Online Game: God's Eyes, Unlimited Looting Of Opportunities

No55 Double Magic, Lv99 Gold Level Peak Boss Wants To Surrender!

In a moment.

[Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python] is trapped in the dark field created by "Annihilation Black Hole" and the flame field created by "Flame Storm".

— 49670! —473.78!

— 40517! —473.78! — 40517! —473.78!

—56535! —473.78!

Immediately afterwards, the last-second damage of "Annihilation Black Hole", the damage of two shots of "Fireball", and the damage of "Flame Storm" all exploded together, and destroyed the [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python] in one breath. Nearly 190,000 blood volume!

So far, the [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python], which had 1.4 million+ blood volume three seconds ago, has dropped to 950,000+ now.

As for the four 'snake spirits'...

The "Python Tail Strike" cast by the four "snake spirits" can indeed cause about 4375 points of physical damage, but Ye Mo has a "65% damage reduction" and 1392 points of physical defense.

They can deal 139 points of damage to Ye Mo through "Python Tail Strike", which is not easy.

If "Python Tail Strike" is a magic skill, let alone 139 points of damage, even Ye Mo's magic defense can't be broken.

It is worth mentioning that the 139 points of physical damage caused by the four "snake spirits" were all absorbed by the shield formed by the diamond-level skill "Flame Infusion", and Ye Mo actually received zero damage.


Ye Mo didn't even look at the four 'snake spirits' that were engulfed by the violent flames. He didn't care whether they were dead or not, and what kind of damage they suffered.

Existences that couldn't bring him any threat, why should he be distracted by them?

Ye Mo's attention and attack target were locked on [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python] from beginning to end!





Ignoring the attacks of the four 'snake spirits', Ye Mo continuously casts "fireball" to attack [eight-colored magic blood python].

During the period, the exclusive passive skill "Double Chanting" was used to seamlessly connect to the new "Black Hole of Annihilation" when the previous "Black Hole of Annihilation" dissipated.

This makes the 【Eight-Colored Demonic Blood Python】, which is less than 20 meters away from Ye Mo, "bleeding every second" in order to completely approach Ye Mo.

In the first second, "Annihilation Black Hole" combined with two fireballs caused 130,000+ damage!

In the second second, Ye Mo's "character" exploded, triggering critical strikes again and again, "Annihilation Black Hole" and two fireballs caused a terrifying damage of 270,000+!

After struggling to lose nearly 410,000 health points, [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python] rushed out of the attack range of the "Annihilation Black Hole", and finally approached Ye Mo.

"Hiss!" (Go to hell with me!!)

[Eight-Colored Demonic Blood Python] The mouth of the python is as big as a basin, exposing its fangs like sharp spears, piercing towards Ye Mo who is close at hand.

[Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python], whose remaining HP is less than 550,000, knows that this may be its only and last chance.

It has to be 100% sure to kill Ye Mo, or make Ye Mo ineffective.

Therefore, it chose the third skill - "Giant Synthetic Python Tooth"!

"Giant Heaven Tooth" is its strongest single-target attack skill. Not only can it cause tearing damage based on 130% of physical attack to the target unit, but it can also cause poison damage based on 140% of magic attack.

Even if this double damage couldn't kill Ye Mo, it could still injure Ye Mo severely.

Moreover, it can also use this skill to firmly bite Ye Mo into the python's mouth!

In this way, Ye Mo is no different from death.


— 272,000!

At the same moment when the 【Eight-Colored Demonic Blood Python】opened its mouth and cast the "Giant Combined Python Tooth", a damage value as high as 270,000+ floated out of it strangely.

Its HP instantly dropped to 270,000+!

【Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python】: "???!!!"

You must know that it was neither shrouded by the "Annihilation Black Hole" nor bombarded by the "Fireball Technique", but why did it lose 270,000+ HP out of thin air? !

【Eight-Colored Demonic Blood Python】Which would have thought that the sudden damage of 270,000+ came from the second special effect "Double Magic" attached to the 【Demon Devouring Scepter】used by Ye Mo (each time it hits the target unit When dealing spell damage, there is a 15% chance to deal twice the same amount of damage)

The special effect "Double Magic" that was successfully triggered for the first time applied the 270,000+ damage that [Eight Colored Demon Blood Python] received in the last second to it for the second time!

And this is also the reason why its blood volume has passed 270,000+ strangely! !


There was an ear-piercing snapping sound in the air, but it was the mouth of the [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python] biting on the valley wall in the southwest corner of [Ten Thousand Snake Bone].

The Ye Mo it wanted to attack disappeared without a trace!

Only it and the four 'snake spirits' were left in the southwest corner of the valley.

"Hiss!" (How come?!)

Immediately afterwards, 【Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python】discovered Ye Mo, who had disappeared, reappearing where it was before.

The distance between it and Ye Mo has changed to 20 meters again.

All the previous things made [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python] very clear that such a distance is within Ye Mo's attack range.

And its last blood volume of 270,000+ is absolutely unable to support it approaching Ye Mo again.

In other words, it's... certain to die!

"Hiss!" (I surrender.....don't kill me!)

Thinking of this, 【Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python】with boundless horror in his eyes, chose to surrender to Ye Mo with a very spineless choice.

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