Online game: King Kong is indestructible

Chapter 913 Demonic Cult Leader

"Miss Wuji, you are so powerful! You directly broke through the four-pole dragon formation..."

Green Bamboo Fan was still shocked by Song Yang's method of breaking the formation, while Song Yang and others stared at the heart in Wang Yuan's hand, Leng Qian at his feet, and the five scattered people staggering around, as if they were speechless.

"No...I didn't break it..."

Song Yang said: "It's Lao Niu..."

"Old cow? This..."

Qingzhu Xiaoshan turned around and was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Well, the easiest way to break the formation is to kill the boss who set it up.

In the same team, information is shared, so everyone can see Wu Sanren's information at this time and know that these five guys in front of them are all level 100 BOSS.

To be fair, guys like Baihe Liangyi are all masters among masters. Usually, it is not difficult to kill a BOSS after reaching level 10 or 20, but it is not difficult at all, but it will definitely not be easy.

Especially once the BOSS has passed level 100, he will be a top-notch master at a superb level. Each of them has a way to save his life. Even if it can be suppressed, it will take a lot of effort to kill them.

However, it only took less than three minutes from the time Wang Yuan left the team and entered the formation alone until Leng Qian was killed and forced into the formation.

You must know that these five scattered people are a combined BOSS. If you pull them together, they have the strength of a first-class master. If the five of them cooperate with each other, their strength is by no means as simple as one plus one. They must at least be at the level of a first-class master above level 150. .

Wang Yuan fought five hundred-level bosses by himself. Not only did he gain the upper hand, he also killed the formation boss in such a short period of time. Such strength was simply terrifying.

Everyone here is the top master in the industry, and they are extremely conceited about their own strength. Although they knew that Wang Yuan was definitely not weak, they did not expect that this monk could be so tyrannical.

Even Baihe Liangyi, who had been defeated by Wang Yuan several times, was shocked.

Wang Yuan is stronger than him, Bai Heliangyi admits, and he is convinced, but Baihe Liangyi is already a top expert in the industry, and he thinks that even if he is weak, he will not be too much weaker than Wang Yuan.

But he never expected that Wang Yuan's cultivation at this time was already more than one level higher than his own.

As far as top masters are concerned, the most extreme level is just on par with the 120-level master-level masters. Song Yang is stronger than others due to his martial arts training, but the limit is only Not defeated by a level 140 master.

But Wang Yuan can completely suppress the top-level masters. This gap is really unbelievable.

After all, in the eyes of people like Bai Heliangyi, he was already at the top of the industry. Now that he saw Wang Yuan, he suddenly felt like he was sitting in a well and looking at the sky.

There is no way, in terms of technique, Wang Yuan has been practicing martial arts since he was a child and has strong skills. He is a generation master and has basically no opponents in the game.

In terms of martial arts configuration, in an era when everyone has high-level martial arts configurations, Wang Yuan has three unparalleled magical skills. Whether it is hardware or software, they are overwhelming in all aspects. With this configuration, Feiyun Taxue can withstand hundreds of attacks. Level BOSS is fine, let alone Wang Yuan.

"What's going on? This is..." After being surprised, Bai He spread his wings and asked.

Although he knew what was going on, Baihe Liangyi still couldn't believe the facts in front of him.


Wang Yuan casually threw away Leng Qian's heart in his hand, and chanted a Buddha's name: "These bastards, not only did they not surrender when they saw me, they actually dared to resist."

Everyone: "..."

What is arrogance? This is! If most people say this, they will definitely be regarded as bragging and get yelled at.

But when these words came out of Wang Yuan's mouth, they were so convincing that no one dared to question them, because he really had this ability.

The difficulty of the siege of Guangmingding mainly lies in Leng Qian's formation.

Leng Qian is here, and the Four-pole Mysterious Dragon Formation is there. Whether the players can find the correct move is one thing. Even if they find it, they will be lured by the BOSS to kill them one by one. This is the first difficulty, and the way to crack it is It requires a player with high level of formation skills to quickly break the formation and allow all players in the team to enter the BOSS scene in a short time.

The second difficulty is the [Five Elements Unity] formation.

The main reason why Wu San people's strength has increased significantly is Leng Qian's [Five Elements Unity] formation.

With the support of the formation, the strength of the five hundred-level BOSS has been greatly improved and special moves have been activated. The five people's offense and defense complement each other. Even if the player breaks the formation and encounters them, it will be difficult to resist them alone. At least they have to be surrounded by five people to survive. Only when teammates enter the scene one after another can defeat be turned into victory.

Meeting Wang Yuan, a pervert with terrifying and unreasonable abilities, was something the five of them never expected.

Now that Leng Qian was clawed to death by Wang Yuan, the [Five Elements Unified] formation was lifted, and the remaining scattered people without the support of the formation were like a level 100 BOSS, unable to even activate special moves.

A BOSS of this level can be dealt with by Baihe Liangyi and others just pulling one out. Now that the players are outnumbered, everyone rushes forward without much effort and defeats the remaining scattered players in three strikes, five divisions and two. Kill on the spot.

After killing the BOSS, everyone stood there and stared at Wang Yuan.

It seemed that these guys were convinced by Wang Yuan and were even willing to hand over the authority to touch the corpse.

"Don't let him touch it!"

Everyone in the mob was deeply affected. Seeing that the masters wanted to give Wang Yuan the opportunity to touch the body, they quickly stopped him.

"I come!"

Song Yang walked up very skillfully and started touching the BOSS on the ground instead of Wang Yuan.

Hua Feihua and others were very puzzled, but everyone in the crowd took it for granted.

Given the relationship between the two of them, it would not be surprising if Song Yang did anything for Wang Yuan, not to mention that Song Yang was indeed a good hand at touching corpses.

Song Yang was the first to make a move. He couldn't tell. This monk had a precious Qiankun Yiqi bag, which was a good thing for taking. However, it had been torn apart by Wang Yuan, a wasteful guy like Wang Yuan... so it was not touched out, but touched. An iron rod and a broken page came out.

【Yin Yang Pestle of Heaven and Earth】

Quality: Excellent

External attack: +200

Internal Attack: +200

Long lasting: 50/50

Usage requirements: arm strength 100

[When equipped with stick moves, the blocking and parrying attributes are increased by 10%]

[Inversion of Yin and Yang]: Passive, internal and external defense increased by 30%

[Turn the World Over]: Passive, block and parry attributes increased by 30%

[Heaven and Earthshake]: Active, accumulating infuriating energy, the damage of the next hit is increased by 260% (the damage from behind is increased by 520%), the charging time is 1.5 seconds, and the cooling time is 30 seconds.

Equipment introduction: Budai monk, one of the five disciples of the Demon Sect, is one of the two magic weapons that can be used with the body. It has a wonderful effect in conjunction with the Qiankun Qi bag.

"Prevent the slightest change"

Category: Special moves

Grade: unknown

Introduction to Kung Fu: There are no unique moves

Learning conditions: None

Item background: One of the five elements skills, which can increase the defense of a single target of your own. Activating [Five Elements In One] can be awakened into a special move [Copper Wall and Iron Wall].

In the game, except for the dog-beating stick technique, most of the stick techniques are parry and defensive techniques. Stick weapons are mostly used by Shaolin stick monks who focus on defense. So whether a stick is good or not? It mainly depends on his blocking and defense bonus.

This [Heaven and Earth Yin Yang Pestle] has a very arrogant name, and its attribute bonuses are not bad. Its extra attributes are also top-notch, especially its active skills. It can also charge up to increase the attack by 2.6 times, which greatly makes up for the output of the stick monk.

It's a pity that the Qiankun Qi Bag couldn't stay. Otherwise, in conjunction with the [Heaven and Earth Yin and Yang Pestle], first a sack would be put on to trap the person, and then a sap would be struck behind the back. It would be a pleasure.

In comparison, "Anti-Micro Dujian" is very average. It is just a scrap of moves. It does not have the blessing of the [Five Elements in One] formation and cannot activate the final skill, which is very cheap. After all, [Five Elements in One] requires five people. To trigger it, it is normal for two people to stay together day and night, but it would be very strange for five people to stay together every day.

"Who wants it?"

Song Yang asked everyone while holding up a long stick and secret book.

Everyone looks at Wang Yuan.

They are all players, even experts who specialize in PVP, and players follow the rules. The ones who contributed the most in this level are Wang Yuan and Song Yang. If they don't pick a fight, who would be so indifferent.

"I don't need it..." Wang Yuan shook his head.

Although Wang Yuan also uses a stick, his stick is used for salvation, which is completely different from other Shaolin stick monks. Moreover, Wang Yuan usually avoids using the stick with his fists and kicks.

"I don't need it either..." Bai Heliangyi and others also shook their heads.

We are all top players in the game. We really don’t look down on such excellent level equipment. We have to start at the perfect dark gold level. You, a professional expert, go out with excellent equipment and you are embarrassed to say hello to your peers.

"What's so fun about a stick... How can a sword be so handsome?" On the other side of the crowd, Feiyun Taxue and Dao Kedao were whispering to each other.

Mario curled his lips and said: "Sabi only uses a stick..."

"Ci'ao!" Wang Yuan's face turned dark.

"The sword is more handsome..." Tiaozi, who has always been honest, also said that the stick is too low and unpopular.

As for Dugu Xiaoling, she doesn’t even need the equipment that normal people use.

After spinning around, the stick and the skill book fell into Wang Yuan's hands. Everyone unanimously said: "Take it and sell it for money, and we will divide it equally..."

Experts like Hua Feihua don’t even have much desire to spend money.

People make tens of millions in money every minute, but they really look down on such a small amount of money.

Next, there is Peng Yingyu.

Peng Yingyu is even worse than she can be. In addition to a box of [Golden Needles] that can improve the healing effect, she also has a scrap page of moves called "Bringing Seeding to Boost Growth". It is a move that can add blood to herself and her teammates. [Five Elements Combined] 1] In the state, the special move [Resurrection from the Dead] can be activated, which seals the acupoint with infuriating energy. If killed within five seconds, it will resurrect with full health. It can only be used on yourself.

Although the value of the healing move is higher than that of the ordinary move, there are too few players who can heal, and no one in the team can use it. In the end, it is thrown to Wang Yuan to sell for money.

What Zhou Dian revealed was a sharp knife and a broken page of "Innate Divine Power" that increased damage.

Taoist Tieguan also exploded a broken page "Out of Reach" that increases dodge ability.

When everyone reaches level 80 or 90, most people have their own mainstream skills. The purpose of learning other skills is just to increase the basic attributes and skill coefficients.

The remaining pages of moves do not add attributes or coefficients, and they also occupy a space in the skill column. They are typical tasteless things. These things are considered excessive when sold to novices, but are looked down upon by experts.

Wang Yuan entered two more broken pages into his account.

Finally, there is Leng Qian.

This guy's ability is all about formations, and he is weak in combat power, but he is more generous, and he took out a perfect weapon in the first place.

【Vulcan Fan】

Quality: perfect

External attack: +250

Internal Attack: +250

Long lasting: 50/50

Usage requirements: Arm strength 60, body skill 70, comprehension 30

[Inner strength cultivation has been improved to a higher level]

[Fire]: Passive, attacking with additional fire attribute damage.

[Fire Emergency]: Passive, with a 30% chance of triggering a layer of Fire Emergency effect on the target. Each layer accelerates by 10%, with a maximum of ten layers, triggering the special attribute [One Hundred Thousand Fire Emergency].

[Divine Body]: Passive, 30% chance of being immune to damage when receiving a fatal attack.

[Wind Talisman]: Active, triggering the mechanism, activating three wind Talisman to enhance one's own status. Each Wind Talisman can activate a layer of emergency effect. One Wind Talisman is generated every ten seconds, and up to three Wind Talisman can be stored.

Equipment introduction: The personal weapon of Leng Qian, one of the five members of the Demon Cult, is Wind and Fire.

"Shenfa style weapon!!"

Everyone was stunned when they saw this fan, even the experienced professional masters were a little surprised.

As we all know, the martial arts schools in the game are divided into two schools: arm strength and body skills.

The former is a hard bridge and a hard horse, and it pays attention to a head-to-head encounter, while the latter belongs to the technical stream. There is no level of skill, and it mainly depends on the person who uses it. But compared to ordinary players, although the body skill stream is difficult to master, getting started is compared to the arm strength stream. Much faster, and the most important thing is that he is very cool in body and martial arts.

Not to mention the ease of coming and going like the wind, just the weapons and body skills in his hands can move his arms and flow for more than ten streets.

What weapons do Shenfa players use? Long sword, folding fan, Xiao Li's flying knife, each one is more coquettish than the other.

In comparison, the large ring knives, mixed iron rods, giant shields and hammers used by players with strong arm strength can no longer be described as ugly. These players are just soy sauce characters in any book and cannot survive thirty. The kind of words.

Therefore, to this day, Shenfa style martial arts is the most mainstream type of martial arts in the game. Except for Tiehanhan sects like Shaolin Cangjia, most of the sects are in the Shenfa style.

This Vulcan Fan not only adds fire attribute damage, but can also increase the player's movement speed. This attribute alone is enough to sell this weapon for a very high price.

With this attribute, although this fan is only a perfect dark gold level weapon, its value is already comparable to that of an artifact.

The only thing that makes everyone regretful is that this is not a sword... but a fan.

Fans are also an unpopular weapon. Except for the small green bamboo fan, no one in the team uses fans.

In the end, the fan was taken away by Qingzhu Xiaofan.

But Wang Yuan felt distressed.

But there is nothing I can do. I can’t say that I also use a fan. A monk weighing 300 pounds walks around the street with a fan? That's outrageous.

After Green Bamboo Fan got the Fiery God Fan, he was feeling proud when Song Yangyou took out the second item.

This is a parchment scroll with many colorful symbols drawn on it, which makes everyone who sees it baffled.

Song Yang casually displayed the properties of sheepskin.

"General Outline of Formation"

Category: consumable items

Quality: precious

Item introduction: After use, it will increase one level of formation cultivation.

"Damn it! Don't bring this!"

Seeing the "General Outline of the Formation" in Song Yang's hand, he was originally excited about the green bamboo fan, but he suddenly felt that the fan in his hand no longer smelled good.

Formation is a type of Qimen Dunjia. This thing is much rarer than weapons. For professional masters, just one sentence can get a lot of weapons from the following gangs, but the "General Guide to Formation" is absolutely It's not something you can get with money.

In the team, he and Song Yang were the only two people who knew how to form.

Although Song Yang has to contribute more, everyone has already agreed before coming that the explosives will be distributed according to needs, so logically speaking, as long as Qingzhu Xiaoshan shamelessly wants this "General Guide to Formation", Song Yang will You need to ROLL with him.

But now Qingzhu Xiaofan has taken the weapon and has lost the right to distribute it...

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, this is life!"

Seeing Qingzhu Xiaofan being so depressed, everyone was gloating about his misfortune.

"What is this?"

While everyone was joking, Song Yang found the last item on Leng Qian's body, which was also a sheepskin with the "General Outline of Formation".

"Five Elements in One"

Category: Formation

Quality: unknown

Introduction: The unique formation method of the Five Sanren of the Demon Sect.

Learning conditions: Qi Men Dun Jia reaches the state of perfection.

Item introduction: The special formation created by Leng Qian, the leader of the five demon sect members, is based on the principles of the operation of the five elements of heaven and earth. It requires five masters to trigger it.

" the matching technique with the previous broken pages, right?" Hua Feihua asked after seeing the introduction of the formation.

"That's right!" Song Yang nodded.

The few broken pages just now have clear records that the five elements need to be united to activate special moves. Obviously, these five elements united in a formation are complementary martial arts.

"Tch! It's boring!"

As soon as Song Yang said this, Bai Heliangyi and others all expressed their disinterest.

Matching combination skills are a special type of martial arts in the game. This kind of martial arts requires multiple people to trigger and cooperate. For example, the formations of various sects such as Shaolin Arhat Stick Formation are this kind of martial arts.

Therefore, unless there is a fixed team of players, generally no one will learn this kind of martial arts.

Everyone is from different teams. After playing this instance, we parted ways. Not to mention being regular teammates, there is a high chance that we will meet in the arena in the future. What is the use of learning this thing? Can we trigger formations with enemies? ?

"If you don't learn, then I will learn!" Song Yang was not polite. He clapped his hands and the sheepskin turned into a ray of light and penetrated into Song Yang's body.


After learning the formation, Song Yang raised his eyebrows and was about to say something excitedly.

Wang Yuan quickly sent a message: "If you have anything to do, talk about it later! Don't make any noise here."


Song Yang held back his words and then sent a screenshot to Wang Yuan.

[Five Elements in One]: Improve all attributes of five people by 30% and strengthen all unique skills. Number of people required: 1/5 (not activated)

The introduction of the formation is very simple, but the content contained in it is not simple.

In addition to confusing the opponent's direction, the main function of the formation is to enhance the player's attributes.

However, most properties are single.

The Shaolin Luohan Stick Formation improves defense, while the Wudang Zhenwu Seven-section Formation improves parry and block. Different styles of martial arts have different attributes that are improved, and they all have one characteristic, that is, the more participants there are, the more attributes of the formation will be added. more.

And [Five Elements Unified] greatly improves all attributes. Although the needs of five people are not as unlimited as the sect formation, the attribute bonus is extremely high, and it is more concise and convenient, combined with several other special moves. , it can be said to be quite powerful, even compared to the ultimate skill.

I didn't expect that a small BOSS like Wu Sanren could produce such a powerful formation. It was really unexpected.

After cleaning the battlefield, the next step is the last scene of the [Siege of Guangmingding] copy, Guangming Hall.

Wang Yuan led the team to the entrance of Guangming Hall, pushed open the door and walked into the hall.

The main hall was empty and extremely quiet. There was no Five Elements Banners crowd, nor the so-called Four Dharma Kings. The Four Dharma Kings, the Golden-haired Lion King, were living overseas, the purple-robed Dragon King was missing, the White-browed Eagle King and the Green-winged Bat King were at the foot of the mountain. Wang Yuan and his group People came up via a secret path, so they didn't encounter them.

At this time, in the main hall, except for Wang Yuan and his party, there were only two NPCs sitting on the huge seats facing the door and playing chess.

On the left is a middle-aged man with a majestic face, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. He is wearing a blazing robe and is quite powerful.

The one on the right is a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a rather strong build. He is dressed in a yellow robe and has a childish look on his eyebrows.

Presumably these two people are the two leaders of the Demon Cult, Yang Dingtian and Zhang Wuji.

To be honest, Wang Yuan still didn't recognize Zhang Wuji. Zhang Cuishan was handsome and bookish, but Zhang Wuji was brave and brave, with thick eyebrows and big eyes...could he not be his biological father?

The two men stared at the chessboard meticulously, without taking their eyes away. They seemed not to notice that Wang Yuan and others entered the hall, and their attention was always on their own chessboard.

At this time, Yang Dingtian suddenly tensed up and said lightly, "General!"

"Haha!" Zhang Wuji laughed and said, "I'll pull you over, but you won't be able to reach me..."

"Come again!" Yang Dingtian looked solemn.

Zhang Wuji pulled to the right and said in a low voice: "I'm back again, but you still can't catch me."

"I will do it again!"

"I went over, and I came back again, fool me..."


When everyone in His Highness heard this, their heads were covered with black lines.

Second Austrian! I thought these two guys were so good at chess, but their relationship was such nonsense! You can never finish playing like this in a lifetime.

Song Yang was a good chess player, but he couldn't stand it any longer. He jumped over and said, "If your rook comes this way, won't you checkmate him?"

"Really?" Yang Dingtian's eyes widened, and then he took a breath: "What a chess god!"

"I..." Song Yang almost spit out blood. God knows how bad this old guy's chess skills are.

"Forget it, let's not play anymore, it's boring!"

Zhang Wuji pushed the chessboard, turned around and asked everyone: "You must be from the six major sects. I didn't expect you to pass the five scattered people and come here so quickly. Go back quickly, I don't want to kill you!"

"F*ck! Xiao Zhang, are you so crazy?" Wang Yuan heard this and said: "Have you forgotten how Uncle Niu saved you back then?"


Zhang Wuji chuckled and said: "So you know who I am, yes, I am Zhang Wuji, and this is our leader Yang Dingtian!"

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