Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 912 Five Elements Unity

As Taoist Tieguan finished speaking, Zhou Dian suddenly turned to the right inexplicably.


As soon as Zhou Dian turned around, he suddenly felt a strong wind coming, and Wang Yuan's big hand stretched out passed Zhou Dian's chest.


Wang Yuan was stunned when his claw missed Zhou Dian's wrist.

This "Wild Ball Fist" has been on Wang Yuan's body since he started playing the game. As the first grabbing skill of "Wild Ball Fist", Wang Yuan uses it the most. He has always hit the target with perfect accuracy, but this time he has never missed it. It was really strange that Zhou Dian was not caught.


Wang Yuan was stunned and dodged the Zhou Dian sword that Wang Yuan grabbed and stabbed it from the side, stabbing Wang Yuan in the temple. -


Wang Yuan's stabbed head shook slightly, and a blood loss number floated on Wang Yuan's head. -


Zhou Dian was also injured by Wang Yuan.

"Such high damage!"

Wang Yuan was shocked. Wang Yuan had nine layers of indestructible magical power to protect his body, and he also had five top secret internal skills. Whether it was the body's protective energy or his own defense, it had reached an extremely terrifying level.

If an ordinary master hits Wang Yuan with all his strength, the most he can do is forced damage. Even a first-class master at the BOSS level can deal double-digit damage. It is already extraordinary. Only super-first-class or decision-making masters at the head level and above can do it. In a real sense, Wang Yuan was hurt.

Zhou Dian was only at level 100 this time, but he dealt nearly a thousand points of damage with one strike. This guy's attack power was a bit weird.

"Damn, this monk has such a hard head!"

Zhou Dian was even more surprised than Wang Yuan.

When the Wu San people get together, Leng Qian will launch a special battle formation called [Five Elements Unity]. The attributes of the Wu San people will be greatly improved, and the Wu San people will also activate corresponding moves.

Zhou Dian's move is the passive skill [Five Elements Unified] and [Five Elements Unified], which can greatly increase the damage. Zhou Dian's damage is comparable to that of masters at the master level, but he He stabbed it with all his strength, but it still hit the vital point. It only knocked out Wang Yuan with less than a thousand health points, and he was also hurt by the damage.

The monk in front of me is really scary.

After Zhou Dian stabbed Wang Yuan with a knife, Wang Yuan's attack ended stiffly. He used his right hand to use the [Vajra Palm Power] and suddenly stretched it to the left, hitting Zhou Dian's chest.

But the moment Wang Yuan raised his hand, Taoist Tieguan shouted again.

"I can't tell you, help people quickly!!"

Seeing that Wang Yuan was about to hit Zhou Dian's chest with his palm, he had already blocked the two of them with an iron rod.


Wang Yuan slapped the unknown weapon with his palm.

He couldn't help but took half a step back, and forcefully withstood Wang Yuan's palm. -


After resisting Wang Yuan's palm, a number appeared on his head, and his face couldn't help but darken.

I had no choice but to take Wang Yuan's palm before, and I was well aware of the terrifying power of Wang Yuan's palm, but for a player less than level 100, that palm should have been the limit.

This time, Leng Qian was here, and he activated the [Five Elements In One] formation, which not only greatly improved the incredible defense power, but also activated the incredible special move [Copper Wall and Iron Wall], which could completely defeat Wang Yuan at his own expense. Although he blocked it, he never expected that he still underestimated Wang Yuan's palm power.

If Leng Qian hadn't been there, I'm afraid that Wang Yuan's palm would have made him even more miserable than before.


Seeing that his unspeakable strength had improved a lot compared to before, Wang Yuan smiled slightly and realized that these five guys would activate special attributes when combined together.

Easter eggs that activate special attributes in group activities are very common in games. The most typical one is the Eighteen Bronze Men of Shaolin Temple...

The Wusan people are also a combination and naturally have their special attributes.

The activation of this special attribute is equivalent to the suit attribute. It needs to gather a number of people to trigger it. The crack is also very simple. You only need to kill one of them to basically make their attribute disappear. As for who to kill first, it depends on Who among the five is the most important?

"Golden Needle to overcome the tribulation!"

While Wang Yuan was thinking, the honest monk Peng Yingyu suddenly shouted, and a golden light fell down, covering the five scattered people.



Zhou Dianhe's health bar was filled instantly.

"What the hell..."

Seeing this scene, Wang Yuan felt depressed.

Damn it, these Wusan people are so shameless...

When the five of them come together, they not only have offense and defense, but they also have milk... a typical BOSS configuration for the standard battle mage and animal husbandry.

Since the beginning of online games, which BOSS has not been beaten to death by players using this formation? Wang Yuan is more awesome. He was actually beaten to death by the BOSS using this formation.

For a moment, Wang Yuan suddenly felt that he had become a BOSS. What was even more disgusting was that these five BOSSs also knew how to bring in players one by one and defeat them one by one with this formation.

I have to say that the game planner who designed this copy of Guangmingding is simply too vicious! This is obviously to let players experience the daily life of BOSS.

Players who have played games all year round know that if you want to defeat such a complete team configuration, you must first cut off the treatment, so Peng Yingyu immediately became Wang Yuan's first target to kill.

Wu Sanren are all level 100 BOSS. For ordinary players, it is obviously extremely difficult to break through their cooperation and directly cut into the back row.

But for Wang Yuan, who has two displacement moves: [Transformation] and [Qiankun Molong], it is not difficult.

When he learned that Peng Yingyu was the healing character among the Wusan people, Wang Yuan used the move [Transformation] without saying a word and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Lao Peng! Be careful behind you!"

At the moment Wang Yuan disappeared, Taoist Tieguan started shouting again.

Peng Yingyu stretched out her fingers unhurriedly and tapped her chest. At the same time, Wang Yuan appeared and stamped Peng Yingyu's back of the heart with a palm.

This [One Shot, Two Scatters] can be said to be Wang Yuan's strongest output move at the moment. With the blessing of several magical skills such as "Yi Jin Jing" and "Tai Xuan Jing", a charged attack is irresistible.


Hit by Wang Yuan's palm in the back, Peng Yingyu spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, the blood bar on her head being cleared on the spot.

Just when Wang Yuan thought that Peng Yingyu was killed by this treatment, suddenly the blood bar on Peng Yingyu's head filled up instantly, and Peng Yingyu got up unscathed.


[Five Elements in One] Use Peng Yingyu’s special moves.

"Shit! Can it still be like this?" Looking at Peng Yingyu who came back from the dead, Wang Yuan was stunned. These Wusan people are completely shameless. They can still live after death...

"Let's see how many times you can survive!" Wang Yuan was furious and followed up with another palm, intending to slap Peng Yingyu to death twice.

Taoist Tieguan continued: "Lao Peng, he's here again!"

Peng Yingyu didn't panic and continued to poke herself with her fingers.

But just when Wang Yuan was about to hit Peng Yingyu with his palm, he suddenly turned his palm and slapped Taoist Tieguan beside him.

Wang Yuan finally figured it out. This Tieguan Taoist was the commander of the Wusan people. He seemed to be able to predict the future and could always accurately predict Wang Yuan's next move. It was very annoying to be chattering on the side.

It's already difficult to deal with five scattered people who form a group to kill players, and it's really disgusting to have such a guy commanding them from the side.


However, before Wang Yuan's palm force could reach him, Taoist Tieguan, as if he had known that Wang Yuan would attack him, floated back and dodged Wang Yuan's sudden palm force.

Wang Yuan was not surprised at all that Taoist Tieguan dodged his attack. After all, this guy could predict the unknown, and of course he could predict that Wang Yuan was about to slap him.

So the moment the palm power was sent out, Wang Yuan used [Qiankun Mo Nong], and instantly appeared behind Taoist Tieguan, and used [Evil Dragon's Heart Claw] at his back.

But who would have thought that when Wang Yuan stretched out his claw, his hand flew through the body of Taoist Tieguan as if it hit the air, but he did not attack Taoist Tieguan.

" this okay?"

Wang Yuan was stunned.

Wang Yuan can endure the uncertainty. There is no weird boss in the game.

But this time the attack failed and he couldn't bear it anymore. Wang Yuanxu shook his palm just now, just to make Taoist Tieguan dodge, and then caught him at the moment when his skills were frozen.

But who would have expected that this guy would dodge his claws as if he had no entity... This is completely inconsistent with the game settings.

Little did they know that this was Taoist Tieguan's special move under the [Five Elements Unity] [Avoiding the Real and Using the Void].

This move has no other characteristics, it is to infinitely improve dodge. No matter how fast Wang Yuan attacks, it is reasonable that he cannot catch him.


Taoist Tieguan, who had dodged Wang Yuan's attack twice, laughed and said provocatively: "Don't bother, you can't catch me!"

"Really?" Wang Yuan squinted his eyes and said, "Although I can't catch you, your predictions have no effect on me!"

"Stop talking nonsense. If you are talking nonsense here even if you are about to lose your life, kill him quickly. His companions will be here soon!"

When Taoist Tieguan heard Wang Yuan's words, his heart suddenly changed, his face changed, and he quickly pointed at Wang Yuan and gave orders to several others.

After receiving the order, Shao Bu and Zhou Dian caught up with him, heading straight for Wang Yuan with long swords and iron bars.

Leng Qian, who was at the back of the team, waved his folding fan and threw a row of green hidden weapons at Wang Yuan.


Looking at Shububu and Zhou Dian who were rushing at the front, Wang Yuan suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, resisted Leng Qian's hidden weapon without dodging, and at the same time raised his left hand slightly.

"I can't tell, be careful he wants to catch you with the iron rod!" Taoist Tieguan predicted again.

Hearing this, he quickly put away his stick and dodged to the right.

"Good flash."

At this time, Wang Yuan retracted his left hand and suddenly stretched out his right hand, grabbing the weapon in his hand.


Seeing that his prediction had lost its effect on Wang Yuan, Taoist Tieguan was suddenly shocked and showed a horrified expression.


Wang Yuan sneered.

In fact, Taoist Tieguan's prediction was not invalid. The reason why he said he would not be caught with a weapon was entirely because Wang Yuan made a false move.

Because Wang Yuan discovered that although Taoist Tieguan could predict attacks, he could not avoid the dodge and freeze setting.

Taoist Tieguan has special moves. Even if he is hit by Wang Yuan, he will be forced to dodge by the system.

But Mu Bu didn't have this ability. As soon as he dodged, he missed the flaw and stood upright in front of Wang Yuan. Wang Yuan suddenly switched his moves to his right hand and grabbed Mu Mu's long stick directly.

"I'm here to save you!"

Zhou Dian shouted and slashed at Wang Yuan.


Wang Yuan lifted his right foot back and retreated.

Taoist Tieguan quickly shouted: "Be careful with the strength of his left hand!"

Hearing this, Zhou Dian quickly dodged to the right, while Wang Yuan stopped, grabbed an unknown long stick, and used the [Sakyamuni Elephant Throwing Skill] to swing his right hand violently to the right.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

It can't be said that even the man and the stick hit Zhou Dian hard.

Zhou Dian only strengthened his attack, but not his defense. After being hit like this, the blood bar on his head dropped sharply, and he screamed in pain. He also didn't forget to scold his teammates: "Zhang Zhong, what are you giving this nonsense! You're going to get killed." Your grandfather is here! Monk Peng, please save me."


Guys like Zhou Dian who always criticize their teammates are the most disgusting. He shouted Taoist Tieguan to the point where he felt guilty. Looking at Wang Yuan in front of him, he didn't dare to predict what he wanted to do next.

Peng Yingyu from behind heard Zhou Dian's shouting and raised her hand to treat him.

Before Peng Yingyu's golden needle could fall, Wang Yuan bent the five fingers of his left hand and aimed at Peng Yingyu.


Just as Taoist Tieguan was about to remind Peng Yingyu to be careful, Wang Yuan suddenly raised his head and glanced at Taoist Tieguan with a half-smile.


Taoist Tieguan swallowed the rest of his words directly.

The more he said, the more he would be wrong. The less he said, the less he would be wrong. He didn't want to be criticized by Zhou Dian again.

At this moment, Taoist Tieguan heard a dragon roar beside his ears, and a dragon-shaped zhenqi passed by and wrapped around Peng Yingyu.

Wang Yuan pulled back suddenly, and Peng Yingyu was dragged to Wang Yuan's side. Wang Yuan knew that the monk could not die, so he did not bother to kill him, but swung him with all his strength and threw him ten meters away.

At this time, among the five people standing in front of Wang Yuan, only Taoist Tieguan and Leng Qian remained.

Wang Yuan took a step forward and came directly to Leng Qian's side.


Although Leng Qian does not have much fighting power, he is the user of the [Five Elements Unity] formation. It can be said that he is the formation of the Wusan people and the most important person. If he is killed by Wang Yuan, none of the Wusan people will be killed. Can't live.

Seeing Wang Yuan approaching Leng Qian, Taoist Tieguan could no longer sit still and quickly stood in front of Leng Qian, while Leng Qian turned around and ran away.

Wang Yuan smiled slightly at the sight: "Haha, I guessed it right!"

As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, and since the five scattered people have the same name, they must each have their own strengths. Zhou Dian can't attack high ground, but he can't defend high ground. Peng Yingyu can't be killed, and Tieguan Taoist can't be beaten. Leng Qian is the only one who knows how to play with formations and is insidious and despicable. , it has no characteristics, which is very strange.

Even in the battle just now, Leng Qian only made one move, throwing several hidden weapons at Wang Yuan, and the attack power was almost negligible.

How could there be such a waste among the five scattered people? This guy must have something special about him, and he is very special. He is most likely the source of Wu Sanren's weird abilities, so there is nothing wrong with killing him first.

At this time, Taoist Tieguan stood in front of Leng Qian regardless of his own safety, directly allowing Wang Yuan to confirm his thoughts.

While speaking, Wang Yuan put his hands together, and a golden light burst out from his body.

Leng Qian was shrouded in golden light and involuntarily stretched out his fan and hit Wang Yuan on the head.

In response to Leng Qian's attack, Wang Yuan stretched out his left hand and used [Huranmantao] to grab Leng Qian's collar. He bent the five fingers of his right hand and used [Evil Dragon Heart Claw] to grab Leng Qian's chest.


Wang Yuan's fingers inserted into Leng Qian's chest without any hindrance, and then pulled back. Leng Qian's heart was cut into pieces and Wang Yuan pulled it out, and the blood bar on his head was cleared.


Following Leng Qian's death, the scene flashed and the formation disappeared. Song Yang, Bai He Liangyi and others appeared in front of Wang Yuan in shock.

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