Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 906: Only when one is useful can one hate the young one

Jianghu Announcement: Since ancient times, good and evil have not coexisted, and the Five Mountains Sword Sect has joined the decent camp.

Jianghu Announcement: Since ancient times, there has been no coexistence between good and evil, and the Five Poison Sect has joined the demonic camp.

Jianghu Announcement: Since ancient times, there has been no coexistence between good and evil...

As the [Six Sects] launched their siege on Guangmingding, other sects besides the Six Sects and the Demon Sect also responded.

To eradicate the differences between the good and evil camps, they joined the six sects and the demon sect one after another.

As for those neutral sect players who are neither good nor evil, they have also received prompts and can join any camp according to their needs without restrictions.

At the same time as the event started, players also received the activity manual.

After the event starts, the entrance to the dungeon scene where the six major factions besieged the Demon Cult will be permanently opened at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains in the Western Region.

Players will be transported to two different scenes after entering the dungeon scene entrance according to the selected camp.

The scene for decent players is the six sects, and the goal is to help the six sects eradicate the demon sect.

The scene where the evil sect players are is the Demon Cult, and their goal is to help the Demon Cult repel the siege of the six major sects.

The player level is limited to level 80, and the minimum team required to enter the scene is 20 people.

This kind of setting is very familiar to players. It is more like a large-scale group book than an activity. Only players who successfully clear the group book are eligible to get the opportunity to learn their unique skills.

"Damn! I thought it was a large-scale PVP event, but it turned out to be a dungeon."

Wang Yuan was a little disappointed when he saw the activity introduction.

Old monk Xuanci created such a large formation and united with the other five sects to besiege the Demon Sect. Other decent sects also responded, and all the sects in the world were involved.

Wang Yuan thought he was going to organize a group activity between the good and evil camps, and he felt secretly happy, but who knew that it was just a large-scale group activity.

But there's nothing wrong if you think about it carefully.

How many players are qualified to learn unique skills at this stage... If it were really a PVP activity, wouldn't those players with insufficient levels suffer a great loss? It is impossible for the game to lose the interests of the vast majority of players for a small number of first-line players, unless the game company I don’t want to do it anymore.

Moreover, the Demon Cult is also a sect in the game. If it really becomes a PVP, every time a group of players reach level 80, they have to go through the Demon Cult. This is really unfriendly to other Demon Cult players.

It is both fair and reasonable to create a copy model.

What’s more, there are not all decent masters in the mob. They are all evil sects, such as Dou Guxiaoling, Feiyun Taxue, Tiaozi, Song Yang, Dao Kedao, etc. Everyone is a neutral party, and the only ones who can be called decent are Wang Yuan, Mario and Ding Laoxian.

If we really want to engage in PVP, put aside the neutral players and face off against Beimo Ting and Wang Yuan.

There is nothing more depressing than doing car crashing with friends.

Now that it is a camp dungeon, everything is easy to say, and all the secrets of the sect have been solved directly.

In fact, some sects' secret skills are not included in the siege of Guangmingding, such as the Ancient Tomb Sect... But after Wang Yuan occupied the Jueqing Valley, Yang Guo also walked through the scene and awakened to a middle-aged state. The original sect's secret skills mission of the Ancient Tomb Sect was terminated. This time You can also choose a camp to do unique martial arts tasks.

The settings of the dungeon were quite reasonable, but problems soon arose.

The dungeon of Siege of Bright Summit is a large group copy, and the minimum team requirement is twenty people.

The total number of people in the mob is only eleven. Excluding a few evil masters, even if all the neutral masters choose the upright faction to do the task, there will only be eight people left at most.

It is still more than half of the team's minimum mission requirements. The disadvantages of small groups and individual players are fully revealed at this moment.

If it's a gang, there are only a few hundred people at least. Let alone twenty people, it's not impossible to make up a hundred people.

But for small groups or individual players, they can only form wild teams for such a large group.

According to past experience in online games, the difficulty of large-scale group versions is generally very high, and the group version will adjust the overall difficulty of the dungeon and the strength of the boss according to the number of players in the team, especially the first kill in the dungeon scene. It is the highest difficulty level of the copy.

Not only the fault tolerance rate is extremely low, it also tests the cooperation between the player team.

If you are lucky enough to get expert teammates, even if you don't cooperate well in this dungeon, you may be able to pass the level, but if you encounter pig teammates, it will be miserable.

Especially when you encounter mentally retarded teammates who are weak and think they are very awesome, that is the most deceptive thing.

Each dungeon has a daily limit, and large groups may only be able to dungeon it once a week. In this case, the requirements for teammates are also surprisingly high.

If you really encounter that kind of trap, you will be unable to relax for several days.

"Is anyone here to play a group game? Get in the car quickly!"

Just when Wang Yuan was feeling embarrassed due to the minimum number of people in the group, news came from Feiyun Taxue on the Mob Channel.

The rich man Feiyun is now over level 90 and has yet to learn the sect's secrets. His desire for the sect's secrets is definitely the highest in the entire game.

After waiting and waiting, Feiyun Taxue is about to reach level 100 and go online. How can there be players in the world who are over level 90 and have not mastered the unique skills of the sect.

Now that the secret copy was opened, Feiyun Taxue seemed impatient to start shaking people.

"Me! I'll take one of mine!"

After seeing the news about Feiyun Taxue, Wang Yuan's eyes lit up and he signed up immediately.

"Two, second class eighteen +++++" Feiyun Taxue looked like the captain of the wild team practicing at the door.

"I'm coming too! I'm coming too!"

At this time, Mario and others saw the news and appeared one after another, and Song Yang and other neutral players raised their hands to greet them.

"Okay, it's seventh grade and thirteen now... Are there any more? Cup, come on..." Feiyun Taxue asked again after pulling everyone into the team.

"You think I don't want to go?"

Bei Moting was depressed and made a crying emoticon and said: "I am an evil sect, how can I join your team? Although you are neutral, Lao Niu is a decent man. Would you rather have me or Lao Niu?"

"Then get lost!" Feiyun Taxue decisively chose Wang Yuan without even thinking.

"Ah, I'm dead!"

Feiyun Taxue's words were like a ruthless sharp knife that pierced Bei Moting's heart.

"Old Immortal, why don't you come to practice your skills? @Ding Laoxian." Feiyun Taxue checked the team list and finally pulled Ding Laoxian out.

"Can't go!" After a while, Ding Laoxian replied.

Feiyun Taxue said as always, "The food doesn't matter, I'll take it!"

Wang Yuan, Ding Laoxian: "..."

"It's not a matter of food or not." Ding Laoxian said: "I'm only level seventy-seven now, so I can't keep up..."

"What's going on? Why are you only over seventy?" Wang Yuan asked curiously, "I'm already eighty, okay?"

"Didn't I just sell a Heavenly Sword? I've been practicing alchemy since I got rich recently." Ding Laoxian's answer was very awesome, very much like a life player.


After seeing the news about Ding Laoxian, everyone gave a thumbs up emoticon.

Ding Laoxian is an extraordinary person who can turn games into work.

"Oh... there are only seven people, what should we do?" After trying to gather together, Feiyun Taxue could only gather less than half of the people. His enthusiasm was completely extinguished, and he became a little depressed.

Wang Yuan reminded: "Where are your subordinates?"

Wang Yuan was clearly in a hurry. Young Master Feiyu Taxue had a special play group, and there were many experts in the group.

"We have been dismissed a long time ago!" Feiyun Tuxue said: "I find it is more interesting to play with you."

Rich people are never stupid. The so-called stupid people who have more money are just different concepts. With a better team like the rabble, Feiyun Taxue will naturally not spend so much money to invite people to play with him.

"Doesn't that mean we are your playgroup?" Mario thought quickly and found every opportunity and said with a smile, "Remember to transfer the money to my account."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, how shameless." Everyone lamented Mario's shamelessness.

"You still owe me 10,000 gold!" Feiyun Taxue asked for the bill.

"Oh... the weather is nice today, it's sunny and windy." Mario quickly changed the subject.

"That's it...that's not going to be easy."

Hearing that Feiyun Taxue no longer had a playgroup, Wang Yuan became embarrassed again.

Originally, Wang Yuan wanted to take advantage of Feiyun Rich's special RMB team, but now he can't and has to recruit the wild team.

Nowadays, no one is a fool when playing games. Anyone who has some real skills would not find a better gang. For creatures like Sanren, there may be a few masters, but most of them are just scammers.

Feiyun Taxue's strength is not that good, but he can't stand up to people who are rich. He is covered in magical clothes and the props in his hands seem to be free of money. No matter how hard the krypton gold boss tries to trick him, he can't get anywhere.

A team of twenty people would trap 13 passers-by. Not to mention Wang Yuan alone, and another Wang Yuan would not be able to do it.

Besides, those who can perform the unique skills tasks of the sects are masters of various sects. Even if Wang Yuan wanted to find individual players, he could not find them.

"By the way, isn't there Dongchang Weiming? You can bring him here too!" Dugu Xiaoling suggested.

"You mean Dongfang Weiming, I pulled him over!" Tiaozi said, "He's not even high enough." Both Tiaozi and Dongfang Weiming were in the government system, and they had become friends with each other.

Due to the uncertainty of the martial arts, the government system does not have its own strengths like the various sects. It is difficult to form a team to level up, and it is normal for the level to not keep up.

"Brother Niu, is there a team?"

Just when everyone didn't know what to do, Wang Yuan received the news that the white crane spread its wings.

"Oh? Your team is short of people?" Wang Yuan was a little surprised when he saw the news about Bai He spreading his wings.

Baihe Liangyi is a high-level player in Halloween Mountain. This big gang lacks everything except masters. It would be ridiculous if they also lack people.

"That's not true!" Bai He replied with his wings: "I just think that your small team may not be able to gather twenty people, so I want to bring you one."


Wang Yuan smiled slightly.

It has to be said that as a public figure, Baihe Liangyi has a very good character and strength. When he was in Huashan, he helped him hold off the chasing players. Now that he is a master of magic and knows that there are few people in the mob, he does not forget to give him a hand.

"Thank you so much!"

Wang Yuan is usually a jerk, but he is still very polite to people who regard him as his friends.

"Why are you thanking me? You half-sold and half-gifted me a secret book before!" Bai He said with a flourish: "We are friends, and we should help each other."

"The secret skill is half yours!" Wang Yuan smiled and replied: "To be honest, I do lack teammates to do the secret skill mission, but I still have a few ragtag friends here, and I can't leave them alone. Bar."

Wang Yuan is not a fool, and he naturally knows that the reason why Baihe Liangyi invited him, apart from the previous friendship between the two, is mainly because he is strong enough and will not hold back his invitation.

As for the rest of the rabble.

Indeed, the strength of these guys in the rabble is not weak, but what level is Baihe Liangyi? Wang Yuan also knows that people flock together and birds of a feather flock together. As top players in the industry, Baihe Liangyi's teammates must also be top players in the circle.

The abilities of this group of guys can be considered as masters in front of ordinary players, but they are just like passers-by in front of these great gods.

To put it bluntly, except for Song Yang, who is very skilled, and Mo Ting, who has an extremely high-end Mario Cup, the others are simply not good enough. They only invited Wang Yuan. How can Wang Yuan have the nerve to usurp the guest? Take a group of people with you.

Everyone has been playing games together for so long, and now Feiyun Taxue has also joined the team. Naturally, Wang Yuan cannot abandon his brother and go find others to play.

There are rules in the game, and in the game, this kind of behavior is even more disgusting than malicious black equipment.

"It doesn't matter, let's come together!"

In response to Wang Yuan's difficulties, Baihe Liangyi gave a generous invitation: "They are all old acquaintances. Why are you so polite? How many people do you have?"

"Take me with you, seven in total!" Wang Yuan said truthfully.

"Chang'an wine shop is gathering, waiting for you!" Bai He said with his wings spread.

"All right!"

Wang Yuan thought for a while and finally agreed to Bai He Spreading His Wings.

White Crane's Spreading Wings allows Wang Yuan to bring people into the team, which shows that the invitation is still very sincere. Wang Yuan and his group can't gather twenty people even with this effort. By the time they can form individual players all over the place, almost all the players will be there. They can all do unique tasks.

In the game, time is very important. If you learn a unique skill one day early, your strength will improve earlier, and you will be exposed to more advanced tasks earlier. Like a snowball, the advantage will get bigger and bigger. Wang Yuan himself is a living example. .

If you delay any longer, you will definitely be pushed further and further away.

"I found the team!"

After closing the dialog box with Bai He Liangying, Wang Yuan sent a message in the group: "Everyone, go to Chang'an Winery to gather!"

"Team? What team? With them, do we have enough people?" Feiyun Taxue asked.

"It's definitely enough!" Wang Yuan said firmly.

"You won't hold us back, I won't compete with cheaters!" Mario also added on the side.

"You don't have to worry about this!" Wang Yuan said: "Maybe they still dislike you for cheating!"

"Tch! Am I going to cheat?" Mario looked disdainful.

"Stop talking nonsense! Come to Chang'an!" Wang Yuan finished his sentence and went straight to the inn.

A few minutes later, Wang Yuan rode a panda across the street and wandered into the wine shop in Chang'an City under the gaze of everyone.

At this moment, the small wine shop in Chang'an City is already full of players.

"Brother Niu! You're here!"

With a greeting, Bai He walked out of the wine shop with wings spread and came to Wang Yuan.

"Is this the person you brought? Why don't I recognize him?"

Wang Yuan glanced at the players in the wine shop and asked Bai He Liangyi strangely.

During the sword debate at Huashan Mountain, Wang Yuan had fought against the team from the All Saints Mountain before. He had met the masters from the All Saints Without Borders. Later, when the Nian Beast was active, everyone had come together to kill the Nian Beast. The All Saints Without Borders Even if he was not familiar with those masters, Wang Yuan could still name them, but Wang Yuan had never seen any of the players sitting in the wine shop.

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