Online Game Heavenly Dog Swallowing Sun

Chapter 709 The Battle of Enzhou Station

Nine tailed Fox said nervously: "Jizhouhou personally took the guards to escort Su Daji. Even if there are ten powerful foreigners to help, I don't have much chance, right?"

The grass by the Qingqing River smiled slightly and said: "Don’t worry about Big Sis. After Su Hu and Su Da have moved into Enzhou Station, ten strangers and I pretended to attack. Big Sis used the Movement Technique of the Nine tailed Fox family from Enzhou Go in behind the post and find Su Daji, so you can easily seize the house."

Nine tailed Fox's eyes became red, and she was deeply moved, and she took the hand of the grass beside the Qingqing River and said: "Little Sister, this will definitely give me more confidence in winning the house, but how can I let you take risks? Let's find another way!"

The Qingqing River said in grass: "Big sis, only in this way can we ensure the capture of Daji, otherwise we will not have many opportunities. Big sis rest assured, I will pay attention to safety in front of the pretense. Big sis will cause some trouble after the capture of the house and attract the guards. In the past, I was able to escape safely. As a foreigner, my soul will never die. Even if I am in danger, it’s just that the Cultivation Base is lowered. Big sis can rest assured."

Nine tailed Fox said with gratitude: "Thank you Little Sister. As long as I win Sheda and get the favor of King Zhou, I will definitely recommend Little Sister to enter the palace to become a noble concubine. My sisters share the glory and wealth."

Of course, Qingqinghebiancao is not for the success of Nine tailed Fox's success. She has a complete plan. After fooling Nine tailed Fox, she quickly logged into the "Mythology" forum.

Qingqinghe Biancao made a post anonymously, analyzing the upcoming mission of Enzhouyi to seize Shedaji, which attracted the attention of many people. In the post, she pointed out that ten top aliens helped Nine tailed Fox to attack Enzhou Station. It is not easy, because there are also two top aliens who are responsible for protecting Su Daji. One of them is the first man in the game, the mad dog. Moreover, Enzhou Station is also under the care of the Jizhou Guards, and it is difficult for the player to get through.

Soon Qingqinghe stood on the defensive side and put forward his own opinion. She pointed out that the Nine Tailed Fox family has a talent skill called the Phantom of the Fox. The Phantom of the Demon Fox is a high-level hidden Movement Technique, even if the Master’s mind is cultivated, it cannot be seen through it at the same level.

If the Nine tailed Fox makes a noise, and after the alien attracts the guardian, Nine tailed Fox uses the Phantom Shadow Movement Technique to quietly approach Su Daji, which can also achieve the goal.

Qingqinghe Biancao's post is considered both from the defensive side and from the offensive side. The analysis is impartial, unlike someone involved in the task. The Movement Technique mentioned in her post has attracted the attention of many people. If the Master cannot see through the disguise of Nine tailed Fox, the person in charge of defense is indeed passive.

The player of the Sky Demon League quickly notified Lu Xiaoqi of this post. After logging in to the forum and reading the post, Lu Xiaoqi fell into deep thought. The player who posted the post chose to post anonymously. Obviously, there was an ulterior motive, but the other party helped to point out the loopholes in the defense. What did they want to do?

After thinking for a long time and couldn't understand, Lu Xiaoqi didn't bother to think about it. It was a good thing for him to see this post. The Master's mind can't see through the Nine tailed Fox family's demon fox phantom talent skills, but his spiritual eyes can definitely.

The Spirit Power consumption is very fast when opening the spiritual eyes. Lu Xiaoqi usually does not keep the spiritual eyes open. After reading this post, he decided to open the spiritual eyes at any time when he was defending and not give Nine tailed Fox anything. Chance.

As night fell, the Jizhou car race stopped at Enzhou Station. After making arrangements for Su Da, Hou Suhu of Jizhou came to Lu Xiaoqi and the northern beauty and said: "Mad dog, northern beauty, I see Monster Qi everywhere. , You must use your heart, don't let the monsters get into the post and hurt lives."

Lu Xiaoqi and the Northern Beauty said in unison: "I will try my best when I wait."

After Su Hu left, the northern beauty said quietly: "I don't know what's going on. Nine tailed Fox seems to know which players are strong. They choose all the masters. We have to deal with it, I'm afraid it will not be easy."

Lu Xiaoqi was also very puzzled about this question. According to reason, it is impossible for NPC to know which player is the strongest, but Nine Tailed Fox chose the most correct one. Lu Xiaoqi thought about whether the Nine tailed Fox was a player, but that didn't make sense, because a player simply couldn't have a task book that could post tasks to ten players.

Lu Xiaoqi smiled slightly and said, "Beauty, you don't need to worry about it. Although we only have two people, the Jizhou Guards' combat effectiveness is not weak at all. It is not easy for them to break through the defense of Enzhou Station after sweeping the army."

The Northern Beauty nodded and said, "Well! I believe in your strength. By the way, Dage, the mad dog, have you read that anonymous post on the forum! If Nine tailed Fox really has advanced stealth skills, we have to guard against it too. It’s difficult, maybe we can buy a real mirror of high grade at a high price."Lu Xiaoqi shook his head and said, "No need. The highest rank of the real world is only the pinnacle of the best. If the mirror of reality can penetrate the ghost shadow of the Nine tailed Fox, then my special supernatural powers can also be seen."

In a mass grave not far from Enzhou Station, Nine Tailed Fox gathered ten strangers who had received the task. If you add the grass beside the Qingqing River, it should be eleven. However, although the other ten players are all top masters, they don't know the identity of the strangers by Qingqing River.

Nine tailed Fox took out the task and said, "This is my Little Sister Qingqing. After approaching Enzhou Station, my Little Sister will lead you in front of you, and I will use special spells to enter the seizure house from the back. Just stay with the guard for a minute."

"The player is full of Stars, Nine tailed Fox will release you the task ‘Hold the guard for one minute’. The task completion condition: drag the Nine tailed Jizhou guard to create conditions for Nine tailed Fox to capture Shesuda. The reward for the task: unknown."

After Mantian Star accepted the task, he looked at the dimly lit Enzhou Station not far away, and he had a strong sense of war in his eyes. After knowing that it was Mad Dog and Northern Beauty who participated in the task of escorting Su Daji, Man Tian Star was in a bad mood. Even when he was killed by a Mad Dog many times, he was not in that bad mood.

As a son of the aristocratic family, Mantian Star has always had the consciousness to accept political marriage. What makes him thankful is that the political marriage arranged for him by the family happens to be the woman he likes. Regardless of family background, appearance or personality, the northern beauty is the best choice in his mind. People in the circle think that they are a perfect pair.

When the Heavenly Demon League and the traditional family were incompatible with each other, the Northern Beauty no longer joined forces with Star Pavilion and Sweeping Thousand Army to deal with the Heavenly Demon League, and reached an agreement with the Heavenly Demon League in private. Although Mantian Star was disappointed at that time, he still took the initiative to speak for the Northern Beauty, thinking that the Northern Beauty reconciled with the Sky Demon League because she did not like to fight.

Since then, Mantian Star has found that Northern Beauty seems to have changed. With her plain temperament, everyone she meets is calm and gentle, including Mantian Star. However, whenever someone mentioned the Sky Demon League or Mad Dog, she would find that her eyes suddenly seemed to be more brilliant.

The Huaxian faction established by the Sky Demon League and the Northern Beauty has become more and more frequent, and even many players of the two martial arts have begun to pair in and out of the game. Everyone knows that there are many beauties under the Northern Beauty, but it is not easy to get online with her MM. The Sky Demon League player can be closely connected with the MM of the Flower Fairy School, which is the result of the connivance of the Northern Beauty.

Mantian Star has always been very confident. Although the Northern Beauty hasn't said that he likes him, he knows that the other party doesn't hate him. For political marriages, it’s good to find someone you don’t hate, so Mantian Star believes that someday the Northern Beauty will become the own bride.

Now he is not so calm, even if the mad dog is incomparable with him in other aspects, the chances of a northern lady marrying him are much higher. However, with the pride of Mantian Star, he could not bear to think of another man in the heart of the woman who married him...

Nine tailed Fox brought eleven players close to Enzhou Station. When it was about 30 meters away from Enzhou Station, Nine tailed Fox said, "I will approach Daji from the back, and I will pretend to be my Little Sister. , You have to follow my Little Sister's command."

After Nine tailed Fox went to the back of Enzhou Station alone, Qingqing River took over the command. She said indifferently: "After the feint attack begins, you and other foreigners must protect me with all their strength. If I am killed by the guards, yours The task will be judged as a failure."

Qingqing River is preaching the imperial decree. Nine tailed Fox has issued a mission. As long as Nine tailed Fox successfully seizes ten strangers from Sheda, the mission will be completed. For the sake of his own plan, Qingqinghe Biancao asked ten top player masters to fully protect herself, so that her safety would be guaranteed.

Qingqinghe was wearing a veil by the grass, and imitated the tone of an NPC when she spoke. No one knew that she was a player. Behind her, the nine foxtails swayed back and forth, and it was more appropriate for her to pretend to be a Nine tailed Fox.

Eleven players appeared in front of Enzhou Station with great fanfare and quickly attracted the attention of the guards. Su Hu commanded the Guards to surround the eleven players.

The Guards are ranked 5th, and they are basically elite small BOSS. Ten players are not weak, but it is not easy to be besieged by more than 100 Tier 5 small BOSS.

Mantian Star obtained temporary command, and he commanded the players to form two Five Elements formations to fight, guarding the Qingqing River in the center. In order to avoid showing his horse's feet, the grass beside the Qingqing River has not taken a shot, accepting the protection of ten players.

Ten master players quickly attracted all Jizhouhou guards, including Su Hu, who also appeared in front of the post house.

Lu Xiaoqi and Northern Beauty stayed in the post house, very close to the room where Su Daji was. Since the player started attacking from the front door, Lu Xiaoqi had opened his spiritual eyes to detect the movement around Enzhou Station.

Nine tailed Fox was hidden in the bushes behind Enzhou Station. After Qingqing River took the player to launch an attack at the front door, she immediately became the main body state, and displayed the talent skills of the Phantom of the Fox, quickly approaching Enzhou Station. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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