Returning to the Wuyi tribe, Lu Xiaoqi came to the village chief of the Wuyi tribe, and handed the 20 pieces of meat to the head of the fangs, and said: "Village Tyrannosaurus, I found the 20 pieces of meat you wanted me to find. , I don’t know if I can ask questions now."

The head of the bucktooth village took the meat and snorted coldly: "The task I give you is to kill the brown bear spirit and bring back twenty pieces of meat. If you kill the brown bear spirit, take its bear Take it out as a proof!"

When it came to bear paws, Lu Xiaoqi clearly saw a trace of salivation dripping from the corners of this wretched NPC's mouth. Lu Xiaoqi couldn't help but have an idea in his heart. This guy allowed himself to deal with the brown bear spirit, maybe it was just to satisfy his appetite!

Lu Xiaoqi shook his head and said, "I didn't kill the brown bear spirit."

The head of the village bucktooth became angry and said: "The alien mad dog, what did you run back for when you didn't complete the task? Humph, don't kill the black bear spirit, don't think I will give you any rewards."

Lu Xiaoqi smiled and said, "My lord village, you asked me to kill the black bear spirit for fear that he would come to the tribe to grab blood and food. Now you don't have to worry about this problem. Not only the black bear spirit, but the monsters around the Wuyi Mountain tribe. Most of them were driven into the depths of Wuyi Mountain by me, and they would never dare to come out to plunder blood and food."

The head of the village Yanya was taken aback, and said with some doubts: "A mad dog, are you trying to deceive me? Some powerful monsters came to Wuyi Mountain some time ago, even the most powerful warrior in my tribe. With the opponents of those monster races, how can you drive away those big monsters with your only level one strength."

Lu Xiaoqi affirmed: "If the village chief doesn't believe it, you can let someone go and check it. If I lied, let the village chief handle it."

The head of Yaga quickly arranged for hunters in the village to check it out. After a while, a young hunter walked up to the head of the village and said with excitement: "The head of the village, the leaders of the demons around who often come to plunder blood and food, They all disappeared. I inquired about it. All these monster races entered Wuyi Mountain."

A look of shock appeared on the head of the village chief, and he quickly calmed down his emotions and said: "The alien mad dog, you have solved the big problem for our tribe. This time the task can be considered as completed for you. You gave me a surprise, and it is reasonable. I should give you 100 merit points for such a great contribution, but because you did not complete it perfectly, I can only reward you with 10 merit points.""Player mad dog, you have completed the mission issued by the head of the bucktooth to obtain meat, you have received 100,000 experience rewards, and you have received 10 merit points."

Originally, this task was only rewarded with 1 point of merit. Lu Xiaoqi asked all the monster guards to leave the human tribe, allowing him to accidentally obtain 10 points of merit. After "Myth" entered the era of Three Emperors and Five Emperors, earning merit has become the most important thing for players.

Lu Xiaoqi immediately injected all the merits into the spirit tooth water and fire blade, the basic attack power of the spirit tooth water and fire blade immediately increased by 10 points, and the magical item attack power also increased by 10 points. The village chief said that he could have rewarded 100 merit points, but because the task was not perfect, he only gave Lu Xiaoqi 10 points. Lu Xiaoqi couldn't help but wonder: "Village Chief, what have I not done? Okay, I hope the village chief will make it clear."

The head of the village Gu Ya said with a coveted look: "That brown bear has been doing well for hundreds of years, and its bear paw must be so delicious. There are so many monsters guarding the Wuyi tribe, but I just let you kill the brown bear. You will not move. Think about it? Hey, what a pity, you will never taste that delicious bear paw again. If you kill the brown bear first and get the bear paw, and then drive all the monster guards away, your mission will be perfect this time."

After doing this for a long time, this guy is trying to fake his own business for private purposes. Lu Xiaoqi despised this wretched NPC, and then said: "Master village, since I have completed the task, can I ask you questions?"

The head of the village Gu Ya nodded readily and said: "If you have any questions, just ask! As long as I can answer, I must know everything."

Lu Xiaoqi said with a look of yearning: "I heard that there is a big demon in Wuyi Mountain, its name is six-eared macaque. A great sage of the first class. And this six-eared macaque has vast magical powers, with 72 changes, and all kinds of magical powers. I have been admiring this great sage for a long time, this time. I came here to pay a visit. I wonder if the village head has heard of it?"

The head of the buck-tooth village laughed and said: "A mad dog, you are too lonely and ignorant. There are only six Sages in the prehistoric age, and these six Sages are naturally supernatural. As for what hairy monkeys you are talking about, I don’t even hear. I've heard that even if you have some skill, you are not as exaggerated as you said, you must have been deceived."

Lu Xiaoqi said very firmly: "No, I believe this great sage must exist. Since I heard other monster races talk about this great sage at Heaven Court, I have admired this great sage very much. One day I was able to see this great sage of six-eared macaques, and learned some skills from the great sage. Fortunately, he made a breakthrough in this wild land. Since the village head has never heard of the great sage of six-eared macaques, then I will say goodbye. NS."

Lu Xiaoqi turned around and left when he finished speaking, the village head of Gu Ya said with a puzzled face: "Is it because I am ignorant and unheard of? Is there still a mighty one in this wild land? Six-eared macaque, why haven't I heard of it?"

In the depths of Wuyi Mountain, four macaques each holding peaches, loquats, grapes, and bananas stepped forward, and respectfully placed these fruits in front of a golden-haired kiwi. Unlike ordinary macaques, the golden-fured macaque has six ears. Just as he stretched out his paw and picked up a peach, his six ears suddenly stood up.

When the macaque king raised his ears, it was when Lu Xiaoqi mentioned the word six-eared macaque. When the monkey heard that the dog demon said that he was a great saint with supernatural powers, he scratched his head with joy. The six-eared macaque grinned out of anger when he heard the head of the buck-tooth village say that he was a woolly monkey.After the six-eared macaque listened to the conversation between the monster clan and the head of the village Gu Ya, he couldn't help but began to pay attention to the movements of the monster clan. After leaving the village chief, Lu Xiaoqi once again approached Wang Da, an NPC woodcutter from the Wuyi tribe, and asked Wang Da about the six-eared macaque. After Wang Da saw that Lu Xiaoqi was an alien of the monster race, he was also very welcome like the head of the village of Gu Ya, and asked Lu Xiaoqi to get back ten loads of firewood before he was willing to answer Lu Xiaoqi's question.

"Player mad dog, Wang Da issued you a task to chop wood. The condition for completing the task: ten loads of firewood. Reward for the task: Wang Da answered your question. Do you accept it?"

Lu Xiaoqi chose to accept it again. In Lu Xiaoqi’s previous life, there was a wretched monkey spirit in order to try whether the six-eared macaques in "Myth" can really hear The Three Realms. Good words, in just one day, the six-eared macaque actually appeared in front of him. The monkey spirit player got a lot of benefits from the six-eared macaque.

At this time, Lu Xiaoqi was embezzling someone else's method. This method can only be used once. After all, there are more six-eared macaques who speak good things. After accepting the task of cutting firewood, Lu Xiaoqi came to a forest and constantly waved the hatchet, which was the task item in his hand. Lu Xiaoqi muttered as he chopped firewood in his mouth: "It's really hard work to chop firewood! But after suffering, he is a master. As long as he can see the legendary six-eared macaque, let him It’s all worth it to be able to teach me something."

"Why is that great six-eared macaque so great? Not only can he move stars and fight, call the wind and rain, but also have seventy-two changes. This ability is enviable! The only thing I admire in my life is the six-eared macaque. Holy, if I can get his guidance, even if I lose my life for a few years, I am willing."

Lu Xiaoqi muttered while cutting the firewood. When the ten loads of firewood were finished, Lu Xiaoqi muttered hundreds of times. After returning to the Wuyi tribe to find Wang Da and handing in the task, Lu Xiaoqi again got the opportunity to ask Wang Da questions. He said with a look of admiration: "I heard that there is a big monster in Wuyi Mountain, its name is six-eared macaque. This six-eared macaque demon is sage listening, capable of charlie, knowing before and after, and everything is clear. One of the great sage. And this six-eared macaque has vast magical powers, with seventy-two changes, as well as all kinds of magical powers, moving mountains and seas, calling the wind and calling the rain omnipotent. I have admired this great sage for a long time, this time I come here specifically Visiting, has Wang Da heard of it?"

Wang Da shook his head and said, "There are so many powerful people in this world. I know Nuwa Sage, I know Sanqing, and I know the two Sages who are quasi-professing and accommodating Western teachings. The six-eared macaque you said is powerful, I have never I’ve heard that it’s probably because I, a woodcutter, is too ignorant!"

Lu Xiaoqi sighed and said: "Oh! This six-eared macaque has always been humble and never loves to show off his own skills in front of others, so few people know it. You are right, you are such a common man, I have never heard of it. The great sage of the six-eared macaque is normal, even if I can’t ask about the great sage of the six-eared macaque, I just happened to spread the magical powers of the great sage on the wild land, so that more people will know the great sage of the six-eared macaque. Absolutely."

In the depths of Wuyi Mountain, the six-eared macaque’s ears quivered a few times. After listening to Lu Xiaoqi’s words, he suddenly stood up with a pair of eyes slightly moist and said, "My six-eared macaques are not liked by Taoist ancestors. I have never dared to show off in front of people, I can only spend my days in Wuyi Mountain. But I didn’t expect a small first-order monster clan stranger to find out where I was. I have to find out about me after making things difficult, and wait for me to meet this stranger the last time I saw."

The six-eared macaque was about to go down the mountain while driving the cloud, but he thought about it again: "I went down the mountain like this. Didn't I let the stranger know that I heard what he said and eavesdropped on other people's words, but it is not very good, I am still here? Wuyishan waited. If the stranger comes, I will pretend not to recognize him again, and give him some benefits without violating the regulations of Heavenly Dao."

After Lu Xiaoqi left Wang Da, seeing that the six-eared macaque still hadn't appeared, he had to continue his bitter trick. This time Lu Xiaoqi came to the farmer Shen Yu and asked the farmer Shen Yu, "This Dage, I want to ask a question. I wonder if Dage can help me out?"Then Shen Yu said impatiently: "You monster, came to my Wuyi tribe to run wild. It would be good if I didn't kill you. You still want to ask me questions. I'm busy plowing the fields, haven't you seen it? Please go away for me."

Lu Xiaoqi quickly said, "How about I help Dage plow the fields? I helped Dage plow the fields. I only hope that Dage promises to answer one of my questions. It doesn't matter whether he can answer them or not."

The farmer Shen Yu thought about it for a while, and seemed to feel that he would not suffer anyway in this way, so he said: "The alien mad dog, as long as you help me finish this field, I can answer your question."

At this time, Niu Geng had not yet been invented, and Lei Lei had not yet appeared. Human tribes could only use a piece of wood to slowly loosen the soil. It took Lu Xiaoqi two hours to finish loosening the soil. Of course, when he was loosening the soil, Lu Xiaoqi did not forget to say a few words that loosening the soil is very hard, but as long as you can see the six-eared macaque San everything is worth this kind of bullshit.

After finishing the soil loosening, Lu Xiaoqi found farmer Shen Yu and said to farmer Shen Yu, "Dage, I have finished loosening the soil. Can Dage answer my question now?"

Shen Yu seemed to have not heard Lu Xiaoqi's words, and still sat on the ground thinking, Lu Xiaoqi had to say it again: "Dage, I have all loosened your soil."

Only then did Shen Yu raised his head and said, "The loosening is over! A stranger mad dog, now you can ask me a question."

When Lu Xiaoqi was about to repeat the bullshit about the six-eared macaque again, Na Shen Yu suddenly sighed and asked Lu Xiaoqi a question: "A strange dog, you use a wooden stick to cultivate the land. What does it feel!"

Lu Xiaoqi's heart moved, and he quickly replied: "It's extremely hard. It takes a lot of time to loosen the ground with this wooden stick, and the land is very shallow and not suitable for crop growth."

Shen Yu nodded and said: "Yes, this loosening speed is too slow, I think it should be a tool problem, so I often think about what kind of tools should be available to loosen the soil better and faster, but I Still can’t think of it. A mad dog, can you think of a good tool for arable land?"

"Daddy knows a lot about the tools of arable land. Tractors, cattle ploughing, curved ploughs... these arable land are much stronger than this stick." Lu Xiaoqi felt ecstatic in his heart, and he was sure that this time he should It's because of the merit mission.

After the "Myth" entered the era of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, there were many merit-value missions in the human tribe. It was the most cost-effective to receive the task of invention and creation. The merit value of the reward is not to mention, and the risk is small, and the completion is not difficult. There is no fixed NPC to claim this merit value task. Maybe the player does an inadvertent thing and it will be triggered. Lu Xiaoqi took the initiative to help Yu Shen farmland just to play a bitter trick to listen to the six-eared macaque, but he did not expect to trigger an invention of farmland. The merit task of the tool. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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