In order to pass through this valley as soon as possible, players will have to ride their mounts for at least ten minutes to complete the whole journey, but they also have to face the ...... monster spawn areas that exist densely in each distance

in the valleyThe number of monsters in each monster spawn zone is very terrifying, and it continues to cover the entire valley tens of meters long.

In other words, if players want to rush over, they can only accept the attacks of the monsters, and only after their strength has increased to a certain level can they be sure to break out of this valley.

But now it's safe, with General Anode leading the way, and the hatred of the monsters is almost all concentrated on him, and the three of them only need to follow closely all the way forward to ......

Within ten minutes, the three of them followed the burly figure in front of them and rushed through several monster refresh areas, from beautiful basilisk to human lizard monster, monsters of various attack types saw a lot, and finally rushed out of the distance of thousands of meters.

As the team broke out of the last block of monsters, the depths of the canyon ahead, under the moonlight, finally revealed an open canyon exit ......

"Look, it's finally coming to an end!" Liana said excitedly.

This nervous rush forward, her heart is almost in her throat, as long as the pace is slightly unable to keep up with the rhythm, it is very likely that she will be firmly surrounded by the monster group, and life and death are only within a second.

Now that they have finally reached the end of this valley, the three of them are very excited.

General Anode was still at the front, striding forward to the end of the canyon, suddenly stopped, and stood there quietly.

Mo Wei immediately walked to the front and looked at the large pitch-black scene outside the canyon, only to see that countless hills were densely packed inside, like huge thorns, towering in the open ground outside the canyon, forming a large stone forest area.

On the minimap, on the map of the Sleepy Dragon Mountains, a circular basin is prominently displayed, as if it is the central square of the mountain map.

"What's the matter, you haven't walked out of this mountain range yet?" Ouyang Jiaojiao also saw the situation on the map, and a look of surprise appeared on her beautiful face.

They all thought that if they walked out of the canyon, they would be able to enter the next map, but they didn't expect that the mountain range was so large, and they only walked half the distance......

"General, what's the situation ahead?" Mo Wei couldn't pay attention to, so he asked respectfully again.

"This is the heart of the Sleepy Dragon Mountains, and the basin you see is very crucial, once we enter the basin, we need to re-route forward, but with the countless valley entrances on the opposite side, I don't know which route to choose. General Anode said.

"What...... He didn't know how to choose his route?" asked Liana, exclaimed.

This is troublesome, the three of them heard General Anode's words clearly, and the feeling that this sleepy dragon mountain range is systematically divided into two parts, bounded by a huge basin in the center, and there are countless valleys in the direction of Sunset City, and the correct route changes every day.

But on the other side of the basin, which is also connected by numerous valleys, there is only one correct way forward.

According to the general's meaning, he only knew half of the correct path, and the other half asked Mo Wei to find ...... on his own

"General, what's going on?" Mo Wei asked puzzled.

"The Sleepy Dragon Mountain Range has been a natural defense area outside Sunset City since ancient times, and the secrets here are related to the safety of the entire western defense line of the empire, so it has always been jointly held by the two generals of the Sunset Legion, I know half of the secrets, and Yang Hui knows the other half, so now I have nothing to do. General Anode replied with a sigh.

"Damn, how can this be?" said Liana.

"Then, aren't we going to find our way again?" asked Ouyang Jiaojiao nervously.

The three of them all understood that if there was no correct passage route, the situation would be very troublesome, you must know that there are countless monster refresh zones in the valley, and the valleys on the other side are all more powerful monsters above level 25!

none of them can safely explore the terrain in the valley, if they rely on the protection of the anode general, wouldn't it take a long time to find the valleys like this?"

General, there are many valleys here, and my strength is limited, is there an easy way to get out of the mountains?" Mo Wei asked with a frown.

This was only the first field map out of Sunset City, and he didn't expect to run into such a big trouble, he didn't dare to imagine what would happen next......

"There is no easy way, the name of this place is the Trapped Dragon Mountain Range, if you can't find the right route, even a divine dragon can't easily walk through the defenses of this mountain range. General Anode shook his head.

"Uh......" Mo Wei's eyes widened, and he was speechless when he touched his head.

"But...... I remember there was another way to get out of here, just with a lot of difficulty. General Anode suddenly spoke again.

"Your Excellency, General, please speak!" Mo Wei's eyes flashed, and he hurriedly asked excitedly.

"The Sleepy Dragon Mountain Range was a place shared by all major races a long time ago, before the establishment of the Empire, don't look at this mountain range is full of bare stone walls, but in the mountains, there are many secret caves, which are rich in mineral vein resources, as well as the remnants of many other races, these gods, demons, demons and beasts branch tribes who were lucky enough to survive the war have been secretly surviving here, and the empire has issued countless orders for them to leave this place and arrange new territories for them, but they still stay here。 General Anode explained.

"You mean that in this mountain map, there are not only mineral veins but also human habitation?" Mo Wei asked in surprise.

"Yes, but they're very vigilant, their territory is hidden, and the Sunset Legion has searched here countless times, but they haven't been able to find their cave entrance, so it's very difficult, more difficult than if you were to find a new path. General Anode nodded.

"Yes, in the middle of this vast mountain range, it is better for us to spend time searching for a hidden cave than to search for a valley after valley. Liana said with a frown.

"If you can't find it, it's a big deal to spend it here tonight. Ouyang Jiaojiao said helplessly.

"Wait a minute, don't worry, I'll ask the general. Mo Wei thought about it, not wanting to give up this task clue.

If there are various mineral vein resources hidden in this Trapped Dragon Mountain Range, and there are also many NPC races' territories hidden, then the demons should also have a secret territory here, right?

If the demons exist, as long as they are found, maybe they can get some help......

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