Although he has never seen the waves and ride the wind, Ye Luo learned from Fireworks Yi Leng and Zhiyue that she is a straightforward person, but now that he heard Fireworks Yi Leng comment on her as 'reckless', this made him a little puzzled, and seeing that the previous Weibo was justified and both morale boosting and explaining the ins and outs of the matter clearly, he didn't believe that she was such a person.

Because the words under Weibo were not said by Sister Feng at all. Seeing that Ye Luo and the others were puzzled, Fireworks Yi Leng directly threw out such a sentence.

"What, this is not what Sister Feng said, how is this possible! This is obviously Sister Feng's special Weibo account, and others can't pretend to be at all. Tuesday exclaimed, she knew that the vests of celebrities on the celebrity list were all exclusive and could not be stolen by others.

In fact, now that technology is so developed, network security is much more secure than before, and every time you log in, you need to verify the brain waves, so it also puts an end to number theft, so Tuesday and others will never believe that the vest number that broke the waves and rode the wind was stolen.

"No one stole Sister Feng's number, these were written by her, but she didn't say it, if I'm not mistaken, it's Sister Shi who said this, and Sister Feng just wrote a comment according to her words, because only Sister Shi can say it if it's so carefully prohibited. Fireworks Yi said coldly, looking at the stunned looks of Ye Luo and the others, she shook her head again: "No, there are also words from Sister Feng in it, to be precise, it is her own style, such as 'old lady', 'wash your neck' and so on." "

Uh, this is okay...... Ye Luo was stunned, and he was amused in his heart, but he was also more curious about Sister Feng and Sister Shi.

also knew that Fireworks Yi Leng knew Sister Feng and the others best, and Jian Yi and they didn't doubt her words, and then everyone quickly killed monsters while chatting about these, and their experience bar also improved rapidly.

Time passed slowly, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Although Ye Luo and they have changed jobs, their attributes have been greatly improved, but they only kill thousands of charm banshees in just one hour, and there is still a long way to go before they are killed, but what makes them happy is that the little spider has been upgraded to level 30, and the attributes have been greatly improved, and they have once again comprehended a skill

: [Broodmother Spider] (quasi-silver-level BOSS)

Level: 30 Physical Attack: 240-240 Defense: 300

Qi and Blood: 6500 Skill:

[Poison Attack], [Paralysis Bite], [Cobweb] [Paralysis Bite]

(Passive Skill): The poison contained in the broodmother spider's bite can paralyze the target, reducing the target's movement speed and attack speed by 10% for the next 10 seconds, and this effect cannot be stacked.

[Cobweb] (Active Skill): The broodmother spider can condense a cobweb, and then bind the hostile target for 3 seconds, making it unable to move, and the skill is cast at an interval of 1 minute.

I have to say that the attributes of the spider are very strong, just level 30 is comparable to level 40 players, especially defense and qi and blood, although the attack is weaker, but there are two skills of [Poison Invasion] and [Paralysis Bite], and the damage caused to the target per unit time is still not low.

The skill of level 30 comprehension is very different from that silver-level broodmother spider, this [spider web] skill is a single control skill, which can bind the target for 3 seconds, which is also quite good.

"Hehe, the attributes of the little spider are already very good, and now they can also participate in the battle, and the qi and blood of 6500 will not be killed in seconds, even if there is a level of suppression. Thursday said, she was excited: "And with me using [Grant Strength] and Grant Physical Skills on it, its attack and defense power will also be greatly improved, and it can already be on its own." "

For the two skills of [Grant Strength] and [Grant Physique], Ye Luo also heard Thursday and Friday say that they are summoners' skills, which are quite good: [

Grant Strength] (Active Skill * Elementary) Skill

Introduction: Summoner skills, can apply status to summoned beasts summoned by themselves, increase their attack power by 5%, last for 30 minutes, skill consumption of 100 points of magic, and skill casting interval of 1 minute.

Skill Proficiency: Beginner 0/(1000/Skill CD Time).

[Grant Physique] (Active Skill * Elementary) Skill

Introduction: Summoner skill, which can apply status to the summoned beast summoned by himself, increase its defense by 5%, last for 30 minutes, consume 100 magic points for the skill, and the interval between skill casts is 1 minute.

Skill Proficiency: Beginner 0/(1000/Skill CD Time).

The primary skill can only increase by 5%, but it can increase by 25% when it is promoted to the master level, and it will be higher in the future, and the most important thing is that these two skills can be stacked and used together, and the spider's defense and attack power will be greatly improved.

"It's just level 30 that has such attributes, which is also very good. Monday said, and then thought of something, she faintly looked forward to it: "It won't take long for Xiao Spider to reach level 50, maybe the strength will be stronger than us at that time, at least the qi and blood will be higher than Jian Ba and Uncle Uncle, and it is also suitable to let it be an MT."

"That's right, coupled with the skill of [Poison Attack], it's not a big problem to hold the monster's hatred, and if you can add blood to it on Thursday, it won't die." Jian Sidao, his face was full of smiles: "In this way, it will be safer for us to farm monsters." "

Hehe, that's right, my little spider is very powerful. Thursday had a smile on her face, and then she said expectantly: "Little spider comprehends a skill at level 10, and another at level 30, doesn't this mean that it can comprehend a skill every 20 levels, hehe, wait for it to ...... level 50 or 70."

"Come on, don't think about good things, there is a limit to the number of skills that a summoned beast can comprehend, and only the higher the level of the pet comprehends, the more skills the pet understands, the spider is only a quasi-silver-level boss, although it is almost the highest level at present, but the number of skills that can be comprehended will not be too much. Jian Jiu poured cold water, and he ignored Thursday's pout: "As far as I can guess, it can comprehend five skills is already the limit."

"Hmph, my little spider is now the most powerful summoned beast in the Heavenly Tribulation game, and it will be upgraded in the future, so it can comprehend more skills. Thursday snorted, her pretty face was full of dissatisfaction: "Dare to say that my little spider is not good, be careful that I let it bite you!" Seeing

Thursday defend the little spider like this, everyone was amused, and Jian Jiu was also very decisive not to say anything.

With the current attributes of the little spider, it can already participate in the battle, and after applying various amplification states to it on Thursday, it rushed towards a charming banshee, chela bite, and under the poisonous attack, it also caused a lot of damage, and the most important thing is that it is used as MT, Ye Luo and they are also a lot easier, so the efficiency of killing monsters has increased a lot.

At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, Ye Luo and the others finally killed the charm banshee, and most of their levels were also raised to level 42, and their attributes were slightly improved.

Of course, the fastest improvement in strength is Xiao Spider, at this time it is already level 50, the basic attack power has reached 400, the defense has also reached 500, and the qi and blood have reached 10500 against the sky, which is already higher than the entire quality plus point of the sword eight and others.

After blessing it with [Grant Strength] and [Grant Physique] on Thursday, the spider's attack and defense will be higher, and it will be able to take charge of it completely.

Clear the enchanting banshee, the next thing is the main event, Ye Luo They have to deal with the boss of this layer, and Jian Er has already probed the third layer of the hero mound when everyone is still killing monsters, in addition to harvesting a lot of stealth grass and some treasure chests, he also found out the attributes of the boss this time

: [Enchanting Queen] (silver boss)

level: 50

Physical attack: 600-640


: 1000 Qi and Blood: 700000 Skills:

[Charm * High], [Phantom Clone], [Charm Voice], [Charm Scream] [Charm * High]

(Passive Skill): The Queen's natural skill can confuse opponents, and the effect is much stronger than that of the Charm Banshee, which can reduce the enemy's hit rate by 20%.

[Phantom Clone] (Active Skill): The Queen of Charm can divide 5 Phantoms, attack, defense and other attributes are 90% of its own, and has its passive skills, but the Phantom has to take 300% of the enemy's damage, and the skill is cast at an interval of 5 minutes.

[Voice of Enchantment] (Active Skill): The Queen of Enchantment is good at confusing opponents with sound waves, causing them to take 150% damage and fall into a state of chaos for 4 seconds, with a skill attack range of 10 meters and a skill interval of 5 minutes.

[Enchanting Scream] (Active Skill): The Enchanting Queen is good at sound waves, and the high-pitched scream forms a shockwave, dealing 180% damage to the target within a 10-meter radius, and can make the target fall into a stunned state for 4 seconds, with an interval of 10 minutes between skill casts.

After reading the introduction of the Queen of Enchantment, Ye Luo and the others were dumbfounded, the attack was as high as 640, the defense power was also thousands, the qi and blood were also very thick, and the most important thing was that the four skills were very troublesome.

"Although we have all turned around, except for Brother Ye Luo and Jian Ba, I'm afraid that no one will be able to withstand a few attacks from the Enchanting Queen. Jian Sandao, he frowned: "The most troublesome thing is that the Queen of Charm has two group attack skills, the damage is very high, and it is a group control skill, if it is affected, I am afraid that it will be very dangerous for us to be in leather armor and cloth clothes." "

The first skill is very perverted, the hit rate is reduced by 20%, and there are levels and levels of suppression, I'm afraid our hit rate against him does not exceed 60%. Zhou said, and then turned to look at Fireworks Yi Leng: "Sister Fireworks, what should I do?" "

Conventional tactics, Ye Luo and Jian Ba are the main ones, the heavy armor professional melee attack, and the long-range attack is 10 meters away from her. Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then looked at the third-class leather armor and process profession: "Your qi and blood are also four or five thousand, even if two group attack skills are used at the same time, you can't be able to use it in seconds, don't worry, you can also go up, remember to take Tianxiang Pill at any time."

Seeing Jian San and the others nodding, she continued: "Jian San, your main task is to control and interrupt the Queen of Charm, and take turns to cast control skills, even if her dodge rate is high, I am afraid that she can be stunned, it is best to interrupt her skills, so that we will be safe in a short time." "

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