The secret of the map told by General Anode suddenly made Mo Wei's heart move.

In this Trapped Dragon Mountain Range, there are actually a large number of ore vein collection areas, as well as the remnants of the major races hidden here, doesn't it mean that the demon clan also has a hidden lair nearby?

At this moment, Mo Wei suddenly sounded the token handed over to him by the demon professional mentor, maybe it can play some role here.

You know, the existence of this token is a special mission given to him by the system, and those players who have hidden lucky classes, each of them has triggered this strange character setting.

Although he still doesn't understand the purpose of the system, the demon token is currently in his package.

"General, is there still a demon lair here?" Mo Wei asked nervously and expectantly.

"The remnants of all races have territories here, including the demons, of course, but if you want to find them, even if you hollow out all the large mountain ranges, you may not be able to find the entrance, I advise you to die of this heart and continue to find the right route. General Anode replied lightly.

"Understood, can the General follow me to explore the situation here?" Mo Wei asked with a smile.

"Of course. General Anode nodded in reply.

"Okay, two eldest sisters, let's go, everyone spread out and keep a distance of thirty meters, carefully find the terrain here, and tell me immediately if there is anything strange. Mo Wei turned around and said.

"Do you still want to find those secret territory entrances?" asked Liana curiously.

"Didn't the General just say that it's harder to find those secret territories than to find the right passages. Ouyang Jiaojiao reminded.

"You forgot that the three of us have a special token in our package, and we may be able to play a key role here. Moreover, the three of us are humans, elves and demons, as long as we find the secret territory of the three races, we may be able to get some help. Mo Wei told the two of them what he thought.

"I see, we also have the token, mine is the Terran secret order. Liana opened the package in surprise and pulled out a black token.

Mo Wei had already asked her about the Terran secret order, and her mission was to help the Terran unify the two enemies of the Yaosun Empire and the Holy Moon Empire, and avoid the tragedy of war between the two empires under the rule of the Terran, so as to make the other races come back ......

"Mine is an elven order, that's all. Ouyang Jiaojiao also took out a green token.

The elves are the most peculiar race of all races, the elves love peace, and they don't care which race is in charge of the supreme power of the two continents, all they want is peace, so the task of the elves secret order is to help the human race eliminate the war, and it is also to prevent the battle from happening.

"I'm a Demon Secret Order, this is a special task given to us by a career mentor, and it will only play a role after level 20, but it may be able to help us now. Mo Wei also took out his token.

"Tell me, then, what do you need us to do?" asked Liana.

"We have to find all the strange terrain in this mountain range, whether it's a rock wall or a mountain peak, if there is something different, we will mark it and eliminate it one by one until we find the right place. This method should be faster than we can go to the valley one by one. Mo Wei said.

"Yes, the three of us with three tokens may really be able to quickly find the hidden territory. Ouyang Jiaojiao nodded.

"Then let's get moving. Mo Wei put away the token, took the two goddesses and the NPC behind him, and strode out of the valley exit ......

Walking out of the narrow valley, an open terrain appeared in front of me, and the basin in the middle of the mountain range was so large that the surrounding boundary could not be seen at a glance.

However, in the center of the basin, there are large areas of stone forest terrain densely distributed, like a huge labyrinth, covering the entire center of the basin in the stone forest.

Looking at such a strange terrain setting, Mo Wei knew in his heart that there must be a strange secret ...... here

But after entering the basin, his eyes suddenly became wider, and he didn't know where to look for it for a while.

"It's so strange here, I don't see any monster refresh areas around, isn't there any monster in the basin?" Ouyang Jiaojiao has been observing the surrounding situation, and found that in the area within the eye of the basin, there is no longer half a monster figure existing, and the surrounding area is empty, only the dense stone pillars are distributed in the center of the large basin.

"yes, there's no monster here...... Liana nodded.

"Since there is no monster refresh area, the three of us will split up to look for it, the two eldest sisters will go to the left and right sides, and I will go to the middle of the basin to take a look, no matter who finds the abnormal terrain and record it first, we will gather at the mouth of the canyon in half an hour. Mo Wei said.

"Understood. The two goddesses nodded and scattered their pets to the left and right, walking past ridges and exits from countless valleys, carefully examining all the anomalies on the mountain walls and in the surrounding terrain along the way.

Mo Wei led the little wolf, led the anode general behind him, and strode towards the center of the basin, and after walking out of the open terrain of more than thirty meters, countless stone pillars had already appeared in front ......of him

Each of these pillars is more than 10 meters tall and varies in shape and thickness, forming a variety of strange shapes.

But each stone pillar is separated by a distance of several meters, forming a spectacular scene like a forest.

As Mo Wei walked between a stone pillar, he also entered a terrain that no player had ever visited.

As soon as he entered the stone forest, the surroundings became dark, and the light of the stars and moon above his head was blocked by the stone pillars, and he could only see the faint light and shadow on the ground, and the surroundings were silent.

The footsteps of him, his pet, and the anode general resounded clearly in the stone forest, and kept spreading far away, as if far away, and the echo was still ...... for a long time

Walking vigilantly in the stone forest, guarding against the dangerous situations that may occur around them, the two of them gradually walked into the depths of the stone forest.

Looking at the small map, the green light point representing him was already in a large black spot, surrounded by dense stone pillars, and no other terrain could be seen.

Moreover, the basin is so large that the minimap does not reveal the entire terrain, and he cannot determine where he is in the basin now, and how far he is from the center point.

Moving forward along the way, Mo Wei couldn't help but be a little disappointed in his heart when he only saw large stone pillars around him, and he didn't find any special terrain worth paying attention to.

As General Anode said, in order to ensure the safety of the Sleepy Dragon Mountains, the Sun Empire has issued countless orders to let the NPC races who live in seclusion move out of here, and the Sunset Legion has also searched for them countless times, but they still can't find their whereabouts.

So whether he and the two eldest sisters can find the location of the secret territory as soon as possible is not much certainty in his heart.

However, since you have come to this strange map, you must find the right route no matter what, and send the general to the ghost fortress as soon as possible.

Continuing to explore the terrain, Mo Wei once again passed through the stone forest.

A few minutes passed, and he didn't know how far he had come, but all of a sudden, a strange sound sounded in his ears......

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