Lu Xiaoqi cupped hands and said: "Thank you fellow daoist, fellow daoist is interested."

Zhenyuan Daxian smiled and said: "I think Fellow Daoist has different talents. There is a talented ability that is similar to Taishang Sage. The fellow daoist is extremely powerful, but the Cultivation Base is still too shallow. Taking this ginseng fruit, you should be a fellow daoist. It will be helpful. Fellow Daoist's talent was only passed on to the old man when Pangu created the world. I wonder where did Fellow Daoist learn it?"

Lu Xiaoqi smiled and said: "This talent is taught to me by Sage, but it is related to Sage, but I am inconvenient to talk more. I hope fellow daoist will forgive me."

Sage is the most skinny. If Lu Xiaoqi gets a bargain and spreads the blackmailing of Laojun, he will offend Laojun Sage, Lu Xiaoqi will definitely not have good fruit.

At this time, Qingfeng Mingyue took two ginseng fruits with a jade plate and entered the quiet room. The ginseng fruits were white all over, like a newborn baby. When Lu Xiaoqi had the highest level in his previous life, he had cultivated to level 5, but he still hadn't seen this fairy family, let alone eat this good thing.

Zhen Yuanzi took a ginseng fruit and handed it to Lu Xiaoqi: "This ginseng fruit, also known as Caohuandan, is produced by the Spiritual Roots ginseng fruit tree of the Xiantian soil family. The ginseng fruit tree blooms once in three thousand years, and bears three thousand and one fruit, and it will be mature after three thousand years. A mortal can live three hundred and sixty years old, and one can live forty-seven thousand years if one eats it. If you and I, monks take this ginseng fruit, it is of great benefit to Cultivation Base."

Lu Xiaoqi took the ginseng fruit and smiled freely: "Thank you fellow daoist."

Item name: Ginseng fruit

Item level: Holy

Spirit Power: 888

Zhen Yuanzi picked up the ginseng fruit and took a bite, and said with a smile: "Fellow daoist is taking this ginseng fruit in my Wuzhuang view! The Houtian empowerment should be able to Ascension a lot, and I also want to see the fellow daoist. Innate ability!"

After Lu Xiaoqi nodded, he picked up the ginseng fruit and took a bite, only to feel that the entrance was very smooth and smooth. The virtual taste system of "Mythology" did a very good job. After eating the ginseng fruit, Lu Xiaoqi only felt that the medicine in his body was surging. At this time, a system prompt appeared in front of him.

"Player mad dog, you have taken ginseng fruit, Spirit Power 888 in your body, please choose the Cultivation Technique skill you want to cultivate."

Looking at the options of Nine Cycles Profound Art, Swallowing Evolution, Law of Heaven and Earth, and One Qi Transforming Three Clears, Lu Xiaoqi did not hesitate to choose One Qi Transforming Three Clears. After the selection was completed, the clone soon appeared next to Lu Xiaoqi, sitting on the ground in Lotus Position like Lu Xiaoqi, the clone and body were both enveloped by a layer of white mist.

After a while, Lu Xiaoqi once again felt that he was about to be split into two. The consciousness in his mind was suddenly divided into three parts from the original two parts, and another clone that was exactly the same as Lu Xiaoqi's body appeared. Next to Lu Xiaoqi. At this time, Lu Xiaoqizi received the system prompt again: "Player mad dog, congratulations on upgrading your One Qi Transformation San Qing talent to Intermediate. You have a second clone."

Lu Xiaoqi opened the attribute panel, the one gasification and three clear talent skills had become intermediate, and his proficiency rushed to intermediate 5881000 in one fell swoop. Lu Xiaoqi guessed that the system consumed 300 Spirit Power by default during the breakthrough, and the remaining 588 Point Spirit Power and all become proficiency.

Talent skills: One Qi transforms three clears (Intermediate level: 6881000, Skill introduction: The talent skills taught by the Supreme Master require Pangu Yuanshen to be able to display. The intermediate level can differentiate into a clone. The clone has 70% of the body's ability, and the body and the clone cannot be separated. Over forty meters, ten minutes duration, twenty minutes cooling time.)

Just as Lu Xiaoqi expected, the effect of upgrading to Intermediate was one more clone, and the clone's ability became 70% of the body, 10% more than before. However, the duration and cooling time have not changed.

Zhen Yuanzi glanced at the two avatars of Lu Xiaoqi, then smiled and said: "Old gentleman Sage's one qi and three cleans are really amazing. I am the quasi-sage Cultivation Base but I cut the two corpses. Only then can I get rid of the two avatars, mad dogs. The fellow daoist had only two clones at the first level. It will definitely be easier to kill the three corpses in the future, and the future is boundless!Lu Xiaoqi smiled and said, "I have to thank fellow daoist for the ginseng fruit, otherwise I don't know when I will be able to Ascension!"

Zhenyuan Daxian laughed and said: "Haha, the mad dog fellow daoist is polite, if possible, I am willing to send you ten or so ginseng fruits in the orchard, so that your one gas will become a high-level one! But it is the Heavenly Dao rule. But I can’t do that because the mad dog fellow daoist found out the news of the fall of the red cloud for me, but this ginseng fruit should be rewarded to you as a task.”

After a few courtesy words, Lu Xiaoqi immediately activated the concealment skill on the sword guard ring, and once again turned into the black whirlwind Li Kui's appearance, arched the cupped hands to Zhenyuan Daxian and said: "Zhenyuan Fellow Daoist, my strength is low, for Trapped by mundane affairs, we must leave today, and come back to harass Zhenyuan’s fellow daoist in a few days."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded and said: "The mad dog fellow daoist still needs to be careful. The demon emperor will walk heaven-defying, fearing that there will be no good results. The mad dog fellow daoist has too much karma, and the land is the heaviest Karma, the mad dog fellow daoist Still need to be cautious."

Lu Xiaoqi smiled freely and said: "I am the demon clan. His Majesty the demon emperor has the kindness of knowing me. He will report back to me and do my best for my demon clan. Just like Zhenyuan Fellow Daoist knows some people. It's not easy to mess with, but for the sake of Hongyun Daxian, he will still seek justice. There are some things that must be done."

The Great Immortal Zhenyuan nodded and said, "The fellow daoist said it is reasonable. I think it has not been long since the demon clan has occupied the Heaven Court. If the demon clan has fallen, fellow daoist can come to my view of the five villages."

Lu Xiaoqi once again thanked Zhen Yuanzi for his kindness and left Wuzhuang Temple. Zhen Yuanzi said that was equivalent to admitting that he had given Lu Xiaoqi an apprenticeship in the future. However, Lu Xiaoqi did not consider going to Zhenyuan Daxian. . Although Daxian Zhenyuan treated his apprentice well, but Lu Xiaoqi had too much karma, and if he worshipped the Wuzhuang Temple, once the Western Buddha came to save him, Zhenyuanzi could not keep him.

Moreover, at this time Zhen Yuanzi has a very high affinity for Lu Xiaoqi. When the two of them are commensurate with fellow daoist, what Taoist Lu Xiaoqi wants to learn can also lead some tasks here, as long as they are completed, Zhen Yuanzi He will also be taught that there is no need for Lu Xiaoqi to use the only opportunity of apprenticeship in Wuzhuang Temple.

After leaving the view of Wuzhuang, Lu Xiaoqi sent back to Buzhou Mountain, and logged into the "Mythology" forum. Lu Xiaoqi saw that the number of players with 5000 souls on the forum had become 9, and only one of these players can apply for the payment. Soul.

Lu Xiaoqi came to Buzhou Shanxi and started leveling in the 21st level strange area. He mainly wanted to be proficient in how to make the two clones cooperate with the main body leveling. Only in the 21st leveling area can he guarantee that he will not be seen by other players. . After practicing for a long time, Lu Xiaoqi's clone was already able to fight and cooperate independently.I haven't received any applications from players requesting the payment of souls. Lu Xiaoqi logged into the "Mythology" forum and found that 10 players had obtained more than 5,000 souls. These players may request payment at any time. Lu Xiaoqi left the 21st-level monster area and walked towards Wuzhuangguan. He had already decided that the place to collect the soul of life would be Longevity Mountain.

Set the place to pay the soul to Wanshou Mountain, so that Lu Xiaoqi could escape to Wuzhuangguan for refuge when he was chased in a hurry. Daxian Zhenyuan and Lu Xiaoqi had a good friendship. Although the system could not allow Lu Xiaoqi to harvest the soul in the Wuzhuangguan area, Lu Xiaoqi ran to the refuge town of Wuzhuangguan after finishing the harvesting of the soul in Wanshou Mountain. Yuan Daxian shouldn't refuse.

Lu Xiaoqi practiced for a long time in Wanshou Mountain. Those players still did not apply for the birth of souls. This made Lu Xiaoqi wonder what these players were doing. After receiving the souls one by one, they didn't want to use the birth souls. Did you bait and kill yourself?

Ten players gathered in one room, sweeping through the army, the sky full of stars, the sad little arrow, although far away will be punishable, happy and romantic... these people are all stomping in traditional games and the game will be earth-shaking. Big shot. At this time, Xiaoyaohou’s imprisonment time was only two hours, and he was trapped in the sword of killing witches and could not participate in this event. He should be so depressed that he was about to vomit blood!

Xiaoyao Romance participated in such a party for the first time, and he was also excited. He didn't know why Xiaoyaohou didn't come in person. He felt that he had always supported Xiaoyaohou to gain the absolute trust of Xiaoyaohou. Xiaoyaohou let him come on such important occasions. Representing the Xiaoyao family, made him feel a little airy, thinking that besides Xiaoyaohou in the game, he has become the number two character in the family.

In this gathering, Mantian Star played the leading role. After suffering a big loss at Shituoling last time, Mantian Star will absolutely not allow another failure. Therefore, he took the initiative to contact the other nine people to gather at the trading place in Bu Zhoushan, and was prepared to communicate with other people first, so as not to let the mad dog have any chance to escape.

Mantian Star cleared his throat and said, "Everyone, this time we gathered everyone together, hoping to act in a unified way. Whoever kills the sword guardian is all luck, but what I want to tell everyone is that the sword guardian has one The clone, if nothing else, it must be his clone that came out to collect the soul. Therefore, no one can hand over the soul without the body."

"Brother Star is so sure, then I can rest assured, I also guess that the sword guardian envoy is probably the master! I didn't participate in the battle last time in Shituoling, this time I have to meet him for a while." Although far away, he has a face with Chinese characters, and the lines on his face are stiff, as if carved with a knife and axe.

Mantian Star nodded and said: "Just like what Brother Bizhu said, I have observed it for a long time before I come to a conclusion. Now I am sure that the sword guardian Black Whirlwind Li Kui is the first man in the game. So. , This time everyone must work hard together. If we let him escape again, all of us will become a laughing stock."

Those who don’t know the truth are stunned, Xiaoyao romantically stammers a bit: "Boss Star, are you telling the truth? How could Li Kui, the black whirlwind, be the first mad dog in the game?" (To be continued, if you want to know What's going on, please log on to, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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