Online Game Heavenly Dog Swallowing Sun

Chapter 188: Fruits on Wuyi Mountain

After listening to Shen Yu's words, Lu Xiaoqi quickly said, "I really have some ideas about farming, but I just don't know if it's feasible."

Shen Yu's eyes lit up and said: "Oh? Do you really have an idea? Let me listen to your ideas. If it is too complicated, show me the tools you have in mind on this sandy ground!"

Lu Xiaoqi couldn't help but entangled. He knew a lot of farming tools. This invention type of merit value task. The greater the effect of the invention, the more merit value rewards he will get. In theory, if Lu Xiaoqi drew the drawing of the tractor, he would definitely get the most merit points, but this was impossible.

Invention and creation, if Lu Xiaoqi invented the tractor, Shen Yu who issued the task would naturally not understand such complicated things. Without Shen Yu's approval, Lu Xiaoqi would not be able to get merit points. However, if you can invent better things to get more merit points, but invent an item that earns a small amount of merit points, then it's not worthwhile.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Xiaoqi finally decided to choose the Quyuan Plow. This Quyuan Plow has a simple structure. As long as you explain to this explanation, let him tame the bison for cattle farming, and he will definitely get a lot of merit points. So Lu Xiaoqi took a branch and drew the appearance of a curly plow on the sand.

After seeing the Quyuan Plow drawn by Lu Xiaoqi, Shen Yu couldn't help but frowned and said: "What kind of shit is this, this thing is so big, wouldn't it be more laborious to use this to cultivate the land."

Lu Xiaoqi patiently explained: "Shen Yu Dage, this is called a quyuan plough. People can't use this to plow the land, but there are many bison in the wild. If you can tame the bison and then use rope to put it on, it won’t work. Can you plow the land with cattle power? I think that with this thing, the speed of plowing the land can be greatly increased."

Shen Yu repeatedly shook his head and said, "No way, no way. This shit you said is no way. My human race and the monster race have always been opposed to each other. How could it be possible to tame the violent bison to cultivate the land, and there is no such sturdy rope in our tribe. I'm very happy that you can work hard for my human race, but the method you think of is really bad."

Lu Xiaoqi was dumbfounded. After listening to Shen Yu's words, he understood that this Quyuan Plow wouldn't enter his eyes, and it would be impossible to earn merit by relying on this. So Lu Xiaoqi hurriedly said, "Shen Yu Dage, I have another idea. The things I draw this time will definitely satisfy Shen Yu Dage."

Shen Yu repeatedly shook his head and said, "A mad dog, I don’t have time to listen to your inexplicable ideas. I have to go to another place to farm! Your unrealistic ideas, wait until I have free time. Listen!"

Lu Xiaoqi was dumbfounded, and finally encountered a merit mission, but missed it because of greed. This merit value task is like this. If you want to be greedy and invent more advanced things, if the NPC agrees with it and conforms to the development of the times, you will naturally get more merit value rewards. But if the things invented do not enter the eyes of the NPC, it will be a tragedy, and it is very likely that this mission opportunity will be lost.

If this kind of task is not in the eyes of the NPC because of the invention, as long as the invention is not too sinful, it is still possible to have a second chance. Lu Xiaoqi asked for a second chance, but she was rejected by Shen Yu. This does not mean that Lu Xiaoqi will have no chance in the future. He can continue to look for Shen Yu until someone else triggers a similar merit mission. After completing the task, Lu Xiaoqi will completely lose the opportunity.

After seeing Shen Yu's resolute attitude, Lu Xiaoqi temporarily gave up the entanglement. He said: "Shen Yu Dage, I may be too whimsical, but I will not give up. I will definitely spend time to continue researching until there is Think of tools that can better loosen the soil one day."

Shen Yu said with a look of appreciation in his eyes: "The stranger mad dog, it is good for you to think like this. Now I am busy plowing the land, and the items you just thought of are too unreliable, so I want your second. This invention is not much better, so I won’t look at it for the time being, and come to me when you perfect it!"

"The daddy is now perfect..." Lu Xiaoqi muttered in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it. He cocked the cupped hands to Shen Yu and said, "Thank you Shen Yu Dage. Just now Shen Yu Dage promised to answer one of my questions. , I don’t know if Shen Yu Dage has heard of the six-eared macaque. This is a great saint, he has great magical powers..."

Shen Yu frowned and said, "A mad dog, you won’t be fooled! Among the mighty people in the wild, I have never heard of a six-eared macaque. If there is a mighty one. In this Wuyi Mountain, I can't help but know!"

Lu Xiaoqi affirmed: "Shen Yu Dage, what I said is true. This six-eared macaque fairy is very powerful. I heard that in other places in the wild land, some people go in and worship every day in order to shape the golden body. Shen Yu Dage pays homage to this great sage of six-eared macaques every day, and he can bless you with good weather all year round and Wu You."Shen Yu said with a certain intent: "A mad dog, is what you said is true?"

Lu Xiaoqi nodded affirmatively and said: "It is absolutely true. When you encounter difficulties in the future, just say Bless the Great Sage of the Six-eared Macaque, and your wish will come true."

Lu Xiaoqi couldn't help muttering in his heart, this six-eared macaque can be heard as long as someone says his name. Yu Shen is an ordinary human NPC. His wish is nothing more than clothing, food, shelter, etc. He babbles like this every day. Eared macaques, six-eared macaques should satisfy this little guy's wishes!

What Lu Xiaoqi didn't know was that his joke to please the six-eared macaque changed the fate of the six-eared macaque in the wild. Every time Shenyu prayed, the six-eared macaque knew what he was praying, and would find ways to manifest and fulfill the wish of Shenyu. Soon Shenyu spread the experience of the six-eared macaque in the Wuyi tribe to Liu There are more and more people praying for the Great Sage of the Macaque. The six-eared macaques, who are addicted to doing good deeds, enjoy this, and the six-eared macaques, who have accumulated a lot of merit, escaped the fate of being killed by the grandson monkey with a stick.

After flicking Shen Yu, Lu Xiaoqi continued to be sensational. His cupped hands said goodbye to Shen Yu: "Shen Yu Dage, I am leaving this Wuyi tribe. I heard that the Great Sage of the Six-eared Macaque is in this Wuyi Mountain. I am going to go. Looking for the Great Sage in Wuyi Mountain, I hope I can learn something."

Shen Yu persuaded Lu Xiaoqi to say: "The mad dog, there are countless demon ghosts in Wuyi Mountain. You only have first-order strength. Entering this Wuyi Mountain is simply going to die. It is better to wait for the strength to be strong and then enter Wuyi Mountain to find the six-eared macaque sage. Not too late."

Lu Xiaoqi laughed up to the sky and said, "Haha, what about there are many demon ghosts? As long as you can see the great sage of six-eared macaques, how about dead? Besides, the great sage of six-eared macaques is in this Wuyi Mountain. I enter After Wuyi Mountain, there is a six-eared macaque for the protection of the Great Sage, what can those demon ghosts do to me?"

Lu Xiaoqi left the Wuyi tribe in a stride after speaking, and walked towards the depths of Wuyi Mountain. While walking towards Wuyi Mountain, Lu Xiaoqi was cautiously plopped and jumped straight. This Wuyi Mountain belongs to the advanced leveling area, and there are a large number of high rank demon ghosts inside. If the bitter trick does not take effect, Lu Xiaoqi who entered Wuyi Mountain is indeed going to die.

In the depths of Wuyi Mountain, the six-eared macaques suddenly burst into tears, and the surrounding macaques were helpless and persuaded: "Why is the king so sad."

"Sad? No, you are wrong. This king is happy and moved. My six-eared macaque does not have any friends in the wild land, but I did not expect a foreigner to trust me so much. How can I disappoint him?" The eared macaque raised his head with teary eyes, and several fourth-order macaques under his opponent said: "Little ones, go and inform all the princes of Wuyi Mountain. They said that the prince has an order, and no one can harm the mad dog who enters Wuyi Mountain. , Whenever a mad dog passes by, all the demon ghosts must come to greet him, and I will send all kinds of seasonal fruits and ginseng Lingzhi Mushrooms from Wuyi Mountain to the strange mad dog to taste."

Although the six-eared macaque is restricted by the system and cannot give Lu Xiaoqi the benefits, it is okay for the monsters in Wuyi Mountain to give Lu Xiaoqi some rare and exotic fruits. The Spirit Power value contained in these exotic fruits is very small, no longer limited by the system, but after the six-eared macaque gave this order, Lu Xiaoqi made a lot of money. ,

Lu Xiaoqi tremblingly entered the level 28 iron gibbons leveling area. When he saw hundreds of iron gibbons gathered at the gate of the leveling area and there was a two-meter-tall black iron gibbons in the center, Lu Xiaoqi’s The first reaction is to escape. Lu Xiaoqi just turned around, but he heard a neat roar from behind: "The 28-level iron gibbons guard Yuan Gang is ordered by the six-eared macaque king to welcome the alien mad dog. Please wait for me. Go up the mountain."

Hundreds of monsters roared together, and the momentum was naturally extremely great. Lu Xiaoqi couldn't help but be overjoyed in her heart, and quickly turned and walked towards the group of iron gibbons. When he came to Yuan Gang, he was holding a half-meter-long wooden plate in his hand. There were various fruits on the wooden plate. These fruits were much larger than those without attributes in "Myth." The big peaches, the big plums, the crystal clear grapes... the entire plate filled with various fruits, making Lu Xiaoqi salivate.

Yuan Gang put the tray in front of Lu Xiaoqi and said, "The big king knew that after the Mad Dog arrived at Wuyi Mountain, he asked the young ones to prepare some seasonal fruits, and the Mad Dog adults just taste it."

Lu Xiaoqi picked up a kiwi and looked at its attributes. The attributes of this kiwi were:

Item name: Kiwi

Item grade: inferior

Spirit Power value: 1

After seeing that kiwifruit has attributes, Lu Xiaoqi couldn't help but be overjoyed. Holding back the joy in his heart, Lu Xiaoqi picked up a bunch of grapes, which also had a Spirit Power value of 1. Seeing nearly a hundred various fruits on the tray, Lu Xiaoqi couldn't help laughing up to the sky, and the big pie fell from the sky. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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