Escaping the assassins of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, Ye Luo and the others once again entered the Hero's Tomb, and after staying for a moment to make sure that no one was following them, they headed towards the third layer of the Hero's Tomb, and then killed the Banshee again.

Because they have already turned around, Ye Luo and their level suppression in the face of the charm banshee is much less, so the attack damage and hit rate are much higher, and the damage caused by the attack is also a lot less, so their pressure is much less.

Because everyone has learned new skills, Monday and a few other magicians have learned new group attack skills, and they have attracted more charm banshees, and a piece of group attack skills has been thrown down, and a large number of damage numbers have floated up, and their efficiency in killing monsters has increased a lot, and I believe that it will take less than 12 hours to empty the monsters in this layer.

"On Monday, your magician's skills are so cool, you can actually summon an energy sword out of thin air, which is a bit similar to the archer's [Ten Thousand Arrows]. Looking at the new skills cast by Monday and the others, Ye Luo sighed: "The other skill is also good, the attack method is very peculiar, but the damage caused is also very high.

"Hee-hee, the first skill is the magician's [Energy Sword Rain], the attack range is 5 meters square, and the attack power is also higher than the [Energy Bullet Impact], which is worthy of a one-turn skill. Tuesday, she had a smile on her face: "The second skill is [Energy Link], which is also a group attack skill, which can link up to ten targets and cause a lot of damage to the target.

Hearing this, Ye Luo was curious, and asked the two of them to send over on Monday to take a look at the introduction

of the skill: [Energy Sword Rain] (Active Skill * Elementary) Skill

Introduction: Magician skill, after learning, he can use soul crystal energy to hook the energy of heaven and earth, forming an energy sword rain attack within a specified radius of five meters, causing 120% damage to the target, consuming 300 points of magic, and the skill interval is 1 minute.

Skill Proficiency: Beginner 0/(1000/Skill CD Time

) [Energy Link] (Active Skill * Elementary) Skill

Introduction: Magician skill, after learning, can send out an energy chain, causing 120% damage to enemies within a certain range, and can be transmitted to hostile targets within 10 meters around the target, the damage is not weakened, up to 10 targets can be transmitted, 500 magic points are consumed, and the skill is cast between 1 minute.

Skill Proficiency: Beginner 0/(1000/Skill CD Time)

"Tsk, just the beginner has 120% damage, and this is still a group attack skill, which is really much better than the first class. Ye Luo said, and then shook his head: "It's just that the CD time is a bit long, if it's 10 seconds, so that the speed of our killing monsters will be greatly improved, maybe we can kill the monsters on this floor at about ten o'clock in the evening."

"Ahem, 10 seconds, Uncle Ye Luo, you really dare to think about it, if that's the case, I'm afraid that most of you will choose magicians." Thursday said, and then his tone changed: "Hurry up and kill the monster, finish this task early, let's go to Luoshui Town early to meet Sister Feng and them, hehe, it should be more interesting to level up in a large army." Hearing

this, everyone nodded, and they were all excited.

Not to mention that Ye Luo and their fighting spirits killed monsters, and that Tiandi and the others sent them to say that all the assassins under their command searched Ye Luo for their traces in the novice village.

While searching for Ye Luo's traces, the Heaven and Earth Alliance also found a special person to write a denunciation Weibo, which roughly means that the fireworks of the Ethereal Pavilion Yi Leng and Ye Luo Zhiqiu relied on the people of high level and equipment to raid their Heaven and Earth Alliance, and the article vividly told how cruel they were when the fireworks were cold, and it was also accompanied by some screenshots of the fireworks and their red names.

Then, the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance called on all the players of the Heavenly Tribulation to jointly resist the 'atrocities' of the Ethereal Pavilion, which can be described as sonorous and powerful, and the righteousness is awe-inspiring.

Under Weibo, countless water armies of the Heaven and Earth Alliance began to post posts, one by one indignant, vowing to seek justice from the people of the Ethereal Pavilion, and of course, they also called on everyone to fight against the Ethereal Pavilion together.

This Weibo was quickly put to the top under the secret operation of people with intentions, attracting countless onlookers, in addition to the water army of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, there are also some people who do not know right and wrong are bewitched, and they really regard the Ethereal Pavilion as a gang of evil forces, and Fireworks Yi Leng and Ye Luo and others are the bad guys who endanger the game on the spot.

That's the way it is on the Internet, it's hard for people to distinguish the authenticity, and then they are bewitched and then used, in fact, it's no wonder that they, the three of them also choose to believe it, and then they are pushed by people with intentions, not to mention that the red names of Ye Luo and Fireworks Yi Leng are the best proof.

Slowly, more and more believers began to denounce the Ethereal Pavilion, and even some celebrities in the game paid attention to it, and their reactions were mixed.

The forces that have a grudge against or compete with the Ethereal Pavilion are happy to hear about this kind of thing, although they will not be involved in it and fall into the ground, but watching the fire from the other side is still something they are happy to do.

The gangs that were friendly with the Ethereal Pavilion defended the Ethereal Pavilion, such as the Wine Family, Invite Yue Toast and the Bacchus God Du Kang all spoke for it, they were all celebrities on the celebrity list, and what they said carried a lot of weight, which also greatly changed everyone's opinion on this matter.

It is worth mentioning that the vest of the celebrity list master on the major forums is also the only one, and it is a golden name, and the remarks made will also be placed at the top of Weibo, so the effect of the celebrity list is stronger.

At the bottom of Weibo, Invite Yue raised a glass and the vests of the god of wine Du Kang and others were impressively listed, and Invite Yue raised a glass and said directly: "Your Heaven and Earth Alliance is already notorious, and now the wicked people are suing first, who doesn't know that you blocked the door first." "

The celebrities on the celebrity list have a lot of credibility when they speak, and the words of inviting Yue to raise a glass were immediately believed by many people, and in just a few minutes, millions of people liked it, and countless people began to scold the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance for confusing black and white, and the wicked sued Yunyun first.

"Tut, you are in your forties and still stay in the Novice Village, Murphy, are you people from the Heaven and Earth Alliance want to contribute to the construction of the Novice Village?" These are the words of the god of wine, Du Kang, who instantly received the support of countless people, and more and more people began to change their attitudes.

After that, Sister Feng also hung a vest of 'Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind' to leave a message on Weibo, and she spoke as domineering as ever: "Listen to the young people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, you have written down the old lady who attacked the members of my Ethereal Pavilion in various novice villages, just wash your neck and wait to be slaughtered." Fireworks and Ye Luo did a good job, the more people they killed, the better!" I

have to say that Sister Feng is quite smart, not only domineeringly deterring the Heaven and Earth Alliance and boosting her own morale, but also telling the truth of the matter, so that more people can understand that all this is the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

After that, famous players in the Ethereal Pavilion such as June Feixue also left messages one after another, without exception, they were all accusing the Heaven and Earth Alliance of bad behavior, and declared that they would crusade against the Heaven and Earth Alliance, hoping that people with lofty ideals would participate in Yunyun.

At this time, some small gangs and scattered players who had been bullied by the Heaven and Earth Alliance also stood up and began to tell how they were bullied by the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and even named and named the ID and time of the person who bullied them.

For a while, there was an uproar on the Internet, and after inviting Yue to raise a glass and others to participate, everyone's attitude changed greatly, and countless people began to denounce the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and even many people launched actions to take revenge on the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and took revenge on the players of the Heaven and Earth Alliance in various novice villages.

I have to say that the reputation of the Heaven and Earth Alliance is a little very bad, under the leadership of Invite Yue and others, countless players who were bullied by the Heaven and Earth Alliance stood up, and many people actually launched retaliation, which undoubtedly caused a lot of trouble and losses to the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

Heaven and Earth Death and the others did not expect that their actions would lead to such consequences, which can be described as harming others and ultimately harming themselves.

Of course, all this is a later story, at this time, Heaven and Earth Tribulation and others are searching for Ye Luo's traces in the novice village, and the target they are looking for is killing the charm banshee in the hero's tomb.

A few hours later, Monday and the others' friends in the game told them about the Weibo incident, and then they searched the forum while killing monsters, and they were excited to see the remarks of Ying Yue raising a glass and riding the waves, as well as the change in everyone's attitude. And Jian Ba and the others were even more warlike, if they weren't doing the task, I am afraid that they would also join the crusade against the Heaven and Earth Alliance.

"Hehe, those people in Heaven and Earth would never have thought that they would steal chickens and rice, and now there are countless people on the Internet who denounce them, and some people have launched retaliation. Jian Jiu smiled, he was quite happy: "Hey, this is called evil retribution, let them want to deal with us." "

Hehe, so many people are going to launch retaliation, it's enough trouble for the Heaven and Earth Alliance. Tuesday said, and then his tone changed: "It's really interesting for the god of wine and the moon to raise a toast, come to support us as soon as possible, otherwise many people will be deceived by the people of the Heaven and Earth Alliance."

"Yes, the celebrity effect of the celebrity list is so easy to use, a few words can be believed by many people. Saturday said, her face was full of longing: "When can I become a celebrity on the celebrity list, I have an exclusive vest, and my posts will be put in the forefront, tsk, it will definitely be more face-saving." "

Celebrities on the celebrity list don't speak casually, after all, they don't represent themselves, in addition to credibility, they also represent the attitude of a gang they belong to, so they won't do this easily. Monday said, her face full of smiles: "And Invite Yue toasted and Bacchus Da actually said to help us, so it can be seen that they are our most trusted allies." "

The wine family has a good relationship with our Ethereal Pavilion. Fireworks Yi nodded coldly, and then she muttered to herself: "Sister Feng is going to start making a move on the Heaven and Earth Alliance, it seems that we have to speed up, the Heaven and Earth Alliance has a large number of people, and it is inevitable that Sister Feng's straightforward and reckless character will suffer." "

No, I think what Sister Feng said is reasonable and well-founded, which not only boosts morale but also makes everyone understand what happened, how can you say that she is reckless?" Ye Luo said while looking at the forum.

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