Online Game Heavenly Dog Swallowing Sun

Chapter 143: Obtaining Ginseng Fruit

After losing the Great Peng Yu, the Red Flame Demon no longer pretended to be pitiful. He said with a lingering fear: "Just over twenty days ago, there was a fierce battle in the sky above Falling Cloud Valley. At that time, we could only Seeing a group of black shadows and a group of red shadows, many of my friends were shaken to death by the aftermath of the battle between the two mighty men in the sky."

"When the two people in the sky were fighting, the entire sky was covered. Those two people should be the legendary Da Luo Jinxian. At that time, my body was still a ball of flames, and I was less affected by their fighting, so I survived. Come down. Then the red shadow fell from the sky to the ground. I rushed over as fast as I could, but saw a beautiful woman picked up a red Calabash from the ground and left, and I searched for a long time in the valley. I found this big peng feather."

After Chi Yan finished speaking, he saluted Lu Xiaoqi again: "Hero, I know so much. I want to go back to cultivation, and then find the guy who sold me to take revenge, so don't let it go."

Lu Xiaoqi nodded and said, "It was not your friend who betrayed you. Dapengyu is very important. Many people know that they are in your hands and are ready to kill you and seize them. Therefore, it is also a good thing for you to stay with this Dapengyu. The scourge, it is very likely that it will lead to murder, and it is not a bad thing for you to fall into my hands."

These special NPCs usually have great growth potential in the game. Lu Xiaoqi is unwilling to enmity for no reason, so he sells well when he gets a bargain, pretending to fool this red flame demon profoundly. Lu Xiaoqi knew about Dapengyu's affairs that made the Chi Yan Demon feel puzzled, so he was skeptical about Lu Xiaoqi's words, and he was uncertain whether Lu Xiaoqi really knew that Dapengyu was in his hands from other channels.

After Chi Yan Yao left, Lu Xiaoqi walked out of the Luoyun Valley, and then sent it to Wanshou Mountain through the land of Buzhou Shanxi, and walked towards Wuzhuangguan. For the first ring of Hongyun’s cause of death task, as long as you get the task item Dapengyu and know the clues for the next ring from the red flame demon, you can return to the Wuzhuang Temple to find the quest of Zhenyuan Daxianjiao, so as to get the task reward of the first ring. Ginseng fruit.

Because of Lu Xiaoqi's advantage in rebirth for this first round of tasks, he could easily complete the originally complicated tasks. However, starting from the second ring, it was difficult for Lu Xiaoqi to complete. At that time, he had no experience of anyone to learn from, so he could only do his own exploration and search.

When he came to the gate of Wuzhuang Guan, Lu Xiaoqi smiled and said to the guardian Dao Tong: "Two fellow daoist, it's been a long time, is Zhen Yuan Daxian here?"

The two Taoists hurriedly responded politely, and the one on the left said: "A mad dog, you are worthy of me, Master fellow daoist. Just call us by name. My name is Qingfeng, and his name is Mingyue."

It turned out to be these two guys, celebrities! In "Journey to the West", the two men caused a disaster because they offended the monkey. When Lu Xiaoqi came to Wuzhuang Temple in his previous life, he was already at level 20. At that time, the Taoist guardian had been replaced by someone else. This Qingfeng Mingyue didn't know where he had gone.

If the plot of the game is still the same as in the previous life, this Qingfengmingyue will soon leave. Where did these two guys go? In my previous life, I always thought that Qingfengmingyue would not start to watch the gate in Wuzhuang until the time when Qingfengmingyue was traveling to the west. Only in this life did he know that they appeared at the beginning, and Lu Xiaoqi couldn't help but become a little curious.

Qingfeng led Lu Xiaoqi into the Wuzhuang Temple, and came to the quiet room to respectfully say: "Master, the mad dog came to the Wuzhuang Temple to pay respects. According to your instructions, I brought him directly."

After listening to Qingfeng’s words, Lu Xiaoqi was overjoyed. This Zhenyuanzi actually told Qingfeng that he did not need to notify him when he came, and Qingfeng could lead him into Wuzhuang Temple, which represented Zhenyuan Daxian’s affection for him. It's definitely not bad.

"Hehe, fellow daoist, mad dog, you finally came to my Wuzhuang view again." Zhenyuan Daxian walked out of the quiet room and said to Lu Xiaoqi with a smile on his face.

Lu Xiaoqi couldn't help being flattered. With such an identity, the Great Immortal Zhen Yuan walked out to greet him. He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "The mad dog has seen Great Immortal Zhen Yuan."

Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand and said, "The mad dog fellow daoist doesn't need to be polite. Before the fellow daoist left, he told me that many strangers came to the Five Villages and it would cause troubles. The fellow daoist was really cleverly calculated. I was disturbed by strangers during this time. It's so annoying. Two days ago, I told Qingfeng Mingyue directly that except for the crazy dog ​​fellow daoist, I didn't see anyone."

Lu Xiaoqi smiled secretly, the foreshadowing he had laid when he left Wuzhuang Temple last time began to work. Only when there is contrast, there will be a gap. The last time Lu Xiaoqi came to Wuzhuang Temple, he looked light and breezy. He didn't show that he wanted to get any benefits from Zhenyuan Daxian, leaving Zhenyuan Daxian pretty good. impression.

As for most players, the first reaction to seeing senior NPCs is definitely to receive tasks to get good things, so they will unconsciously reveal them after visiting Wuzhuang. Daxian Zhenyuan had been reminded by Lu Xiaoqi in advance, so when these players brought up topics like taking up tasks, Daxian Zhenyuan would feel disgusted. Now Daxian Zhenyuan directly refuses foreigners to enter the view of Wuzhuang. .After entering the quiet room, Lu Xiaoqi and Zhenyuan Daxian each sat on a futon. The two chatted very happily. Lu Xiaoqi moved out some sentences from Daddy's "Tao De Jing", which made Zhenyuan Daxian enjoy it. .

Although he looked very happy on the surface, in fact, Lu Xiaoqi was secretly anxious. Just before he came to Wuzhuangguan, Lu Xiaoqi logged in to the forum. There are already 8 people on the forum who have collected five thousand souls, as long as there are two more. When the number of souls collected by a person reaches 5,000, these players will come to Lu Xiaoqi to pay for the souls.

After only two players, the hopeless player will give up collecting the souls and sell the souls in his hands to those more players. In this case, the number of players who have collected 5,000 souls may become 10 at any time. Once they apply for the payment of souls, Lu Xiaoqi cannot refuse.

And if Lu Xiaoqi wants to safely collect those living souls, Zhenyuan Daxian's ginseng fruit is the key. Lu Xiaoqi's proficiency in this talent skill has not risen for a long time. And when Lu Xiaoqi casts One Qi into Three Clears, the system will prompt him that the One Qi into Three Clears skills have reached the upgrade conditions, and he wants to be able to upgrade with the help of geniuses and treasures.

After rebirth, the skills that helped Lu Xiaoqi the most in "The Myth" proved that one Qi transformed Sanqing. Originally, Lu Xiaoqi planned to use the ginseng fruit he obtained to cultivate Nine Cycles. After knowing that the skill of Yiqihuasanqing could be promoted, Lu Xiaoqi immediately changed his mind and prepared to use ginseng fruit to cultivate Yiqihuasanqing.

"A mad dog, Zhenyuan Daxian preached to you, and your comprehension increased by 5 points." After listening to Zhenyuan Daxian's preaching for an hour, Lu Xiaoqi finally got a little benefit.

Zhenyuan Daxian showed a wry smile on his face and said: "Mad dog fellow daoist, I fell in love with you, and I accidentally told you about Hunyuan Dao fruit. This is against the regulations of Heavenly Dao. I have to trouble the mad dog fellow daoist to do something for me. It's time to eliminate this Karma."

Lu Xiaoqi hurriedly said, "If you have something to do, I will do my best to finish it."

Zhen Yuanzi shook his head and said, "No hurry, it's just 5 points of comprehension. It's not a big Karma. For the time being, I didn't expect to let the mad dog fellow daoist do anything. Next time I come to Wuzhuang Guan, the fellow daoist will still be there. This Karma will do."

Lu Xiaoqi took out the Dapeng feather from Sumeru's mustard bag and said, "Last time I left, I asked about the cause of the fall of Great Fairy Hongyun, but I had a clue. This feather was found by a little demon on the ground on Great Fairy Cloud."

Great Immortal Zhenyuan took the Dapeng feather from Lu Xiaoqi's hand, and the good old man couldn't help showing an angry expression on his face. "Sure enough, it's this flat-haired beast, who is also a listener of the Zixiao Palace, but he can do it like this. Come, I will ask him for an explanation sooner or later."

Lu Xiaoqi naturally knew who Zhenyuan Daxian was talking about, but he didn’t ask much. After Zhenyuan Daxian collected the Dapeng feathers, he recovered calmly and said, “I feel sad when I think of my friend’s fall. Seeing this feather is even more gloomy. , Let the mad dog fellow daoist laugh."

Lu Xiaoqi shook his head and said, "This is the true temperament of fellow daoist. Fellow daoist and Hongyun Daxian live and die. I also admire him closely."

Zhen Yuanzi sighed and said, "Mad dog fellow daoist, besides this Dapeng feather, what clues did you get, let me know!"

Lu Xiaoqi said: "I got this Dapeng feather from a little demon. The little demon once saw a beautiful woman take a red Calabash. After the woman left, the little demon found it. Dapeng feathers."

Daxian Zhenyuan pondered for a while and said, "The Calabash that the woman took is the Xiantian spirit treasure used by my good friend. The evil animal killed Hongyun, and it makes no sense for the woman to get the Xiantian spirit. Baocai is right. And, with the strength of my friend, that flat-haired beast can't kill him alone, so there should be someone else involved. As a stranger, the mad dog fellow daoist has a lot of friendship, but it needs a lot of mad dog fellow daoist. Bother, to find out where the ninety-nine souls Calabash fell, I want to find out the accomplice who killed Hongyun."

"Player mad dog, Daxian Zhenyuan has released the mission "The Cause of Red Cloud's Death" to you. The second ring is looking for the nine-nine soul Calabash. Do you accept the mission?" Lu Xiaoqi received the system prompt again, and did not hesitate to choose to accept it. Xiaoqi began to think about the information about the second-ring mission. The second-ring mission was still completed after 20 years of "Myth". Lu Xiaoqi had nothing to learn from, and everything had to be done on his own.

After Lu Xiaoqi accepted the task, Zhen Yuanzi said to the door: "Qingfeng Mingyue, take the golden hammer and go to the garden to get two ginseng fruits."

Qingfeng Mingyue showed envy on his face. After the two responded, they took a golden hammer on the window sill and walked to the ginseng orchard. Zhenyuan Daxian smiled and said to Lu Xiaoqi: "I fell in love with fellow daoist. I should have treated ginseng fruit long ago. However, Heavenly Dao stipulates that he cannot be the same fairy daoist as the fellow daoist. It just so happened today that the mad dog fellow daoist just finished. For the mission, the reward is ginseng fruit. It seems that we should enjoy this fairy family today.” Support genuine reading!)

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