Online Game Classic Tianlong: Please Start Your Choice!

Chapter 68 Parting Ways, The Two Kings Quit The Fixed Team!

Liver and gallbladder look at each other, two ribs stick knives, life and death follow each other, righteousness and clouds, Haoran righteousness, and fierce storms.

Gem 98888.

Occupation: Wudang, Qibang, Emei, Qibang, Shaolin, Xiaoyao.

The top fixed team, a team of the Langya Pavilion Guild.

I have been messing around in ancient tombs and suddenly ran to do activities.

Ye Chen looked at the 8L position, Tomb 3

It is already level 60, and naturally it will not be leveled in ancient 3.

And this team, the average level is 53, and the level is just right in Tomb 3.

The reason is clear!

The targeted 8L did not level up and began to take crazy revenge ...

Perfect Supreme, Xiaoxin, and Futu have all been resurrected and returned.

Ye Chen's side also returned to the teleportation point.

To fight two top teams at the same time, there is a flaming high-play team not far away waiting for the next black hand to take revenge, and there is no need to fight at all.

Perfect Supreme: Brother, I don't know you or not, I'm definitely not targeting you, it's your team's easy king to provoke trouble.

Ye Chen: Xiaoyao Wang is my apprentice, my regular teammate, he can represent me and represent this team.

Inside the team.

Xiaoyao King: Master, interesting!

Tianshan King: Cousin, these three teams of people are looking at you unfavorably.. ....

Dragon Slash: Hey, the Holy Beast Mountain has also become an ancient tomb, let's fight it, fight until it's cool!

Krypton gold changed his life: I am still too dish, if my control can hit all of them, they will have to die at least one more person, four for four, and we will not lose.

Ye Chen: Our controls are all dodged, and the same level gems fight, not only by skill, but also by luck.


Liver and gallbladder: Do you still want me to help?

Perfect Supreme: No. They also have level 6 stones, 567 level stone mix-and-match people, and our group alone is already considered a bully.

Perfect Tianyan: Big Brother, thank you!

After greeting Perfect Tianyan, he pulled the team to leave.

The flames burned and pulled the cart closer.

Blossom Half Summer: King Xiaoyao, didn't you see us kill us once? Come out and kill! What is it to hide next to a teleportation point?

The Xiaoyao King was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Just after pretending to beep, he was slapped in the face.

The head was just taken away by this Emei girl.

Perfect Tianyan covered her mouth and smiled. "King Xiaoyao, are you the Barren Heavenly Emperor outside the ancient tomb? So many people don't like you. ”


Xiaoyao King suddenly Ling Bo stepped out slightly, painted the ground to besiege Perfect Tianyan, and followed the eight formations, and was immediately controlled by Xiaoxin.

The king of Tianshan Heaven and Earth is clear and extinguished, and the Perfect Supreme is exchanged.

Perfect Invisible immediately followed the heaven and earth, used on Ye Chen, triggered high-level loyalty, and changed the cat himself.

The chaos immediately began.

The slush claw dispersion is perfectly invisible.

Five people gather fire, output all skills, and send him away.

The Tianshan King couldn't hold it over there, and he fell half a blood in a few seconds, and he quickly used the snow without a trace and flashed back.

Snow without a trace: Instantly move to the selected location and gain stealth.

The flames burned and ran over, and the flames filled the city, pulling away the Perfect Supreme who lifted the ice and leaving the gathering fire of Ye Chen and several people.

Burning Fire: Don't forget us.

White cranes with bright wings, flying fairies outside the sky!

Perfect Supreme immediately delivered Ye Chen with full firepower.

Jade women shuttle, immortals guide the way!

White Crane Bright Wings amplify skill damage, four skills, kill Ye Chen's 30,000 blood.

Two Xiaoyao Creek Mountain trips, fortunately, did not zoom in.

The King of Tianshan and Krypton Gold changed their lives and rushed out to fight.

Slashing the dragon is also a set of skills to hit the Perfect Supreme, and it also has white crane bright wings, which also hurts.

The flames burned a group of people and pressed over, with a clear purpose, to Ye Chen, this Emei

But I immediately found that the output turned out to be only a few hundred points, too hard to move!

Immediately shift the target and kill the group spotlessly.

A dozen people fought in a mess.

Ye Chen has more than enough to save himself and is weak in killing.

The pure heart that blooms in half summer can also be increased by 7%.

Xiaoyao King and Perfect Tianyan singled out, but were beaten away.

Not in the middle of the creek mountain trip.

Emei has Zhaojun out to amplify the damage, and can also add blood, and the hard steel cannot be used.

The baby with Perfect Heavenly Face has a stumbling, and the Xiaoyao King is slowed down, and then he is blinded and curses in anger.

Just a minute or two.

All three teams fought until only one or two people remained.

Perfection is only perfect heavenly face and perfect holy monk.

The flames burned this group of leftover flowers in half summer and unrestrained.

It is also Emei and Shaolin.

Ye Chen was alone.

The four people on the opposite side didn't bother to hit him.

Because you can't die!

Even if the meat is gone, you can always see the blood back of the stitches.

The baby also changes back and forth, one moment panda anti-debuff state, one moment chai cat meat wall countershock, one moment mutated crocodile crazy on debuff state.

Go to hit Ye Chen, and immediately be disgusted by all kinds of things.

Just don't fight Ye Chen, the firepower of the two groups of people, anyway, Ye Chen can't take care of one Emei.

Perfect Tianyan: Great, I dug up another high-grade blood stain in the morning.

Blossom Half Summer: Envy! High blood is too expensive, I still use low-grade blood stains, and the qi is not enough.

Ye Chen: If the pet's physical strength is high enough, the low-level blood stain is also sufficient at this stage.

Blooming in half summer: is the baby expensive too! Babies with more than two thousand qualifications can at least a few books with high blood stains.....

Perfect Tianyan: Da, how many qualifications does your mutant crocodile have?

Ye Chen: If you tell me the measurements, I'll tell you.

Perfect sky: 92, 58, 98.

Ye Chen: Baby, I haven't even taken off my pants, what are you blowing?

Perfect Tianyan: Bah! Ask is the answer, haha!

The perfect holy monk and the wild unruly look confused.

This is a life-and-death struggle!

Three Emei are making small talk here, is it appropriate?

But he dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

Everyone in the team can be offended, but Emei cannot be offended, especially the female Emei.

Otherwise, forget to add blood to you, don't blame her, sister, mistakes are reasonable...

Perfect Supreme and the others, Flame Burning and the others, and Ye Chen's teammates teleported back one after another.

Seeing Ye Chen talking and laughing with the two Emei, he was also confused.

Tianshan King: Master, aren't you doing this?

Ye Chen: So what else can I do? I hit people with a wave of more than 10,000 blood, and the two Emei were more injured than me at a time.

Ye Chen: Unruly and blossoming can't beat me, and Perfect Heavenly Face and Perfect Saint Monk don't beat me as fast as I add blood.

Ye Chen: Both sides can't kill each other, either in a daze or chatting, it's you, how do you choose?

Tianshan King: Master, I'm sorry, I was wrong! It was me who was too good to kill them.

Spotlessly clean: I regret not playing Emei now.....

Xiaoyao King: Master, I don't want to fight anymore.

Brother Wang, what you picked, why don't you fight now? We all died with you once or twice.

Xiaoyao King: Because I found that I fell in love with Perfect Tianyan! The way she looked when she fought with me, the way she looked with blood, so pure! So cute! So beautiful!

Krypton gold changed his life...........

Ye Chen: Speechless!

Spotlessly clean: Not sure what to say.

King of Tianshan: Cousin, I despise you!

Easy King: Groove! She promised me! She promised to marry me!

Ye Chen had a dark face.

The people in the team gave face to King Xiaoyao, whether King Xiaoyao pretended to be beep or deliberately looked for trouble, they all accompanied him.

There is no regret when you die.

As a result, Xiaoyao Wang fought if he wanted, and he didn't fight if he didn't want to.

It doesn't take into account the feelings of the rest of the people at all.

As if everyone owes him.

This made Ye Chen a little uncomfortable.

The dragon slashing is also obviously unpleasant.

Krypton Jin's face was gloomy, daring to be angry and not daring to speak, and fell silent.

Spotlessly clean: congratulations!

The Easy King can't see it!

Has already withdrawn from the group and left using the Heavenly Spirit Bead.

The same goes for the perfect sky face opposite.

Perfect Supreme: What's the situation?

Krypton gold changed his life: Tianyan girl previously singled out Wang Zong, and the two eyebrows went back and forth, and they looked at each other.

Perfect Supreme:! Dig our family's first Emei? What do you mean by stepping on a horse?

Perfect Xiaoxin quickly patted Perfect Supreme.

It must be a private chat.

Immediately, Perfect Supreme turned his head and apologized to Ye Chen and the others.

"I'm sorry, I was a little excited just now.

"King Xiaoyao is going to marry the Tianyan girl of our family, you are welcome to participate."

After speaking, it is also teleported away.

Ye Chen was dark-faced the whole time.

Remembering forgotten stories.

Not long after he started playing Tianlong, he accepted a novice as an apprentice and took this apprentice to brush alone in the Yellow Dragon Cave.

Pull the apprentice from level forty to more than fifty, how to make a single brush baby, how to get gems.

This apprentice also knew about Entu, went to all 5 gems, went to the ancient tomb for leveling and activities, and brought Ye Chen, who had no gems.

The people in the team disliked Ye Chen's low gem and would immediately help talk.

Until the apprentice got married, Ye Chen's place was immediately replaced.

After that, the two never played together again.

After level ninety, they met in the Flame Mountain, and the apprentice came up and sent Ye Chen away

After the killing, the message was sent.

"Sorry, I don't remember it's you"

After reminiscing.

"So........ Do I need to treat King Xiaoyao as a brother?"

Ye Chen began to feel that it was a bit silly to help the Xiaoyao King.

The two are just an employment relationship.

Krypton gold changed his life: big guy, let's go to the wedding, we are already brushing the horn.

Ye Chen nodded.

Everyone teleported back to Luoyang.

【System: Your friend Xiaoyao King changed his name to Perfect Tianzun.............】

Ye Chen was stunned.

Ye Chen: King of Tianshan, how about you?

Tianshan King: Master, I'm sorry, my cousin asked me to go to the Perfect Family with him.

【Tianshan King withdraws from the team】

[System: Your friend Tianshan King has changed his name to Perfect Assassin]

Slashing Dragon:! What the hell are the two of them, the fixed team has only been formed for a day, is this to disperse?

Krypton Gold changed his life: Brother Long, don't be angry, maybe the two kings will continue to be with us.

Dragon Slash: Brother, can you not be naïve? He changed both names and joined the Perfect Family, playing with the people in the family, of course.

Ye Chen: What about you? How to say?

Of course I'll continue to play with you! To be honest, Brother Wang is generous enough, and I am convinced of this. But he was too blind, and I was upset about that.

Dragon Chopper: Big brother, let's see what he says later! He was sure he wasn't coming, and we regrouped the regular team.

Spotlessly clean: great, I'm afraid you'll do the same now....

Ye Chen: How is it possible, I'm not a love brain.

Krypton gold changed his life: my heart fell: ...........

Ye Chen: Groove! Zero charge, you step on the horse and see me like this?

Dragon Chopper: Big brother, you are good at everything, but there is some commotion, that kind of commotion, you know...

Ye Chen:...............

Ye Chen: I call this a thousand flowers, and a leaf does not stick to the body! You two are too low to understand!

Dragon Slash: Am I low-level? Am I also a man known as the little white dragon in the waves, is it not good?

Krypton gold changed his life: I have a second child! Am I low-level? Are you two married?

Spotlessly clean: I declare the zero charge winner!

Entering the auditorium, Ye Chen and the others suddenly felt that it didn't matter if they came or not.

Because the people of the Perfect Family had already arrived hundreds of people, surrounded the King of Xiaoyao and Perfect Tianyan in the middle, and offered their blessings one after another, the scene was very lively.

People keep coming.

There are thousands of people in the Perfect Family alone, and there are also hundreds of people in the Langya Pavilion, which is allied with the Perfect Family.

Plus to join in the fun.

It didn't take long for the auditorium to have more than 2,000 people.


Many level 89 stone bigwigs came to congratulate them.

Ye Chen was in the crowd, very inconspicuous.

The game marriage is simple.

Men and women team up to register at the old moon.

After marriage, the woman receives the title "." so-and-so's wife", and the man gets "so-and-so's husband".

After marriage, you will receive an equipment eternal diamond ring that can be upgraded.

Increasing the upper limit of blood and qi is a good piece of equipment, but the overall attribute is far inferior to the high-star handiwork.

Ye Chen, who was not here, had ever been married, and if there would be a difference, he didn't know.

This version of Tenryu serves Krypton, and the Eternal Diamond Ring turns into a cow beep equipment that needs to be thrown at money, Ye Chen will not find it strange.

In addition to this, there are couple skills.

You can add blood, stamina, resurrection, and summoning to each other.

Having a game wife who plays with has many benefits.

But if you don't give gems or props when you get married, Ye Chen has never seen it.

Game marriage, the same bride price............

The wedding parade begins.

King Xiaoyao rode a tall horse, Perfect Tianyan sat on a sedan chair, beating drums all the way, firecrackers sounded, and red flowers bloomed.

Thousands of people gathered in the crowd, followed from Luoyang West Street to East Street, and then back to the auditorium.

The fireworks salutes released along the way cost hundreds of thousands.

The dropped joy bag can actually open a fourth-level stone or tens of thousands of yuan treasures.

That's a big deal.

Return to the auditorium.

Perfect Supreme as the emcee, and another Western-style wedding vow.

Then red envelopes were sent.

All of them are large denominations, and the few have tens of thousands of yuan treasures.

Ye Chen: I picked up a total of 120,000 yuan.

Letter hand chopping dragon: Lying groove, why are you so much, Li Ma's Russian North Five Right.

Krypton Gold changed his life: Brother Long, your hand speed is too slow, I have 80,000.

Spotlessly clean: twenty thousand...

The wedding is over.

Perfect Tianzun sent a message: Master, I'm sorry, I want to form a fixed team with my wife, you guys find someone again.

Ye Chen: Okay.

After all, wait until this sentence.

Ye Chen: The two kings are not coming, let's find someone again.

Dragon Chopper: I'll just say it!

Krypton gold changed his life: big guy, what is the request this time?

Ye Chen: Last request.

Dragon Chopper: I have a water friend with all 7 gems, I just started playing today, and I haven't come to the main story yet, so reserve a spot for him.

Spotless: Daji does not have a fixed team, and with her, won't the team be all together?

Dragon Slash: Goddess, we may need to think about this suggestion.

Krypton gold changed his life: what did the big guy say?

Ye Chen: It is good to add blood to multiple Emei to you, and if you export it, with our stones, it is enough.

Dragon Chopper: I'll go and tell her.

【Daji is not a demon to join the team】

Am I the kind of woman who comes and goes? Am I not to lose face?

Why don't you talk?

Daji is not a demon: Lying groove, have you all blocked me? Did you invite me to the group to humiliate me?

Ye Chen: No, it's been released.

Dragon Chopper: I just don't want to pay attention to you.

Krypton Gold changed his life: Sister Zhou, congratulations on turning positive!

Spotlessly clean: Welcome new teammates, manda!

Daji is not a demon: Haha, I will definitely take special care of you two and help you pull the blood full.

Ye Chen: So it was decided, you add two, I add two altars.

Dragon Chopper: I'm so happy!

Krypton Gold changed his life: Big guy, can I choose a side again?

Ye Chen: Okay, let's do that. Go brush the pigs, I feel like our group is going to come out of the Tyrannosaurus.

Isn't the pig in our ranks?

Dragon Chopper: You close, I'll give you a full costume

Daji is not a demon: deal!.

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