Online game: I can evolve everything

Online game: I can evolve everything


204 Chapters Ongoing Status


Story of: Online game: I can evolve everything

[Talent—Evolution (God-level): Treasures dropped when killing monsters will trigger a passive evolution effect, with a 100% chance of increasing the grade of the dropped treasure by one level, and a 5% chance of triggering the ultimate evolution, increasing the grade of the dropped item by two levels. (Note: Evolution can produce items that exceed the highest grade of the current game.)]

[God-level effect - autonomous evolution: active effect, 100% chance to upgrade items, props, skills, gems and other items that can be upgraded by two levels, 10% chance to upgrade items, props, skills, gems and other items that can be upgraded by three levels. Cooling time 24 hours. (Note: This effect cannot be superimposed with the passive evolution effect, the same item or ability can only evolve once.)]

Starting with god-level talent, you can evolve everything!

While others are still wearing crappy equipment, Shen Qing already has god-level equipment and is invincible in the world!

When the game merges with reality, the ultimate devil will be born!


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