When he first entered the game, Ye Luo only knew Zhiyue, and the two were not in the same novice village, which meant that he did not have a fixed team, and he could only rely on himself to fight monsters and upgrade, so such a strong attack was necessary, so he was determined to continue to do his best to add points.

While thinking about it, he continued to kill the demonized pheasant, although he had already completed the task of collecting pheasant, but Ye Luo planned to go to other monsters after reaching level 4, after all, it was not far from upgrading at this time.

Time passed faintly, and more than twenty minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and Ye Luo also managed to reach level 4 after killing dozens of demonized pheasants.

At this time, Ye Luo's attack power reached 39-41 points, his defense reached 18-19 points, and his qi and blood also reached 150 points, and his strength was slightly improved.

Picking up a few copper coins dropped by the demonized pheasant, and using the herb picking technique to pick a fourth-order herb, Ye Luo's herb picking technique was finally upgraded to a high level.

[Herb Picking] (Life Skill * Advanced) Skill

Introduction: You can collect herbs of the 1st to 6th level, which can only be activated by the Herb Picking Shovel, and consumes 10 magic points.

Skill Proficiency: Intermediate 0/1000.

After the herb collection technique is promoted to the advanced level, Ye Luo can collect herbs of the 1-6th order, but so far he has not seen a single herb that exceeds the 4th level, and the herb collection technique of the 1-4th order cannot improve his proficiency, so he can only wait for the opportunity to find a higher level of herb collection.

After that, Ye Luo continued to go deeper, and the monkey who stole wine as Aunt Li said was ready to 'bribe' Dr. Hua with monkey wine.

After about two or three minutes, Ye Luo found another kind of monster, which was a level

4 demonized moth: [Demonized Moth] (semi-domesticated)

Level: 4

Attack: 10-12 Defense: 16

Qi and Blood: 600

Introduction: A semi-domesticated

monster in the novice village will not take the initiative to attack, but it is still a little demonic.

The Demonized Moth and the Demonized Dragonfly are both ranged damage, and a 10-12 attack can only cause about 8 damage to Ye Luo, who has 18-19 defense, which is not to be feared at all.

Ye Luo wanted to quickly collect some monkey wine to become an alchemist, after all, the upgrade speed was greatly reduced without the support of the elixir, so he didn't entangle with the demonized moth, and after trying to kill one, he ignored it and continued to head south.

After entering the game for so long, players have generally reached level 5 or 6, although their initial attributes are far better than Ye Luo, but they are not as lucky as Ye Luo to kill a toad king, so their equipment is far inferior to Ye Luo, and they can only kill monsters of the same level.

As he went deeper, Ye Luo encountered more and more players, and seeing that most of them only had one or two pieces of equipment that had fallen from monsters, he was a little more balanced in his heart.

Soon after, Ye Luo found the target of this operation - the demonized wild monkey.

[Demonized Wild Monkey] (Semi-domesticated)

Level: 5Attack: 13-15Defense

: 20

Qi and Blood: 750

Introduction: A semi-domesticated monster in the novice village, it will not take the initiative to attack, but it is still somewhat demonic.

The attributes of the demonized wild monkey are quite good, he can cause more than 10 points of damage to Ye Luo, and with his current qi and blood, he can only take 13 or 4 attacks, and he can barely break the defense to a large extent, and can only cause 50-60 points of damage, which means that if he fights hard, he will have to rest every time he kills a demonized wild monkey.

Fortunately, the Demonized Wild Monkey uses stones to throw attacks, which are long-range attacks, and Ye Luo is relatively easy to dodge. Rao is like this, he also has to go to the side to rest and recover his blood after killing two or three wild monkeys.

Kill the wild monkeys, rest and recover, and so on, and as the wild monkeys are killed, Ye Luo also obtains several bottles of monkey wine.

Like the Demonized Pheasant, killing the Demonized Monkey is not necessarily a monkey wine, but this monkey also drops monkey meat, and after a systematic introduction, he knows that this monkey meat can be handed over to the chef.

"I do know that there is a small hotel in the novice village, and it would be good to trade the extra monkey meat and pheasant meat to them, which should be exchanged for some silver. Ye Luo thought secretly, and then began to read the information of the monkey wine.

Monkey wine can also be sold to hotels, but it can also be used medicinally, such as making wine for Dr. Hua, as Aunt Li said.

While resting, Ye Luo was also looking at the other players, and found that his attack power and defense were slightly higher than these people, and he knew that this was because he had one or two more pieces of equipment.

In addition, he found that none of these people were employed as alchemists or other life occupations, which was evident from the fact that they ignored the herbs around them, which also became Ye Luo's personal benefit, and it was very time-saving to collect some herbs after resting.

In addition to these, he also found that other players did not rest as often as he did, and a little observation knew that these people were teaming up to kill monsters, most of them were 4 or 5 people in a team, and everyone took turns to fight monsters, so that only the automatic recovery of the soul crystal could almost maintain the balance of qi and blood.

Teaming up has an experience bonus, and it's a lot faster to kill monsters, so it's more efficient than Ye Luo alone, and the silver coins don't drop a little higher than him.

"It seems that I will also have to meet some people to form a fixed team in the future, which will be more efficient, after all, there are many monsters that I can't solve alone, especially bosses. Ye Luo groaned, and then his expression was much gloomy: "Moreover, it is not something that I can do alone to bring down the Dongfang family.

While thinking about this, Ye Luo's qi and blood were full, and he once again threw himself into the ranks of killing monsters.

In this way, you can gain experience and monkey wine by killing monsters, and collect herbs while recovering when your qi and blood are insufficient, and you will also gain a lot. There were also many people who asked him why he was able to collect herbs, and judging by the envy in their tones, they knew how precious it was to have this skill in the early stage.

Of course, other players also have people with unique vision, they recognized the equipment on Ye Luo's body, and many people moved their minds to woo them, but they were rejected by Ye Luo one by one.

Of course, there are also some people who have other thoughts, but it's a pity that even if the novice village kills the other party, it won't make it downgrade, let alone drop equipment, in order to save time, they don't do such meaningless things.

There are also some people who want to team up with Ye Luo to level up, so although the efficiency of killing monsters is high, but the monkey wine he gets will be a lot less, and in this way, he is embarrassed to collect herbs while fighting monsters, which is not cost-effective, so he refuses one by one.

Time passed faintly, and more than half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

For such a long time, Ye Luo has killed countless demonized wild monkeys, and also obtained more than 20 bottles of monkey brew, and the most important thing is that he has been promoted to level 5, and after adding points with all his strength, his attributes have improved a little.

After being promoted to level 5, Ye Luo didn't plan to fight monsters anymore, he wanted to go back and hand over the tasks assigned by Aunt Li and others, and most importantly, he wanted to go back to visit Doctor Hua and work as an alchemist from there, thinking of this, he began to return.

"The initial number of people in the novice village was 100,000, and players have been pouring in during this period of service, and now the number is nearly 200,000. While hurrying Ye Luo, he muttered: "But there are so many people, but none of them have a job and a life career, not even a life skill, it seems that it is not so easy to find a life and a career." "

Through learning about several other games, Ye Luo also knows that life and combat are equally important, and now many online game families or big forces are aware of this, and the cultivation of life occupations is not weaker than that of combat occupations, and even some online game families spend huge financial and material resources to cultivate life players.

However, the game of Heavenly Tribulation has been on service for so long and has not met a player who has a career in life, which makes Ye Luo analyze the difficulty of finding a career like this. Of course, I also know the benefits of getting a career early.

"Hey, that kid, you wait. As

he was walking, a shout suddenly came from behind him.

Ye Luo turned around and looked around, and found three level 6 and 7 players standing behind him, and with a glance, he found that the names above their heads were 'Night Rain Song', 'Night Rain Feifei', and 'Night Rain Maniac', the prefixes of the three names were the same, thinking that they were players from a gang or an online game family.

If Zhiyue was here, she would definitely recognize these three people as members of the Night Rain family. Night Rain is a gang, moving to major online games, although it is not as good as the first-class online game family, but it is also a little famous among all the gangs in China, at least within the hundred.

Of course, although Ye Luo has made up a lot of knowledge of online games, he doesn't know much about the gangs and families in the game industry, and even if he understands his character, he won't care too much.

Glancing at the three of them lightly, Ye Luo said indifferently: "What are you doing?" The

Night Rain Maniac is a warrior, he laughed and said: "Brother, you must also recognize us as members of the Night Rain Gang, our Night Rain Gang ranks seventy-two in the national gang, I don't know if you are interested in joining us, our gang has good benefits, and there ......are many beautiful women

" "I'm sorry, I won't join." Ye Luo interrupted him coldly, and he took a step forward: "Is there anything else, if not, please make a way for me." The

brows furrowed slightly, and a sharp glint flashed in the eyes of the night rain mad song, but he quickly changed to a smile: "Everyone has their own ambitions, and we are not reluctant." But brother, can you trade your equipment to us, and we will pay a high price......

" Laughing secretly in his heart, Ye Luo finally knew that these three people had taken a fancy to their equipment, and he resolutely shook his head: "Don't sell it!"

The night rain madman's eyes were cold, and he looked inwardly: "What if I have to buy it?"

"Brother madman, don't do this. Night Rain Feifei stopped the Night Rain Maniac, her voice was as gentle as water, with her beautiful face and graceful body exuding infinite temptation: "Brother Ye Luo Zhiqiu, we are going to fight a Boss, we need equipment very much, you make a price, our Night Rain Family will definitely satisfy you."

Ye Yu Feifei talked in a consultative tone, which made Ye Luo a little more comfortable, but he would not hand over the equipment he relied on to survive to her because of this, he said lightly again: "Don't sell it, please get out of the way!" Seeing

that Ye Luo's oil and salt did not enter, the Night Rain Maniac and the Night Rain Crazy Song were furious, and they wanted to do it, but they were stopped by Night Rain Feifei, she got out of the way and said, "Brother Ye Luo Zhiqiu, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." "

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