Online Game Heavenly Dog Swallowing Sun

Chapter 710: I Choose This Man

Nine tailed Fox’s Movement Technique is indeed very clever. Lu Xiaoqi’s psychic power detection range is 5,000 meters, but after Nine tailed Fox casts the Demon Fox Phantom, Lu Xiaoqi until she is only about five meters away from Enzhou Station. It was only detected at a time.

Lu Xiaoqi asked the northern beauty to guard Su Daji. He snorted and flew to the Nine tailed Fox not far away. The bloodthirsty spirit tooth and water fire blade slashed at the Nine tailed Fox fiercely.

The Northern Beauty couldn't see the Nine tailed Fox. From where she stood, Lu Xiaoqi seemed to be fighting with the air. The Northern Beauty remembered the Movement Technique of the Demon Fox Phantom mentioned on the forum. Obviously, the people on the forum were right. Nine tailed Fox performed the advanced hidden Movement Technique.

The Northern Beauty couldn't see through the invisibility of Nine tailed Fox, her spiritual sense couldn't lock the target, and she couldn't help Lu Xiaoqi. Therefore, she stayed beside Daji in accordance with Lu Xiaoqi's instructions. She was a female, and she was perfect as a close guard for Daji.

Su Daji, as a famous beauty, has to admire the designer's imagination every time she sees her from the north. Su Daji in "The Myth" has a huge charm with every frown and smile. Even as a woman, the northerners will be attracted to her unconsciously.

Nine tailed Fox did not expect that someone could see her disguise, and she was still a stranger. Time was urgent, and she used all her skills. She is in the original state, and has a certain increase in battle. As a top-level BOSS at level 55, her strength is very strong.

The weapon of the Nine tailed Fox is a pair of claws. The claws have destructive properties and strong attack power. Moreover, although the speed of the Nine tailed Fox is not as fast as Lu Xiaoqi, many of the Fox Clan's Movement Techniques are used by her in turn, which makes Lu Xiaoqi a little overwhelmed.

After fighting with the Nine tailed Fox for a while, Lu Xiaoqi, whose vitality had dropped by half, used one qi to transform three clears, and summoned the two avatars. If you continue to go heads-up, he is really not the opponent of Nine tailed Fox, and the top BOSS is not so easy to deal with.

After summoning the two avatars, Lu Xiaoqi quickly gained the upper hand with a three-on-one situation. After gaining a large amount of power of faith, the skill of Yi Qi Hua San Qing has been cultivated to the Master, and the basic attributes of the two clones are the same as the ontology.

The first clone is holding the Yin & Yang blade of God Tooth, and the second clone is holding the Houndstooth Blade of Life and Death, plus the bloodthirsty spirit tooth water and fire blade held by the main body. Six completely different attack methods make Nine tailed Fox suffer. Let alone approaching the station, whether she can escape from Lu Xiaoqi's hands is unknown.

Nine tailed Fox complained secretly in her heart. She took the time to inform Qingqing Hebiancao, tell her her current situation, and ask Qingqing Hebiancao if she could do anything about it. After receiving the message from Nine tailed Fox, Qingqing River, who was protected by ten players, smiled at the corner of her mouth. She sent a message back to Nine tailed Fox that she had nothing to do.

Crazy Dog was attracted by the Nine tailed Fox, his own opportunity came, Qingqinghebiancao knew this very well. As she expected, Nine tailed Fox, who had no way to seize the house, told her that she would take the house if she had a chance.

The grass by the Qingqing River was very jealous of the mad dogs and northern beauties who guarded Su Daji, especially the mad dogs. At this time, Nine tailed Fox gave up taking her home and let her work hard. Of course, she would not miss the opportunity. The magical powers of the Phantom of the Demon Fox, as the Nine tailed Fox's Qingqing Riverside grass will also, after receiving the news of the Nine tailed Fox, she immediately used the Phantom of the Demon Fox.

"Er and other strangers continue to deal with these guards, I will help Big Sister." Qingqing River hastily notified Mantian Star and the others, and she disappeared in front of everyone.

Although Lu Xiaoqi had the upper hand in the battle with Nine tailed Fox, he was a little disturbed because the mission this time was so smooth. The Nine tailed Fox released the mission to find ten powerful strangers, but they only attracted firepower to those strangers, which is impossible to justify in any case.

Enzhou Station Nine tailed Fox took over Daji, and Nine tailed Fox was dragged by himself, so there should be no problem! Since visiting the forum, Lu Xiaoqi has always felt that the person who posted will not be aimless, and the task is going too smoothly now, which makes him feel suspicious again.

After pushing back the red-eyed Nine tailed Fox, Lu Xiaoqi had an idea. This time his task was to protect Su Daji. As long as the main body did not leave Su Daji's side, he would have time to deal with any situation.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaoqi let the two avatars drag the Nine tailed Fox, and the body gradually left the battlefield and returned to Enzhou Station. Not long after flying, Lu Xiaoqi's face changed drastically, because he detected an additional target in the station, which was in Su Daji's house at this time.

An enemy entered Su Daji's house, but the Northern Beauty did not respond, because the target who entered also cast the Phantom of the Fox. After discovering that the other party was about to attack Su Daji, Lu Xiaoqi flew to Su Daji's resting room at the fastest speed, opened the door and rushed in.After opening his spiritual eyes and seeing the Nine tailed Fox in the house, Lu Xiaoqi was stunned. He fell into a short period of sluggishness, and said involuntarily, "It's you."

Lin Qing'er was Lu Xiaoqi's childhood sweetheart's girlfriend. They were together for so many years, so even though Lin Qing'er adjusted her appearance in the game to become more beautiful, he recognized her at a glance.

When Lin Qing'er appeared in a human form, she wore a veil. Others could not see her true appearance, but Lu Xiaoqi's spiritual eyes could see through all the disguise, including the effect of the veil. Lin Qinger used the Phantom of the Fox in her body state, and after entering Daji's room, she used her soul to seize her house. Her soul emerged from the body, allowing Lu Xiaoqi to see her clearly.

The Phantom of the Monster Fox is the secret method of the Nine tailed Fox family. The northern beauty saw Lu Xiaoqi talking to the air, and then she knew that the enemy had entered the house. She used a dark fragrance floating monomer to replenish blood. The room was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers, which quickly added 20% to Lu Xiaoqi. Blood.

Lu Xiaoqi lost control of his emotions. After he couldn't help uttering those two words, the body of the grass beside Qingqinghe who was about to seize the house shook slightly. Just as Lu Xiaoqi recognized her who had adjusted her appearance, she also heard Lu Xiaoqi's slightly changed voice.

After a short lag, Lu Xiaoqi raised the Lingfang Water Fire Blade in his hand. He is now on the task of protecting Su Daji, and he can't just watch Su Daji being taken away.

The spirit tooth water and fire blade smashed the body of the grass by the Qingqing River, hitting more than 4000 points of damage, making the grass by the Qingqing River pale, she said loudly: "Xiao Qi, I know I am sorry for you, do you hate it so much? Me? Didn't you say that you would love me forever? You just hit me so cruelly?"

Lu Xiaoqi raised the spirit tooth water fire blade again, and said indifferently: "There is no love or hatred between me and you. I am only doing a plot task now. My task is to protect Su Daji."

Qingqinghe suddenly panicked, she screamed: "Lu Xiaoqi, you are a coward. In reality, you are abandoned by me, so you can run into the game to retaliate. Hahaha, kill me if you want to. !"

"You kill me! Kill! Coward, I have been abandoned by Zhang Yunlong, and you have come to take revenge on such a poor woman like me. You poor worm, no matter how good the game is, what's the use of the game, the reality is not miserable, even A woman can’t keep it, how could someone like you be liked by a woman."

When Qingqinghe saw that the pleading was no longer useful, she adopted the aggressive general method. Although she knew her purpose, her acrimonious words still made Lu Xiaoqi's heart aching. No matter what Lin Qing'er is now, when the two first began to fall in love, she was indeed an innocent girl next door!

If she could have a little money and status in reality, then Lin Qinger wouldn't be like this! Is it like Lin Qinger said, I can only be in the game Ruyi Scepter, will reality always be just a poor worm?

Lu Xiaoqi began to dig into the horns, his eyes became red, and he shouted: "If you don't leave me, whether it is games or reality, I can also give you happiness."

Lin Qinger said with a mocking expression: "What is happiness? Is happiness about living with you in a small rented room of 20 square meters? Is happiness about having to plan carefully for eating and drinking? Is happiness about having to squeeze every time you go out? Bus? Is happiness a stall that wears dozens of dollars a piece? Who can you give happiness to?"

"Love is not just talking about it. Women also have material needs. Men who are incapable are destined to be eliminated by society. Your love like castles in the sky can only deceive little girls who are underage. As long as they are more sensible, they will not choose. An incompetent man like you..."

Lu Xiaoqi's body shook, because with 20 years of experience, he really didn't feel anything about Lin Qing'er. However, Lin Qing'er's words slashed into his heart like a knife. Although her words were vicious, it is not surprising that in this realistic society, there are many women who think like this.

The beautiful woman from the north suddenly walked up to Lin Qing'er without saying anything. She said indifferently: "Not every woman thinks about material things like you do. Don't you say that this man is a poor worm, and no woman would choose? I tell you, I choose this man, whether in the game or in reality, I will choose this man."

"I am a very rational person. I am not a minor. Before you say these things, I only have a good impression of this man. However, after listening to your words, I understand that this man is serious about feelings and deserves my entrustment. ."

The grass by the Qingqing River couldn't help but feel a little sluggish. The Northern Beauty has a high status in the game, and the actual identity is not a secret. The status of the northern beauty in reality is completely above Zhang Yunlong, who is clinging to Zhang Yunlong by the Qingqing River.

Regardless of status, appearance, or conversation, Northern Beauty is the best type of woman. How could she like that man who was abandoned by herself?

After the Northern Beauty came forward to interrupt, Lu Xiaoqi also recovered his calmness. He calmly said to Lin Qing'er: "I have nothing to do with you anymore. I won't stop you from seizing her this time. I will do this again in the future. Kill you.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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