Online Game: God's Eyes, Unlimited Looting Of Opportunities

No56 Kills The Gold-Level Peak Wild Boss And Comprehends "Summoning Of Demons"!

heard the words.

Using the third special effect of the epic peak [Shen Ling Boots] "Shen Leap" (after activation, you can teleport to any place within the range of [your own level X 1000 meters]), and "eight-colored magic blood python" realized the "transposition" ’ Ye Mo laughed dumbfounded.

As expected of a gold-level pinnacle wild boss, his intelligence is no different from that of a human being, and he surrendered if he knew he couldn't beat it.


You are an LV99 gold level wild boss, what's the use of keeping you?

It is impossible not to kill.

Thinking about it, Ye Mo was already casting "Fireball" and "Annihilating Black Hole" at the same time.

"Hiss!" (Don't kill me! Over the past few decades, I have "collected" many rare and exotic objects. As long as you let me go, I can dedicate them all to you!)

Seeing the familiar and terrifying crimson fireball shooting out from the [Demon Devouring Scepter] in Ye Mo's hand, the [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python] became more frightened and screamed.

It intends to 'buy life with money'.


What makes it desperate and frightened is that the human teenager in sight doesn't seem to be interested at all in the rare and strange things it says.

"Hiss!" (I really "collect" a lot of rare and exotic objects, and you can definitely exchange a lot of wealth and resources through them! If you kill me, you won't get those rare and exotic objects!)

The desperate and unwilling 【Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python】 made the last effort and struggle, trying to impress Ye Mo and make Ye Mo stop attacking.




hum! !


Responding to [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python] were crimson fireballs and the familiar 'swallowing black hole'.

"Hiss!" (Why.....I have said that I have a lot of rare objects in my 'collection', why do you want to kill me... Are you unmoved at all? Kill me, you will never get ah.)

In the confusion and unwillingness of 【Eight-Colored Blood Python】, the "Annihilation Black Hole" that lasted for three seconds, and the six fireballs that Ye Mo cast within these three seconds completely emptied the remaining 27 Ten thousand + life value.

Boom boom boom! ! !

[Eight-Colored Demonic Blood Python] The upper half of the python's body straightened up and fell to the ground with a bang.

To the day it died, it didn't understand why Ye Mo had no interest in the rare objects it collected.

[Successfully killed the LV99 gold-level peak wild boss 'Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python', because your level has reached the limit of the novice area, no experience points for this kill! 】

[Congratulations on your acquisition of 200,000 'Shentu Tokens', 'Python Scale Clothes' X1, and the skill book "Devil Summoning" X1! 】

[Under the effect of the first effect of the talent "Death and Withering" "Death and Death", the experience value +400,000! 】

[Under the effect of the exclusive passive skill "Magic Mind in the Heart", the experience value +50! 】

At the same moment, four "Shentu" mechanical prompts sounded in Ye Mo's ears one after another.

And when the [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python] died, the four 'snake spirits' summoned by it also disappeared.

In an instant, the only sound of Ye Mo's breathing could be heard in the entire [Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes].

"Where did you hide those rare objects, I already knew.

Therefore, why do you need to give it, I will just take it myself. "

Looking at the corpse of 【Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python】, Ye Mo chuckled and whispered.

The dead 【Eight-Colored Demonic Blood Python】would never have imagined that Ye Mo wasn’t indifferent to the rare and exotic objects it collected, but that the moment he saw the 【Eight-Colored Demonic Blood Python】, he passed through the "Heaven "Shen Tong" knew the 'treasure spot' of [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python].

Walking to the corpse of 【Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python】, Ye Mo bent over to pick up the two dropped objects on the ground.


【Python scale clothing】

Grade: Gold-level pinnacle

Category: clothes

Attributes: Constitution +40%, Dexterity +30%, Damage Reduction +25%, Anti-violence +15%

Special Effect 1: "Python Scale Shield" (After 60 seconds out of combat state, or without being attacked within 60 seconds, you can get a layer of skills that can resist any being that does not exceed your own level 200 once)

Special Effect 2: "Python Scale Chill" (When attacked, it will reduce the attacker's attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 15%)

Special Effect 3: "Python Scale Toughness" (When attacked, 15% of the damage received by oneself will be converted into magic damage and reflected back to the attacker)

Durability: 400/400

Level requirements: LV99

Occupational Requirements: General

Description: The spirit clothing that can only be obtained through the wild map [Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes].


"Demon Summoning"

Baijin Level Skill Book

Description: After successfully learning, you can summon a certain number of demon puppets to assist you in fighting


The moment he picked up the two items, relevant information about the two also emerged in Ye Mo's mind in due course.

The [Python Scale Cloak] at the peak of the gold level is far stronger than the [Flame Windbreaker] on Ye Mo, whether it is the attribute increase or the special effects that come with it.

[Successfully replaced the Bronze Peak 'Flame Windbreaker' with the Gold Peak 'Pytha Scale Cloak', congratulations on your overall quality greatly improved! 】

Without hesitation, Ye Mo replaced the [Flame Windbreaker] that he hadn't worn for a long time with the [Python Scale Clothes].

"Baijin-level skill...."Demon Summoning""

Immediately, Ye Mo turned his attention to the skill book in his hand.

Because he has not yet chosen to learn, what Ye Mo has learned is only rough information about "Summoning".

How many monster puppets can be summoned by "Summoning Demons", and what kind of combat power the summoned monster puppets have is still unknown.

"Look at the's somewhat similar to the fourth skill "Snake Spirit Summoning" of [Eight-Colored Demon Blood Python]"

Whispering, Ye Mo has begun to inject his spiritual power into the skill book.

He now has a total of five skills, and the only ones that can be actively used for attack are the novice skill "Fireball" and the exclusive skill "Annihilation Black Hole".

With one more Baijin-level skill "Snake Spirit Summoning", he can also have one more attack method.

After a while, the skill book in Ye Mo's hand disappeared, and a series of mysterious messages appeared in his mind.

【Ding! Congratulations on successfully comprehending the Baijin-level skill "Summoning Demons"! 】


"Demon Summoning" (Baijin-level skill)

Description: Using the caster himself as a template, summon four demon puppets that can last for five minutes to assist in the battle. Each monster has 45% of the caster's basic attributes and 40% of the special attributes, and controls other combat skills of the caster except "monster summoning". (Mana cost 1000, cooldown time 10 minutes)


Just like learning the diamond-level skill "Flame Infusion" last time, after Ye Mo successfully comprehended "Summoning", more detailed skill information emerged.

It’s really like what Ye Mo said, this Baijin-level skill “Summoning Demon” is almost exactly the same as the fourth skill “Snake Spirit Summoning” of [Eight Colored Demon Blood Python]!

They all use themselves as a template to reproduce four spirit bodies that last for five minutes to assist in the battle!

And after learning the detailed information about "Summoning the Demon Spirit", Ye Mo knew that... although this skill is only Baijin level, the effect it can play in his hands will not be inferior to any skills he has mastered!

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