I must give birth."

Ye Chen。 "I'm the complete opposite of your aesthetic..."



Bananas, cucumbers, eggplants.......... Ice silkworm.

Thinking about it this way, the girl likes to act and stretch and shrink the ice silkworm, which is very reasonable!

Seeing Ye Chen dragging his chin next to him and laughing, he guessed Ye Chen's thoughts spotlessly.

"Can't you men have something else in your head?"

Spotlessly looked at Ye Chen. "Say, how do you play the game?"

Ye Chen pointed to the refresh area of the ice silkworm. "This is the only way for the level 60 island protection divine beast patrol.

"We all drop the gear and stand together to see who it is when it comes."

Finish speaking.

Ye Chen dropped the equipment, only more than 4,000 blood remained, and the attack of the level 60 island protection beast was very high, and this amount of health would be directly killed in seconds.

"It's that simple?" Spotlessly did so, standing next to Ye Chen, looking at Ye Chen with strange eyes, and began to feel that Ye Chen had no good intentions.


Like a half-cut train car, the island protection divine beast came majestically, moving very fast, and rushed straight towards the two.

Spotlessly tensed, thoughts in his mouth. "Don't eat me, don't eat me, eat him! Eat him!"

Seeing the island protection beast closer to Ye Chen, spotlessly snickered. "Haha, I'm going to win!"


The Island Protection Divine Beast actually turned around and threw a triple strike at her, directly killing her in seconds, and then turned its head and killed Ye Chen.

Primary seclusion!

Ye Chen was invisible, and the island protection beast quickly left.

Use the resurrection to bring the spotless back to life.

Spotlessly clean and questioned. "Why is that?"

"Obviously it's closer to you, why did it attack me first?"

Ye Chen scratched his head. "It may be male, you're female, more attractive to it."


Spotlessly clean, with an expression of I believe you are a ghost.

"When I'm stupid?"

"It's a game, monsters know how to distinguish between men and women. 15"

"You must have used some little trick.

Ye Chen looked wronged. "What a thing! I stood there motionless, and you watched the whole time, okay?"

"This........ It seems to be. "Spotlessly grievanced." It should be that my luck this time is not as good as yours, and the island protection divine beast chooses to attack me randomly..."

She suddenly smiled wickedly, walked over to Ye Chen's position, and pointed to where she had been standing. "Let's switch positions, this time I'll be on your side."

Ye Chen sighed helplessly and walked to the spotless spot. "I'm standing where you are pointing, and this time you will lose, but it is your own choice."

In pristine condition. "It must be biting you this time! I won't come back to life, you wait to drink Meng Po soup!" Ha ha. ”

The island protection divine beast patrolled a circle, turned back to the adult ice silkworm refresh point, and rushed straight to the spotless, directly arching to death!

Primary seclusion!

Ye Chen is invisible, waiting for the island protection beast to leave, and uses the resurrection to pull up the Japanese unfamiliarity.

Spotlessly clean and confused. "Why doesn't it turn around this time?"

Ye Chen shrugged. "Wait for it to come back, you ask it."

Spotlessly unconvinced, gambling airways. "Come again, it's not more than three, I don't believe I'm so unlucky, it will bite me again."

Ye Chen。 "Do you want to change positions this time?"

Spotlessly thought about it, ran to Ye Chen's side again, and pointed to where Ye Chen had first stood. "You go back to your place, which I chose in the first place.

Ye Chen sighed. "No need to explain, I didn't say no..."

The two switched positions again.

Spotlessly wiping his hands nervously, he watched as the island beast cruised from the polar bear refresh point, stepped onto this small hill, and pounced straight towards Ye Chen.

In pristine condition. "This time it must be me who wins!"

Bloodthirsty combos!

Brush brush brush!

The island protection divine beast that raised its upper body fired three consecutive blows towards Spotless, and fell down in an instant...

Ye Chen is invisible.

Repeat the operation to bring the spotless to life.

Spotless, his eyes resentfully watched the island protection beast go away. "The programmer must be a 10,000-year-old single dog! Deliberately set the island protection beast to attack female players first. ”

As soon as she finished speaking, her face turned red.

The island protection beast killed two people in a row next to the tiger refresh point, both male players, and the female players quickly got on the mount and ran.

Spotless, his hand pointed to himself a little hesitantly. "My problem? Am I really so unlucky?"

Ye Chen comforted. "It's not that you're unlucky, it's that I'm luckier."

"Of course.

"It is also possible that the Island Protection Divine Beast is a fan of my wife, so he is reluctant to hit me."

Spotlessly clean white eyes. "The devil believes in you."

"Come again!"

"This time we'll switch to the opposite side."

Ye Chen followed spotlessly. "You choose, you let me, then I stand."

In pristine condition. "Really?"

Ye Chen sighed. "I want to give you the sunglasses cat by losing this little game, God can't fulfill me, sad!"

Spotlessly clean and grinning. "In this way, God doesn't want me to take the gift for nothing, well......... Then I can't cheat either.

She pointed to the side. "You stand next to me, I want to win away your sunglasses cat fairly and justly."

"It wasn't yours who sent it, I won it!"

Ye Chen did so.

But in my heart, I laughed badly.

Actresses are not very difficult women.

The Island Protection Divine Beast returned from the cruise, circled around the previous position of the two, and immediately turned around.

This time, the two stood close to each other, spotlessly guessing who the island protection divine beast would attack, and simply closed their eyes.

Ye Chen looked spotless, the character flickered at a speed that was imperceptible to the naked eye, and the island protection beast immediately attacked Spotless.

Of course it's a routine!

And it's a very simple routine.

It's just a simple stealth canceling stealth.

As long as it's fast enough, the skill won't be unleashed.

The game program is determined faster.

The Island Protection Divine Beast judged Ye Chen to be stealthy and naturally prioritized attacking other nearby targets.

This routine is of no use to people.

It is also not used when attacking or using other skills.

It's just a fun way.

Losing four times in a row, spotless but relieved.

"This is a test for me!"

"It's not so easy to get all the way."

"Come again, I don't believe I can't win you."


Spotlessly clean, lost ten times in a row, lost to paralysis, lost to no temper.

"How many times have I lost to you?"

Her voice suddenly became mute.

Ye Chen。 "Five or six times..."

In pristine condition. "You don't have to comfort me, I'm excited!"

"This........" Ye Chen。 "I feel like you're going to win this time."

The selection task has been completed, and the next step is naturally to comfort the injured girl.

As a result, the island protection divine beast did not give face, and directly dropped spotless in seconds.

After the resurrection.

Ye Chen hurried to comfort. "It was an absolute accident!"

What an accident!

Spotlessly clean with tears in his eyes. "Don't comfort me, it's my life! I am a woman who even hates monsters, and living in this world is a waste of the world's food. ”

"Absolutely not!" Ye Chen said loudly. "You have a beautiful voice and a sweet voice, a good personality and sensibility, and you will become a big star in the future, enjoying the spotlight and the cheers of the crowd."

Spotless with a weeping face, he pointed to the sacred beast that came again to protect the island. "You go talk to it and see if it believes you or not!"


Ye Chen was arched to death.

The Island Protector Beast turned its head and attacked spotless, spotless and too late to stealth, and met Ye Chen's mansion.

Ye Chen laughed. "It believed!"

"Now it seems that it deliberately wants to kill you twelve times, which is wishing you a red moon."

"All the way, to send and to send, to send and to send, plus every month of the year, are you satisfied?"

Spotlessly nodded and broke into a smile.

Return to Luoyang.

Ye Chen traded the 1688 sunglasses cat to Spotless, and she immediately smiled, completely leaving the previous loss and gloom behind.

[Host, I admit that you showed me! ] 】

[But I would like to see you being chased and scolded by female players............]


[Yes. 】

Ye Chen smiled too.

The system is too unorthodox, so I love to have fun.

"Okay, take advantage of your heart, like your seclusion.

"You make me brilliant, I send you happiness."

"Together, we are moving towards a happy future."

Xuanwu Island subsequently chose to release.

[One: Capture a mutant ice silkworm, the qualification of this rare beast is increased by 50%. 】

[Two: Capture a firemane rat with at least level 3 mutation, and the Zhen will increase the capital by 60%. 】

[Three: Use the Island Protection Divine Beast to kill twenty female players, reward the mutation halo × 3, and open subsequent choices. ] 】

[Mutation Aura: Killing an adult rare beast will definitely drop a top mutant rare beast with a full qualification bonus of 70%. 】

"Pick three!"

Don't hesitate.

The ratio of men to women in the first district is 8 to 2, and looking at this ratio, you will feel that there are too few female players.

But this 2 represents at least 20,000 girls!

Ye Chen just gets married with a different girl every day, and it takes 55 years to marry each one ...

Think it out.

Is Ye Chen still afraid of offending the girl?

[Host, I won't double count for you this time. 】

"No problem."

The team assembles at the Holy Beast Mountain teleportation point.

[You are about to enter the free PK scene! ] 】


The team came to the Holy Beast Mountain.

In front of you is a set of red names.

Flame Burning: You brush pigs too?

Blossom in half summer: A district is full of 100,000 people, how can I always meet you?

Krypton Gold Change: Less than 5% of players have level 56 gems and above gems, and high-play teams are common, isn't it normal?

Easy King: Want to fight?

Flame Burning: Is this event necessary? A lot of weird activities, and no need to grab it.

Easy King: But you guys get in the way!

Wild and unruly: King Xiaoyao, you are so beaten that you dare not go to the ancient tomb, what to pretend?

See this sentence.

The king of Xiaoyao immediately painted the ground as a prison and was unrestrained.

Ling Bo stepped slightly into the eight formations of the team.

Sudden attack, Flame Burning and the others were defenseless, reacting, the Xiaoyao King had already exploded, scattering all of them in a group.

Khe Shan Tour!

Trigger amplification effects.

Emei flowers bloom in half summer and take damage plus 100%.

It was sent away by the fire in a matter of seconds.

The flame came out of the scattering gong, turned on the sunflower, accelerated day by day, turned on the blessing of the gods, and pulled the cart to take the rest away.

[Blossom Half Summer: Xiaoyao King, you remember it for me! ] 】

[Xiaoyao King: Remember your horse! ] Dare to pretend to be in front of me, and I will see you once and kill you once in the future! 】

Ye Chen did not comment.

In fact, there is no need to fight, Flame Burning has a good personality and is a person who can get along with.

But hit it

Fighting, PK scene, originally used to fight.


A group of people teleported to the Holy Beast Mountain, all with red names.

Krypton Gold changed his life and immediately rushed over, teleporting protection time to, there are no dogs in the world, do not use the hidden dragon, the group slows down, but only blind to two people.

Perfect Supreme immediately closed Ye Chen.

The backhand of the dragon is like a seal, and the perfect sky is perfect.

Emei on both sides was controlled.

Xiaoyao Perfect Xiaoxin, Xiaoyao Perfect Futu, and Ye Chen, at the same time, Xishan Travel Tour, trigger amplification.

Ye Chen opens the meat wall!

The Zhaochai Cat is already level 62, and the amount of blood is almost six thousand.

The low-level meat wall helps the owner bear 75% of the damage, and it can also bear the damage by reducing the damage and magnifying the double damage.

These two are not at ease.

Blood is rebounded, immediately retracts the attack, shifts the target Xiaoyao King, the first painting is dodged, and the second painting is hit.

The Easy King is also trapped.

The king of Tianshan was dragged down by the perfect invisible of the same Tianshan.

The Shaolin Perfect Saint Monk dragged Krypton Gold to change his life.

Two escapes divert targets and the attack is spotless.

The perfect supreme crab was bounced to death again.

But he was calm this time. "I won't be tricked by the flesh wall again, this trick is useless for me."

Perfect for the day. "The event is about to start, or don't fight?"

Easy King. "Just now, you guys took advantage of our boss to sneak attack, why didn't you say 140 hits?"

Perfect Supreme. "Yes, play with you."

Ye Chen came out of the seal, spotless and magnified, and before he had time to add blood, he was set on fire.

Ye Chen: Wait for me to save it.

"Jihuo Emei!"

Perfect Tianyan immediately ran away.

Ye Chen Perfect Blindness Perfect Supreme, without his command, all teammates followed, and the fire was output.

Ye Chen was set on fire by five people.


Full of gems, the configuration of 98777, the god-level sits without chaos or topping.

A wave of output, if there is a dodge, it will cost 20 million blood.

Ye Chen is about to fall in seconds.

Ye Chen ran over on his shoulder, inserting two Qingxin and a gourd twice in seconds on the way, returning 24,000 blood.

The blood bar was still mostly knocked off.

The moon sets in the western mountains!

Successfully prescribed, three people in the doctor.

The Perfect Supreme couldn't bear it, and wanted to run through the cloud ladder, and the Dragon Slashing Heavenly Flying Immortal was released in time, and the Perfect Supreme was sent away.

The three people who came out of blindness came to surround Ye Chen again, and they were about to kill Emei first.

Ye Chen was set on fire by four people, adding blood as he ran.

Ye Chen: The King of Xiaoyao cursed the Immortal Array at the foot of the King of Tianshan, and the King of Tianshan declared war on me and used the Heaven and Earth Ming Annihilation to change positions with me.

Heaven and Earth: Freeze the target for 2 seconds, and swap the target with your own position.

Ye Chen switched thrones with King Tian Shan.

The King of Tianshan immediately moved the flower to catch the eagle strike and the long air explosion output, chasing the perfect Xiaoxin, Futu, Saint Monk, and Invisible Four people to slash.

The four chased after Ye Chen, and the Xiaoyao King was all skillful, and the dragon slashing also flashed in the clouds.

Three to four, Ye Chen frantically adds blood to carry damage.

Perfect little new fell first.

The Immortal Array broke out!

The Perfect Saint Monk and the Invisibly Blinded, the King of Xiaoyao and the Dragon Slasher immediately attack another Xiaoyao Buddha.

Ye Chen kept brushing his heart, and his blood was more than half.

Krypton Gold changed his life to the other side, and the perfect heavenly face that came out of the gods was trying his best to delay Emei's arrival.

Float fell.

The holy monk and the invisible quickly turned around to protect the perfect heavenly face.


The flames burned and pulled the cart over, and the beacons pulled away the king of Xiaoyao, and the six people gathered the fire.

Ye Chen had to give up the pursuit and add blood to the Easy King.


The teleportation point comes another set of red names.

The leader is a liver and gallbladder, a relatively low-key all-9 guy.

Perfect Tianyan shouted anxiously. "Big brother, help us quickly, we can't win."

"Fight the Easy King? This is my obligation!"

Liver and gallbladder photo pulled the cart and ran to the perfect sky, plus the perfect sky, seven 789-level stone people gathered fire, and sent Fluorine away in a few seconds to change his life.

Dragon Slash: Run, you can't win.

Xiaoyao King: Master, you go quickly, I am not saved.

Although it doesn't hurt to burn a group of people to fight the Easy King, the probability of control being dodged is not very high.

The cooperation is very good, and in the control of the turn, the Xiaoyao King does not use skills at all.

It was also sealed off and became a living target.

Ye Chen changes into a panda and gets on his mount and runs to the teleportation point.


The team went to see Meng Po except him and the dragon slasher.

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