Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 905 Six sects besiege Guangmingding

"A secret mission?" Wang Yuan paused.

That's right, I'm already level 80, and I haven't completed the secret task yet.

After the player reaches level 80, he can accept the secret skill mission, which is usually the supreme secret skill of Shaolin Temple, "Yi Jin Jing".

Since the secret mission is a necessary process for players to break through and awaken, it is also the main storyline that every player must do.

Even if the player has learned the unique skills of the sect, he still has to go through this process, and the rewards will not be small.

For example, Wang Yuan had learned the Yi Jin Jing through the adventure mission before eating again. If he completes the secret mission, he will get another secret from the Shaolin Temple. As for what it is, it depends on luck.

The Shaolin Temple is the largest sect in the background story of the game. It is basically equivalent to Tsinghua University and Peking University in reality. It has rich martial arts heritage. Although the secret skills of ordinary sects only have the task of Yi Jin Jing, it is speculated on the forum that according to the background, all other hidden secrets of Shaolin are all The most numerous among the sects, it is said that there are many unique skills among the seventy-two unique skills.

After all, he is his master, and he never forgets to remind himself at this time.

"Recently, I feel that my knowledge has reached a bottleneck. I would like to ask Master for some advice!" Wang Yuan turned his head and said the standard opening line of a dialogue about a unique skill.


Xuanci stroked his beard and said: "My foolish disciple, you are extremely talented. Both Buddhism and martial arts have reached a very high level. It's time to study the supreme knowledge of our sect!"

Having said this, Xuanci paused for a moment and said: "However, our secret art is the supreme martial arts treasure book. The disciples who are qualified to study our secret art are all top-notch in cultivation and conduct, and they also have to obtain the sect's secret art." You need the approval of the chiefs of each academy in the sect. In terms of cultivation, you are the most outstanding disciple in the sect. In terms of character, you are a great chivalrous person and a Buddhist chivalrous saint. What you have to do now is to get the approval of the chiefs of each academy in Shaolin! You understand! "

"Disciple understands!" Wang Yuan nodded and said: "I wonder what I need to do to get the approval of the masters in each academy?"

"We, the Shaolin Temple, are the head of a famous and upright sect. We take protecting the people of the world as our own responsibility. Naturally, we have to do a big thing that everyone can do!" Xuanci said: "Have you ever heard of the Demon Sect of the Western Regions?"

"I know! I know!" Wang Yuandao said: "Yang Xiao, the demon sect's bright left envoy, was pushed into the toilet by his disciples and drowned."

"Yang Xiao is just a minor player!" Xuan Ci said: "Since ancient times, good and evil have not coexisted. In recent years, the demon sect has done all kinds of evil in the world and brought disaster to the world. As the leader of the decent sect, our Shaolin Temple cannot ignore it! A few days ago, I and I Master Fang Zheng and Master Kong Wen have discussed it and decided to set an example for the world and eradicate the demon sect in one fell swoop. I wonder what your wishes are, my disciple."

System prompt: You have triggered the master’s secret mission [Bright Summit]. Do you want to accept it?


Wang Yuan nodded and confirmed: "The demon sect is indeed not a thing. Yang Xiao, a thief who raped civilian women, still claims to be righteous. His outlook and character are distorted. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. This kind of garbage is in the capital of the demon sect. If you can be a leader, the people below will definitely be worse. If there is such a cult organization, every one must be destroyed."

To be honest, Wang Yuan was very happy after receiving this mission from Xuanci.

Before coming, Wang Yuan had been worried, suspecting that Xuanci had colluded with the Demonic Cult. At this time, Xuanci offered to eradicate the Demonic Cult. This made Wang Yuan feel relieved. If Xuanci and the Demonic Cult colluded, I certainly wouldn't think so.

"very good!"

Xuanci said with satisfaction: "Our Shaolin Temple lacks disciples with a sense of justice like you, my disciple. However, the Demon Sect is extraordinary. Their main altar is far away in Guangmingding in the Western Regions. There are five-element flags under the sect. We have a well-trained army, and although we have many disciples in Shaolin Temple, if we want to eradicate the demon sect, it is definitely as simple as using words."

"Then what should I do?" Wang Yuandao said: "If it doesn't work out, I will go to Guangmingding and assassinate their leader!"


Xuan Ci said: "Although the leader of the demon sect, Yang Dingtian, has average martial arts, his deputy leader, Zhuang Wuji, is an extremely expert. Your cultivation is still shallow, so you are no match for him. Moreover, it is too dangerous to go here. If something happens to you, , it is a big loss to our Shaolin Temple."

"Moreover!" Xuan Ci said: "Don't force yourself to do anything. There are so many decent sects in the world, and there is no need for our Shaolin Temple to be hated by the demon sect alone."

"What do you mean?" Wang Yuan seemed to be aware of Xuanci's thoughts.

"This time to eliminate demons, our Shaolin Temple can be the sponsor, but we cannot fight against the demon sect alone. Do you understand?" Xuanci hinted.

"I understand! You mean we have to unite with other sects, right?" Wang Yuan heard clearly this time.

After all, he is an old fox named Xuanci, and his political tricks are slippery.

The demon sect brings harm to the world, which is something that all decent sects need to deal with. Shaolin Temple is the leader of the sects, so of course it has to play a role in responding to a hundred responses, but this role is only to respond to a hundred responses. If you want a sect in the Shaolin Temple to forcefully seek out the demon sect, Xuanci still refused, otherwise the Shaolin Temple would be the first to die.

So what Xuanci meant was that he must bring other decent sects along with him. In this way, everyone would work together to defeat the demon sect. After defeating the demon sect, the one who had the greatest credit was naturally the Shaolin Temple, the initiator who responded to everything.

I have to say that compared to Xuanci's brain circuit, Wang Yuan is still too young.

"You can teach me!" Xuanci was very satisfied that Wang Yuan understood what he meant so easily. This apprentice was really enlightened.

Xuan Ci said: "Among the current martial arts sects, only the six major sects including Shaolin have the right to speak. As long as we convince the heads of the other five major sects, we can kill the demon sect's home base at Guangmingding in one fell swoop and convince the six major sects." This task of the sect will be left to you."

System prompt: You have triggered and accepted the first link of the sect’s secret mission [Bright Summit] [Six sects].

[Task Level]: Show off your skills

[Task content]: Convince the five major sects of Wudang, Emei, Huashan, Kongtong, and Kunlun to besiege Guangmingding together.

[Task Reward]: Unknown.

[Mission Background]: The Demon Cult is causing trouble in the world. The decent martial arts factions should unite together to eradicate the Demon Cult and restore order to the world.

"These are letters written by me and Master Fang Zheng, Master Kong Wen! Just hand these letters to the heads of each sect!"

With that said, Xuanci took out five letters and handed them to Wang Yuan, and said: "Remember, you must hand them over to their leader!"

"I know it well!" Wang Yuan took Xuanci's letter and hurriedly left the Main Hall.

Judging from the task level, it is not difficult to convince the five sects. You only need to hand Xuanci's letter to the leaders of each sect and it will be basically completed.

Such difficulty surprised Wang Yuan.

After all, it is a sect's unique task, and such difficulty is indeed not in line with the qualifications of this task.

The first stop of the five major sects, Wang Yuan went to Mount Emei.

Because Wang Yuan knew that among the six sects, apart from Xuanci, the Emei sect most wanted the demon sect to be eradicated, especially Master Miejie, whose hatred for the demon sect had already given her a demonic barrier.

King Kongtong Kunlun is not familiar with the five sects. Yue Buqun, the head of the Huashan sect, definitely doesn’t have a good attitude towards Wang Yuan. Wudang sect and the Demon Cult are unclear. The only one who can directly convince Wang Yuan is Master Miejie. .

Taking a carriage to Mount Emei, Wang Yuan went straight to the Golden Summit of Emei and came to the Golden Summit Hall where Master Miejie was.

"Isn't this Monk Dachun? How come you have time to come to my place?" Because Wang Yuan killed Yang Xiao and made Yang Xiao die an ignominy death, Master Miejie had a not so good impression of Wang Yuan.

Seeing Wang Yuan come into the hall, Master Miejie looked like an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time. She stood up and greeted him proactively, with some excitement and surprise in her words.

After saying that, Master Miejue smiled slightly and changed her words: "Oh, by the way, now you are Master Wu Chi!"

The four words "Master Wu Chi" were spoken very seriously, as if he was making a joke on Wang Yuan: "You are still a master at such a young age. You really make the old nun laugh to death."

"Amitabha!" Wang Yuanze said with a smile: "The name is just a code name. You can call me whatever you want, Master. I haven't seen you for many days, and Master is getting more and more beautiful."

"Nonsense!" Mr. Jue's face turned red, and he pretended to be angry and said, "You and I are both monks, how can we dress up?"

Wang Yuandao: "If you have something to say, that means it is without form! If you have something in your heart but you dare not say it, that is the form."

"Ah, he is indeed the number one master in Buddhism in Shaolin Temple! The poor nun has been taught by these words!" Faced with Wang Yuan's rhetoric, Miejie was slightly stunned and benefited a lot.

"I wonder what Master Wu Chi has to offer when he comes to the Emei Sect?" At this point, Master Miejie's attitude changed drastically, and the words "Master Wu Chi" also carried a bit of respect.

Wang Yuan did not agree with Miejie Moji, and directly took out a letter and handed it to Master Miejue, saying: "The demon sect has brought harm to the martial arts world! We, the masters, hope that the six major sects will work together to eliminate it!"


Master Miejie took the letter, read it carefully, and suddenly said excitedly: "Okay! As expected of Abbot Xuanci, he is indeed courageous. I have been waiting for this day for a long time! You go back and tell Xuanci Fangzheng that the Emei Sect is obligated!"

System prompt: The Emei Sect is persuaded!

"Master is so quick to speak, and I admire him! There are letters from other sects that have not yet been sent, so I won't stay any longer. Let's discuss Buddhism together when we have time!"

After greeting Master Miejie, Wang Yuan left the hall.

At the second stop, Wang Yuan came to Wudang Mountain.

Of the six sects, four are in the Central Plains. The reason why the second stop was in Wudang Mountain is because Wang Yuan is the most familiar with the Wudang sect. Mario is a direct disciple of Zhang Sanfeng, and when he treated Zhang Wuji before, Wang Yuan also had a big problem. He also has some friendship with Zhang Sanfeng.

Furthermore, Zhang Wuji is Zhang Cuishan’s son.

His son did not learn well at a young age, and the descendant of a well-known and decent family went to become the second child of a cult. This is very unreliable. Even if Zhang Wuji has not yet matured into the final state and fully awakened, this is still unreliable. It has something to do with Wudang.

Zhang Sanfeng has a very high status in the martial arts world. Except for the Emei sect who doesn't buy it, other major sects don't dare to provoke the demon sect too much. Not because of Zhang Sanfeng's presence, no one wants to offend his disciple, especially his disciple who is a top master.

If the Wudang Clan agrees, the other sects will definitely be more than half convinced.

Although the current leader of the Wudang Sect is Song Yuanqiao, Wang Yuan went directly to the Zhenwu Hall where Zhang Sanfeng was.

After all, the Seven Heroes of Wudang have a close relationship, and Song Yuanqiao will definitely not make it difficult for Zhang Cuishan just because of a letter from Xuanci.

"Master Wu Chi, please stay!"

Just when Wang Yuan was about to enter the palace, a figure suddenly landed in front of Wang Yuan.

The person who came was wearing a Taoist robe, with a white face and a long beard. He had a somewhat immortal and Taoist attitude. His breath was long and it was clear that he possessed superior internal skills. The only master of the Wudang Sect who could achieve such a level of cultivation was the legendary Erxia Yu Lianzhou.

"I've met Yu Erxia!"

Wang Yuan was here to make friends, not to cause trouble. He stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling person, so naturally he wanted to take the initiative to say hello.

"I wonder why Master Wu Chi came to Wudang!" Yu Lianzhou was very serious and asked Wang Yuandao expressionlessly with a straight face, as if Wang Yuanda owed him how much money he owed.

"Haha!" Wang Yuan laughed and said, "Nothing, I just want to talk to Mr. Zhang about Taoism and scriptures!"

"Please come back!" Yu Lianzhou waved his hand coldly and said: "My master is in retreat and there is no one else around!"

"Really?" Wang Yuan frowned.

Damn, this Sanfeng is also in a high rank. It seems that Lao Zhangtou is a lot older. He doesn’t want to get involved in these bad things in the martial arts world, nor does he want to offend his disciples and fellow martial arts fellows. So he just closes the door and lets do whatever he wants. land.

"That's right!" Yu Lianzhou said: "My master will be in seclusion for at least three months. Master Wu Chi can come back after three months."

"Three months!"

Wang Yuan rolled his eyes. In three months, the day lilies have become cold. Why didn't you say wait thirty years?

"Forget it!" Wang Yuan was silent for a moment, and then said: "Since I can't see Mr. Zhang, I don't know where Yin Liuxia is."


Yu Lianzhou wondered: "What are you doing with Sixth Brother?"

"It's nothing serious! We're just discussing some private matters! Don't you want to take care of our privacy?" Wang Yuan asked.


Yu Lianzhou was stunned for a moment and said: "Sixth brother and eldest brother are meditating in Zixiao Hall! You can go to Zixiao Hall to find them."

"Is Lao Song here too? I'll go look for him later!"

Hearing that Yin Liting and Song Yuanqiao were together, Wang Yuan felt happy and went straight to Zixiao Palace.

Soon, Wang Yuan found Yin Liting in the Zixiao Palace. This guy was sitting next to Song Yuanqiao with his eyes closed to relax.

"Yin Liuxia, I have found you!" After walking into the hall, Wang Yuan greeted Yin Liting and came to Yin Liting's side.

"Looking for me? Master Wu Chi, we are not familiar with each other, why are you looking for me?" Yin Liting was a little confused.

"Do you know Ji Xiaofu?" Wang Yuan asked with a smirk.

"She...she..." Upon hearing the words Ji Xiaofu, Yin Liting was shocked and said, "Of course I know her."

"I also heard the story about her and you from her!" Wang Yuan shook his head and sighed: "What a pity! You two were born to be a couple of gods and immortals, but it's a pity that the demon sect Yang Xiao forced you to... She also gave birth to a baby girl, eh!"


As soon as Wang Yuan said this, Yin Liting stood up directly, drew the long sword from behind and pointed it at Wang Yuan and said: "Master Wu Chi, I respect you as a chivalrous person. When you say these words in front of me, are you referring to old things? To entertain me?”


Song Yuanqiao, who was on the side, was stunned for a moment when he saw that Wang Yuan was not opening or lifting a pot, and two question marks popped up on his head.

"How dare you!" Wang Yuan stretched out two fingers, pushed away Yin Liting's long sword and said, "I just want to ask Yin Liuxia, how do you evaluate the Demon Sect?"

"A bunch of monsters and clowns! I want to kill them all!" Yin Liting said angrily. After so long, Yin Liuxia's hatred for Yang Xiao and the Demon Cult still remains undiminished.

Come to think of it, that guy Yang Xiao is really not a thing. The woman who slept with her sixth child still came up with a baby called "No Regrets". This hat is green...

I really don’t know where Yang Zuoshi got so much time. He had to manage the demon sect every day and at the same time he could go to the Central Plains to sleep with girls. It was amazing.

"Haha! The Six Heroes are indeed righteous men and chivalrous men!" Wang Yuanchong hugged Yin Liting and said, "Our Wudang sect is known for its chivalry. It is really an eye-opener for Niu. The Six Heroes are already like this, and Song Daxia must be more A model of chivalry.”

"This..." Song Yuanqiao's heart trembled, damn, why did this monk turn the topic on me again.

"Master Wu Chi is ridiculous!" Song Yuanqiao said: "It is the duty of martial arts practitioners to be chivalrous and righteous, and this is what I should do!"


Hearing Song Yuanqiao's words, Wang Yuan burst into laughter.

I don’t know what Zhang Sanfeng was thinking. He found such a fool as his successor. He was given a ladder and climbed up to see how he stepped down!

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan once again boasted: "We are chivalrous and just follow our mission. Hero Song can take chivalrous things as his duty! This shows that his level is high, far beyond what I, a monk, can match."

"Master Wu Chi is so polite!" Song Yuanqiao was photographed by Wang Yuan's flattery, and he was already in a state of ecstasy.

Seeing that the time had come, Wang Yuan took out the envelope and handed it to Song Yuanqiao and said: "My master knows that Song Daxia is a chivalrous person. Now he wants to contact all the famous sects to discuss important matters, so he specially ordered me to deliver a letter to Song Yuanqiao."

"Oh? What's the big deal?"

Song Yuanqiao took the envelope, took it out and looked at it for a while, then his expression darkened.

Originally, Old Song was flattered by Wang Yuan and felt very good. But after seeing the contents in his heart, he realized that he had been tricked by the monk.

Besieging Guangmingding... this is difficult to do.

That Guangmingding is the main altar of the Demon Sect. My fifth brother's father-in-law is the White-browed Eagle King of the Demon Sect, and my fifth brother's son is the deputy leader of the Demon Sect...

Of course the Wudang Sect wants to be heroic and righteous, but with Zhang Cuishan here, this siege of Guangmingding will be really difficult.

"Brother, what's in the letter?"

Seeing Song Yuanqiao's expression changed drastically, Yin Liting came up and asked.


Song Yuanqiao's heart pounded, and he felt like the sky was about to collapse. He was crying and shouting in his heart: "Master, how should we deal with this matter?"

If there was only Zhang Cuishan, this matter would be easier to deal with. At worst, Song Yuanqiao would risk his shame and say that the Wudang Clan does not want to participate in this matter, making the world laugh at him.

The Seven Heroes of Wudang are brothers and sisters, and they will never do something righteous and kill their relatives just because they are ridiculed by the world. But now that the monk has dragged Yin Liting into it, this matter will not be easy to handle.

Men, the greatest hatred is the hatred of killing their father and the hatred of taking away their wives.

The Demon Sect has insulted Yin Liting to this point, and there is no need to say much about the hatred. Although Yang Xiao is dead, the Demon Sect is still there, and Yin Liting's humiliation has not been avenged, and his hatred for the Demon Sect has not weakened by half.

If you disagree with this matter, you don't regard Yin Liting as a brother.

If you participate, you will offend your fifth brother. If you don't participate, you will offend your sixth brother. It is really difficult for Song Yuanqiao.

"It's about the six sects besieging Guangmingding!" Seeing that Song Yuanqiao didn't dare to say anything, Wang Yuan assisted him.

"Siege Guangmingding?"

Hearing what Wang Yuan said, Yin Liting said excitedly: "This is a good thing, brother, we can finally eradicate the demon sect completely!"


Song Yuanqiao hesitated and said: "You don't know that the deputy leader of the Demon Cult is the son of the fifth brother. If I..."

"" As soon as Song Yuanqiao said this, Yin Liting suddenly didn't know what to say.

Yin Liting is a person who is more refined, easy-going, and empathetic. The reason why he has suppressed his hatred for the Demon Cult for so many years is because of Zhang Cuishan.

"What you said, Master Song, is wrong!"

Wang Yuan quickly fanned the flames and said: "Since ancient times, good and evil have not coexisted. Eradicating the demon sect is a major event that benefits the people of the world. How can we ignore the word chivalry because of personal feelings? Wudang established a sect based on chivalry, and you are also the number one in the world. Xia, please don’t ruin Master Zhang’s reputation.”


What a bad person Wang Yuan was. Every word he said hit Song Yuanqiao's weak point. In the end, he did not forget to sneak out Zhang Sanfeng, whom Song Yuanqiao respected the most.

If this was just the lid of the coffin, the nail that nailed it was none other than Wang Yuan's next words.

"Say it again!" Wang Yuan glanced at Yin Liting and said: "The fifth brother is a brother, isn't the sixth brother a brother? Does he deserve to be cheated? Or do you think Yin Liuxia is honest, just treat him as an honest person and let him bear all the grievances ?”

After finishing speaking, Wang Yuan did not forget to shake his head and sigh: "Do honest people deserve to suffer? Yin Liuxia, I feel unworthy for you."



After Wang Yuan's words, Song Yuanqiao looked at Yin Liting and felt ashamed.

Yin Liting looked at Song Yuanqiao, his eyes full of doubts, as if he was repeating Wang Yuan's question: "Fifth brother is your brother, am I not the same?"


Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Wang Yuan knew that the matter was 80% completed. He chanted the Buddha's name and turned around and said: "Which is more important, please consider it carefully. Master Jiejie of the Emei Sect has already agreed to this matter." I’m going to go to Mount Huashan, Kongtong, and Kunlun when I get down!”

As he said that, Wang Yuan stepped to the gate.

At this time, Song Yuanqiao was heard saying loudly: "Master Wu Chi, my Wudang sect and Shaolin sect are the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts world. It is our duty to uphold justice. You go back and tell Master Xuanci. The Wudang sect is also obliged to do this." .”

System prompt: The Wu-Tang Clan has been persuaded.

"As expected of the Wudang sect, which is based on chivalry! I would like to express my gratitude to all the people in the world!" Wang Yuan smiled slightly and walked out of the Zixiao Palace.

The plan goes through! !

The so-called six major sects, in fact, in the original background, only Shaolin Wudang Emei is considered a major sect.

Kongtong Huashan and Kunlun are second-rate sects, but because of players' yearning for sword fighting, the Huashan sect can become a first-rate sect in one fell swoop.

Now three of the six sects have decided to participate in the siege of Guangmingding, especially the Wudang sect, which is unclear about the Demon Sect, and have also set an example. There is no need to say anything about the other sects.

After receiving the letter from Xuanci, the Five Elders of Kongtong and Kunlun He Taichong and his wife expressed their obligation to do so. Finally, Wang Yuan came to the Huashan Sect. Although Yue Buqun was still angry with Wang Yuan, the other five major sects had already decided to participate. Naturally, they, the Huashan Sect, I don't want to be given a name that is not chivalrous enough.

After going around, the heads of the five major sects were all convinced by Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan returned to the Main Hall and handed over the task to Xuanci. Xuanci nodded with satisfaction and said, "Thank you! If it weren't for you, my disciple, the six sects and even the secret missions of each sect in the game would not be able to be opened."

"Where's the reward?" Wang Yuan asked.

"Reward?" Xuanci smiled and said, "Just watch the Jianghu announcement later!"

As soon as Xuanci finished speaking, a Jianghu announcement sounded in the sky.

Jianghu Announcement: The demon sect is doing evil and causing trouble in the world. Under the initiative of Abbot Xuanci of Shaolin Temple, the six sects have launched a siege on Guangmingding.

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