The Toad King's skin is a Tier 3 tailor material, the grade is very good, and the most important thing is that this is not a quest item, which means that Ye Luo can have it. Seeing the introduction of the second half of this skin, he was looking forward to it.

"I'm already familiar with Tailor Zhang, and my villagers in the novice village are so favorable, it shouldn't be a problem to ask him to help me sew a piece of equipment. Ye Luo pondered, and a thick smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Anyway, this is also the skin of the Toad King, and the sewn equipment should be good."

Thinking of this, Ye Luo continued to pick up the light cluster on the ground, this time it was a turquoise bead:

[Jade Poison Bead] (magic weapon * special equipment * beginner)

Attack: 3-3

Additional attributes: After equipping, it can attach toxin attacks to the weapon, causing primary toxin invasion after attacking the target, causing it to lose 3 points of qi and blood per second in the next 3 seconds, which cannot be stacked.

Additional features: can be fused and upgraded.

Gear Durability: 100/100.

Required Level: None.

Introduction: Boss-level monsters such as Toad King, who are good at toxin attacks, use their own essence to condense the poison beads after death, which can be fused and upgraded, and the current level is the first level.

Seeing the attributes of this jade poison bead, Ye Luo was excited, not to mention the 3 points of attack added to this equipment, just to say that it was a magic weapon that could add toxin to the weapon to attack when he was a novice, and he could use it for many things.

With a thought, Ye Luo embedded the poison bead into the groove of the special equipment, and his attack became 26 points. Then he saw that the additional characteristics of the Jade Poison Orb could be fused and upgraded, and after investigating, he learned that collecting three Jade Poison Orbs of the same rank could raise them to the middle level, and so on.

"Three jade poison beads can be upgraded to the middle level, but the first level has such attributes, isn't it even more terrifying after upgrading to the middle level?" Ye Luo was excited, but soon he shook his head: "It's rare to just collect this one, let alone collect three more, it won't let me squat here." "

Through the understanding of the game of Heavenly Tribulation, the mini-boss of the novice village can only be refreshed after 12 hours, and Ye Luoke does not have so much time to squat here.

"I can't crouch, but I can try my luck every 12 hours, and I'm afraid no one in the Novice Village will be able to kill this Toad King except for me now. Ye Luo secretly thought, and then he shook his head: "No, I'm afraid I can't either, after all, I don't have a small blood return pill to replenish qi and blood now."

Thinking of this, Ye Luo was eager to learn alchemy, and then he didn't hesitate to pick up the remaining two pieces of light, which were two pieces of equipment, and his eyes lit up again after seeing these two pieces of equipment

: [Toad Leather Boots] (Shoes - Normal Equipment) Defense: 6-7 Equipment Last: 100/100

Required Level: 3

[Toad Ring] (Ring

- Normal Equipment)

Attack: 6-


Equipment Lasting: 100/100

Requires Level: 3

Quickly equipped, Ye Luo's attack has become 32-34 points, and the defense has also become 17-18, which can be said to be greatly improved, he was excited: "These two pieces of equipment are so strong, they are ordinary equipment, and they are finally out of the category of novice equipment, and there is also a ring, I have to say that my luck is quite good." "

When killing the young toad, Ye Luo also learned about the setting of the Heavenly Tribulation game from the official website, the game has been starting for so long, and the official is no longer secretive, but has also announced a lot of information, such as the explosion rate of game equipment.

The explosion rate of weapons and defensive equipment in this game is slightly higher, and the explosion rate of cloak and jewelry is much lower, and now that Ye Luo is lucky to get a ring, it is no wonder that he is so happy.

Just by killing a Toad King, Ye Luo got a shoe, a ring, a special equipment, and a Toad King skin, which can be described as a lot of gains.

Calming down, Ye Luo swung his sword and slashed at the top of a young toad's head, a '132' yellow damage, directly killed it in seconds, picked up the copper coin and toad skin that the toad dropped, and he finally completed the task of collecting toad skin.

"Tsk, with my current attack power, I can kill these young toads in seconds. Ye Luo was excited, but seeing that this toad only had 8 energy experience points after death, he shook his head: "My level is two levels higher than these toads, and the experience gained is also reduced, it seems that I should go to find other monsters."

Thinking like this, Ye Luo continued to walk south, and on the way, he also encountered a lot of low-level herbs, because they were determined to become alchemists, so they didn't let go of these herbs, and dug them one by one.

Soon after, Ye Luo saw the second type of monster after he entered the Heavenly Tribulation game

: [Demonized Dragonfly] (

semi-domesticated) Level: 2

Attack: 6-7

Defense: 8

Qi and Blood: 300

Introduction: A semi-domesticated monster in the novice village, it will not take the initiative to attack, but it is still a little demonic.

The level 2 demonized dragonfly no longer poses any threat to Ye Luo, Ye Luo also tried to kill one, almost every hit has 80 points of damage, while the dragonfly's damage to him is only 4 points, and the strength is very different.

What made Ye Luo more interested was that the demonized dragonfly was a long-range attack, and a small energy bomb could be condensed between the vibrations of its wings.

Although there are some advantages to long-range attacks, there are also big drawbacks, as soon as Ye Luofu came into contact, he found that the hit rate of energy bullets was a little worse than that of short-range attacks, and it was also easier to dodge.

"It's the same with ranged classes, although the ranged attack range is long, but the hit rate is a little worse, so you can do something about this in the future. Ye Luo pondered.

After that, Ye Luo didn't have the interest of continuing to kill the demonized dragonfly, he searched around carefully, but didn't find the mini-bosses, so he didn't pay attention to them anymore, he continued to collect the medicinal materials he encountered while moving forward, and he also gained a lot. Fortunately, each medicinal herb can be stacked, and a space grid can store 100 plants, otherwise his backpack space would have been full long ago.

After walking for about four or five minutes, Ye Luo finally found the target of his other mission, the Demonized Pheasant.

[Demonized Pheasant] (semi-domesticated)

Level: 3Attack

: 8-9Defense

: 12

Qi and Blood: 450

Introduction: A semi-domesticated monster in the novice village, it will not take the initiative to attack, but it is still somewhat demonic.

The attack of the demonized pheasant is almost comparable to that of the Toad King, and the defense is only a few points worse, if it weren't for Ye Luo's addition of three new pieces of equipment, I'm afraid it would be a little difficult for him to kill it, and the most important thing is that the qi and blood of the demonized pheasant are far inferior to the Toad King, so it is much easier to kill.

The novice sword slashed at the pheasant, and a yellow number of '61' floated up, and when attacked by the pheasant, only a damage number of '6' floated above Ye Luo's head, which was harmless.

After seven attacks, the demonized pheasant finally died, and the transformation into 90 energy experience was absorbed, followed by three copper coins, but what puzzled Ye Luo was that he didn't get the task item - pheasant meat.

"It doesn't seem like every pheasant drops quest items. Ye Luo could only guess like this, he shook his head: "It seems that the 20 pieces of pheasant meat requested by Aunt Li are not so easy to complete, but fortunately, the experience of the pheasant is far higher than that of the toad, and it is not bad to upgrade here."

Thinking like this, Ye Luo continued to kill pheasants, and after killing more than a dozen pheasants, he summed up the rule: an average of five pheasants killed can get a piece of pheasant meat, so that killing hundreds of demonized pheasants can complete the task.

Time passed slowly in the process of killing the demonized pheasant, and Ye Luo's experience bar was slowly increasing.

Although the damage of the demonized pheasant to Ye Luo is not high, and he can also dodge attacks, but relying only on the automatic recovery of the Battle Soul Crystal is far from supporting the consumption of qi and blood, almost every three or four minutes he has to rest and recover, and each time he has to rest for nearly two minutes, so the speed of killing the pheasant is greatly reduced, which strengthens his determination to learn to be an alchemist.

"I really can't be an alchemist, I also have to buy some pills, otherwise the speed of fighting monsters like this is too slow, and I don't dare to fight if I encounter a small boss. Ye Luo secretly thought while resting: "I just don't know what the price of these pills is, after fighting so many monsters and doing so many tasks, I also have 7 or 8 silver coins on me."

Seeing that his qi and blood were fully restored, Ye Luo once again devoted himself to the great cause of killing monsters.

Time passed slowly, more than half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and Ye Luo finally completed the task of collecting pheasant.

For such a long time, Ye Luo had killed hundreds of demonized pheasants, but what made him depressed was that he hadn't obtained a piece of equipment, which made him secretly curse the best explosion rate of the Heavenly Tribulation game.

"Huh" let out a long sigh ......of relief, Ye Luo looked at his experience bar, and then smiled bitterly: "After killing the pheasant for more than half an hour, I haven't even reached level 4, and each level requires too much energy experience, this is only the beginning of the game, and I am afraid that it will be more in the future."

"It seems that you can't level up by killing monsters of the same level, you have to kill monsters by leapfrogging." Ye Luo groaned, and then he looked at his equipment column: "I am now equipped with a novice sword and novice clothes, as well as arm guards, leg guards, shoes and a ring, in addition to a special piece of equipment, and lack of a cape, helmet, a ring, necklace and amulet, if I make it up, my attributes will be greatly improved, and it is not impossible to kill monsters by leaping the level."

"In addition, the novice sword attack is too low, and the defense of the novice clothes is too low, so it should also be changed. Ye Luo said, and then calculated for a moment in his heart: "If I complete the equipment and change the novice sword and novice clothes, it shouldn't be a problem for me to cross level 3 to kill monsters." Of course, I also need the support of the elixir, although it is very violent to add points with all my strength, but my qi and blood and defense are much less than those with all the quality points.

"Do you want to add some physique when you upgrade, I heard that physique not only adds qi and blood and physical defense, but also increases the speed at which soul crystals recover qi and blood. Ye Luo muttered, but soon he shook his head: "No, it's better to add some points with all my might, otherwise I won't even be able to kill monsters, what's the use of asking for so much qi and blood." As for the lack of qi and blood, it can be replenished with equipment in the future, and I will become an alchemist in the future...... "

In the early stage of the game, Ye Luo didn't plan to team up with others, and such a powerful attack power was the biggest support for his upgrade.

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